
Dancers as wives.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:23 PM
I know that the majority of members here would counsel us DON'T DO IT !! And theyr'e right. Dancers are flakier than Kellog's Corn Flakes. Do any of you know of any of your buddies, yourself, or others married a dancer. How did it work out?


  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Yes, I knew a guy from Detroit who married a stripper after knowing her 3 weeks. After 7 years it was over and he moved to San Diego. She got the house, the truck, the boat and the kids.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    My wife's ex-husband married a dancer (it and hard drugs are what broke up the marriage between the ex and my now wife). The two are still together (married) as far as I know but she no longer dances. That's going on 14+ years.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I used the wrong word. I meant to type weed or just "drugs" and not "hard drugs." Those are different. Otherwise the rest is correct.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Well, the MILF I still see one or two times per month is married, with four kids, and her husband seems to deal with it ok. He's employed, too. She *is* a somewhat strong willed woman, so that might have something to do with how well things have worked. :)
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I had a fav who quit stripping to marry a guy about 15 or 20 years older. He has his own business and a nice house. It seems to be working out. However, I would never marry a stripper.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    For a young guy I think it's an awful idea. 20 years from now if I'm divorced and snipped, I wouldn't rule it out. Especially if she was game for an open marriage. She'd have to be in the top 10% of strippers in terms of intelligence and reliability.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I met a stripper the other day that said she was stripping for a few years then quitting once she saves enough for a house. After that she plans on going back to her old job as a teacher. I could marry someone like that, as long as the stripping is in the past, not the present.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The people I would marry are too ugly to dance, and my dancer friends are too flaky to marry. Maybe there's a physical law at work here?
  • JoeCool55
    8 years ago
    I'm curious on why some of you (well most of you) wouldn't marry a stripper. Is it cuz of all the guys/girls they have had sex with, or maybe it's the drugs, cheating, and lack of morals they have while working (which is all mostly true). Really, I'm curious if its because of your religious beliefs.... what??? Are you saying that even years later, if a stripper is no longer stripping, that you could tell they once were, and wouldn't date or marry them. Or if they told you (in a moment of truthfulness) after you got married, that they use to be a stripper you would divorce them? C'mon, y'all are supposed to be experts. But to answer the original question... yes I did, 38 years ago, and it worked out fine. We are both the same age (in our 60s now) so I'm not preaching here cuz I plan on being one of you (ha ha ha) if I live long enough (and she don't find out), but that was a pretty open ended question. I think in general terms, it was good advice, but it absolutely depends on the girl, the guy, and the situation. You can't always pick who you fall in love with gentlemen.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    One of my regular OTC girls is married. Another one has a long term (2-3 year) boyfriend. Another one has a recent boyfriend. They all fuck me regularly, and two of them fuck other guys for money too. We talk about their husbands and boyfriends like they are just some casual acquaintance. None are aware that their wife/girlfriends are prostitutes. And you wonder why we wouldn't want to be married to a stripper? Even if a stripper doesn't do OTC or extras, she has been sexually intimate with hundreds if not thousands of men. A good lap dance is after all just having sex with the guy wearing pants. In the short run, this experience makes strippers a great sexual companion. In the long term, however, it can't help but mess with their heads. Their views of men and sex are distorted, and eventually this is going to come out in a bad way during a marriage. There is also the widespread drug use that often goes beyond merely alcohol and weed, and there is the habit that many striopers develop of being extremely deceptive and easily dismissing men. All of this would give me huge concerns in considering marriage to a current or former stripper. Sure it might work out great. But marriage is hard enough under the best circumstances, and when you add a stripping background that just adds a lot more ways for things to go wrong. I've also heard ten stories about bad marriages to strippers for every one story where it works out. I hope this doesn't piss off out dancers. Strip clubs have screwed me up just as bad as it does the strippers, just in different ways.
