Should we be more considerate?

avatar for larryfisherman
This thread is about when the customer (you) ask a stripper to come sit by you after her stageset or something. So the stripper comes and chats with you for at least 30 minutes, probably closer to a hour (the slow hustle). She eventually asks for dances, and you agree.

You're not usually one to spend a shitload of money in the strip club. Let's say dances are $20. The dances are good, you get three of them, so 60 bucks.

I got to thinking a little bit. Dancers are there to make money. If a dancer spends a lot of time with us, should we feel obligated to give her a lot of money? Time is money, and that time she spent talking with us, she could have been making more money from another customer.

What do you think?

Note: I wasn't in this situation. I'm just laying out a situation of a dancer spending a lot of time talking to a customer, and the customer only getting a couple of dancers from her.


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avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Unless she's got abgun to her head she is free to come or go as she pleases. We don't owe her anything more than the price ofbthe dances that we decide to buy. It's up to each customer what they want to do- if you want to tip her a few bucks for sitting with you that's up to you. But you don't have to nor must you.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Any dancer who sits with you for more than 3 minutes for free is on her own time. If you don't want to buy any dances, a good P/L will tell her that before 3 minutes are up. (Call that the Rockstar Rule #1).

If I'm undecided, or enjoying her company, I will let her stay for free as long as she likes until she makes her pitch. By now I've decided if I want VIP, CR or just a quickie 2. Any dancer who spends more than even 15 min. with you with no pitch is taking a break and she likes you enough to take it with you even if it ends up for free.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
If a dancer is willing to spend her time chatting me up I will usually at least buy her a drink (that usually goes towards her tip out) for her time if I am interested in getting a dance from her. I usually tip a little extra if the dance is worth it. If she is satisfied and she comes back to the table then we can talk about more. I am not there to get something for nothing. What drives me out the door is girls that want a tip for walking by, or the NJ bikini clubs that are full of Russian girls that constantly walk around demanding tips even if they have not been on stage. They ALL promise you great things in the "private area" and never deliver, just ask for more promising if you just give me a little more we can really have fun...NOT. I learned that a long time ago these girls are ROB's and do not get dances from them.
avatar for londonguy
9 years ago
If you invite her to sit with you and the club is busy then you should at least either tip her for her time or buy some dances. I never invite dancers to sit with me for that reason. If she sits with you of her own free will without being asked then that's her lookout.
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Yes, you should be considerate. Squawk!

When I sit with the girl I'm giving her the privilege of sitting with a Rick. How that for consideration?

The rest of you should tip.

avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I never pay for idle time.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I will compensate the dancer with a bigger tip when I buy dances from her. I won't simply tip her for chatting. If a dancer is sitting with me - and another guy is scoping her out - I'll let her know that she has an admirer who might be worth a try.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
On TUSCL, I don't do to expect to see many PLs tip for clothed convo -- not when they are probably tipping for extras or OTC p4p -- that's just my take. I tip for convo, but I'm in the minority. I'm also shifting my dollars spent more into dances or front room GFE than pure convo these days

At least she got 3 dances out of you $60 and maybe a small tip for the dances. That's better than just one dance ($20) or no dances ($0) or 'just a drink'.

I'd only tip for time, if I enjoyed it. But if you're on a budget, or trying to ratchet down your expenses, it seems like you did alright.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
I wasn't so much talking tipping for her time, I was more so talking feeling obligated to get more than a couple of dances (especially if the dances are good).
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I don't need to be "more considerate", because I'm already very considerate :) I go to non-extras clubs, and often on long 4-hour trips, so there's going to be a lot of conversing between dances, and I'd like the stripper to feel fairly compensated -- because I want to see her again when I return and I want her working hard to please me, and because I think having a good rep at your regular club pays big dividends in the long run.

