
Comments by Ch3ll (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL mission statement
    To provide a platform for the strip club enthusiast aka Pathetic Loser (PL) to discuss the strip clubbing pasttime with other PLs while remaining actively engaged with strippers, both inside and outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever gotten a strippers phone number?
    Yes. I give credit to TUSCL for me not losing my ass, because I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world when it first happened. You'll probably get a few and meet, depending on what you want to get from your SCing experience.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Going in for the kiss
    DFK any woman for that matter is as twetyfive stated. I've heard of many non strippers being involved with multiple men and engaging in sexual activity with another after having been with someone previously that day. You never know. Might as well spray yourself with disinfectant, because a stripper may have rubbed a guys John or his cum on her and never washed off.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Going in for the kiss
    I might try a peck if her lips are one inch away from mine. This has always resulted in just a peck and nothing more. So usually I let them initiate it. The six strippers I've kissed all have initiated and five of those were always DFKs. Of those 6 I've been with four OTC. Two have always DFKs me whether I initiate or them. The third one I haven't OTCd/danced enough with to know what our norm is. The other one will peck here and there but specifically let me know she was just down for a peck, no tongue.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Next steps
    Cut her off. On to the next. Fuck her. Whatever have you. Yes, yes, yes, move on. I see you have some emotions tied in it, but really think about how things went down. If I remember correctly y'all were planning your life together or to that affect once you were divorced, but then she's radio silent when you tell her funds have run out for a few. And now given that history, she wants to see you in the club as opposed to dinner or something for planning your lives together...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tucson 2AMer.
    @SJG I'd highly recommend never going to Venom. I have no idea about the cabana pricing, but I've been there twice. First visit, no dances at all. Second visit, only got three dances from one dancer and left to go to another club. The dancer quality is poor, 1 - 5. Yes, 1- 5, at least the two nights I went.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Oldest stripper
    A fav of mine is 50. She looks in her late 30s to 40s. I just couldn't believe her when she told me. Nonetheless, she's still a go to stripper for me because of the mileage and shes attractive for her age. However, I've somewhat pulled back since I've made several attempts at OTC but she's always changing the subject.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tucson 2AMer.
    Wow. This is right in my neck of the woods where I strip club. TDs East is an okay SC, but it has always attracted the "gang", "hood" type because it primarily plays rap. Each time I go which is always night, there's usually someone hanging out in there car or guys come and go in and out the club. Tens Showclub is like a mile down the street, but I frequent it more and it attracts a diversified crowd for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The one that got away...
    There's two I considered got away. The first was early on in my SCing. She provided awesome mileage all except kissing. She was a thick Latina and just overall chill. Out last VIP she wanted me to position my dick near the upper right for whatever reason and so I did like mid song, but by now I was at my money limit. So, I'm thinking okay no problem I'll bring more money next time or we'll just get to whatever quicker. Nope, it's been probably over 18 months (I go to this club 2-3 times a month) and I've never seen her at the club again. The other I didn't really get to know, but she showed me her pussy first lap dance we had and I was like whoa! I said I needed to go get more money and would be back in 5 minutes. She said she was going to go talk to some people and get back with me. Well, I never got a dance again from her that night and she quit the business and works at a wing/sports bar spot. If I had the choice though, number one I'd love to meet again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Stripper said I could crash at her place...
    I'd go for it, just stay alert. I've been over two stripper's place and all was good. One was for OTC, the place was small so I checked out what I could, even saw a DEA cap hanging up, but in the end all was okay. Another her place was small too. The first time wasn't really OTC, but she had been out with a friend, didn't have a car, and wanted food. The second time I dropped her and kid off after her shift, we ate, she agreed I could stay, and once again all was well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Seeing Her With Another Guy OTC
    All in all I've ran into about four dancers outside the club. Only the one of which I've been OTC with have we acknowledge each other. The others were in passing. One was at the casino and she was hugged up on her guy, another twice once at the liquor store and then at the gas station, and the last one each time I go to the mall because she works at one of the concession booths.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Giving the DS one more shot
    You either put up with her BS until you've truly had enough or you drop her if she flakes on the sporting event tickets. I sorta want to believe her first excuses, but unclear travel arrangements, I just can believe. Traveling is the one thing that costs more when waiting last minute. That is unless she's driving.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    I'm Smitten. . . .