  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    Thanks John Smith Another revelation for this newbie "she has been sexually intimate with hundreds if not thousands of men. A good lap dance is after all just having sex with the guy wearing pants." Guess my little sweetie isnt as special as I thought.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I work indirectly with an ex dancer - and she's reliable now. She was a definite party girl years ago. I've known her for about 20 years - and she never married. Now she's 50 - she looks great for 50 - and she's had a good amount of cosmetic surgery done to keep firm and looking good. She's had her boobs done - and she's gotten them tuned up a few times too. My old boss was married - and fucking her on the side. I knew he was a big talker - but I didn't doubt his stories. However - one night - we are in his office and he starts showing me the photos he took while fucking her. She looked better than I expected - on her back. She's become incredibly self centered - since she's been single (and not in a committed relationship) for many years. She's got a great job and a nice salary too. Not sure if she saved any of her dancing money - but I'd probably get hard just seeing the balances in her investment accounts!
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Since the thread kind of took a turn from the OP question, yes I'd marry a stripper. However, unless I truly trusted that she stripped clean, she'd have to be a former stripper before we married. I dont believe they are all the same despite the woes that get associated with the SC life. Ive seen a couple of strippers at their day job who just strip to supplement their income. Also, strippers aren't just blah, some are quite intelligent.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    At 47 and never married. I would have to say. It wouldn't make a difference to me if her name was Hillary. As long as we were happy and she had that look in her eyes that let me know I was the one.
  • Phoenix133
    8 years ago
    I would say JohnSmith hit the mark on why most guys wouldn't marry a stripper. For most guys any kind of serious relationship with a stripper would be hard just because even if they don't do extras then the guy still has to deal with knowing she's grinding on other guys laps and showing her goods to thousands of guys all the time.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I have no plans to ever be married again, but to answer the question, if they were still a dancer, no. If she was a former dancer, I would have no problem with it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I would marry one. I even suggested to my wife (a while ago) that she could dance. Honestly, it would have been the best way for her to make the most money. But mentally, for reasons Phoenix and JohnSmith cite, she knew she wouldn't mentally have what it takes, and she knew it would take a toll on our relationship. She's right, of course.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    A former stripper perhaps; an active one no-way San Jose.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "I'm curious on why some of you (well most of you) wouldn't marry a stripper. Is it cuz of all the guys/girls they have had sex with, or maybe it's the drugs, cheating, and lack of morals they have while working (which is all mostly true). Really, I'm curious if its because of your religious beliefs.... what??? Are you saying that even years later, if a stripper is no longer stripping, that you could tell they once were, and wouldn't date or marry them. Or if they told you (in a moment of truthfulness) after you got married, that they use to be a stripper you would divorce them? C'mon, y'all are supposed to be experts. But to answer the original question... yes I did, 38 years ago, and it worked out fine. We are both the same age (in our 60s now) so I'm not preaching here cuz I plan on being one of you (ha ha ha) if I live long enough (and she don't find out), but that was a pretty open ended question. I think in general terms, it was good advice, but it absolutely depends on the girl, the guy, and the situation. You can't always pick who you fall in love with gentlemen." The reason I would never marry a stripper is simple. There is too much drama in a strip club. Just about (read into that - not all but just about) all strippers I have become involved with fall to something inside the club: club drama, having sex with customers, drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, money issues, loser boyfriends. Again not all girls are like this, I would say in all my stripper relationships over the years, I had only messed with 3 that were completely normal, and them stripper would be no different than them working another more socially accepted job. Some have fooled me, where for a long time I thought they were normal, then eventually the drugs, or alcohol abuse is exposed.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    All women are crazy, not just strippers.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I don't think all women are crazy but I have met a lot of crazy strippers in years past because they called me crazy. Now I'm just an ordinary guy. I don't even know why they tried to put me in the same group. I never drove 95 mph across over a hundred miles that I remember. Only a crazy stripper did that. Hopefully she was lying and slowed down at intersections. I wouldn't call her crazy because of that either. She was just not law enforcement inhibited until the police caught her 2 or 3 times and probably threatened her more seriously. I was just glad my brother didn't get pulled over when he was going 95 on I95. I remember hearing a story about two old grandmas relieved to get on I26 after getting off of I95. They thought you were supposed to drive the speed of the road. :)
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I do agree with the sentiment about former strippers vs. current strippers. I can think of a couple girls who will make awesome wives to someone when they hang up their heels and g-strings. But I also know those girls give a nice grind on a guy's hard dick, and that would be tough for any boyfriend to deal with.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The reason I would not marry a stripper is that I'm not that fucking retarded.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I've never denied I have a wild side. I would be crazy enough to marry an ex-dancer if she'd been out of the life for a while. They are human beings, they became sex workers for many reasons. Am I any better than them? I don't think so. I make my share of mistakes, so do women. If I found one that I knew liked me, and grew to love me as I loved her. I'd ask her to be my wife. I've never married, I'd like to be, one time before I die. Call me crazy, I'll smile and say yes. But isn't everybody crazy in one way or another?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I wonder if she would still charge you to fuck her :)
  • DaOnion
    8 years ago
    I worked with a guy who married a stripper. He found out she was cheating on him and he divorced her. I would consider dating a stripper once, to try it out. If I felt I could trust her, I might even trust her for a while. My concern would be that once the relationship got a little rocky, and they all get a little rocky eventually, it would be too easy for her to cry on another guy's shoulder and eventually stray. I'm sure it would drive me batshit crazy, but it might be worth the ride.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Why wouldn't I date/marry a stripper? For one I think the logistics make it unpalatable, she's working nights and weekends when I'm off? She's going to bed a few hours before I wake up? Secondly I'm not sure my ego would take it. Wondering what she's out there doing with whom... This would be compounded by how much I've partaken in this hobby. Lastly it wouldn't fly with a good portion of my social set. Those latter two are probably not the most admirable reasons but they're the truth.
