
Did you know about extras before you first got extras?

In a brilliant place!
Sunday, April 9, 2017 10:58 AM
Before I started reading TUSCL I thought there was "no sex in the champaigne room". But then I read the crazy stories on here. I never pushed for anything more until after I hear that there was indeed sex in the champaigne room. I still haven't had too many extras experiences since I only club when I travel and I've been extremely busy and haven't been on the road much. I don't think it would have occurred to me to ask before reading TUSCL. I assumed you would get the bouncers called to eject you if you asked. I'm still skeptical of some crazy stories. But the ones that are likely true were a revelation. And the likely fictional ones are still entertaining. And entertaining = brilliant! ;)


  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Two things led to my understanding of the availability of extras. First, stories on tuscl. Second, dancers at my fav club started saying that I could duck them in the VIP. Finally I took one up in the offer, and she was telling the truth. Not only that but the VIP room actually had tissues.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    When I was younger, I used to end up hooking up with one dancer or another for additional activities away from the club. They liked me. Lots of things happen when you are alone with a horny girl. If she's seeing you away from the club, she might do whatever she thinks she can get away with inside the club with you. At the time, I didn't think that spending a lot of a dancers free time with her was dating but that's why I ended up with dancers a lot. I didn't think ahead. I just did things. Now I think ahead. Usually.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    After I started getting extras, they became easy to find. Maybe it was just knowing that they were available that made the difference.
  • Dlee305
    7 years ago
    I had no clue...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I started SCing before there was a tuscl... but I'd heard rumors (can't remember where... maybe [view link].strip-clubs) that there were extras going on at MBOT, which blew my mind because back then, they had some of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in one place. So one day I went to reconnoiter the place, and was lucky enough to run into a stripper who turned out to be fairly legendary in SF, not to mention eventually had a little career in porn. And she gave me a mind-blowing HJ (yes, just a HJ! and I was terrified about even that). The rest is history
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    My first few years clubbing were all at a local topless joint where extras were unheard of, so I had no clue about them. Once that club closed for good I had to move on and find a new place, and the next closest club happened to be all nude. It didn't take long for me to figure things out from there!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    My first 'extra' was in an AMP. A young Vietnamese fashion plate steered my massage to HJ 'till competition, and since I was still a complete bambi she never said anything about extra money. I really was not expecting that. Then after I learned that just by moving on the girl in a civilian way I could almost always get FS, and GFE FS. Our local above ground strip clubs are still no touching. The underground Mexican bar circuit comes and goes, but it is still all front room. The girls would do whatever they can get away with, as most of the time all they are doing is trying to line up OTC's. But in fact, the front room action is still usually kept in bounds. Overall I am not seeking ejaculation services. To me this has always just seemed to be the wrong way to interact with the girl. In San Francisco I have found it best to DATY dancers, rather than try to do rushed and overpriced FS. SJG
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I've only gotten extras outside of the club. They're free once we step away from. The club!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I was not much into extras in my first 10 years of SCing - I was afraid of catching something; liked variety and not spending all my $$$ on just one dancer; and I also SCed mostly in Dallas during my first 10-years which is non-extras for the most-part; thus I didn't push/ask for it and in the Dallas clubs no-one really pushed for it either since it was not really part of the scene. I also felt I'd be ripped-off in VIP w/ fake-promises. It was not till I joined TUSCL that I accepted and trusted that extras could reliably be had in certain clubs/areas.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Kind of, but I still thought it was a bunch of guys over exagerrating or experiencing once in a lifetime luckiness. I had skimmed TUSCL a couple times and some other sites, but never took them seriously and was a firm believer in what Chris Rock told me about Champagne rooms. By the time I had my first experience, I had been clubbing for a couple years and the best I've ever got was moderate/high mileage and was content with that. When the cover went on and it slipped in the first time in a VIP booth, I thought it was a miracle. When it happened again my very next trip, I saw the light, became a true believer (and TUSCL lurker).
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    There were rumors...
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Lap dancing started at MBOT, all front room, lap sitting, movie theater style seats. How far this went varied widely. The largest variables would have been whether there was kissing or digital penetration. I think titty squeezing would have been universal. The idea that it was to be grinding intended to cause LDK was the sort of thing which developed later. BJ came later, and the lights were kept low. Jim and Artie did fire girls found to be engaging in FS. But we have had locally underground venues where front room FS was standard, Mexican bar underground. When Diane Feinstein tried to get Jim and Artie incarcerated, a big part of their defense was that it was all front room, so it was not for 'sexual gratification' and hence prostitution, it was a kind of 'audience participation cabaret show' which served the public good of sexual education. Much of it was really just for shock value. Jim Mitchell had been highly effected by an audience participation DATY show in Amsterdam. He wanted to do the same at MBOT. It was after Diane Feinstein and the SF DA's Office suffered this horrible humiliation and mockery in the news papers, establishing that was not likely possible to convince a jury to see it their way, that other operators came in and built booths and backrooms in New Century and Market St. Cinema. And then after Terrance Hallinan was elected DA and sent the message that he was not going to bother strip clubs or AMPs, but was going to crack down on the street, they started building even larger and fully private rooms. These rooms often do not increase the mileage. Rather, they increase the house cut, and make it easier for the dancer to maintain total control, than it would be if she were just sitting on a guys lap, and maybe getting money metered out to her. ( so as always, better to engage with her front room, and save the back room until when and if it is time for your own pants to come down. And seeking ejaculation services is perverted, using you own money to exacerbate your own sexual frustration. ) SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Legend has it that extras did not become official knowledge till the publishing of the critically acclaimed "System"
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ But remember, The System (tm) is about setting up same night OTC, and not really about any type of ITC contact. The System is a way of avoiding paying for 'extras'. Though it has strengths and weaknesses, I still credit The System as showing key insight, that buying dances and extras is a chumps game. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I had not one clue, until a very kind and hot stripper enlightened me.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: you plan of starting a revolution through your loser church is a chump's game.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I cluelessly managed to visit strip clubs, eventually on at least a weekly basis, from 1994 until 2013 (!) without ever realizing that extras were available. I was quite content with frequent lapgasms and occasional OTP HJs. Then, in summer 2013, I visited a club (in Ohio, of all places!) that was notorious for extras and dipped a toe into the water, so to speak. Since then ITC BJs and, more recently, OTC dates have been a regular part of my life. Certainly reading discussions and reviews on TUSCL opened my eyes to what was possible with strippers, both ITC and OTC. So far this year I've enjoyed: * 5 BJs on dates with my ATF in her apartment * 5 BJs in strip club VIP rooms * 1 HJ in a VIP room * 4 lapgasms
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    I don't want to get extras mixed with mileage, but I got some nice mileage experiences in before TUSCL. TUSCL helped me to know it's highly likely just a matter of finding the one(s). Now it's something I keep in mind each time I club.
