
If a stripper tells you when she gets off work, is it a sign that she likes you?

I have been a strip club enthusiast for many years now, and it is true that the vast majority of the women who work there have shown no interest in me personally. Some of the few that I have felt a personal connection with have mentioned when they are getting off work, or taking a break. It has never happened with any of the ones that haven't shown interest in me.

I have never asked any of them out, but I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this.


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Yes ask them out. She wants your penis.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    Ask her out she is either serious or is just trying to get more cash from you. My current bf and I met cause I was stripping, and I took a chance with him :)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    It *might* mean that she likes you. Alternately, it may mean that she likes the thickness of your ... wallet.

    Proceed with caution, but by all means proceed.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Either that.

    Or she needs a ride to her loser boyfriend's house or to her drug dealer after work...
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    She doesn't give a shit about you. She just wants your money
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Don't listen to these trolls. She definitely wants the dick.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If the club closes at 2am and she tells you she gets off at 2, that's not really news. I would ask if she wanted to grab a quick bite to eat at the waffle house or do something else. She might have been trying to give you a hint that she was interested in doing more but didn't want to ask you if you were interested in doing more. This applies only to those interested in doing more. Don't ask and it likely will never happen.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    She likes you, but that doesn't necessarily she'll fuck you for free. You're just at the top of the list of people she won't puke from fucking. But she wants to be paid more often than not. Unless she says up front it's gratis.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Could be. You just always have to remember, it's ALWAYS a longshot to spend on dancer to get her want to have a personal relationship. It's a common tactic for them to get you to hope you can have a personal relationship, with the idea that you will drop more money on them to impress them. A strip club is one place where you should look for instant gratification.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Anything is possible; but 99% of the time a dancer getting w/ a custy is just about the $$$ - some points:

    + if she was not a stripper; would you be able to score w/ her – i.e. is it fairly common for you to date girls of her caliber – are you close in age; if you are 20+ year her senior; pretty much forget about her wanting to “date you” for genuine reasons other than fleecing your-wallet

    + 99% of dancers are JUST interested in your money and NOT you; NO MATTER how it may look and how friendly and flirty she treats you as a CUSTOMER

    + w.r.t. the first bullet above; if you can score w/ non-dancers of similar caliber; then why mess with a dancer – 99% of the time you don't want to date such women nor be their BF; IMO

    “... I have been a strip club enthusiast for many years ...”

    I believe you – but the question you are asking means there is A LOT you don't know about strip-clubs and stripper; I'd stick around here if I were you so you can get educated and learn the real truth.

    So – if you don't mind – you don't have to say though – how old are you and and how well do you do w/ civilian women?

    And by asking them out; do you mean as a regular date; or you paying them to be w/ you?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... If a stripper tells you when she gets off work, is it a sign that she likes you

    99% of the time it's a sign she is taking you for a ride and her intention is to bleed you dry out of every cent you have – hear me now and believe me later
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Read the following recent threads related to your question- and there are many others but I can't look them up right now:


  • likesnudegirls
    9 years ago
    I'm mid 50's. No sane person would describe me as handsome, but I have aged well. I don't do particularly well with women, but I have at times had attractive women show interest in me, and I married someone much more attractive than myself.

    I'm actually very leery about dating a stripper. I like having a low drama life, and I know it would be very strange dating someone much younger than myself. I also don't know if there would be anything to talk about outside the club. As far as getting sex goes, if she would have sex with me, then I would be a little afraid that they would give me something else I didn't want.

    I'm mostly just curious, because it seems as though it is something that women say that may show they are interested. I have searched the internet for the signs that a stripper is interested in you, and this is not on any lists I have found. I believe in fairly compensating the dancer for their time, especially if they show me a good time, but I am not lavish with my spending, so I doubt they would be looking at me as a great source of money. I also don't dress in such a way as to indicate that I don't have a lot of money.

