Stripper Red Flags - What should I look for before getting a dance?

avatar for Nixur68
As the title states, what’s a red flag? For me, any girl that calls me honey never ends well.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Some red flags for me:

- wears too much clothing; for me it's not so much about her possibly hiding some flaws but more that she may be a pretty-conservative dancer vs slutty and of course I want slutty

- she walks around the club likebl she owns it or is some kinda celebrity; gives me an air of severe GPS

- asks you for a drink as soon as she meets you; may not be a red flag per se but it's kinda a turn-off for me
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
Adam’s apple

Visible tampon string dangling from the g string


avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
“"Adam’s apple"

It's not necessarily a bad thing“

Uh, yeah, have to agree with Pistola on this one. It’s a bad thing.
avatar for joeblow44
6 years ago
Any dancer that wants to start giving you a dance in the middle of a song. Seems like it always ends badly for me. Not only does the dances end up not being up to par, the dancer who does this also doesn't know how to count songs properly (ROB). If the dancer says lets wait for the next song, it ends up being a lot better experience overall IMHO.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
When she vents about another guy getting too handsy, etc.

When she tells you she has worked at multiple low mileage places or that she didn't like or couldn't work at a known high mileage place.

When you see her slap another customer. I have actually seen this and then have her tell me I look like a guy that would respect her boundaries.

If she gets far enough to dance for me and I am considering VIP with her:

When you ask what she does in VIP and she says stuff like "you'll have fun" or "we can do more". I prefer a recent girl's request for VIP: "let's go fucky sucky in VIP"

I respect the girls that tell me upfront they do not do extras or VIP dances will be the same as $10 dances, only in private.

When she gives and/or allows the lower end of that club's spectrum on contact in a table dance.

When she asks if you have a condom. Oh, wait. that's a green flag. Had one girl go up the shorts to stick shift. She explained she was checking what size condom she would need.

Oh, one of my favorite red flags is when they say there are cameras in VIP and you know there are not cameras.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
Bats your hands away.

Wants to get right into the dances.

Doesn't sit in your lap.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
If she’s attractive and pleasant, I’ll invest in a couple floor dances. Usually, that’s the end of it.

If her dances are sensual, I’ll get more than two dances. If she gives junior lots of direct attention, I may give her a VIP try out.

There are some red flags ( pushing hard to go straight to VIP ) but generally, I use dances to filter out the no fun gals. I never rely on what they say but make judgements based on what they do. Much more accurate.
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
Dancers who just say "wanna dance"
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
She says she's allergic to semen
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
She says you're too-big for her but that's the first time a woman has told you that in you're life
avatar for Nixur68
6 years ago
Going through these,

1. If she has a lot of clothing it's either lingerie night or she had a kid.

2. If she asks right away for a dance, and no chit chat prior.

3. Asking for a drink booze, food, etc. right away. Huge red flag.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Here a few.

1) Wants payed upfront.
2) Complains about stripper stereotypes.
3) Complains about how certain dancers go to far.
4) Awkward on stage,.
5) Gets lots of rejections, when she asks for a private dance, especially if she is hot.

While, I have had some really good dances from dancers who gave one or more of the above red flags, most of the time when I ignored my instincts and went for it, I ended up being severely disappointed.

avatar for IHearVoices
6 years ago
Any mention of rules and/or instructions.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Condescending attitude. Similarity if she assumes a lot and acts like she knows things she wouldn’t logically know about me, that’s a manipulation tactic.

Maybe she feels as though she needs to do that in order to gain the upper hand in contorolling the encounter. And I’m sure she’s dealt with enough assholes that she may feel the need to do that. But when it happens right off the bat before even having gotten into a conversation, it’s a major red flag to me as far as whether I want to spend any time or money on her. At that point, if she’s automatically lumped all customers into the asshole category, I’ll pass in favor of the many dancers who treat customers with some dignity unless and until the customer has proven to be an actual asshole.

