If a stripper asks you for help whether it be monetary or whatever, how do you respond? Do you ignore? Play along hoping you're wooing her? Ask this for that?
I don't get involved - 9 times out of 10 that one request is often just the tip of the dysfunctional iceberg and a start of things to come in terms of future emergencie$ (which seem to never stop occurring to them).
It's not about helping them or not - it's that 9 times out of 10 helping a stripper is as successful as pushing on a string (you'll be spinning your wheels and have nothing to show for it but a huge expenditure and her staying in the same dysfunctional state)
No and I never have, not once. I don't want to encourage that kind of behavior. Though tbh I can count on one hand the number of those requests I've received over the last 15 years, despite all the girls I've seen OTC. I guess I don't give off the vibe of someone who would welcome that kind of call/text.
I've said no or not responded to the few requests I've had. I have helped two so far each under $65. One was she said she needed it for her prescription. We actually met at the Walgreens, but I didn't go inside. Now that I think about it, I probably got suckered, because it was near midnight or past it. As far as I've seen a Walgreens Pharmacy isn't 24/7?
The second was she said she needed a room for one more night (has kids) and if I could pay until she could get back to work. I paid over the phone directly with the motel. Haven't noticed any other charges on my credit card. Knowing her history I'd like to think this was used actually for what it was requested.
I usually will if it’s reasoable and she’s willing to provide tit for tat. There’s one dancer who I’ve known for at least 10 years ( not my ATF) who will call and ask if I can help her out with $50 ( I need to get cigarettes and pick up a prescription) or could you send me $40 pleeaassee. The cost of 2 little bags of crack, and once she hit me up for $100 (Christmas shopping). Usually a week or so later she’ll call and ask me to come “take her out for coffee - that’s our code word for iced coffee and a blow job. Other than the cost of the coffee no money is exchanged. We’ve had sex a few times and it is what it is. She’s pretty, slim, and kind of fucked up, but there are times when I enjoy being with her and other times I just want to say good night. I’m 73 and she turned 30 last July. My ATF has had far more “favors” than I’ll ever collect on (well over $10,000). One time she’d gone to Hawaii to detox, found that the place her brother sent her was run by “ a fuckin’ sex maniac who only wants to get in my pants and he’s not going to. I’m thumbing to the airport. She got picked up by a young native Hawaiian, moved in with his family, smoked a little weed, went spear fishing, learned to surf and then got a job. She called me saying she needed a ride to get to work and she met a guy selling his motor bike cuz he had to leave the islands the next day.”It’s worth $1500 and I can get it for $500” of course I sent the $500, then she had an accident, discovered the bike was stolen. I think she cameo back from that trip owing me over $7000 which I never saw. There’s one of us born every minute.
i'll ONLY CONSIDER helping her IF (and that's a big IF) HER YOUNG children are somehow involved.
for example: a dancer i ain't seen in a minute one day on a whim showed me a pic on her cell phone of her young daughter, when i ran into her at the SC. 3 months later, i run into that dancer again and she ask me for $200 so she can move. she didn't mention her kid at that moment, but i gave her the $200. she said she'd pay me back. of course she never did. i didn't mention her kid when i gave her the $200, but the money was for that. God knows what that dancer did with the money, if she actually moved or whatever. but i gave her the money strictly with her kid in my mind. never met her kid. don't even know if she had custody of her kid. but on the off-chance that i could indirectly help a child, i'll consider it. haven't seen that dancer again so far and that was a good 7-10 yrs ago?
It really depends on how well I know her, and how much help it is.
Some stripper at the club who I've hung out with a bunch of times. I have a absolutely-not policy. My experience is, help out a random stripper, and you will learn the meaning of the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished". Absolutely not. And I may well stop seeing her if I get irritated
A CF asks for a small amount of $, for some plausible reason? By the time a girl is a CF, she's already the type who wouldn't just ask for $350, she'd instead say she's in a bind and ask if I could free up for an OTC. I might consider small advances, I suppose
An ATF is different. As I've said before, my experiences on SA have led me to realize my relationships with my ATFs have been very arrangement-like. By this time, there's enough trust built up that I'm ok helping her out. I have, for example, paypal'ed an ATF a full OTC, with the deal that our next two would be half price. She came through just as promised; I'm glad I could help her out.
Yeah the kids was what got me. I've met them and she's always had custody. However, for one reason or another her history has always been apartment, motel, apartment, motel...neverending cycle.
I have definitely helped out a few CF/ATFs. But I don't give gifts I generally either get them to give me something in return like photos/videos or just pay them for next week's visit in advance. Neither of which is a lot of money but enough that they are grateful for the extra help.
