
Where did I fuck up?

I haven't been to the strip club in weeks (don't have any desire as of now).

Looking back, there were 3 strippers that stick out in my mind that I wouldn't have minded being fuckbuddies with or dating them, but it didn't work out aka they rejected me.

I'd like your opinion on what I did wrong.

All three of them said I was cute. It could be SS, but I keep myself in shape, I'm young, and I'm not bad looking, so I don't know. I had developed good conversation with all of them, pretty much talk about anything. With the lapdances it started ok, but it got better and better. Eventually I was sucking tits and sucking ass (I'm thinking this is where I fucked up), I didn't try for FIV or DATY or anything like that. So after a few different visits with really good lapdances, I asked them out. All three of them kind of blew me off.

There's a few different scenarios which could have led to this IMO
1. I treated them like a object in the lapdances, they don't mind since I'm paying them, but that automatically crossed me off as boyfriend material in their eyes.
2. I spent too much on them ITC, now they just see me as a ITC regular/ATM (although some people on TUSCL said they were regulars of their favorite dancers before they ended up dating them/FWB)
3. I go to the strip club too much for their liking. I would be in there once a week.
4. They are all about the money. They wouldn't have minded fucking me OTC, but they wanted to be paid for it.
5. Similar to 4. Them letting me suck their tits, kiss their ass during lapdances meant they were paid providers ITC and OTC.
6. They lied to me (shock!). They weren't into me, they were just interested in my money, they said whatever I wanted to hear.
7. Other?

What do you think?

I know I'm over analyzing this shit to death, but the time away from the strip clubs makes me reflect on things.


  • K
    8 years ago
    You spend more time analyzing your relationships than a woman. You pay her to provide a fantasy. She gave you the fantasy. Man up. if you want to fuck her tell her clearly and make an offer. Your method is clearly failing you.
  • houjack
    8 years ago
    Strippers adjust their game based on age of customer. I'm a young guy, I can't even remember how many times I've been called sexy, young, cute, hot, etc. I even get "why you here? You're too hot to come to clubs, go out to night clubs" on occasion. No fucking for free dumbass. Pay to play.

    Definitely #4.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I bet you told them you were Pnemesis and after listening to one song of yours they smelled loser and ran for z hills!
  • warhawks
    8 years ago




    Now, with this knowledge, go forth and be the shark and not the guppie.
  • houjack
    8 years ago
    To be fair, I did get one "date" with a stripper for free, so free sex is I'm sure possible. But it's too rare to pursue in my opinion. Remember you're not the only one running game. These girls do it daily with fresh PLs all the time. They are bound to build the skill of hooking you in, even if unconsciously.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    They aren't looking to date or be fuck buddies with customers. Meeting them OTC means you are very likely gonna be paying them

    Strippers are generally very attractive women, so they likely have no shortage of guys wanting to be with them. In other words, you have lots of competition
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Larry, its hard for me to tell what is going on based on just your post. But usually girls respond if you are focusing your attention on just them.

    But also, if a girl dances in a strip club, she gets lots of attention and she will know that most of it will go no where.

    So did you give them your contact info? I did that and the girl who told me, "I don't go out with customers", left a message on my answering machine the next night. This was my first experience with trying to get personal with dancers, back when I was about your age.

    You kind of have to extend yourself and be willing to take it on the chin, and then often the girl will come around.

    Contact info, come back to the club for a second visit, focus on just one girl.

    Otherwise, if there girls are fairly hard core and used to P4P, they probably will make that clear.

    Good Luck,
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    A fucking white boy who has down syndrome raps better than you, that's your fucking problem. You also have half of TUSCL on ignorance so you can't listen to their advice, that's another problem. You listen to the advice of a schizophrenic (SJG) and lastly you're keep trying to make strippers into girlfriends. You need to hit the reset button everything and try a new route to get pussy you fucking idiot.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, I'm calling your mom right now. She will be pissed.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Any or all of your explanations may be valid. But if you want a stripper for a girlfriend, then you don't understand strippers. Date civilians and use strippers for variety/sex as needed.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ The voice of reason. Same guy who payed 3x the going rate for a teenage SB and fell in love with her.

    Find a different mentor, @Fishstix.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    My own experience is that strip club dancers are quite GF able. However, that does not mean that it will work very well or last very long. But it is always like that with GF's. And also I am talking about softer core clubs.

    But most strippers do have BF's, at least many of them do, of a sort.