Where I end up vehemently disagreeing with guys is when they come up with arbitrary universal rules, like, "you should pay her $140 for every hour" or whatever. There's no universal rule, what's fair is completely contextual. My total outlay for a 4 hour trip is often around $200 to the stripper, and $100-ish for food and alcohol. Huge win for a dayshift girl on Monday 1:00-5:00pm dayshift, when many girls will have made like $40 during that same time period (on slow shifts, the girls make all their money at lunchtime, and after work), plus she'll have been wined and dined. Probably unacceptable for a girl over 11pm-3am saturday nightshift (hell, $200 probably isn't even enough to wrap that girl up for an hour, much less 4 hours). Completely contextual what is fair and what is not.
avatar for jayhawk123
9 years ago
I totally understand what you are saying. I consider this all the time. I always wonder if I am doing more or less than the average customer. I don't have alot of money to throw around but also want them to come back over quickly the next time I am there if I liked the dances. I definitely wonder this with my favorites as many times they will say I am good with the amount but their actions later by either not coming over next time in club right away or not responding back to texts
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
Last night I went to the SC and had zero dances. A favorite of mine we hung out and in between one of her stage sets I chatted with this other stripper that came by to get away from another customer. I gave her $5 after my favorite was done and went to hang out with her again.

Then me and favorite even went to VIP and still just hanging out, no dances. It baffles me still how we just chill in VIP and she off and on dances and only charges me for the dances and the club isn't charging her for the songs she doesn't dance. Anyway I eventually leave and gave her what I thought was appropriate for her time despite no dances.

I usually don't just give for time but last night that's all I did.

If a stripper spends a while with you before dances that's her choice. Y'all may have good conversation going so she's in no rush to start dancing especially if it's a slow shift. If the dances are good, yeah get more, but despite my last night, compensate her based off the quality dances not time she decided to spend.
avatar for Cowboy12
9 years ago
If I ask her to sit with me and she is good company, I will tip her a little extra for her time.
A few weeks ago, a dance sit beside me at the bar, uninvited. I tried my best to have a conversation with her, but only got 1 or a few words response. We just did not click. No extra tip for her.
I told her I was waiting on my CF, and she moved on.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Larry, you're fine. See her again and buy dances. She appreciates your business. You're over thinking it.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
The way i look at it is if you are ok with a dancer sitting with you for an hour, obviously you enjoy her company. It only makes sense that you'd probably want to get as many dances as you can afford with her, assuming that her dances are up to par. Whether the amount you can afford is $60 or $6000 doesn't really matter - you do the best you can with what you got.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I’m def cognizant that dancers are there to make $$$ and if they are not gonna be making it from me b/c they are not my type they should move on and make $$$ from someone else.

if a dancer spends time w/ me and she’s my type; I’ll def get a few dances from her but won’t tip just for talking – if she sits w/ me out of her own volition I feel no obligation to spend any $$$ on her if I’m not interested in her and will get her to move-on sooner than later so we can both get on w/ our business (she won’t waste her or my time).

Every now and then I see deadbeat custies that will call dancers over or grab them as they walk by and will get the dancers to sit w/ them for a while and then not buy any dances from them; that shit is whack IMO.

It’s hard to know how much to spend on a dancer for her time via buying dances: I’d say it’s up to the dancer how much time she wants to invest b/f popping the question; what I may do is tip her extra after the dances if I enjoyed her company prior to the dances.

Having said all this; since I go to $5 and $10 per dance black clubs; I spend most of my time getting dances or just checking out the scene and thus I’m not big into convo or just hanging out talking with a dancer more than 5 or 10 minutes and usually not even that – I actually just prefer the “wanna a dance” so I can get my grind-on and then move-on to the next grinder.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
Only if that's your M.O. Honestly, if she really wanted money, she could have gotten her ass up between that hour after realizing 10 MINUTES IN that she was not getting a dance from you right then and there and found someone who can provide. They know what they doing. You were probably less of a hustle and more of a good conversationalist...whoever that person may be in this scenario.

Their hoes...not morons....wait let me try that again.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Yeah, this was something I observed in the strip joint, it didn't happen to me. I don't like conversing with strippers much, so after 5 minutes of conversation I'll either get dances with her, or I'll send her on her way.
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