  • former_stripper
    8 years ago
    Okay there is no set answer really, but it depends on if we re talking current or former dancers. A former dancer may have been a dancer during a time where she had no sexual experiences with customer or if she did had reformed. A current dancer may or may not be having sex with customers but assuming she is, then no I can't see why someone would marry her. If she isn't and keeps the job professional I see no problem. However this is where ages come into play. If the guy is older and she is young (think Anna Nicole Smith)then it's probably about money. Dancers are individuals and I wouldn't stereotype. Personally I don't think I could marry a current male stripper because I know he's been ogled by many women and has an even likelier chance of having sex with customers than a female dancer has.
  • Winders
    8 years ago
    I lived with a stripper for about 2 years. At first it was good but for them it's a party everyday. They feel obligated to fuck the managers and owners and if the owners say take good care of this guy wink wink it's understood they are to fuck them. And to get good return customers they have to do more and more to keep the customer interested eventually fucking them. And yes it fuckes with the girls minds being a stripper. They have to form Alliances with other ethnic groups to have their backs watched. It's hardcore. And no I would not marry a stripper. Live with one again. Crossed that off my bucket list.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    This is obviously a site with men who are experienced with strippers and the lifestyle. I think lots of civilian guys would have less experienced opinions regarding this question. I could see amateur guys saying - "Hell yes! It would be incredible having a hot dancer as a wife - great sex - hot body - woo hoo!"
  • Clackport
    8 years ago
    I've dated enough of them to know I don't marry one of them regardless if she's still stripping or not.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Wouldn't marry a current stripper. For a FORMER stripper, I think the key question for me is: the personality traits that LED HER to become a stripper, and the personality traits that grew in her WHILE she was a stripper. I have kept in touch with a number of strippers, years after they've finished stripping. The partygirl tendencies do tend to reduce drastically with maturity, but a lot of the other personality traits -- entitlement, inability to keep promises, lack of willingness to accept responsibility, low self esteem, poor decision making, casual lying, manipulative -- just become more subtle, but are lurking under the surface, and consistently eventually become problems in future relationships. Very foolish to assume those personality traits are gone. IF I felt I truly knew her well enough that I knew those characteristics were gone -- or at least, not more manifest than in any other person -- then the fact that she'd been a stripper wouldn't bother me at all.
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    No way I would marry a current stripper. I would certainly consider a former stripper though. Now I am considering pursuing a relationship with a stripper but she has loads of issues. Subraman makes some very good points though and gets me to thinking that I am a dumbass. She exhibits all the bad habits he mentions. I am hardly perfect myself though and am about to get divorced for the 2nd time. I am starting to wonder if I am destined to always be drawn to flawed women just because they are hot.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I know men who married women who had retired from dancing. My mom's 4th husband was a former regular of hers. After about a decade, he found her again and they got engaged soon after. One of my mom's best friends, who she danced with, has also been married twice. She was married to an anesthesiologist ($$$) then divorced and remarried another guy in the medical field. She herself is an RN.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Love finds a way.
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