
Comments by Timex345 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Calling out the dude SJG
    I have always enjoyed this website because of the differences in how everyone approaches adult entertainment and life in general. Somewhere along the line some people have forgotten that watching beautiful women is supposed to be fun. A lot of people need to relax and not take these posts so seriously.
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    9 years ago
    A somewhat uncomfortable realization
    Most likely sensory overload. I would recommend diversifying your club attendance. I refuse to become a regular of a girl. It never ends well. I just visit for fun now. This has helped me. I force myself to go to different clubs, visit with different girls. I also don't give out my personal phone number because I hated the weekly text of trying to entice me to visit. If I start to develop feelings for a girl, I run like hell and quit her.
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    9 years ago
    Avoiding awkward stripper confrontations
    I think you are being overly paranoid. Most strippers I know only want your money. They can get that at the club. I have never had any issues with the girls outside of the club. Mainly, the girls are more protective of their privacy that I have never had an issue of the girls trying to stalk or create problems for me. I club 10 minutes from my job. It never has been an issue. But, I treat SCs like Fight Club. Especially around people I know who dislike Showclubs. But, I really enjoy clubs so I keep attending.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you believe this shit?
    Years ago I bought dances from a girl during a dayshift visit. The club I visited was not busy during the day. The other girls working at the time were envious that I was spending money on this particular girl. They reported to the management that I was touching the girl too much.
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    9 years ago
    Places to go to
    I know a girl who moved to Florida and made a killing. She danced nude though.
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    9 years ago
    Places to go to
    I know a girl who moved to Florida and made a killing. She danced nude though.
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    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    State of the Union
    He has never worked a day in his life. He will never know the struggles that I deal with on a daily basis. I think that he is pure evil with no moral compass. I am happy that this is his last year of bypassing Congress and writing Executive Actions. I never voted for him and he helped solidify how much I dislike Liberals in general. Big government and I get to support lazy people who don't want to work while I bust my ass every day.
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    9 years ago
    OTC sex
    $100 to $200 depending on the time spent usually an hour or two. OTC is the best. I had a girl who I would usually do a private party with as she called it. I didn't buy dances from her once at the club. She was pissed and ended all contact with me. I miss her great bjs. But, I don't miss being tied down to one stripper. I don't go to a SCs to get in a dating situation. Typically, this is not a problem since most of the women I know have boyfriends anyway. The OTC thing fascinates me. I really had never been offered it before I visited a smaller club out in a smaller town. I was in heaven. The dances were reasonably priced and high mileage as far as touching. I was offered OTC by one young woman a couple of times. The whole time I was freaking out. I was finally able to be with a girl who I was totally into. I am going to try to set something up with her again. I am not sure if she does OTC anymore. She is hard to read. Some women don't do OTC if they are dating someone. It is weird. Working in a showclub is ok. But, OTC is cheating. Hilarious.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Saying No
    I am caught in a no win situation. I typically will say no to a girl if I get a bad vibe from her. I have found that the women who dance in showclubs do just fine if I choose not to be a customer for awhile. I have bought a dance from a girl simply because she was nice and invested so much time with me. Although I was not attracted to her physically. My current problem is that I started buying dances from two women at the same club who always work or almost always work at the same time. Awhile back, one of the women. Of course the one who I am most attracted to took some time off from work. So, I relied on the other for dances. Well, the one who I really want to see came back. Now, I can't say no to the one without offending the other. They are sisters which makes it tricky. I would prefer to be cool with the one and buy dances with the other. But, I know I will ruin a good thing if I don't keep up the current trend of buying dances from each. It is hard to say no to the one less attractive girl because she is the friendliest of the two and always makes time for me. I finally get why girls love the bad boys and just want to be friends with the nice guys. I am doing the same thing in reverse to this girl. It is more exciting with the girl who ignores me as crazy as it sounds.
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    9 years ago
    Reminders On Why I'm Not Married Anymore
    I never drank the marriage kool aid. Glad I didn't. Aside from work, my time is all mine. I can visit SCs anytime I can afford it. Marriage to me is a man made prison. Cynical I know. I am just playing the hand I was dealt. I used to sort of beat myself up that I am not married. But, now, I realize I had it right all along. I would rather pay for female companionship to avoid all of the drama. No situation is perfect. But SCs come pretty close. An ATF pissed me off awhile ago so I don't visit her anymore. No messy break up or divorce. I just politely asked her to not contact me anymore. I just moved on and found someone new to spend my money with. I have learned to create your own happiness. You can't recreate someone else's.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Why have strip clubs slowed down so much since the 90s?
    I have noticed the same thing. I think I really noticed the drop off after the recession of 2008. Also, the internet offers faster and sometimes cheaper entertainment. For example, I can watch some hot girls from the comfort of my home on this site. All you have to do is click on the girls online link. Whammo! No cover, no annoying DJ, no asshole manager, no asshole drunk customers. You get the idea.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Most often heard SS lines
    I am here working, You want to come in? I don't give out my number to strippers anymore. I am not looking for a girlfriend who only wants money.