Never been screwed over and it was always worth it.
If it is cash, then a service must be provided. If it is a no donation probably non-sexual date, she gets $20 or $40 for uber, and all expenses paid. Careful, do not take her to Nordstorm or Neiman Marcus. No receipt cash returns on all clothes. I know a dancer who takes club guys on mini fashion shows, they keep swiping, then goes over to their apt for fun, she returns it next weekend. I asked, what if your daddy wants you to wear that dress to Up & Down? "I tell him it is in dry cleaning" "Why dont you take cash directly?" "Prostitution is illegal, I dont want to get deported".
Also did a date with a dancer at Target, deal was just pay for my basket, or half of it, or none if we dont agree on an arrangement. She wanted 1st OTC to be on cameras & not waste her time going somewhere out of the way. She would be at Target regardless if she is meeting a PL. Another stripper, met her at Pathmark, bought and carried large bag of cat liter to her home, we then fucked in her bedroom.
If your relationship with her is limited to that of a dancer, I wouldn't help at all. Not even if she's an acquaintance. Trust me, she has people closer to her she can ask for help. She's just playing you. If she's a friend of a lover, then yeah but I'd still check out the veracity of her claims.
I’ve never had a stripper ask me for financial assistance. Some of them clearly need help and continue to lower their asking price for desploogination services in the hope that I will eventually say, “Yes.”
I may have avoided such requests because I try to avoid repeated contacts with strippers, even the ones whose company I have enjoyed.
I go to strip clubs in search of variety, not familiarity.
last commentIt's not about helping them or not - it's that 9 times out of 10 helping a stripper is as successful as pushing on a string (you'll be spinning your wheels and have nothing to show for it but a huge expenditure and her staying in the same dysfunctional state)
The second was she said she needed a room for one more night (has kids) and if I could pay until she could get back to work. I paid over the phone directly with the motel. Haven't noticed any other charges on my credit card. Knowing her history I'd like to think this was used actually for what it was requested.
"hope she reciprocates" ~King_Gambrinus~
Hope in one hand, shit in the other; see which one fills up first.
My ATF has had far more “favors” than I’ll ever collect on (well over $10,000). One time she’d gone to Hawaii to detox, found that the place her brother sent her was run by “ a fuckin’ sex maniac who only wants to get in my pants and he’s not going to. I’m thumbing to the airport. She got picked up by a young native Hawaiian, moved in with his family, smoked a little weed, went spear fishing, learned to surf and then got a job. She called me saying she needed a ride to get to work and she met a guy selling his motor bike cuz he had to leave the islands the next day.”It’s worth $1500 and I can get it for $500” of course I sent the $500, then she had an accident, discovered the bike was stolen. I think she cameo back from that trip owing me over $7000 which I never saw.
There’s one of us born every minute.
Wow! I liked your non ATF...the other whew!
for example: a dancer i ain't seen in a minute one day on a whim showed me a pic on her cell phone of her young daughter, when i ran into her at the SC. 3 months later, i run into that dancer again and she ask me for $200 so she can move. she didn't mention her kid at that moment, but i gave her the $200. she said she'd pay me back. of course she never did. i didn't mention her kid when i gave her the $200, but the money was for that. God knows what that dancer did with the money, if she actually moved or whatever. but i gave her the money strictly with her kid in my mind. never met her kid. don't even know if she had custody of her kid. but on the off-chance that i could indirectly help a child, i'll consider it. haven't seen that dancer again so far and that was a good 7-10 yrs ago?
Some stripper at the club who I've hung out with a bunch of times. I have a absolutely-not policy. My experience is, help out a random stripper, and you will learn the meaning of the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished". Absolutely not. And I may well stop seeing her if I get irritated
A CF asks for a small amount of $, for some plausible reason? By the time a girl is a CF, she's already the type who wouldn't just ask for $350, she'd instead say she's in a bind and ask if I could free up for an OTC. I might consider small advances, I suppose
An ATF is different. As I've said before, my experiences on SA have led me to realize my relationships with my ATFs have been very arrangement-like. By this time, there's enough trust built up that I'm ok helping her out. I have, for example, paypal'ed an ATF a full OTC, with the deal that our next two would be half price. She came through just as promised; I'm glad I could help her out.
Never been screwed over and it was always worth it.
I have not had another dancer ask me for help.
I may have avoided such requests because I try to avoid repeated contacts with strippers, even the ones whose company I have enjoyed.
I go to strip clubs in search of variety, not familiarity.