
Feeling Prior Going to the Strip Club

How do you guys typically feel prior going to the strip club? Are you typically excited, on the middle of the fence about it, bored out your mind, etc?

I just ask because tonight I planned to go, but as time has ticked on I've been trying to talk myself out of it and feeling like I don't want to go.


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Me, myself I never want to go to the strip club. Never. But my dick on the other hand well he’s got a gun. He calls the shots.

    No honestly I’m always excited just because I don’t know what could happen. I don’t know who’s working that night maybe a new DS? Who knows I go to find out though. Often times it’s lame but those few times where it’s just mind blowingly awesome make it fucking worth it to keep checking in. Especially a new club whether it’s awesome or not at least now I know exactly what I’m missing out on for better or worse.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I can understand a dancer feeling this way. As a customer tho, it’s something I don’t comprehend.
  • Spillthebeans
    5 years ago
    If I am not feeling it, then I am not going to go in to fee "them". I just save the funds for when little beans needs to spill.
  • Spillthebeans
    5 years ago
    Damn auto fill ..... Should be feel because we all know everything in strip club world has a fee associated with it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "...I can understand a dancer feeling this way. As a customer tho, it’s something I don’t comprehend ..."

    Strip clubbing is an expensive hobby and if you go a lot or whenever you feel like it you can burn thru some serious-dough and this can start weighing on your PL-mind unless $$$ is not an issue for you.
  • Ch3ll
    5 years ago
    I didn't go tonight. Would've probably seen an old fav because I confirmed with her she'd be working.

    Yeah, and didn't want to necessarily spend money and time just for an experience with tits and ass.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i have mixed feelings.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Before I go, I feel a nervous energy.

    Even though I’ve been to the club before, it’s always a new experience. There are different dancers - different customers - a different vibe.

    When I open the club door - and step inside - it begins to materialize - the girls - and the possibility of a great time.

    In all honesty - some nights/days can be duds. But, most times are well worth the anticipation and the money.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    If I'm feeling really tired, won't go. If it's a hour away and feeling tired, will just stay home. If it's less than 5 miles away and I have some time, sounds good. If I had plenty of sleep and have plenty of time, good to go. My biggest concern is free time and that I won't fall asleep driving back later at night. If you don't feel good ahead of time, (too tired). the strip club won't change that.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    When I decide to go, I generally feel happy. Happy in that I will be able to speak to someone who does not know me and does not care what I do or who I truly am. I know that I can probably have a mental purge Without judgment. I generally go simply to relax, not so much to have sex. However, if sex happens it’s quite fun. For instance, I spent four hours in a bar last night because girls just kept talking to me. When they left, I decided to try out the strip club. I get to the strip club, it is very busy. The music was very loud, the girls were rotating very quickly on stage, and they really did not tickle my fancy. I think they did not tickle my fancy because I was unable to speak with them due to the loud music. Naked women are beautiful, however the ability for them to converse with me trumps all of that.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    Good clubs are not easy to just hop to where I live, so I usually plan it in advance by at least a few days. It also lets me confirm that my favorite girl will be working.

    Crowded, loud bars give me anxiety most of the time but I always feel chill going to a strip club. It's a fun time so I don't let any negative energy get in the way.

    Being positive and just fun in general also makes most of the girls have a good time with you - they want to keep hanging out with you - total win win.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    If you feel like going postal on phone company employees, might not be the best time to visit either. Unless you could teleport phone company tech support to the Bahamas in the middle of hurricane Doria. Then you might feel a bit less ticked off. I'm going to cancel all services with the old phone company. Might feel slightly less ticked off winen I do when I tell them cancel my super slow DSL and phone line. Customer ratings consistent at one star out of five. My vote for worst customer service tech support in the US, century link

    I heard if you go to a strip club feeling angry, the club might not change your mood. It might make me forget temporarily though. Tech support on the weekend screwed me over. Wouldnt surprise me if foreign hackers or robo scammers had a side gig working for century link on weekends. It's the stupid phone companies allowing all the robo scammers to get through without having any blocking service, The phone company might be hiring them for weekend tech support. You never know.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    Every time I went to the stripper club, I felt a combination of anxiety and excitement. I think I felt anxious/nervous because I always felt at my age I was cheating when it came to rubbing up on booty when I had the ability to simply go to a night club (I still do go to night clubs). Plus the the constant thought of how this money could be better used to enrich my future.

