
Comments by Timex345 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    It sucks to lose power.
    Obviously a Liberal must be in charge. Personally, I am enjoying my white privilege.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Funny TUSCLer names
    A good fantasy football name I heard was Fourth Down Syndrome.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Relatively New Article Posted
    I haven't read the article. But, I do often wander how two of my ATFs deal with men groping them 4-6 days a week. I know they make a killing as far as money, vacations, lifestyle, etc. But, still I am not sure how they can do it?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever been too embarassed to show your face there again?
    That doesn't seem too bad. I have done far worse. I have lost my temper at two girls at the same club on different occasions. Years ago and just recently these two events happened. I have no desire to run into these women so I have moved on to visiting other clubs. I am a lot happier. I am not sure if I will return to the club. I do miss one of the girls. But, pride prevents me for visiting again with her when I feel like I was ripped off. Not a lot of money, but robbed just the same.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Favorite Stripper Disappears
    I had to end things with my ATF at a local club recently. I miss her a great deal. But, overall I feel much happier getting out of a toxic situation with her.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Cuddling with strippers
    The more contact the better.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I think this might be a high mileage dancer
    I have often wandered how many customers some of my favorite dancers have had over the years. I know it is none of my business. But, curiousity always gets the better of me. I think the invention of the cell phone and texting, etc. completely changed the strip club game. A girl can literally get a hold of you at any time. I once got a peek at the phone of one of my ATFs. She was receiving texts from customers. I guess sitting in a deserted show club doesn't pay the bills. She would have a list of customers she would text. I hated being on the list so I just quit visiting with her and asked that she not contact me. She is doing just fine without me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    One door closes, another one opens up
    I miss a couple of the women I used to visit with at the clubs. But, I hidden positive is that I keep meeting new women at the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Loner
    Do other reviewers share their girlfriends with their friends?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Loner
    Strip clubs have saved me. I am a strip club loner. I keep to myself in my daily life. My friends and family would be stunned of my love for showclubs. I have learned a lot about myself. I have my routine down and know when to walk away from bad clubs. I like to watch and keep to myself most days. But, I feel free in a showclub. I get to visit with hot women who I could never visit with in the real world. Showclubs are the perfect anti depressant for me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Proximity to your Favorite Club Affecting Visitation Frequency
    I drive 90 minutes to my favorite club once a month. Used to be more, but finances dictate my visits. Also, boredom sometimes keeps me from visiting. I always know what to expect.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Strip club motivation for currently and formerly married TUSCLers: A brief surve
    I can barely commit to a lap dance. I don't think making lifetime commitments are in the cards for me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Does she want me or is it my wallet?
    Wallet. A former ATF ruined her arrangement with me. She constantly would talk about her "man". She straight up told me she doesn't do OTC. I asked if she met him at a club. She looked at me with the most condescending look. The girls at a showclub are there to provide a fantasy. My former ATF ruined it with her attitude towards me as a customer. She may like you. But, it is most likely money.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Asian women?
    Yes. Asians are my favorite. I have visited with a couple of sisters at the same club for at least 4 years now. I had OTC once with one of them. After all of this time, I still can't get enough of each of them. I heard an interview with an Asian pornstar. She said she hasn't fucked any Asian men which I thought was weird. So, it just depends on your taste.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    In praise of the Y
    Asian women are my favorite as well.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Time to man up and choose
    Ethnicity. Asian / Filipino for me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What I love the most about strippers
    I can't beat the convenience of strip clubs. I look back at all the time I wasted chasing civilian women. Strip clubs are like the promised land.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody want to be a porn star?
    Being a male performer would not be good. To make real money you have to do gay porn I have heard. Also, the women make more money in a girl boy scene and call the shots. I like to look at a pornstars twitter account from time to time. She always looks happy and posts things she is doing. I often wander what her life is really like. Every day her career is getting closer to ending. I couldn't do it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How often do you go to the club?
    Two times a month. Hard to say no to the private dances. Hate going if I can only watch. So, I go when I have extra money to spend for dances. Cut attendace way back lately. Avoiding several entertainers. Haven't found new talent yet.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Removing negative reviews
    Posting a bad experience of a club is my only defense against poor service at a club. I have had an ax to grind against a local club because of a poor experience there. I know it is petty, immature and passive aggressive. But, I truly enjoy posting negative reviews, comments about the club whenever possible. I feel like the SCs in the US rip us all off and there really is nothing you can do other than stay home or accept there outrageous prices for dances, drinks, etc.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Oh. Twin Peaks have hotter girls than the local Hooters in my area. Perhaps I hate orange. African immigrants are the worst group of people. They are very rude and arrogant. My thought is if you are so smart, why is your country your leaving so messed up?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    That annoying moment when you see a couple new comments on your thread..........
    I usually ignore the comments to my post. They are usually negative. I read a few of them and got pissed off so I just post and leave it at that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Denver Broncos
    Earlier this season Cam Newton responded to his critics about his touchdown celebrations by saying, "If they don't want me to celebrate, then keep me out of the endzone." I was happy the Denver Broncos obliged him.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An Unexpected Result from 20 Years of Strip Clubbing
    I have noticed the same thing. Practice makes perfect. Repetition is the key. The more you do something. The better you become. I have been going to clubs for about the same amount of time. I have noticed that I can talk to women a lot easier in my daily life as well. The mystery and placing women on a pedestal has ended. The best thing about showclubs for me is the realization that there are a lot of fish in the sea. I don't get too hung up anymore about rejection. There is always more beautiful women to meet.