    I'd recommend to avoid the strip club to watch porn. Unless you're strong willed and can vary up your clubs and only pay entrance fee and have a beer or ice water (hopefully free where you're at). Then go out and find employment even if it's fast food, department store, what have you. Finish a degree or certification one class at a time. And, most here might strongly disagree with this one, but get $50 - $100 and deposit on some online poker site and grind you up a bankroll in your spare time. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    @Snakeeyes Did you ever go back to the club and spend little to no money on her? If so, how was it?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    For those who do OTC.....
    I alternate between two currently for OTC so it's gambling and eating out pretty much.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Being Descreeet in reviews, articles and discussion threads
    I believe in not revealing a dancer's name or details specific to her that would easily identify her. However, if she turned out to be a certified ROB then I'll freely give her name. Any future reviews I should take heed not to mention if any extras or mileage received and just amp up the club or dancers based on if I had a good time or not. I do find it difficult given so many personalities and revolving members on here that explicit details or names won't get dropped here and there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Happy 75th to me.
    Happy Birthday shadowcat!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I think everybody got who you're basing this post off of. It's just that some analyzed both girls. How long have you been strip clubbing? In my opinion, I love when someone asks the question you did. Hell, I think we all have and I'm definitely guilty. It's just that it's been seen/experienced time and time again so some will use sarcasm, while others don't. No disrespect to the older gentlemen on here, but I run close in age with these strippers and not a single one has "liked" me. In my opinion the only true test for the "liked" is consistent free sex with her.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I may be missing some of the point Papi is making, but yeah you got shortchanged if she only did 3 dances over 5 songs and you paid her for 5 dances. Even more so if it was 2 dances, since in your original post you weren't sure. The way I see it is, you just spent $20 - $30 for approximately 6 minutes of conversation. That's fine if that's what you like. But you can get them sitting and talking to you for free in the front room as they try to get you to buy dances.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Offering at Lower Than Usual
    Thanks for all the replies. I did offer at a lower than usual rate, but she came back with she didn't have a babysitter. I don't intend to make it a habit to try and lowball her or other strippers, but we do have our budgets.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    Short answer is she's gaming you. Snapchat as opposed to a number? Sporadic messages? I also think she's trying to build her clientele, you, since this club is just opening. If anything there may be some potential for OTC or she just gives you really good dances because she's comfortable with you. There's this dancer who gave me her number the first or second time we met. Then we became friends on Facebook. She'll always chill with me in the club and doesn't hustle me for dances. We've ate out together twice, once a day she was off and she brought her son; another after her shift. The most that came of all of the above is hugs after dinner or breakfast and ass in my lap, tits in my face when chillin at the club. The above cool with me? Yeah, it is what it is. But as you can see it's not the "like" I think you're mentioning.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    SCing Rehab : 60 days clean
    2 weeks has been my longest. I need to take a hiatus now to focus on other stuff and get in order.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Someone Knows She's a Stripper
    @Random It could be any of the scenarios you mentioned. The one thing that is constant is she's a stripper and someone who knows you or talks to you knows she's a stripper. I'll agree it's not saying much especially if I'm paying and say, "I bet you can't do it.". I just feel sometimes actually getting that initial OTC with any stripper varies greatly.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At least she had sex with the guys before robbing them
    Yeah at least she did, but shes not that attractive. Maybe some makeup how you mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Someone Knows She's a Stripper
    txtittyfag is the first on my ignore list. I saw previews for his club reviews and I can only imagine if they were to get VIP for 3 weeks or whatever it is.