
Most often heard SS lines

Sunday, December 13, 2015 4:07 PM
Clackport's post "Damn you have a big dick," got me thinking about all the different SS lines I heard repeated very often. It's gotten to the point that dancers are starting to get in rut and lack originality. So here are the ones I hear regularly from a dancer, starting with: Damn you have a big dick. I like feeling a guys dick get hard. I have been here for hours and haven't gotten a dance yet. You are my first dance of the day. I need a drink but the club cut me off. If you buy me a drink I'll make it worth your while. (a few times in conjunction with the next line). I have been drinking a bit too much. I get naughty when I have been drinking. You don't mind do you? I wrecked my car, and I don't have enough to pay for it, and no one is buying any dances. (Reason varies for needing the money) I just broke up with my boyfriend and I am horny. Finally the one I hear most often, for various reasons. I normally don't do this, but for you I'll allow it. Just don't tell anyone.


  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “It's been dead in here tonight and I haven't made any $$$” “I just started dancing” “You're handsome” “I like dancing for you the best; you're a great customer not like most guys” “I can't – management does not allow that – or - they have cameras” “I usually charge $40/dance but I like you so I'll charge you $20” (although dances are supposed to be $20)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    I got a variation on your last one just this past week: "I'll let you do stuff that I've never let anyone else do before." This was the first time that I'd ever been approached by or talked to this dancer. I gave her a look that let her know she'd just crossed the line from fantasy/hustle to parody/farce.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    "I just need $ to make my tip out"
  • Kinghrome
    9 years ago
    "I'll give you the best dance you ever had" "Wow you are really getting hard" (during lap dance)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “We can have a lot of fun in VIP” (in a known non-extras club)
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    " Can you come in, I'm not making any money." next visit... " I don't feel like OTC. I make plenty here"
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    "Is that real?" "Sorry, I don't deepthr...oh, OK. Just for you, because you're so nice." "I *like* them smaller." "No, no, I was laughing at something else, I promise." "Don't be silly, I've seen *lots* smaller!"
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    The "I just need to make tip out" and "I haven't had a dance all day" lines mentioned before are by far the most I've heard at a club by strippers. Well, maybe the aforementioned "I'm behind or need to make my car payment" line is right up there too. Course the "Can you buy me a drink?" And "So and so dancer (or bartender, or waitress, or manager) is a jerk, bitch, etc" is also a common theme it seems.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    "You're the only one I do this for" "You make my job hard with you being sooo cute" "You're getting me wet" "I should be paying you" "I like dancing for you the best" Spot on Papi lol
  • likes2look
    9 years ago
    I go to nursing school during the day
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It's good to see you. I like you. You're not like all the other guys who come in here. Did you miss me? I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    What do you do for fun? Have you been here before?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I had been meeting a dancer OTC regularly a few years ago and an acquaintance of mine had also been fucking her OTC. She knew that we knew each other and swore that she only did extras with regular customers that were "friends". One time when I was with her she casually mentioned that an asshole customer came in her mouth the night before after promising not to. What's the name of this asshole I asked? $500 was his name! She replied. Ahh, such stripper shit.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    "I'm pregnant." This was from my ATF. Turned out NOT to be SS, but I figured it was at first. She was, from the guy she moved in with, not me. She told me this after I was in the club one afternoon when she arrived. Stopped by to say hello, then went to the back. I figured she was switching from civie attire to dancer attire. She came out dressed as she went in, and said "Let's go get something to eat. I just quit." Over dinner she told me the story. With the difference in our ages, I always felt I was more the father she never had. I was correct.
  • samsung1
    9 years ago
    Chris Rock: You know 'the stripper myth.' The stripper myth is: 'I'm stripping to pay my tuition.' No you're not! There's no strippers in college! There's no clear heels in biology! Shit, I didn't know they had a college that only took one-dollar bills. If they've got so many strippers in college, how come I never got a smart lap dance? I never got a girl that sat on my lap and said 'if I was you, I would diversify my portfolio. You know, ever since the end of the Cold War, I find NATO obsolete.' I haven't met her yet. If I do, she's gonna get a big tip.
