Is it too much to ask of a stripper....

I went to my doctor the other day to have blood work done. The results were ok but my blood sugar is high (pre diabetes )and cholesterol levels are high. So my Cf/Ds is not your typical stripper. She is a college student studying fitness management I think. But she is workout freak. She is also an instructor /dietitian at LA fitness parttime. So I thought who better to ask for some dieting tips. So I texted her to ask for some advice and her response was "eat more veggies and low card foods fool LoL". Really? So I basically pay this chick's rent every month and I'm not worth a 15 minute phone call when it's do to my health? Is this too much to ask of a stripper?


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    You are being unreasonably needy. IMO. Sorry. I missed the part where you paid her specifically to be your dietician. Neediness in a PL is the worst attribute a PL can have, according to some strippers. There's your unsolicited advise for the day.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    It's too much to ask for a stripper if it doesn't involve money.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Would you expect your doctor to strip if you asked them?
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Your text should have read: "please call me. I need to talk to you about my shitty eating habits and high blood sugar. Would like your help"

    When I text strippers they text back, but never call.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    It's not too much to ask. But strippers are entitled and mercenary. To misquote Shakespeare:

    "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
    To have a thankless stripper!"
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Dominic I'm not being needy at all. I could Google the info or get it from my doctor, it's a matter of principal. I don't think it's too much to ask at all. She'll call back or she'll be out rent money..LoL
  • gammanu95
    9 years ago
    I think Corvus is right. Specifically tell her what you are looking for. Then, if she blows you off or makes a joke of it, you'll have to decide if she's still deserving of CF/DS privileges. I do agree with you, if you spend enough money on her, she should have the common decency to respond seriously.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Exactly gammanu95 I think someone I've been taking care of for over a year should show a little decency.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    My ATFs ask me for advice on topics on which I'm smarter than they are, and vice versa. IF that's where the relationship is, then there's nothing needy about it.

    For most of my ATFs, if I want advice and it's going to require a back-and-forth conversation (as diet advice often does), then the right place to have it is: in the club. I don't expect her to spend an hour pecking long paragraphs on a keyboard, texting me questions, etc. There's a VERY few women who I have a phone-call relationship with, those ATFs I can just call. But if you're not already on a phone call relationship with her, and the conversation is too long to have over text, then just see her in the club and talk about it there.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I get that supra but me and this girl do OTC twice a month at my house. And have for over a year. I know I could just talk to her then but as I stated it's a matter of principal to me. She talks about how much I do for her so I don't think it's too much to ask for us to have a phone conversation in this instance. We have had them before.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ButterMan: Oh, ok, so you two ARE on a call basis, a little bit. Are you sure she knew you wanted to call? In your position, I would have texted, "Can I give you a quick call, I need some diet advice and you're the smartest person I know on that". I'd tell her directly: I'm in need, I want to call her, and a little ass-kissing about her being so smart never hurt anyone :) Based on your original description, it sounded like you just texted her asking for advice, not telling her explicitly you wanted to talk on the phone, and you expected her to read between the lines and jump right on the phone? I think THAT might be giving her more credit than is due.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think you need to meet her face to face and explain what you need help with - sometimes things get lost in a txt message.

    I'm not sure what type of relationship you have with her. In my dealing with strippers, some I would never ask because they are too lazy, and some I would ask in a heartbeat because they would be more than happy to help.

    It's the same with my friends - some you can count on and some you can never count on.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    It was a rude reply, even though at its core, more salads, fruit, and veggies is the ticket.

    She may not have realized you were coming from the doctor and that this was important to you.

    People are self-centered and fixated on their own shit, especially when they are busy. I would give her another chance and explain that you would seriously like her help with this. I think she'll come through for you if you make her realize it's important to you.

