
Comments by Ch3ll (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ?? dancers ask me after LD
    Agree with everybody else. It does have one wonder though when asked.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How big of a strip club PL are you?
    I answered yes to two. Guess I'll be checking out some of those URLs of SJG.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They (meaning her fellow strippers) would have thought she was a whore.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers and #s
    It all could be a front aka hustle. Try to meet in a public place first. Or go to a hotel bar and have drinks and really find out what's up. Facebook is good, but some are selective of what they put on there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Question thats been asked before
    I think it all depends on the PL and what he wants. Not being familiar with other areas, I usually go with $150 up to $300. Not including drinks for you, friends, or the dancers, once you have a favorite or know who'll go the extra mile you'll be able to enjoy more with less in the SC. I've been there sometimes with not much and seen others not tip. It depends on the girls in the club, but usually they'll sense you don't have money since they'll see you not get a dance or not tip. So then they don't bother with trying to tempt you. I rarely stage tip unless a dancer really got some pole tricks or I want her to stop by afterwards. I will get at least a floor dance from one or two strippers so the others can see I'm willing to spend. For me though going in with little to no money, doesn't allow me to enjoy myself.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bank Roll Management for Strip club Patriots
    How does one grow this bankroll? If we exceed 10% do we go to the dirtiest strip club around? Just messing with you since the only time I've heard or read about bankroll management is with poker. Well I don't have a bankroll strictly for SCing. Maybe someday if my blackjack endeavors take off since it has funded SC visits and taken away from my "life" roll too. Anyway, I usually walk in with $150 - $250 and although I try to not spend it all, if I do I don't have cards on me so I can't get more cash. A beginner me would spend $300+ when I visited. I'm glad those days are behind me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Should clubs treat us (dancers) better
    @JohnBuford That's a damn good one. I don't consider it an envasion of someone's personal life to require a drug test. I think for what I've had them for its just a requirement. So if the stripper wanted health insurance and that was a requirement, then that's what it would have to be. I guess you could think of it like some of the life insurance plans you hear about. If you smoke you pay a higher premium as opposed to a person who doesn't smoke.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Should clubs treat us (dancers) better
    Edit....for the VIP percentage to possibly work, the cover for it would have to decrease, beacuse now the customer is paying x times based on how many dancers he takes to VIP.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Should clubs treat us (dancers) better
    @poledancer I agree the clubs make money the dancers don't get any portion of. I dont think the dancers should recieve money from the door cover or drinks/food, or membership, calendars, special events like UFC. VIP cover...yes each dancer should receive a percentage based on each individual customer they go to VIP with. On an overall level, each dancer influences their own hustle, so it wouldnt be fair for everyone to get x amount of what the club is receiving. If the club starts to lose too much on what it's doing to operate I see things like VIP, drinks, cover going up and therefore possibly declining the customer base. No drug testing for insurance I wouldn't offer it that way since a hourly wage would more than likely not be implemented. My thoughts on that are coming from what I know as a requirement for me in my field to gain/remain employed.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Should clubs treat us (dancers) better
    I briefly thought about this the other day after talking with a stripper who mentioned one of her bills was due and another who has 4 roommates. I can't imagine how paying a dancer hourly would work. Possible? Yes, but I believe it would require strict rules/guidelines as far as what/when/where/how the dancer could be. Given the nature of the strip club as is, this would probably be ill received from dancers and viewed as micromanagement. I'd provide health insurance, with at least two types of plans and a wellness type plan. Plans would allow just the worker, worker and kids, worker and spouse and kids, or worker and spouse. To continue to qualify for the benefit they'd be subject to random drug testing and would have to remain drug free. On a side note, I only hear from the dancers that they are late. I usually think nothing of it except as "that must be nice" or just part of their hustle. But their attendance/timeliness would indirectly affect them continuing to receive the benefit as they'd have to remain employed to do so. Poledancer, I don't want this to come off as a stereotype to dancers, but it's pretty much how I've seen if offered to me as an employee aka human just as the dancers are.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Kissing clean dancers
    Its impossible to figure out stripper logic in my opinion. I try not to anymore. I'm a little over a year I believe in SCing and made out with a stripper in my first few months. We did OTC twice but nothing special between us. In the end it was just about money. Recently two older strippers I'd say in their late 30s early 40s made out with me on our first VIP. Kissing now is almost as much a surprise as having OTC out of nowhere happen. As far as kissing I guess they use some discretion. I think most save it for the SO though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Wheres sjg?
    This served for a good laugh. Despite not reading most of his posts in entirety, hope dude is okay.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Putting the P in PL
    Tipping a dancer when she asks for a tip. Only one occasion was it a significant amount. It still happens, but it's only $1 - $5 so she'll leave me alone.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Wheres sjg?
    Reviewing his first strip club
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    For those who state the negative of OTC P4P or just plain meeting/doing something outside the club, is it because you've never had positive experiences? I've come across several reads of ongoing OTC and so forth. No bad, meaning life safety, occurrences unless it's something that made the news in which shadowcat posts. Is it just how you go about your first OTC encounter with the dancer being precautios?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OTC101 Never go to her apartment.
    Some of these stories I just wonder if the victim was just too easy going or naive. Aside from getting to k ow the dancer, what have some of you done or said to avoid having to go inside until you felt you could really trust the girl?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The age thread
    @larryfisherman If you click on my name and go to my Discussions I started a thread called Age? a while ago. Might see some that aren't on this one.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The age thread
    31 here
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    I wouldn't ask for ID. You'll be at a highly public place so go for it. You won't know what's really up until you've guys have met.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    getting dances from waitresses
    Last year I came across a waitress who offered me a dance. Nobody had come by so I took her up on it. She was cute, dances basic, ass shaking with some grinding, but she did have some mileage surprisingly. Like OP mentioned it was twice what it was for a regular stripper and it had to be in VIP plus she had to clear it with her manager first. We exchanged numbers, but nothing beyond the usual SS we experience when getting a number and I could ask if she was at the club before stopping by. On like the 3rd visit she brought up OTC, but her price was high so i never bit. We had maybe 3 or 4 visits in the club before I took a break for a few. Texted her once when I started back up, but haven't seen her at the club any of my past few visits.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would you consider ...
    I'm not too hip to the escort world, but I'd say no if I as the escort don't have a choice in who I escort. My concern is attractiveness. If I'm not attracted to the client I wouldn't want to do anything with them and definitely not with a male.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is being an underage dancer SS?
    I'd take her for this month's test LD. I'm assuming she had to show some kind of ID or something to become an independent contractor there and still be there since Nov. She's probably loose by now so her hustle is beginning to evolve.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girls on their phones
    I've seen at a few SC they have a monitor that has the lineup on it. Can't save you gas but time in the SC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girls on their phones
    Initially when I started SCing I hated seeing hot strippers on their phone only because I wanted dances from them. Then from my viewpoint on money and how they make it I just wonder why they'd use their time like that. But at the same time, who knows if they circled the floor before I got there. There's a girl at a SC I frequent that is hot, but she works the entire floor then sits to only occasionally get on her phone in between. In my experience the ones constantly on the phone give mediocre dances.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Most reviews on TUSCL
    I did a search on Google for whatever the highest monger status was and surprisingly it brought back all the TUSCLers who had that status. A thread not too long ago mentioned some guy who hasn't posted in a while wrote up in the hundreds with reviews.