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    9 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Getting bored with going to strip clubs
    I feel the same. I have recently stopped going to showclubs simply because of the money angle. I will always love watching beautiful women. But, the cost sucks. I once drove 90 minutes one way to one of my favorite clubs. I sat in the parking lot for awhile. I then turned around and headed home because I just wasn't into it that day. The conversations are boring. The women all are married or have boyfriends for the most part. I have found one club I really like I will return to. But the clubs closest to me are off my radar. One entertainer was or is so clueless, she proceeded to tell me in anymore. detail about her relationship with her boyfriend. He is basically her sugar daddy. I got tired of her and all of the girls at this place so I quit. One club charges $3.50 for a cup of coffee if the waitress gets the cup for a girl. If the girl goes to the bar and gets it herself, she is not charged. I could not handle being ripped off
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    9 years ago
    If a stripper tells you when she gets off work, is it a sign that she likes you?
    Can you handle what she does for a living? I couldn't date a dancer for that simple fact. I love SCs but I know my limits. I go for entertainment. I would proceed with caution. If you can handle her occupation, go for it.
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    9 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Credit Score
    A stripper will tell you anything. They are all greedy bitches who are not to be trusted.
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    9 years ago
    Disturbing Trend
    The girls at my favorite club dance 3 song sets. They choose their songs. I have noticed one dancer chooses the same three songs every time. She told me those are the three shortest songs available. I only tip on the third song after they are topless. No skin, no $. I can hug a clothed woman for free outside of the club.
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    9 years ago
    San Diego
    TJ. The US clubs suck compared to HK.
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    9 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: Teen to MILF
    I watched a documentary on porn recently. A girl was 25 and classified as a milf. The newer girls were teens until they were seen a lot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    When should a dancer retire from stripping?
    A former favorite dancer had just turned 37 and she still looked great. She had told me she was going to dance for as long as she could. She really had no future career plans. She said she really enjoys dancing. But, I have a theory she is simply dating her boyfriend who is 14 years older than her for the security. As she said, he is nice and takes care of her. I can only imagine how much she costs. I got tired of her and hearing about her life so I quit visiting with her. I have more respect for the women who are not career dancers. I like the girls who are working towards something like a better career. They use dancing instead of allowing dancing to use them.
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    9 years ago
    Tuscl Reveiws
    Don't admit to having feelings for any of the girls who dance for you. You will get severely criticized.
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    9 years ago
    Texting Three Girls Right Now
    I asked one of my favorite entertainers to stop texting me. Saw her phone at work. Unbelievable the number of men she was in contact with. I hated the weekly when are you coming in text.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    Run like hell if you fall for a stripper. I feel like she is rubbing her hands together devishly saying, "Excellent". All the while using your emotions against you to quickly and efficiently drain your wallet.
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    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    Twenty years ago I had a roommate and friend who was dating a stripper. He would take her to work and bring her home. During the 6 to 8 hour period she was at work, he would literally lose his mind. I wasn't a club goer at the time. He did introduce me to strip clubs. But, I never forgot about watching my friend's anguish when his then stripper girlfriend went to work.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    I just got my heart broken by a stripper. I should know better. I have a new policy of never giving a stripper my number. If she contacts me outside of the club to ask how I am doing and when I can visit, it only encourages those feelings for her. I actually have had to stop on visiting certain clubs and take a break from patronizing clubs to stop those feelings from developing. I just have never been able to keep love out of the equation when essentially having sex on a regular basis with the same woman. Some girls I can keep it simple and just fun. The latest really hurt me because she did a number on me. I learned a valuable lesson. She would never contact me on the weekend. She would only contact me during the week when she was working. I knew she would just send a mass text each Monday to her regulars tempting them to come in to visit. I recently quit seeing her. It was too much. It sucks. I enjoyed the fantasy for awhile but couldn.t handle not getting what I wanted. I think she is supporting her boyfriend as well. Had to get out from seeing her. She straight up told me without me even asking about OTC, that she has a man and that she doesn't meet men outside of the club. Of course, she told me she doesn't drink. I visited the final time last Friday and she treated me horribly and she was drinking with her customer. I just walked away knowing deep down I am just a walking ATM to her. NEVER FALL IIN LOVE WITH THE TALENT. YOU WILL GET YOUR HEARTBROKEN EVERYTIME!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ten reasons men should avoid South Florida strip clubs
    I could not agree more! I quit showclubs this past week. I posted a discussion entitled "Done". I can"t begin to tell you how much happier I already am. No more with the nonsense of showclubs. I quit cold turkey. The end came for me when one of my favorite entertainers talked incessantly about her "man". I finally realized I was wasting my time willingly visiting with this young woman. I finally felt pathetic enough to make some changes in my life. I rediscovered my self-respect. Do I really want to spend my hard earned money on another man"s woman? My needs have changed. I want something real. I don't miss the clubs or the heartache of having a crush on a woman I can never have at all. I recommend getting out while you can. Those women only want your money. Your not Romeo. She is using you. Believe me. I have been there. But. I am free at last! Thank God, I am free at last.