    But boy, they don't dance like that in the night clubs. And that is something that can never be done in a regular club.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    And watching booty dancing on a computer/tv screen just isn't the same even if it is free. Never understood the folks that pay to watch cam girls. So misunderstood.
  • Cowboy12
    5 years ago
    I often think about going to the club at the start of my work day, but sometimes issues at work wear me down and ruin my mood.
    So, by 5 PM I really don't feel like going anymore.

    When I go on the weekends, I look forward to going. Sometimes I plan ahead with the CF, but not always.
    Makes it interesting, getting a chance to meet new dancers.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    Sometimes I head out to a familiar place and end up going through all the scenarios there in my mind -- who will probably be there, how I'll pace myself, etc. Often I'll decide I don't want to just replay a past visit so I'll change course and go somewhere I haven't been in 6 months or more. Sometimes I have a terrible experience, sometimes good, but at least it's unpredictable.

    Once I went out to a dive I hadnt been to in along time and a fight ensued between one of the dancers and a female customer. The dancer didn't like the customer getting handsy (apparently she's not bi-curious). The customer got kicked out. I left 10 or so minutes later.

    The customer was still there outside with the 2 guys she came with. She apologized to me for the ruckus, pulled up her top and asked me to suck her tit. I did. The guys with her didn't bat an eye.

    That was a really strange experience, not particularly sexy, really, but one I won't forget.
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    Like a couple other posters said, if I don't feel at least a little bit excited I won't go.

    Borrowing from another poster, I have a nervous energy when I go. If I go to a new club, I feel a little guarded/cautious too (I mention that because I might try a new club tonight). When I was in Harrisburg I would sometimes go because I was bored - lack of other options will do that - but most of my SC visits are planned at least a few days in advance. Unsurprisingly, this usually allows the excitement to build.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    If it is a club that is new to me, a lot of it depends on curb appeal. I have been mainly going to lesser known clubs when traveling because I get bored with the higher end hustle. If the club is an absolute shithole or in the middle of a ghetto, I might be asking myself if I want to park and go in at all. At one club in Memphis I parked on the street in a loading zone by the front door to walk in and get a look around before committing to parking more than five feet away. It looked like a drug house inside, and I heard voices in the distance but didn't see anyone. Went right back out. Sometimes I'll drive up and be surprised that it's not a dump. Unless the club is someplace where I'm expecting a good showing, it's mainly just curiosity.

    For clubs I know well, it's more a matter of if I'm going to meet someone or just stopping in to see how things look that day. If I hear a dancer that I like is there that day, then my interest goes up. Some dancers on my radar I just haven't gotten around to chatting up yet, so on a slow day maybe that happens.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    At the height of my SCing, it was mostly excitement and a "can't wait to get there" feeling - with time it became more of a habit where being in the club seeing/feeling titties was better than being at home (kinda instant entertainment) - lately I've been in a burnout stage where I gotta convince myself to go thinking "hey this time may be better/more-fun than last" but it really isn't and as a result I am doing very-little SCing especially compared to the past - at my SCing height which lasted a good # of years SCing was my biggest expenditure given that I don't have a family to support and have low personal-expenses - these days being burned-out w/ SCing I'm in a pay-me-first mode and have recently started investing much more heavily as compared to the last few years and the bulk of my $$$ which used to go to SCing is now going towards investing to better sure-up my finances - so these days when the faint thought of hitting a club crosses my mind I tend to think more about the $$$ I'll be wasting in the club that can o/w go towards investing since my club visits in the recent-past have been meh and kinda going thru the PL-motions and have felt more like a waste of $ instead of $ spent (at least in the past I spent a lot of $$$ SCing but enjoyed my SCing).

    At the height of my SCing I remained debt-free and invested "some" but not as much as I'd like (I'm a saver by nature even as a little-kid).
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