
What’s your biggest weakness as a PL/Dancer?

Friday, July 5, 2019 9:45 AM
I wanted to start a thread like this because I think it could be really cathartic and also interesting to hear some of the answers. Maybe make us better if we answer honestly. For me definitely if I like a dancer and she gets close to me, she can probably extract a ton out of me. I wouldn’t say she would have me in her back pocket, but she is certainly past the screen door that always needs to be communicated through in the clubs. I can’t help but just let them in. That and I buy too many fucking drinks for these dancers, it’s like I think I’m Dean Martin or some shit. My paycheck clearly states I’m somebody else. What y’all got?


  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    ditto. I absolutely love the beauty and the feel of a young sexy woman. the strip clubs is a wonderful way to access them.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    If I see an all natural 8-10 blonde with an hourglass figure I tend to get obsessed and want to get dances with just her. Dancers like that are my kryptonite.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    My weakness is two girls at one time. I know it increases the cost. But there are few things that turn me on more than two beautiful girls making out right in front of me and with me.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Girls that really have me believing they just love dancing/ doing extras WITH ME. They really sell that *I’m different* than the other PL that come in there. I know it’s not true but god when get that vibe from a dancer, she’s got me in the palm of her hand.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    I’m very picky. A gorgeous Latina is my kryptonite. I will not get dances with anyone else once I find one. In 7 years of going to strip clubs I I’m on my second Latina favorite.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    If I set my sights on a dancer I will not be deterred, no matter the cost. Two years ago I had a fantastic OTC experience with a 24 y.o. Dancer. She would not go to VIP with me saying it’s going to be just the same as lap dances. So I did 10 lap dances with her every time I was there. She finally agreed and invited me to her apartment and was exceptional in so many ways. I’d buy her furniture, wed have sex. One was not related to the other so she wasn’t a ho (in her mind). She moved away, had 2 kids and we’d exchange texts every few weeks. Earlier this week she texted me that she was dancing again, but she really needed money. So I sent her $400 and am seeing her tonight. She said she’d make it worth it. The anticipation is killing me. Now what made her change her mind 2 years ago? My persistence, her getting to know me and me getting to know her, an established “comfort level”, and finally her financial need (or possibly greed). While there are many fine memories the best was when we were watching a movie in her living room, with her on the floor besides my leg. She turned her head towards, me and said, “May I suck your cock?”
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Dem big flapperjack tiddys
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Nipples Just freaking luv them. Gaze at them, desire them, admire, approach, gently caress, kiss, nuzzle..... Well, you know... Etc. Best combined with beautiful breasts. I've been known to spend all my 20s just for a few more minutes with them.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I pay too much. I’m learning though.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Good discussion. I like petite frames yet athletic. Do r have to be spinners but definitely toned and a little soft in the hips, ass, and some titties. Hope she doesn’t mind grinding because if I can grab her arms and have her grinding on my cock rcg or regular cowgirl, it won’t be long and I’m finished and giving her a decent tip. If she pretends to like to dance then I’m a retreat customer.
  • Ch3ll
    5 years ago
    Mine is catching feelings as a result of getting personal with them. That's the weakness, but along with that comes the money or helping out. The problem for me then becomes when we cut ties between one another. <---Hence this statement is what catching feelings will have you saying.
  • Ch3ll
    5 years ago
    Noticed some of my post got truncated. I guess the less than sign and or the dashes cut the remainder off when it was submitted. Well anyway for the end of my post, catching feelings had me saying statements like it's hard when we cut ties
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Bravo!, Gawker 👏 Are you meeting her OTC or at her new club? Have a great time!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... I guess the less than sign and or the dashes cut the remainder off when it was submitted ..." AFAIK it's the less-than-sign that discards everything after it
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    1) very-large natural-breasts - the bigger the more in a trance they'll have me - but they gotta be shapely not just big and supa-sloppy 2) grabbing my weiner while we talk - usually hard for me to say no after that - if I don't like her I try to stop her b/f she attacks my achilles-heel - but if I'm on the fence, or even not so much on the fence; and she's having her-way with the little-man and knows what she's doing; I will often cry-uncle
  • shanny72
    5 years ago
  • shanny72
    5 years ago
    Papi said weiner.. LMAO
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Not necessarily what you into now, more how you can improve as a customer. Those two might be the same answer however but just so I'm clear.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    When something is your weakness it's your weakness for a reason and often continues to be so. But of course - one can always improve their game mainly in terms of getting better ROI for one's inve$tment
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    Having to learn how to balance SS with the end goal of OTC and how to keep a safe distance personally.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    My weakness is dancers that have a cute face combined with big boobs and a big ass. I get so taken by them that I sometimes throw out the checklist of stuff that's been discussed on this site many times of how to know if a dancer will give you a good time or if she's a ruthless shark. After a couple bad experiences with some of these kinds of women I've gotten a lot better at holding off until I find out if they have a cool attitude and give decent mileage or not. Still, sometimes I find myself skipping the cheaper test dances with these women and going straight to VIP. Sometimes it works out for me and sometimes it doesn't. I figure in a while I'll be able to spot the sharky dancers of my physical preference a lot faster.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ some dancers are very-good at hiding their true-intentions - some are supa-flirty upfront and then duds in VIP; but on avg if the pre-VIP interaction is good, the VIP interaction will be as well. Besides getting trial-dances, the way she's on-stage will often dictate if I wanna get w/ them; especially how they act when I'm tipping them on-stage. I also tend to stay away from dancers that wear too-much or wear cumbersome outfits difficult to take-off - I tend to stay away from dancers that wear mesh to cover their butts and thighs, makes me think they wanna avoid direct-contact and thus are prudes (been seeing a good-amount of that mesh-shit at Tootsies lately). Of course - in the end one never knows for sure how a dancer will be in VIP.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I've also noticed dancers w/ very-large and very-nice breasts can often be standoff-ish as fuck - as if you just looking at their very big tits should be enough for you to give them your $$$ while they give a lame-dance and don't allow much if any touching.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I’m too quick to assume sincerity.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Front Room Makeout Sessions SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Yes avoid any dressed such that you would have to take off her high heels to bet to her pussy. SJG
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    Girls who play with my cock while chatting in the front room.