  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Ah, paid not payed and @GoVikings had the best answer.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    When you visit Mr. Roarke and Tattoo, you have to realize the fantasy ends when you leave.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @SJG- yes they have my contact info. Good insight by the way.
    @warhawks- well said!
    @jestritetheguru and @houjack- good insight, thanks.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I think it could have been just 3 options to choose from given the details we know, but anyway. I'd say it's a combo of 4 and 6. Only time will tell if 4 could ever lead to OTC and if it never did/does then you're at 6.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    LMFAO you people make me happy lol

    Well you fucked up along time ago when you created your account pussy boy

    The best part of Larry fish sticks is running down his moms leg LMFAO
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Had a few too many a few weeks ago and woke up with ....a stripper's number in my phone. The basic stripper, 22, dominican, spinner, 420 fan. Texted her wondering why her number was in my phone. She texts back that I was pretty drunk, but agreed to go out with her on a "date". I remind her that she knows I don't do OTC and she tells me its a real date and she is free next (last) weekend. Luckily I decided to go skiing instead. I remain pure,
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    You didn't offer them enough money for them to act like your girlfriend.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @nobrainShailynn-you crack me up. Come to LA and I'll be sure to "rap" for you. LMAO

    @JS69-I wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but I certainly wouldn't have minded being fuckbuddies with those girls.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Larry, every other asshole and his cousin wouldn't mind being fuckbuddies with these girls and a fair % probably let these girls know it.

    A few other alternative explanations are:

    1. You aren't as good looking as you think;
    2. You started to creep them out; and/or
    3. You don't make enough money for them to be interested (you ARE in LA after all).

    All joking aside, if you are young and in shape then you shouldn't be looking for love in strip clubs anyway. I can tell you that when I was young and single, I went to clubs only sporadically as I was having too much fun cycling through normal girls. Heavy duty strip club attendance is for us saddled down and/or older types, not for a guy who can be doing all sorts of fun things elsewhere. So saddle up, learn some non-creepy social skills and get on out there already. ;)
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    You projected the image of a guy who can't get any except by paying. Did it happen on the first visit? Maybe. Who knows what image you project in real life? Certainly paying multiple times won't help your chances.

    No you ever try to date/hook up with girls outside of strip clubs? If you can get lots of girls that way you can probably score with strippers too. If not you won't with strippers either.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I wish I could do OTC with almost every regular I've ever had, but the truth is, at lest in my club, OTC is very rare with ANY dancer. It's not a dive/extras club and the extras girls move on very quickly to the Harvey IL clubs (or elsewhere). I've only done OTC with two dancers from my club over many years of going there. Well 3 if you count me going to see her band, but we didn't have sex.

    So chances are, you didn't strike out; you were never even up to bat. I suppose for enough money you have some luck...but that seems about the most PL ish thing a PL can do!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Larry, maybe in the clubs you are going to, you are finding really hard core girls.

    You've talked about taking girls to baseball games. Maybe these girls don't want to do stuff like that.

    I say to always treat them as civilians. But it may be that all these girls are interested in is fucking, and for money. So if they steer it that way, like a brief meeting as soon as they get off, or the next day or something, a time constrained 'session', then you probably have got to do it their way.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Rick-thanks. Yeah I really think I'm going to stay out of the strip clubs till I get to be in my 40's. :)

    @Dougster-I had a civilian GF for 10 years, (pretty much all of my sexual active life) during that time I never fucked another girl. When we broke it off a little over a year ago it was hard for me to get civilian girls. It's almost like I didn't have experience going after girls, I was locked down in a relationship for so long. Since then I've dated one stripper briefly, had a fuckbuddy relationship with a stripper, and dated a civilian briefly. I've had a rough stretch with no pussy recently.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    You should have said "where didn't I fuck up?"
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ funny.
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    It didn't work out because of what you said right here ---> "I wouldn't have minded being fuckbuddies with OR [emphasis mine] dating them"

    The reason it did not work out was because you did not know EXACTLY what you wanted them for. If you do not KNOW what you want her for then there is 0% chance that you will get it! You cannot be simultaneously dead and alive (unlike Schroedingers cat) and in the same way, you cannot simultaneously be fuckbuddies and boyfriend/girlfriend. So it was your own indecision that prevented you from getting what you want, in the same way that you will not get what you want in a restaurant if you tell your waitress that you can't decide what food you want.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ Once in a great while Gaffigan is actually funny.

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