    I really do get the impression that these women like me, and I wanted to see if anyone else has had that happen to them, and what happened after that.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Yes, yes it is!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IMO my dear-friend; you would be eaten alive by strippers that “appear” that they like you – strippers appearing to like a customer is pretty much the norm – THAT IS THEIR JOB – that is how they make $$$ - if you genuinely think she likes you; you are in deep trouble and don't-even-know-it/have-a-clue.

    The best way to go about it is treat as business – at you do in the club – you pay her for her time and let her know exactly what you want/expect (e.g. sex) and let her say yey or nay; and even when paying her there are still things you need to know so you won't get ripped off – do a search for OTC (Outside The Club) in the TUSCL search box neat the top.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Another thread about custies and dancers that you should read:

  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Listen to Papi. He knows what he's talking about.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Anything is possible, they are human. I'm younger than you and not married. I used to meet up with a dancer one year older than me at one time. In the last few years, now I get all suspicious if a dancer or female customer in the strip club wants to meet up for sex and they act like I might be interested in leaving with them right after they meet me and say something like that. I think it has been 2 years since I ran into some girl like that.
    Of course if they tell me they want money, then no surprises there. I've only run into one female customer like that. I was very suspicious, plus had a beer buzz because I was not planning on leaving for hours but it was last call and I drank like 3 or 4 beers in 15 minutes.
  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    Listen to lopaw....she knows what she's talking about.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    When they start spewing the SS, run, dude, run. 99.99 per cent of the time she is eying the the bills in your wallet.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    It doesn't mean she likes you. It just means that she considers you low risk and at least hygienic enough to take a risk on for OTC action. If you and your wallet can handle her I say go for it.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    It could just be a warning that the clock is ticking. So if you want any more dances, you had better get them now.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Don't listen to these cynical, distrustful buzz-kills. The stripper wants you. Go for it and fuck her right in the pussy.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    It's hard to say based in what you stated about your self if her intentions are buisness or relationship, or anything for that matter. Also it is true as a stripper we lead you on into thinking you can get luck with us. I was never one to do extras and would usually just try to drag the guy on as long as possible to get him to spend more money on me. For example:
    Customer: "hey cutie what time you get off work? We could ditch this place and go to some hotel and have some real fun "
    Me: "I don't get off work till 3 am and well I'd have to get to know you better first. Perhaps we could talk more if you get a lap dance.?"
    *he will then get the lap dance or not*
    Customer: you know this could be more fun if you let me do _____
    Me: I'm sure you'd like that. (I just ignore his want for said action)
    Customer: so what's your number hot stuff. Your so beautiful.
    Me: I don't have it memorized new phone and I don't use it often.

    And well you get it I just keep dodging and weaving. However, there is a chance she could want something from you looks are not everything. I'd ask her casually if she'd be interested in dinner after work at waffle house or I hop or something. Strippers love food!!! We are always hungry after work at least I am and other people I know usually are. Worse thing could happen is she will decline or not show. Best thing you guys have a great time and maybe go again and maybe it will lead to more. And for things to talk about find common interests while your at the club. Hell talk about the food and places you like to eat.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    Can you handle what she does for a living?
    I couldn't date a dancer for that simple fact.
    I love SCs but I know my limits.
    I go for entertainment. I would proceed with caution.
    If you can handle her occupation, go for it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ---> "I'm actually very leery about dating a stripper"

    Now you're making some sense, man

    ---> " I like having a low drama life"

    I can tell you from firsthand experience, you date a stripper, you will get to savor the experience of an extremely high drama life. Maybe it's time for a change man, you're in rut! lol

    ---> "I'm mostly just curious, because it seems as though it is something that women say that may show they are interested."

    One of the rookiest of rookie mistakes you can make, is take something that would be interpreted as interest if it were uttered by a civilian woman, and assume it means remotely the same thing when a stripper says it. If you internalize nothing else from this thread, that's the thing. Guys who get taken and heartbroken, start off making that mistake. As long as you realize what it is, all part of her hustle, you can sit back and enjoy it.