    If she still blows you off after that, then you are justified in breaking it off with her or whatever.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yes her response may have reeked of self absorbed immaturity. However, if you want maturity, you should fuck older women with civilian jobs who won't mind talking to you on the phone. The sex may be mediocre, but she'll be much more mature. Instead you decided to fuck a stripper, and this is what you get. Choose what you want -- a beautiful young woman and great sex with a huge dose of immaturity and disinterest when not being paid, or mediocre sex with maturity and interest in you at all times. It's very hard to get it all in one woman.

    But I follow the same rule when texting with my kids and strippers -- be very clear in stating exactly what I want or mean. Leave no room for interpretation. In your case, you should have said what would be a good time to talk on the phone for a few min because I need some advice from you. Even better, just wait until you have a date with her.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS69-->"if you want maturity, you should fuck older women with civilian jobs who won't mind talking to you on the phone. The sex may be mediocre, but she'll be much more mature. Instead you decided to fuck a stripper, and this is what you get. "

    Heh, I think I've posted this story before. I had slept over my ATF's place, and in the morning I hear her roommate (also a fine-ass stripper) on the phone arguing with her boyfriend. I could hear well enough to know that he was upset about something that she either did or didn't do (I think it was that she didn't do something, she'd forgotten or whatever). When ATF and I come out into the living room, roomie starts venting. "I am not a soccer mom, I'm a stripper! He knows what he gets. If we he wants a soccer mom, he should be dating a soccer mom!". I thought that last sentence was quite pithy, and honest. She's young, smoking hot, fun, and wild, but she fucks up left and right. She's not willing to change or accept responsibility for her fuckups, and doesn't expect to be lectured about them. Accept it or move on. LOL ... quite pithy.

    JS69-->"But I follow the same rule when texting with my kids and strippers -- be very clear in stating exactly what I want or mean. Leave no room for interpretation. In your case, you should have said what would be a good time to talk on the phone "

    Ya, that's exactly the advice I gave, and it's worth triple repeating. If you texted her you want advice and expected her to call right away, that's almost like you're giving her a test, and it is kind of needy. IF you texted clearly that you wanted to talk on the phone, that's another matter.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    The thing with me and this girl is she only works friday and Saturday nights at the club. I usually avoid those nights. Once in awhile I'll go in and see her. But we have your regular hook ups twice a month at my place. So really our interaction is much more OTC than ITC at this point. To me its just a matter of principal. I'm not looking for reason to cut her off, I like her and the awesome sex she provides. But I'll admit this shitty response from her irritated a bit.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Next time just ask her if semen is really loaded with protein. :)
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Sorry for the harsh reminder she doesn't care that much about your well being.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    How did your text to her read? I don't see too much wrong with her response. It was straight to the point. Do y'all joke alot and name call? My ex and I would call each other fool from time to time and not mean it in a mean way.

    If you really wanted some detailed guidance I'd have recommended getting it from her at her fitness job, next OTC, or calling in that order.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    I don't know if it's asking too much, but you made it possible for her to give the glib answer. She just walked through a door that you left open.

    Perhaps a better way to approach this would be to wait until the next time you meet in person. Ask her the same question *before* handing over the cash. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a more thorough answer. Most dancers are at their most accommodating when they can see cash, but it isn't in their hands yet.

    Also, the advice she gave (though glib) is good advice.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To shadow that might get an even snarkier answer like, why don't you taste it and find out ?
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Not sure if it's just my sense of humor - but I laughed when I saw her reply to you. I basically thought she was being sarcastic and making a joke. I don't know how you usually converse with each other - but I simply looked at it as a snarky reply - no offense intended.

    Have you seen her in person since this exchange? If so - did she offer more insight - or follow up with a question "Have you been eating better?"
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Well if I texted one of my own relatives, they would likely text me back instead of calling unless they felt a need to talk about a lot of stuff. You could be interrupting something else she is in the middle of and a quick message back was a courtesy text back. I don't like getting interrupted in the middle of something I'm working on or watching.
    If you wanted to talk, call her. If she's available and you two talk to each other routinely on the phone, she can talk.
    Sometimes my relatives are busy on the phone and don't have long to talk either. Just my opinion but it sounds needy to me to expect her to mind read you and expect an immediate phone call back when you texted her.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Butter, still not quite clear to me, and I think the distinction is very important as to what my expectations would be.