  • billyba
    9 years ago
    Your so cute / have big dick/ etc. And the million variations of "I only do this with you/ a select few / this is my first tonight" And just the other day I got " I just started doing this [extras] a few months ago" knowing damn well she's been sucking my dick tic for at least two years and she definitely wasn't a rookie when we started.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    "I'll come back to your hotel room at the end of my shift if you take me to VIP"
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Wow, and I thought I was the only guy that got screwed like that, londonguy. Yeah, right. My favorite was would you pay my $350 electric bill. Just put the cash in my checking account. I told her, I'd drive with her to the electric company and pay her bill. She flipped out and started throwing stuff at me. I started laughing, and told her to get bent and walked away.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    "I've only had sex with 3 guys." Well, that might be true if she meant that night.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Wow. You guys are all big PL's Everything I've ever been told is the absolute goddam truth.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    likes2look: "I go to nursing school during the day." That was a Rhode Island favorite for several years. I haven't heard it recently, though. I once commented to a dancer that if every stripper who told me she was in nursing school was *actually* in nursing school, then Rhode Island Hospital would look like an mash-up of 'Chicago Hope' and 'Baywatch'. Yes, I know I'm dating myself with those pop-culture references. At least I'm not citing Charlie Chaplin or the Marx Brothers.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I had one that told me she needed meds for a sick child. I offered to meet her at Walgreens and when I got there she told me she lost the prescription I told her lets go to the pharmacy counter we can have the pharmacist call the doctor At that point she got into a car parked on the other side of the lot and they took off. I never saw her again. No big loss.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    " "I've only had sex with 3 guys." Well, that might be true if she meant that night." Brilliant!
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    1] I haven't had any dances and I need to pay my tip out (while digging in her purse for money) 2] How was your holiday. I'm living in a hotel room and watched TV all day until I came into work Thanksgiving.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Free girl insisted that I was the first man that she'd ever given a blow job to. But is it SS if you aren't paying?
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    I haven't had sex in a year.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    magicrat - I use that one too. :)
  • Toomuchcover
    9 years ago
    I liked Mikeya's comment. They text you to come in because they are desperate but don't need OTC
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    I am here working, You want to come in? I don't give out my number to strippers anymore. I am not looking for a girlfriend who only wants money.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    It's been my experience that when strippers start to converse that they are always agreeing with what I say. "Yeah right?" and "uh huh"! Or "I know what you mean". It doesn't matter what I'm talking about while they are trying to close the deal on extracting money from why wallet they will be agreeing with me on any topic. I could be saying "I fuck my girl with a sawed off goat leg and she loves it!" The dancer will inevitably say "Wow I bet that feels great. You want to dance?"
  • IwillLapAdancer
    9 years ago
    Got damn this is funny shit. I have heard a lot of these myself and fell for a few too. I think I am going to take all of these and put them on a paper in a long list, so next time a stripper tries to sell me a line, I'll just pull out the list and say, "Hey, that was SS number -fill in the blank!" Thanks!
  • IwillLapAdancer
    9 years ago
    So here is the compiled list that I got from this discussion: Most Often Heard SS Lines: 1. Damn you have a big dick. 2. I like feeling a guy’s dick get hard. 3. I have been here for hours and haven't gotten a dance yet. 4. You are my first dance of the day. 5. I need a drink but the club cut me off. If you buy me a drink I'll make it worth your while. (a few times in conjunction with the next line). 6. I have been drinking a bit too much. I get naughty when I have been drinking. You don't mind do you? 7. I wrecked my car, and I don't have enough to pay for it, and no one is buying any dances. (Reason varies for needing the money) 8. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I am horny. 9. I normally don't do this, but for you I'll allow it. Just don't tell anyone. 10. It's been dead in here tonight and I haven't made any $$$. 11. I just started dancing. 12. You're handsome / cute. 13. I like dancing for you the best; you're a great customer not like most guys. 14. I can't – management does not allow that – or - they have cameras. 15. I usually charge $40/dance but I like you so I'll charge you $20” (although dances are supposed to be $20). 16. I just need $ to make my tip out. 17. I'll give you the best dance you ever had. 18. "Wow you are really getting hard" (during lap dance). 19. “We can have a lot of fun in VIP” (in a known non-extras club). 20. Can you come in, I'm not making any money. 21. I'm behind and need to make my car payment / rent / electric. 22. So and so dancer (or bartender, or waitress, or manager) is a jerk, bitch, etc. 23. I go to nursing school during the day. 24. I like you. You're not like all the other guys who come in here. 25. I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been? Did you miss me? 26. What do you do for fun? 27. Have you been here before? 28. I'll come back to your hotel room at the end of my shift if you take me to VIP. 29. I haven't had sex in a year / couple of months. 30. Said after PL says anything: "Yeah right?" and "uh huh", or "I know what you mean". 31. "Wow that’s great. You want to dance?" Again, thanks. I got hustled good by a couple of strippers, so it's nice to be able to laugh at the shit after reading all your comments.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    Here are three more I forgot. I just got implants and my doctor said I must massage them four times a day. Do you want to help? I wished I could have gotten to you warn you how bad her dances are. Let me make it up to you. (Occasionally the dancer is correct and I have taken the dancer up on this, and most of the time she was a lot better). My dance is much better than Jessica's. (Was said to me at Harem recently, by a dancer I know gives a lame dance) The dancer name varies, Several times it's when I say I am waiting on the dancer, in this case it was Jessica. I have also been told this a few times the dancer knows I am the dancer she mention's regular customer. Other times it when she noticed I was fixated on the other dancer, or when I am ignoring her. Most of the time the dancer she mentions will give you a much better dance.
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