
a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers

Some parts of the USA are infested with russian strippers. I can speak russian but I am not russian and I have no accent at all since I was my passport says I was born in an english country. CIA made me learn russian and put in russia for a couple years, but my russian accent doesn't let me "pass" in russia as a russian but I pass as russian in the Warsaw Pact. Russians say my russian accent is Canadian. Today I went to a SC, and half of strippers were talking russian to each other so custies dont know what they are saying. The staff of the SC aren't russian. This pissed me off. This is the USA dammit. The club I went to, customers are 50% latino, 50% american.The next EE dancer who sat down next to me, I spoke to her in english at first, then switch to russian and freaked her out. She eventually said, after a couple minutes of a test conversation that I really understand her in russian, "I dont think I can dance for you after this" and walked away. WTF happened? I dont get the psychology. Or are russian girls really so racist, that everyone but their own is subhuman. But a guy who can speak russian is BF material and they just can't bring themselves to being a whore around one of their own.

Why is it that percentage wise, much more EE girls are strippers than non-AA american born chicks? What is it in EE girls heads that allow them to be complete whores, but most american born girls wont be?


  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    WTF HUH ?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Better polish up on the English,
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I have a few questions!

    When you spoke to the girls in Russian did you say anything weird or creepy, like "the CIA made me learn Russian?"

    Are you actually sure that you speak Russian? Maybe you were just making sounds similar to Russian, perhaps based on a movie or TV show! For example, does your Russian sound exactly like this:

    "I-ski want-ski a dance-ski from-ski you-ski! I-ski like-ski rimjob-ski!"

    If so, that's not Russian and it could have freaked her out!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Why is it that percentage wise, much more EE girls are strippers than non-AA american born chicks? What is it in EE girls heads that allow them to be complete whores, but most american born girls wont be?"

    It could be that the lack of economic opportunities in the former Soviet Union have motivated some girls to try sex work! Regardless, Eastern European girls are hot so I say "Brilliant!"

    Unless there was human trafficking, in which case my heart goes out to the girls and I hope the traffickers are caught and wind up in jail.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    If you're in the CIA, I'm a Russian spy.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    My next question is what are EE girls and non-AA American born chicks ? WTF HUH ? this post makes no sense at all and I can usually figure out weird posts like Juice and the like. so WTF HUH ?
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    The wildebeest is in the garage. I repeat, the wildebeest is in the garage
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "My next question is what are EE girls and non-AA American born chicks ? WTF HUH ? this post makes no sense at all and I can usually figure out weird posts like Juice and the like. so WTF HUH ?"

    EE girls = Eastern European girls
    Non-AA American born chicks = American girls that aren't African American

    The part about the guy thinking he was speaking Russian because he put "ski" after everything was my speculation!

    I'm not sure that this guy is trolling! I think the questions are sincere!
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I agree with motor "the wildebeest is in the garage"
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "The wildebeest is in the garage. I repeat, the wildebeest is in the garage"

    Brilliant! Where is that crazy lion guy? I loved his comments! They were hilarious! ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I'm revising my comment that the OP was sincere. He's trolling us. He made a comment about bringing Chloroform and duct tape to Chucky Cheese:


    Joking is all well and good. I find a lot of the jokes on here funny, but not that. Can we please agree to no jokes about kids? That's just sick.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    You really shit the bed on this one
  • anongirl98
    9 years ago
    I agree with 4got--there's always a line, kids are where you should draw it..
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    A lot of the EE girls who come here do so illegally. They do sex work because they have to make a living somehow. Some may have relatives back home they support.

    Speaking in their home language, you're breaking the separation I'm their mind between their lives. Maybe you're no longer just a John to rip off. Our maybe you reminded her of the person who she is OTC who isn't a whore.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ---> "The wildebeest is in the garage. I repeat, the wildebeest is in the garage "

    This is goldilocks, I am at checkpoint Delta and awaiting instructions.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    If you are honest with us, then it's PROBABLY because one: she wouldn't be a whore to her fellow Russian, 2: you can understand her when she talks shit behind your back or 3: she might forget your a random customer and start spilling secrets about the russian mafia. These hoes hear things behind closed doors too.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    So how do say maybe later in Russian? Is it Da nyet, navernoe?

    I've been to some clubs with a lot of Russian dancers. I never tried speaking Russian though so never encountered the problem with Russian girls not wanting to dance for someone who understands them, :). a joke.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Also your pretty racist yourself if one is to believe "non-AA Americans" means non african-american americans. You pret ty much said AA chicks strive to naturally be whores. If so, go fuck yourself dickhead.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Don't you mean you were born in an English speaking country?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Lots of Russian customers are weirdos. They often say some stupid shit like "All these guys here try to take you home. Personally I just want to get to know you. What are your dreams like? What is your soul like?"/"I could help you to find a job. There are cashiers needed in stores where I live"Etc. I mean, I don't mind as long as you compensate my time to hear your nonsense but it's usually not the case with them.