  • Array
    7 years ago
    Like most of you, I didn't believe such things happened. Then one night I was sitting with a girl and commented that the music was awfully loud that night. She told me there was a quieter place, but that I'd have to buy a bottle. She was hot so I thought, why not? We got to the champagne room, which was a large open room with another patron and girl there, sat down, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "I'll give head for $200 or we can have sex for $400." This was not something I'd ever considered doing in a strip club, but for some reason I felt trapped and felt that I had to do one or the other. So, I took the former. BB and she swallowed, but overall it was a bad BJ. I didn't try again for a year! So, $100 plus tip for the bottle, $200 plus tip for the BJ, paid with a credit card which meant an additional 25% up charge, all adding up to a >$400 tab for a bad blow job, and a fast drive home for an immediate shower. What a moroni! Thank you, TUSCL, for showing me a better way! Btw, my first ITC FS was a similar story of naïveté, albeit much much less costly. But, that's a story for another time.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Even after reading this board, I was dubious until it happened to me.
  • s88
    7 years ago
    I knew from TUSCL extras existed before I started to SC, but they were just really rare. Each bucket list task in SC land takes me 3-4 months of SC visits to accomplish. The more extras and mileage I get, the most stringy and asshole I get with my wallet. BBFSCIP 2 pops 1 hour in VIP for $250 with a lost IG model (actually a SA/TER/BP escort/nightclub gold digger who has no idea what she was doing in a strip club but I took advantage of her on her first and last night being a stripper). My last bucket list task I completed was a stripper sleep overnight in my house. I've known 1 1/2 years before I let her do that.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    right from the start i knew 'extras' were avaliable IF i was willing to pay ridiculous tips. what was really nice is 'extras' for free with an attractive dancer.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    SJG you need to trademark your phrases, "front room makeout session", and "buying dances is a chumps game" :)
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I started SCing before there was a Tuscl. There was a full red light district, so sex was always available for a price, I just had no interest in that portion. I still haven't gotten ITC extras. It's just no what I'm looking for. The stories are amusing to read though.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Larry, what amazes me is that so many people take what goes on in strip clubs at face value, and just go along with it. I guess marks would be the best name for them, guys just waiting to have their wallets sucked dry be beautiful young hotties who would prefer to be fucking a nice guy night after night. [view link] My own time in strip clubs has shattered my previous world view. But this is mostly because I have learned from those experiences, learned how life could potentially be different, learned how women are not necessarily the way the appear on the surface. I have never given any unconditional submission to what goes on in strip clubs. And Dougster I have never said anything about starting a revolution. That is your fantasy about me. The most I have talked about is starting a counter cultural movement. There are many who have gone before me and they are still going. My own activities are proceeding. But such must be firewalled from my online life. But for you to call those who promote counter culture losers just shows how stupid you and the kind of life you represent are. SJG [view link] Sammy Hagar, Standing Hampton
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I also started SCing before the Internet, but no matter what the venue, if a girl is willing to trade sex for money she would always find a way to let you know and find a way to allow the act to happen. On our end, it has always been the choice of whether we are willing to pay what's being asked at the moment for what we're going to be getting at that moment. On a more recent note, I figured all the stories about extras in Follies (Atlanta) VIP were BS, but was proven wrong on my very first visit. Met a girl, she proposed VIP at the "standard rate", got in the room, and without me asking for anything specific she proceeded to do all the stuff the reviews said would happen. Even gave me her number and invited me to text for OTC. Well, she must have been a unicorn cause she seemed to disappear before I got to see her again, but I have found others just as good since then.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    My first experience with anything like that was in an AMP. Since I was such a Bambi, a young Vietnamese fashion plate administered an HJ 'til completion without ever asking for any extra money. Soon I was getting GFE - FS from the girls, and they were jumping in front of each other to get a turn, and often dressing for me. In strip clubs the prices are higher, and it can be more rigged to let the girl keep total control of it instead of surrendering. Time too short. So if that is the best it can be, then DATY them. But best is front room makeout session. Then you invite her to the back room, but only after that is proceeding well. Buying dances is for chumps. SJG Al Jarreau - Summertime (live, 1994) [view link] Josephine Baker [view link]
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    My first go round was usually in a group from work and most of the places we went were the well known ones back in the late 80's and early 90's.....clubs in DC ( no chance) NYC ( little chance) and Dallas ( back then no chance) Right near the end, and after I had become both jaded about going and the DD/wingman a smaller group of us crossed into Canada from Buffalo, NY.....I had my eyes ( and pants) opened that night
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