    Did you just text her the request about diet advice, and expect her to read between the lines and call? If so, her response was a little flip, but not outrageous. You texted her, you didn't tell her you wanted a phone conversation, she texted back.

    Did you text her with a clear request to talk on the phone? If so, it sounds like your relationship was such that it's not unreasonable to expect a phone call, or at least a "let's discuss in detail next time I see you" or whatever.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Yes supra I texted her and asked her to call me when she was free and told what I wanted. She did finally call back today but I couldnt answer and she didn't leave a message. She'll call again when she is worried about that money coming or not this month.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"She'll call again when she is worried about that money coming or not this month."

    That's true! Our ace-in-the-hole :)
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I already got all the info I need from a buddy of mine. He is work out freak as well. I think it's more of test to me at this point to see if she can so a little appreciation and common decency
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    There are some battles worth fighting. This ain't one of them.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I disagree with that I think it's worth fighting and her monthly rent depends on it:) the way I see it the guy who is paying you on a regular basis has requested a phone conversation with you no matter what that shouldn't be too hard but since she already called back it seems she may have came to her senses
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    What I don't get is why, if you are having issues, your doctor didn't send you to a real dietician. I am sorry but other than how to fuck guys, a subject that i have less than zero interest in, I couldn't see asking a stripper for advice on anything.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… There are some battles worth fighting. This ain't one of them …”

    + 1

    And *IMO*; we should not feel entitled to anything more from these chicks than what we are paying them for – they are not our GFs and probably 99% of the time they would not give us the time of day unless we are paying them – that’s just the reality IMO and best not to make it more than what it is or expect more.

    Plus; I’m sure the info can be quite detailed and extensive and no way can she answer it in a text message since you texted her first – actually you should be content she even replied at all LOL.

    If she’s a student; works a job; and dances part-time; she does not seem to have the time to be there for others/you.

    In the end; you are paying her to fuck-you; not care about you – just keeping it 100 :)
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Ummm if you read the original post you would have noticed that I said this particular stripper is fitness trainer and dietician and study's fitness management in school. So that's why I would ask her for advice. Simple.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    To put it bluntly, you *are* asking too much. You're asking her to interpret your simple question as a request for detailed advice.

    Try asking for what you really want, instead of hoping she figures it out. After all, did you beat around the bush when you asked her for sex?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Actually, her advice, while delivered jokingly, wasn't bad. I had a problem similar to yours, and my doctor's learned, considered advice boiled down to exactly what she told you. No pain, no gain, Butter.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    She did give brilliant advice, even if it was brief! ;)
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Your wrong about microdong I asked her a very direct question. I wasn't asking her to decode anything. At this point it isn't even about her advice it is about showing a little respect for someone who takes good care of you. Update; She did call tonight and apologized for being a bitch and gave me some advice. she probably started to sense I was pissed and her rent money was in jeopardy!
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    Thanks for sharing those Papi. Seinfeld episodes relate to anything in real life. I have seen those many times but still laughed out loud
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    This is an excellent example of why, for the majority, the shelf life of an OTC relationship with a favorite is often relatively short. The p4p relationship morphs from straight pay for fucking to favors, mentoring, blurry friendships. Relationship expectations are built on the sandy foundation of p4p which is recipe for disaster. I almost think it really is inevitable in most these type relationships.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Terrible Customer Service from a Sex Worker??? Shocked.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… Relationship expectations are built on the sandy foundation of p4p which is recipe for disaster …”

    Damn – that is one perfect way to describe P4P relationships – I’ll have to remember it and hope you don’t mind me PL-plagiarizing you in the future.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    "Would you expect your doctor to strip if you asked them?"

    Never thought of that, but it would be brilliant! Besides being a great doctor, my physician is a major, though married, hottie.
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