
Avoiding awkward stripper confrontations

How do you find is best to keep you clubbing life separate real life. Even though I am not currently married I like to keep my private life private.
The last thing any of us want is a confrontation between a stripper and you wife, boss, client, pastor, or mom!

I follow some simple rules:
I club alone.
I don't club in my hometown. (no decent clubs close anyway)
I never use my real name and never give a last name.
I avoid talking of personal details about my life. Keep it general and generic.
I never meet outside the club any place other than neutral territory well away from my work and home.
I never ever, ever, ever, take a girl to my home. (see above)
I never take a girl to a social function where I may meet anyone I know.
I always pay cash.
I do not give out my real phone number.(that is the same as giving out your real name and address plus way to much other personal information)
I used a cash purchased burn phone as a contact number and pay cash for minute renewal cards.
I keep my real phone PIN locked and in my pocket or car.

While these seem like a lot of trouble it is actually easy to follow them. The only pain in the ass thing is the burn phone. everything else is just safety protocol.
If you want to really keep it simple; pay cash, don't meet outside the club or parlor, do not give phone numbers, and use a pseudonym.

If y'all have any other/better ideas feel free to share.
---Remember just because you are paranoid does not mean someone isn't out to get you!---


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    They don't seem too hard to follow. There's quite a few of those rules I don't follow now that I'm single (in fact, I only follow 2 or 3). But I followed many of them when I was married, but not all of them, and it was pretty effortless.

    When I was married, the two of your rules I didn't follow:
    1. I always club with friends. Obviously, I was careful about which friends I picked -- friends who would never meet my wife are okay, friends who socialize with my wife need to be very trusted. If you have good friends, the advantages of clubbing with friends far overshadows the potential risks, IMO.
    2. My real phone is always with me. I always keep my real phone PIN locked also, but never in the car -- too many situations where I might have to make a call or send a text on it. What if your wife urgently needs you? You need to be able to check your texts, plus in case of emergency, your real phone is more likely to have reception.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    'course, I always felt the rules were more about not getting caught, than "stripper confrontation"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If you want to get along with the girls, you have to go against all of those rules. Girls want to know you, they want you to be open to them. If you use your rules then they will assume that you are probably being untruthful, particularly about marital status.

    Some of the dancers in strip clubs are nut cases. But not all of them. Find ones you would also like to know.

  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    I try to hit strip clubs only when I'm out of my home area. I'm a minor celebrity in my home area, so there is always the chance I will run into someone who knows me.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Good advice overall. In my experience the honeys are just as adverse to confrontation as I am.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Sinclair - "I'm a minor celebrity in my home area" - I always knew you were George Hamilton!!!!!! lol

    I also do not club in my hometown or within a 1 hour radius, but none of those places are worth a shit anyway.

    I do give my real first name, kinda strange having a girl yell your name during OTC and it's not YOUR name, other than that, tiretraveler has sound advice - he's pretty savvy so you guys should listen to him.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Some strippers are people you don't want to have outside contact with. So why not look for the others who are not this way?

  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Being divorced, retired and having understanding kids, I don't do any of those things. In fact I mostly do the opposite. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Truth breeds trust. Trust opens doors and spreads legs.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ I agree with Shadowcat. There are a few strip club dancers who would be problems OTC, but they are likely problems ITC as well.

    Better if people can publicly stand up for what they believe in. So martial status and occupation should be adjusted as needed.

    Women are kind of basic, they want a guy to be open to them, and then they will reciprocate.

    Front room GFE is a good measure of this too!

  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I'm the opposite. I'm young and tell people that I go to strip clubs. I have friends that are strippers on my Facebook that will comment on my statutes. i feel that strip clubbing is a part of who I am and if someone doesn't like me or respect me because of it then it's not my problem.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    I'm not young, but I am trying to make it go the same way. Not there yet, but I will be.

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    --> "Being divorced, retired and having understanding kids"

    Definitely easier to do in your position. Actually, of those 3 things, the only one I match is "divorced", but that's enough for me to significantly lower the rules... My ATFs (and sometimes my CFs) usually know my real name (and I know theirs), we're usually on the same social media; a very small number of ATFs have been to my house (and vice versa).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Tiredtraveler's list is pretty close to everything that I do. It's a good list.

    One addition: If you're on social media, then don't use your own face on any avatars or profile pictures and make sure that your privacy settings are battened down tight. Even if you're traveling an hour or more to reach clubs, you'd be amazed at the number of people who might have online "friends" in common with you, and your face could pop up in the suggested contacts list. Perhaps for a dancer, but even for a bartender, bouncer, DJ, or other support staff. And it can spread from there.

    It would be ideal if all customers could be open about their SC habit, but that's just not realistic for many considering their professional or personal life.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    As they say different strokes for different folks. I'm single and have about 20 stripper friends on my facebook. I don't talk about SC's around my mom and sister although...LOL
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    I think you are being overly paranoid.
    Most strippers I know only want your money.
    They can get that at the club.
    I have never had any issues with the girls outside of the club.
    Mainly, the girls are more protective of their privacy that I have never
    had an issue of the girls trying to stalk or create problems for me.
    I club 10 minutes from my job. It never has been an issue.
    But, I treat SCs like Fight Club. Especially around people I know who
    dislike Showclubs. But, I really enjoy clubs so I keep attending.
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