    Telling you what time she's got her break or getting off means absolutely nothing when it comes from a stripper, without more context. Well, actually, it does mean something -- that she trusts you enough that she might entertain some OTC action.

    What's it mean?
    Most of the time, it means she's open to OTC sex

    At certain clubs I go to, particularly if she's telling you about her break, it means she's inviting you to go out drinking with her (you're buying for her, and any of her friends she brings). This actually is a bit of a vote of confidence, the girls would rather drink by themselves than with a customer they dislike, even if he's buying. And it can be pretty fucking fun -- I used to take them up on it, also. That doesn't mean she sees you as anything other than a customer, but just like you have fave customers at your work who you treat a little better (even though they're still jsut customers, and you have no interest in socializing with them outside of your job), you may be hers. Lots of the guys here don't believe this, but I assure you it's true.

    The rest of the time? Maybe some long-term or romance hustle. Or maybe real -- I've ended up fuckbuddies with a small number of strippers, so it does happen, super rarely (at least for me)
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Most likely she's opening the door for OTC negotiations.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Just remember; 99% of the time it's all BUSINESS for her; whether it's ITC (In The Club) or OTC (Outside The Club); once you know it's business and JUST business; then you proceed accordingly and *both* of you can get what you want/need (sex for you and $$$ for her\) instead of you ending up w/ an empty wallet and nothing to show for it b/c you got-played and thought it was something it was not (and will most likely never be).

    Strippers come into contact w/ dozens of men per week – it's their job and what they do – you are not the first “special custy” and won't be the last (and you're most-likely not the only one she may be currently playing; it's their job; it's what they do).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    I'm one of those PLs that actually prefers to converse with and establish a level of social familiarity with dancers.

    That said, a dancer would need to jump through hoops of fire to convince me that she has genuine feelings for me, or even a "personal connection." It's not impossible, but it's a rainbow unicorn dancing on diamonds in terms of rarity.

    Letting me know when she's off work or on break does not qualify. Not even close.

  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I too like to have a personal connection with a dancer. We know enough about each other to have a great social connection i.e. can converse about family, friends, vacation etc., but the idea I would meet a sex worker on my real life turf is inane. Rather go skiing or golfing with my wife.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    --->"I'm one of those PLs that actually prefers to converse with and establish a level of social familiarity with dancers.

    That said, a dancer would need to jump through hoops of fire to convince me that she has genuine feelings for me, or even a "personal connection." It's not impossible, but it's a rainbow unicorn dancing on diamonds in terms of rarity. "

    I like to ATF the girls, too. All good strippers make you feel like you've made a special connection, so that means little. I don't make the girls jump through "hoops of fire". I use a single, simple measure to determine if she's interested beyond stripper/customer, and that is: Is she fucking me for free? And my measure of how interested she is, is: To what extent is she pursuing me?

    I've built relationships liek this asmall number of times, and in all cases, we spent a lot of time OTC without compensation, and she pursued me as much as I pursued her (that is, she initiated calls, texts, "want to hang out tonight" type interaction)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Girl talks about when she gets off work, of course she is trying to get the guy to think of her beyond the confines of the club. So of course she likes him, though usually in just the way that she wants to do P4P ( Pay for Play ) OTC ( Outside the Club ) with him. But still, that she is doing that means that there is potential.

    There was local place where the money was much less, but most of the girls only worked there to set up OTC's. So if you talked to them they would just smile and nod and listen attentively, while they listed for the place to cut in and tell you which city they lived in. Then usually after they'd danced a couple of songs for a guy, only $5 a song, the guy would leave and then the girl would be seen in her street clothes heading for the front door.

    The first time one of their girls talked to me like that, "I live in San Jose". I thought, "She must be getting a bit tipsy and not realize how that sounds." But then the next time, "I live in San Carlos", and I could see what the intent was.

    And then at the Pink Poodle a dayshift girl was like that with me, telling me what time she gets off. With her I don't think her offer was restricted to P4P either.

    And then there was a Viet Coffee Girl who talked to me and others like that. She was a young hottie. I'm sure she didn't mean that as P4P at all and would have been angered if someone took it that way.