  • gothamyte
    5 years ago
    my biggest weaknesses are: 1) when she's in a barely naked outfit, yet not naked. drives me wild. especially when she's more naked than any other dancer. 2) chicks i have no access to in real life, come give me a lapdance--like this one time this beautiful young chick just seemed rich. she came off like she just married a cat with thick money and was on her last days stripping. she had a fat brilliant rock on her hand. I was such a peasant to her. she loved it. I loved it. every inch of her was well manicured, polished, clean. she just kept giggling at me feeling her up like crazy. Of course i never saw her in the SC again. 3) pretty face with a toned track body 4) how come nobody's weakess is a stripper that can DANCE. really rare these days. not just move, dance. shout out to the late 90s / early 2000 strippers. they could dance
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Above two types of girls sound like good candidates for a Front Room Makeout Session. SJG
  • Dlee954
    5 years ago
    I agree with AtABoy. I be wanting to feel like I’m doing something other PLs have no access and as he said it’s SS.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ Such a girl you should be taking home with you, and be waking up in the mornings with. SJG
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    Getting turned on enough in the LD area to want to LDK. Money just evaporates at that point.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Big boobs, blonde hair, no morals.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Getting too easily impatient and discouraged. And merely bothering with the easy sales. When I’m doing good, it’s usually because multiple men are lining up and handing money over effortlessly. (Because I think they realize they aren’t in a position to “maybe later”—it’s now or never) But when it’s slow I’m very rarely the girl outdoing the rest and coming out on top anyways. I just retreat to my phone and think “eff it maybe in a little bit” Which is definitely a flaw because sometimes the shier ones don’t give out the eye contact needed or approach on stage. But will absolutely spend money and there’s a lot I’m probably missing out on by not bothering more often. Merp, I should fix that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ good salespeople go after every potential sale (if it has a pulse it's a potential sale) - and stripping is pretty-much a sales-type job
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ I have nice boobs. That should be a sale enough. 😝
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    My biggest weakness is a dancer with a tight firm body, nice tits, large erect nipples, an ornery attitude, wearing a nice revealing shirt, sitting next to me in such a way as to show off her nice tits, firm body. Add in her hands playing with me an I am in the back with her emptying my wallet in no time.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I enjoy all types of body types, looks, and ethnicities, so no real weaknesses there but my weakness, I mean wherer if a dancer wants me to buy or visit more, would be confidence and a sense of humor.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    My biggest weaknesses are 1. I like to buy drinks for multiple strippers at the same time. 2. Can’t say no when strippers grab me by the cock and lead me around. Worse when two strippers take turns. 3. Most women that I meet seem To be beautiful... like ... all women are just beautiful to me.
  • Jigman
    5 years ago
    Definitely kissing. If a dancer kisses me on the lips then she might as well just take my whole wallet then. Even kissing on the cheek or neck is another will make me vulnerable. Also whispering something sexy in my ear is a weakness of mine.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    A few times I have spent way more money on a stripper than was warranted by looks or milage given is when they get close and whisper in my ear. I am a sucker for the illusion of intimacy.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    I think to be a better customer is to be more direct with what you are looking for. She has heard it all before. No need to beat around the bush. If she isn't up for what you are then it is best to move along for both of you. I spent too much time and money playing the inuindo game and it never worked out.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    Fake breasts in a nice top do me in. If a girl sits with me for a long time, she can easily guilt me into giving her money.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Jigman has got it right, you want to get your girl DFKing right off. SJG
  • TrollWarnBot
    5 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    Brazilian who are fit thick are my current weakness. I also prefer to give money to girls who are using it to get by if they are finishing up a degree or making a career change. I dont know why, but I have a disdain for the dancers who burn through money every month with no long term goals
  • GGCx2
    5 years ago
    My weakness is a jiggly ass and a stripper that knows how to shake it. Something about shaking the yams turns me into a fool lol I was told by another stripper I have a shitty poker face anytime a girl came and shook that ass. Oh and eye contact. Its something about that eye contact when she say a bunch of sexy shit with her eyes.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    You rarely run across it in strip clubs, but the the combination of youthful beauty and intelligence snags me every time. I will cut a woman a lot of slack on other measures if she can at least speak engagingly, intelligently and coherently.
  • BGSD3100
    5 years ago
    Being treated like a person instead of a PL.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    My weakness is 18 year old redheads with large natural breasts. It doesn’t matter if they are high mileage or not. I train them.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I always want them in high heels and makeup. Thigh high stockings also very good. And shoes should have straps to make sure they stay on. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Young slim thick Latinas with a bit of a hood attitude.... I'm their weakness too though.
  • HungryGiraffe
    5 years ago
    Slim Asian women and Latinas, with butt length black hair, big natural tits, a pretty face; and who proactively kiss, touch and cuddle, can easily take all my money.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ sounds like front room makeout sessions! SJG
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