I suspect if the question were flipped around as to “customer red flags” , there might be a similar answer from the ladies. Assuming things about people and lumping them into categories is an insult and almost a sure way of not having the encounter go well.
avatar for datinman
6 years ago
Red Flag: Dancer routinely posts knife/stabbing emojis on TUSCL.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
When I was very new to SCing, once had a dancer during a LD, cover my lap with a scarf, and say something like “some girls here are extras girls, but I’m not into that”.

So any dancer that has negative things to say about other dancers doing extras is a red flag.

Also any dancer that covers my completely clothed lap with another layer of cloth is a red flag that she will be a dud in the VIP.
avatar for TxVegas
6 years ago
Asking for upfront payment is a huge red flag (unless club gets the payment as you enter lap dance area)

Telling you about other dancers or customers and its all negative.

Very attractive girl that regulars seem to ignore (implies they know something)

Telling me how they have been there for xxx hours and made no money.

Telling me that they are leaving the club soon because they make no money there or there are too many rules there.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Yeah - paying the dancer upfront is a deal-breaker for me 95% of the time and if she insists then I'm usually done with her - the few times I've paid upfront I've regretted it with a few exceptions (seems demanding upfront payment is often a tool of ROBs or dancers that suck at their job).

In some clubs I know well I "may" at times pay the dancer upfront bc that is kinda the M.O. of the club and/or the club has a rep for dancers following thru, but even in that case I tend to usually abstain from upfront payment.
avatar for londonguy
6 years ago
Rh48hr said it.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I saw one wearing the red flag bikini
avatar for magicrat
6 years ago
Wearing 2 thongs. Result for me has been bad dances every single time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ yeah - almost always a bad-sign of a low-mileage girl
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
I jokingly refer to wearing double thong as wearing a hazmat suit. Thanks to prior posters with the stuff you've come up with.
avatar for LoveDancing13
6 years ago
Y'all have to understand the "asking for money up front" from the dancer perspective. Some of your peers will rack up dances and then pretend they don't have any/enough money. Blame your fellow customers for that.

My red flags:

Bad attitude/seems like she doesn't want to be there

"WANNA DANCE" with no intro or conversation

General lack of enthusiasm

If she at least PRETENDS to enjoy herself it makes it better for me
avatar for gothamyte
6 years ago
feel free to disagree, but here are mine

if she's incredibly pretty faced, but I haven't seen her before in this club or anywhere else, and/or i feel she's way too pretty-faced or overall pretty for this club and she doesn't seem to be friendly with any other dancers, i avoid her. most likely she's just a club-hopping pretty-face trolling this club with sub-par overpriced lappies for fresh victims.

If her current outfit makes me pause negatively upon my first glance/my first impression for WHATEVER reason. whether it's the color or style or fit, i avoid her.

if it's a 3-song set and most dancers are fully naked on-stage by the 3rd song, but typically she won't, complaining folks ain't tipping her enough...

if she appears to have ADD. she's everywhere in the club and can't seem to focus while she's giving a lappie to anyone...

avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
As for asking for payment upfront: In many of the clubs in California, the business model has changed to dances by time, not songs. And with that, especially at Deja Vu locations, each booth has a meter that requires payment upfront to start the dance. So asking for payment up front is less useful as a red flag in these clubs.

Additional red flags for me:
- Dancers who lie about dance prices (saying it's $40 for a dance when it's really only $20 and $40 gets you a three-for-one).
- Two dancer teams who press you to take both of them to the VIP, usually promising "more fun". It is not more fun, it's actually double the money for one fourth the fun.
- Approaching me from behind and asking for a dance before I've seen her.
- New, 1st time dancers.
- New to the club dancers who worked a no-extras clubs in the past.
- Dancers who don't listen to my answers to their questions. Ex:
Her: Hi how are you?
Me: I'm ok now that my doctor has cleared me for sex. (Giant grin)
Her: Oh that's good. Wanna dance?
- No eye contact

avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
Herbcat hit on a big one - there is always a reason she is hiding behind you and asking for a dance. Fattie, butterface, bad baby belly, prosthetic leg, leprosy, etc.
avatar for Stephanie4life
6 years ago
If she's passed out.. Probably a red flag.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... In many of the clubs in California, the business model has changed to dances by time, not songs. And with that, especially at Deja Vu locations, each booth has a meter that requires payment upfront to start the dance ..."