    Humble Pie-30 Days In The Hole
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Sounds like they are telling you when NOT to bother them.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    She tells you when she gets off because she wants you to extend the fantasy beyond just ITC, but also into OTC.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... It's not impossible, but it's a rainbow unicorn dancing on diamonds...”

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    That actually brings up a more nefarious purpose for the girl to bring this up. About 20 years ago, I went to an SC with two buddies in LA. We were all pretty much SC newbies at the time. Anyway, we're there,totally digging our strippers. Both of my buddies' strippers told them that they get off at 1 and would be willing to go back to our hotel. Both of my buddies are totally excited about it, and spend plenty of $ getting dances with their respective strippers. End of the night comes,and each guy (separately) asks his stripper about coming back to the room, and in each case, she denied him hard... This was obviously a practiced hustle -- tell the guy OTC is available, get him spending $ like crazy until closing, then kick him to the curb, go home, and count your money
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Stripper and Coffee Girls have told me when they get off. Usually it's been from the day shifts. By their way of talking to me it was clear that they liked me. With the strippers only they may have expected a P4P session to come from it. But even that was likely open.


    Rach 3
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    As the old saying goes - “if it looks too good to be true; it probably is”
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Sjg---> " By their way of talking to me it was clear that they liked me."

    We strongly part ways there, sjg. Any vaguely competent stripper is going to out of most customers' leagues, as far as how good she is at appearing genuine, versus his bullshit detector.

    Anyway, I reckon most guys who get hustled would say "it was clear that she liked me" ... Right until they realize they've been hustled. Certainly, the girls in the story above with my buddies, they were bubbly and friendly and you would have sworn they were really digging t heir time and were looking forward to OTC fun.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    It might have looked TGTBT in a way, but only if one saw the girls as a fantasy rather than as ordinary people. TGTBT simply because I was married and wanted to stay out of trouble and needed to live within my own integrity, and so it could not be. Some of the girls in local strip clubs and Viet coffee shops I have really gotten along well with. I NEVER talk to them like I think they sell sex for money or like they are anything other than ordinary girls. So this often carries a great deal of weight with them.

    The Viet Coffee Girls are totally civilian. With the strippers it will vary. But when some of them were talking to me, they probably were wanting to keep it entirely civilian. So as this would mean that they and I would be spending time together and coming to know each other, before inserting Tab A in Slot B, it did become like a dream which could not be realized. I was not available and I had to keep my act clean. AMP sessions yes, but getting more involved and being in motels and all, no.

    Papi, ColdnShallow supports monogamy only. My own position has moved even further from her's. I am now saying that monogamy, at least as a societally favored lifestyle, is immoral. What do you think?


    Late Beethoven, dismissed at the time, but highly regarded since
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Sjg---> " By their way of talking to me it was clear that they liked me."

    One case I would apply this to was a stripper at the Pink Poodle. She most definitely did like me. Whether she was wanting P4P or Civilian would have remained to be seen. But if I took her up on her offer I know that I would have been flexible, doing whatever seemed to make her the most comfortable. I believe that for her it would have been the same way.

    Another case was with a hot looking young Viet Coffee Girl, a total Good Girl. The ones that work in those places do not do P4P. Most guys ruin their chance with these girls because they refuse to see this.

    Those coffee shops make plenty of money as it is. The owners know where the lines are and what would get them in trouble. A girl who was setting up P4P wouldn't last 20min.

    She was just like lots of beautiful young girls. She spent too much time sitting home alone. So this girl, with zero P4P experience and never ever thinking about that, decided to sometimes plant suggestions of outside civilian dates with customers. "I get off at 3 o'clock."

    In such places some of the girls often have really gone for me. I don't know what I could say which would prove this to you. Maybe it would be the number of times strippers have been talking to me for hours and hours, for free. Or in the Viet Coffee shops where they don't do P4P, the amount of face time and attention some girls have given me.


    Symphony No. 9 ~ Beethoven
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