
Comments by Dancer_ (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'm freaking out right now
    I have a hard time believing that she gave you 100$ back. :o But everything is possible in this life so whatever. Go for HIV-prevention asap. And yes, you are an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Lap Dance Payments
    Anything, as long as you pay me, dear.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Lap Dance Payments
    I would smack the shit out of you if you tried to do any of this weird-ass stuff to me. :)
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    9 years ago
    Definition of a slut?
    It's pretty vague to define but I would absolutely call a "slut" girl who cheats on her SO or sleeps with a partner of her sister, friend, etc.
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    9 years ago
    Anongirl, please explain....
    I can't understand what's going on.:( Lol, I am so slow today. But nah, she seemed genuine.
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    9 years ago
    a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers
    Вот именно, это Америка. Сюда приезжают люди со всей планеты и уж поверь мне, не говорят те же мексы или китайцы на английском между собой.И зачем? Девочки общаются по-Русски, так как это удобнее. Плюс многие из них не говорят по-английски толком, кроме "wanna dance?". Если стриптизерши не хотят, чтобы гости понимали, о чем они пиздят, то они просто будут тихо разговаривать и все. Хоть по-русски, хоть по-английски.
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    9 years ago
    a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers
    ^ A ti nichem ne lusche Chem russkie gosti, mezhdu prochim. Takoi zhe ebanutii na golovu.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Sugar Baby Success!
    ^ yeah, +1
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers
    Lots of Russian customers are weirdos. They often say some stupid shit like "All these guys here try to take you home. Personally I just want to get to know you. What are your dreams like? What is your soul like?"/"I could help you to find a job. There are cashiers needed in stores where I live"Etc. I mean, I don't mind as long as you compensate my time to hear your nonsense but it's usually not the case with them. Fuck these wannabe white knights. American PL's > Russian PL's
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Sugar Baby Success!
    Anongirl, personally I think that it makes sense to have a SD only if he gives you enough money to put some of it to savings account. If you work hard(and in a nice lucrative club/city) and be smart about handling your money, you can definitely have 30-60k saved after a year or so. So it will be financially smart in a long-run to dance if your SD's allowance is enough only to pay your bills.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would a dancer give good advice on pursuing OTC?
    I can not really give you advices besides really obvious things. I am very picky with OTC customers. First of all, he has to spend some money first, 30min/1h VIP at least. Secondly, I am paranoid about LE so if dude offers me something right off the bat, I walk away. Thirdly, he should act adequate and i shouldn't get any weird/creepy vibes from him. Also I will not do OTC with Arabs, Indians,Pakistanis. Specially those who were born outside of US.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Advice for JohnSmith69
    Stop banging strippers without condoms. Find a nice caring woman who will love you and give affection
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why do men always assume its bad sex?
    ^ What Papi said. Yup, don't pay attention. Ignore messages on fb and try to go outside with earphones.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    It depends on how you look like. If you are in good shape and don't look too old,dating 45yo women is very possible, I guess.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Should I be pissed about this?
    Will be in New York*
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Should I be pissed about this?
    John, if you are in New York again, please come visit me on a slow night. I am damn curious to look at the pictures of DS, just to see how woman who drove you so crazy looks like.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Pregnant Strippers
    I agree with Rick. I have never seen *obviously* pregnant stripper but if I did, I would feel sorry for her and future baby. What kind of a man knocked her up if she still has to strip during pregnancy?!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I want to be a dancer and make good money and have fun
    As long as you are mature and know what you are doing, you will be fine. I am 20 and so far everything is fine.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Today at work
    Yup, I second what everybody else said. Pimpish piece of shit, that's who he is. You will definitely run into guys like that in strip-clubs, so be careful, please. Personally I worked at private/bachelor parties during summer. It was a year ago, in small town, on the weekends only. Company was legit, i.e. no shady shit was allowed to go on at these parties. I averaged like 300-600$ per night. I know that one can make way more but again, it was a small town. 1k per weekend night doing private parties is possible. Every single night? I doubt so. And owners of these companies hardly approach strange girls to recruit them.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    State of the Union
    Ehhh, didn't even bother to watch, I bet everything he said was nonsense as usual.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Stripper
    Don't tell guys you are under 21, most of customers don't react too well to that. I know what I am talking about, recently I turned 20 but I always lie that I am 23-25, at least. My heavy make-up plus dark club lets me get away with that. If customers will ask you why you don't drink alcohol, tell them you are diabetic. No "I have to get up early tomorrow for school/I gotta drive later/I already drank so much earlier" etc, they don't give a shit.Just the same excuse for everyone. But hopefully club won't make you wear bracelet though or else you will get caught lying. If you do end up wearing bracelet, still up your age to 20 for guys and tell them that you have been dancing for a year or so. It's my 2 cents only but I really don't think that average strip-club goer will be into someone too young and inexperienced.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another day, another girl
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT:How to bring appetite back after flu
    Oh, I don't smoke weed.:) Or, to be more correct, I can't really exhale properly. Yeah, I am lame. But I followed other tips and started eating soups and pasta plus drinking more. It helped me a lot, now I am back to normal.:) Thanks a lot, guys.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    "Primarily" for the dancers here: If a patron buys dances from you but refuses y
    @estafador is so right, lol, buying drinks in NYC won't get you anything close to what subraman described. And frankly, this girl was being retarted. I don't think too well about strippers who are ready to sit for hours with customers as long as those are buying them drinks. If she hustled harder and faster, she would have money for drinks AND something to take home. I just don't understand why she can't go to a regular bar for that. Personally I am one of those "uptight, bottle water drinking chicks", so never ask about drinks. And not that they will pay my bills, anyway.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Need help deciding
    If I danced at Phoenix, I would try Bourbon Street and Christies. If you meant Hi-Liter by extras club, then being it a lap-dance factory, you could just stay dancing on the floor.