This seems would eliminate a lot of the ripping-off b/w dancers and customers and disagreements over song-count - plus a custy knows what he's getting for his $$$ time-wise vs w/e length the DJ decides to play a song which are often cut
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
^ It might prevent getting ROBed but the overall experience seems worse...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ what's the difference b/w giving the $$$ to the dancer vs putting it in a machine; how does the latter make the experience worse?
avatar for dr_lee
6 years ago
Walking around the club so fast she is basically running. You’re in a confined space indoors, not an outdoor track. I saw one other other day that made me dizzy just looking at her walk-run.

Strippers that I ALWAYS see, meaning they are there every time I go to the club and never seem to take days off. That means they have to work all the time because nobody really wants them. I’ve stayed away from certain clubs for months, show back up and it’s always the same base 4 or 5 girls working.

Loud females, they are just begging for attention and trying to be important. Some of them are so obnoxious I want to actually ask the bouncer to tell her to dial it down 10 notches.

All of the above tend to converge on the same girls, too.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... Walking around the club so fast she is basically running. You’re in a confined space indoors, not an outdoor track. I saw one other other day that made me dizzy just looking at her walk-run ..."

LOL - this happens at Follies Atlanta - it's a medium-small club and basically a square - the club is packed day and night with almost every square inch occupied by a custy - so it's a sea-of-custies and girls often blow by you as if it was an Indy car race - often times I'll be interested in a dancer and she'll blow by me 3 or 4 times and I don't notice her till she's blown past me - sometimes I gotta get off my seat and chase heelr down after I've missed her 3 or 4 times.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Sloppy, staggering drunk is not a good sign. Pleasantly buzzed dancer... totally different story.

In addition to shitty drunk dancers giving shitty dances, if you're especially unlucky there's the fuzzy legal question of impaired consent, which is to say, rape.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
The fast walkers at Follies! They walk around so fast and don't make eye contact with anyone. They do a complete lap and because no one could outrun them to ask for a dance, they turn into the pits (dressing room) disappointed no one will get dances. If finally caught up to one once that was an 8+. Her complaint was that no one bought dances. Yet I watched guys try to flag her down and she just kept marching by.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ LOL -
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
I think all the ones I'm about to list were already said but I'll list them anyway because this is exactly what I experienced this weekend in Vegas:

-Girls who don't do regular dances. They only do VIP and it's soooooo good. In my experiences with these girls, they either give the least mileage, or want some insanely high tip for VIP stuffs.

-Girls who only quote the higher end options for dances. Asked a girl for dance prices since I'd never been to the club. She says I can do 3 for 100, or the 30 minute fantasy room for $550. Didn't tell me any of the other options in between or single dance prices lol.

-Girls who shy away from contact on the floor. If you approach me trying to get a dance by starting a convo and I can't hug you around the waist and brush my hand against that smooth ass without you backing away then I know the dances will be some airy weak shit.

-2 girl tag teams. The most robbish shit ever. Herbtcat hit this square on the nose. It's not double the fun. It's a quarter of the fun at double the price. I went to Palominos in Vegas twice and both different days saw the same two girls approaching select customers for double VIPs. Can't knock the hustle though as they did have a few takers. All I could do was shake my head.

-Girls that have had a lot of work done. Sad, but true fact for me. Most of the dancers I encounter who have fake boobs complete with a big fake ass usually give the least mileage or have the most air time in their dances. Have yet to run into the described type that is as slutty in dances as I want her to be.

