
Comments by Ch3ll (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After Getting a Strippers Number
    In my experiences it's usually been business. Only one did I actually text off and on about non business stuff. It's one of recent that made me start this post, because I'm definitely interested in her whether business or not. She ended up texting me, business related, Sat. night and I came in to see her. When I arrived she then proceeded to ask if we could hang out for New Year's Eve, because her homegirl, roommate would be out of town. That surprised me but now that I think about it, she could be meaning business as the club would be open New Year's Eve night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After Getting a Strippers Number
    ..."before I was counseled." Lol I like. Yeah, tuscl helps to get us thinking right when we way off.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Spending Efficiency
    I meant to ask in my original post, @rickdugan have you had a good success ratio negotiating otc over only floor dances or have they always involved some VIP?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Spending Efficiency
    When I first started, 3-4 visits in a month, I thought gambling helped fund it, but a couple years into it and oh my debt. Now I'm going once a month which in time will allow me to have more, spend more at once. Regarding tips for spending efficiency I'd say stick to only floor dance spending en route to negotiating OTC. I've had this work once so far. First night ever seeing/getting only floor dances from this stripper and I ask her what's her monetary goal for the night. Well, I found that reasonable and we agreed and had OTC that night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    I came to this place to learn how to pay hoes 4 dee sexy time but
    Yeah! Hope a WSOP or a few events in the future.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Early stripper text
    The earliest I've received a stripper text was around 545 in the morning asking if I could help her move since I had a truck. I was ironing clothes getting ready for work at the time. Anyway, we exchanged a few texts throughout the day about the situation because I was going to help after I got off work, but her dad eventually came through. It's been a while since I've gotten stripper texts since I slowed/lower budget my strip clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Discovering OTC
    I'd have to say I learned it was possible through TUSCL. I stumbled upon TUSCL sometime after I started clubbing and got my first stripper number. I soooo thought she wanted to date me! Anyway, after a few VIP visits with her which was kissing and fingering we eventually agreed we'd OTC. The OTC didn't actually happen until like the fourth time planned, because all previous times she flaked. It was probably luck of the draw the fourth time, because I was driving nearby the club, texted her to see what's up and she was down for it and needed a ride home too since it was close to closing time We checked into a hotel about 10 minutes away and had some fun. All in all three times in that short 4 - 5 hours we were together. My mistake/learning experience came when I was headed to take her home that morning. We hadn't agreed or mentioned any amount and when we get to the apartment complex she asks about last night and needing to pay her car note. Well I gave her like $120 which was all the cash I had on me. Through us mildly arguing and/or me allowing myself to be suckered I go take out like $160 - $180 more to give her. A few days after, she tried to run an "I'm pregnant, need abortion" hustle. Luckily I didnt fall fool and a friend of mine told me to offer to be at the clinic to see if she was being for real, and she never texted back on the subject. I think we had OTC once more, maybe twice after that initial one.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Opening a new club
    Is this the one across from the mall and Claim Jumpers? I went there once about 18 months ago and thought it was pretty decent, with decent girls. Anyway, I'd think a happy hour Mon - Fri that's 5 - 10 PM, coupled with 3 for 2 dance specials throughout the night might help with clientele.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do you like to cluib after any particular activity?
    I like to go to the casino prior hitting the strip club. I like to gamble and strip club. Since the nearest strip club and casino are in the same city, I always do both. However, it's always gambling first then strip club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    OTC Billing
    I haven't loaned too often, but the few I have loaned to it's never been repaid. The lowest amount was $15, she said she'd repay, but that never happened. Your best bet is to have an extra session or something upfront before you give her the money.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The club I frequented when I first started clubbing there was a stripper I'd semi cuddle with. I say semi, because best I remember it wasn't like we were hugged up after having sex or something. Anyway, it would always be in VIP and it'd be in between a song or two. It was cool, I can't say I preferred it, but it was still interaction, convo. I'd always ask her if I/we were getting charged extra, but it'd always just be the VIP cover which was like $15 and $20 each song she actually danced. I'd usually tip her $20 - $40. I guess since she was a veteran at the club, she could get away with doing this in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Eat first or sex first?
    I prefer the sex first and eat later. It's usually the other way around though. If it's eat first I just make sure I don't eat and drink too much so I don't feel the need to go to the restroom. My sex first and eat later have usually been a getting her something to eat before I drop her off home.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Newbie Question
    I'd usually say go for it, but your at your age I'd advise like others to go the civilian girls route. More than likely if you're meeting her outside of the club you're paying for something even if it's not for the sex. Was she your age...like 18 - 20? If she's older than that I'd highly suspect she's running hustle on you like any other customer.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Tonight's the night...
    Im not at the age of GMD or gawker yet but I do hope that if I'm single at your age I'm able to get with younger women. Who knows how I'll feel when I'm older as far as "fun", but I know a 60 yr old who I'd do. It was a 50 yr old stripper that I thought was late 30s until she told me otherwise. Anyway, I guess I'm just saying some older women out there do look good and at least at my mid 30s age would arouse me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Feeling Prior Going to the Strip Club
    I didn't go tonight. Would've probably seen an old fav because I confirmed with her she'd be working. @Papi Yeah, and didn't want to necessarily spend money and time just for an experience with tits and ass.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
    I think I've visited around 15 total. Three or four of those were before I really got into strip clubbing. If I remain in my career field as my kids get older and get a job that requires travel, I'll definitely be upping that number.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stripper Red Flags - What should I look for before getting a dance?
    Straight out the gate asking want a dance and saying it has to be in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your biggest weakness as a PL/Dancer?
    Noticed some of my post got truncated. I guess the less than sign and or the dashes cut the remainder off when it was submitted. Well anyway for the end of my post, catching feelings had me saying statements like it's hard when we cut ties
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your biggest weakness as a PL/Dancer?
    Mine is catching feelings as a result of getting personal with them. That's the weakness, but along with that comes the money or helping out. The problem for me then becomes when we cut ties between one another. <---Hence this statement is what catching feelings will have you saying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Finding motivation to be jacked when you're married and have access to more youn
    Thumbs up to what IceyLoco posted. And abs are made in the kitchen!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Being offered Extras/OTC
    $5K that's absurd. I was once quoted $1k in Vegas and found that to be somewhat reasonable given the area. What happened or lesson learned in previous clubbing from giving out your number?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Responding to Their Requests for Help
    Yeah the kids was what got me. I've met them and she's always had custody. However, for one reason or another her history has always been apartment, motel, apartment, motel...neverending cycle.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Responding to Their Requests for Help
    @Gawker Wow! I liked your non ATF...the other whew!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Responding to Their Requests for Help
    I've said no or not responded to the few requests I've had. I have helped two so far each under $65. One was she said she needed it for her prescription. We actually met at the Walgreens, but I didn't go inside. Now that I think about it, I probably got suckered, because it was near midnight or past it. As far as I've seen a Walgreens Pharmacy isn't 24/7? The second was she said she needed a room for one more night (has kids) and if I could pay until she could get back to work. I paid over the phone directly with the motel. Haven't noticed any other charges on my credit card. Knowing her history I'd like to think this was used actually for what it was requested.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)
    Hi *your name* = start conversation and she asks for something Come see me babe = come to the club and buy dances Wyd = start conversation and she asks for something or followed by come to the club and buy dances I'll be ready/out in x minutes = multiply that number times 5 that's how long she'll be