    Fuck these wannabe white knights.

    American PL's > Russian PL's
  • s88
    9 years ago
    I cant say I was retired cia, but I told her I used to be expat and I had to know russian for my job. She told me she knows english spanish and russian. She asked if I came here just for the russian girls and if russian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. I told her I like all types of girls. She asked how often I came here, what other languages I know. When the talk started to die down she said "tell me anything I want to hear your voice" and I told her why I was in the city and how long. All of this in russian. For a couple seconds, she talked in russian and I understood everything she said, but I responded in english since I was too rusty and missing words in my head. I switched back to russian on the next sentence tho. I never asked her any personal stuff in russian or english, where is she really from, her real name, how long she was working here, etc. I just wanted to subtly teach her a lesson that you never know who is listening. In a supermarket in the states, my russian exwife and I were fighting in the checkout line in mostly russian. The black cashier told me in russian I cant talk to her that way. Both of us were dumbfounded and didn't say a word to each other until we were back in the car.

    Do I repeat this stunt or not at another club? I sudda kept my mouth shut but i wasnt going to buy dances from that fugly dancer anyway so fuck it. All tuscl responses say my stunt is a turn off and not an in. I didnt think my stunt would shock her so bad the way it did. I knew I would get the wanna dance? at the end no matter wtf I say, but this time it was I can't give you a dance. Thats a first.

    These girls were speaking russian so customers dont know their hustle.

    One EE stripper went to another EE stripper during a table dance and said "lets go lets go" in russian. The stripper ended her dance on the customer immediately after that. They are timing each other on songs eh? Later the most popular EE stripper that night was sitting alone on the floor. Another EE stripper came to her and told her "dont sit here" in russian and both of them went in the dressing room together. Lost my eye candy.

    @4got2wipe when trolls troll I roll. chucky cheese was trolling the troll. thx for your honest answers

    @JamesSD thx for your answer
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    ^ A ti nichem ne lusche Chem russkie gosti, mezhdu prochim. Takoi zhe ebanutii na golovu.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I don't know about the percentages, my friend, but I do know this. A lot of them are here, a lot did work at a club here in the Detroit area. When they talk Russian, I bet they just don't want us " PL's " to know the shit theyr'e talking about us. Two in particular come to mind, " Peaches ". She did have a nice set of peaches to cum on. She'd do anything, I do mean anything. She was a ROB, but I never pay them what they ask. I'm not Donald "Fuck the World " Chump !! The other Russian blonde was drop dead gorgeous, If I saw her working, you better believe I got a few dances with her.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Are they racist?? Of course they are. Who isn't? When someone tells me they aren't racist, like this guy I share an apartment with at the Senior citizen apartment building I'm currently residing in. I don't say a word, but think, what a loser? Of course he is racist. If you aren't, you aren't human. So what ?? Who gives a flying fuck as long as they give a good dance session. The preceding was a PSA.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    Dancer95 ya ne probyval beet lutshe kak russki muzhchini. ono ne yest ochen vazno otkuda malchik ili devushka preshli v ameriki. kagda vi v ameriki nado prinyat schto vi amerikantsi. ty ne doma. ne ispolyzuy vash domski plosadki vygod schto klienti tebya ne razymeyut. ya nahozhu ono protivno. eti tayni. bydt cheastni.

    I agree american PLs are more respectful than the white knight russians PLs. I think you dancer95 hit the nail on the head, I accidentally convinced the russian dancer that I was a russian PL, and the dancer didnt want to hear the "baby you dont have to do this, I can help you" from a russian PL after the dance.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Вот именно, это Америка. Сюда приезжают люди со всей планеты и уж поверь мне, не говорят те же мексы или китайцы на английском между собой.И зачем?

    Девочки общаются по-Русски, так как это удобнее. Плюс многие из них не говорят по-английски толком, кроме "wanna dance?". Если стриптизерши не хотят, чтобы гости понимали, о чем они пиздят, то они просто будут тихо разговаривать и все. Хоть по-русски, хоть по-английски.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It's amazing how much I can eavesdrop with the level of Spanish I speak. I gave up on speaking Spanish to the girls in strip clubs; their English is better than my Spanish, and they'd rather hustle in English.

    But yeah, the "Ai papi, you're so big, come play with me, yeah?" girl suddenly becomes a girl bitching about her boyfriend and kids when speaking Spanish to other dancers.
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