-Girls who grab you 5 seconds after you've walked through the door. I mean that's great she takes the initiative. But damn, give a man time to settle in first. Now I have had some good experiences even with these types so it's not a huge red flag. But I'll be on guard and most times won't accept or will only agree to one or two dances.

avatar for BrotherFogHorn
6 years ago
The big red flag is when she will not cum for confessions and pray with me with da head in my lap bobber up and down til the spurit of da lawerd cums out
avatar for GACA
6 years ago
My Red Flags:

Any stripper that approaches me and puts their hands on me anywhere period.
They're testing to see how horny and docile you are
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago

That was a good list - I had forgotten about some of those:

"... Girls who don't do regular dances. They only do VIP ..."

I respect the fact they can handle their biz as they see fit but that comes across as pretty GPS-ish - most experienced SCers know it's often a bad-idea to do VIP w/ a girl one hasn't test-driven w/ some dances - not that dances b/f VIP is foolproof but does often help - I will usually blacklist the "I only do VIP" girls although there are some that do turn-out to give great VIPs but IME/IMO most of them are full of themselves and don't really provide a good-experience and are just focused on the $$$ vs showing you a good time

"... Girls who only quote the higher end options for dances ..."

Yeap - and this in part why I at times look at dancers w/ some skepticism that ask me if it's my first time in the club as if they are sizing-me-up - not saying it's the norm but there are def dancers that use a custy's unfamiliarity w/ a club to only quote the highest price options or over-quote prices - e.g. at the popular Diamond Dolls Pompano per several reviews several custies had been getting charged $20 for the floor-dances when they are $10; etc

"... 2 girl tag teams ..."

This is often just a plain hustle - IME usually one of the two girls is not up to par and why she needs her buddy to help her out - IME most of the time it's to the dancers that benefit vs the custy - as in anything there are exceptions and I imagine if one gets w/ two freaks that are at the same-level where one is not a weak-link, then it may be worth the extra-cost to indulge once in a while but IME it's usually been underwhelming

".... Girls who grab you 5 seconds after you've walked through the door. ..."

As you mentioned, sometimes it can work out alright, but it's usually annoying as most custies like to relax when they walk in and just wanna feel-out how the club is on that day b/f getting down to biz
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
*If she spends a lot of time on her cellphone. These are usually girls dancing for spending money. The dancers who work to pay rent and thier kids food are usually busy working the floor.
*She runs to the backroom after her set. Same reason as above. Dont be an idiot and wait for her to come out.
*Wont allow you to talk to other dancers. The best dancers will prefer you talk to other girls as they are confident in thier skills and dont want to be tied down all night. One of my favs was so good every guy in the bar waited for her to get a LD while chatting with the B squad over drinks.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Honestly, I don’t look for red flags in a strip club. I’ve pretty much enjoyed every dance given to some degree. I guess I just make my own fun. Now, in the civie bar, I have learned to look for scarves that hide Adam’s apples because this old fat dude has been hit on by some authentic looking “irs”. I’m not into sausage. I’m only into my sausage attempting to plant inside REAL women.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
"When she vents about another guy getting too handsy, etc."
I agree strongly here

Girls who lead by suggesting CR. I respect them going for broke, but they aren't for me
avatar for joewebber
5 years ago
another red flag: a dancer selling you the VIP and wanting you to take her friend (or another dancer) as well.

even a girl that offers extras in VIP normally will NOT when there's another girl in the room.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
Immediately mentions money in some form, drink, dance, whatever. IF she is a decent looking Asian, I don't don't care what she does or says! Up to her to get rid of me. :)
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
If she wants to bring a friend you need to have a real talk about expectations
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Front Room Makeout Session. Don't take her into the back room until it is time for your own pants to come down.

Buying dances is a chumps game.

avatar for Ch3ll
5 years ago
Straight out the gate asking want a dance and saying it has to be in VIP.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
Worst is wanting to be paid upfront. Never had a good outcome with that. Recently I refused -- dancer gave a list of reasons, still refused, and she started crying -- fake crying. I ran away.
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
She wants to give you a "tour" of the club. I have never seen that end well and have long thought it to be a rookie mistake.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
Yes. I fell for the tour thing once.
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