
Getting bored with going to strip clubs

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Guys sometimes when you are on your way to the club do you change your mind and say fuck it I don't feel like being ripped off tonight, and jus go home. It seems to me lately that I have been getting in a rut, where the clubs are getting boring, it seems to me that the more I know about how these places operate, the more I get tired of them. All of the clubs seem to have the same stupid girls asking the same stupid questions, every conversation seems like "Deja vu all over again' to quote the late Yogi Berra. I think I'm going to take a break from clubbing maybe I can squeeze in some more golf or maybe I'll hit the casino. Anybody else get these feelings lately.


  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I went through that spill this past summer and as a result I've cut back on the frequency of my visits and my spending on each of those visits. I went almost two months without going to a strip club. Fortunately, I have a couple of civilian women to fulfill my needs. It just be like that sometimes and the upside is that you can save money.
  • Big_sarge
    9 years ago
    I'm in the same boat as OP.

    I recently relocated for work and tried to go back to my old club from a few years back. I have tried a few times without success...by that I mean that the visits were uneventful and I actually didn't have that great a time in the club. Because of this, my frequency of visits has dropped off and also in part because I don't want to spend a ton of money to earn back my regular status just to have the same old tired girls that have been working there for years...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    You gotta be able to live with the money you are spending. And you gotta be able to sense when something good is being accomplished as opposed to when it is just nursing a compulsion.

  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I think its happened to just about everyone. I have to make a 45-50 min drive to get to the clubs I like so if I don't feel it, I won't go.

    I suffer from Vuja de - the feeling that none of this has happened before
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I suffer from Vuja de - the feeling that none of this has happened before"

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Deja Vu is a clever name. That is how it feels to be around dolled up beautiful women. It touches something. Even if you've not actually experienced it before, it is like what you've always been waiting for, something that you always somehow knew was available.

    rh48hr, good post.

    Strip clubs offer much, but there are still limits. Need to set up other types of venues. Need to be more flexible. Sometimes sitting and talking, sometimes eating food, sometimes FS.

    Some people really like those German FKK Clubs. If one can afford it, I think those are probably good because you can spend more time with the women.


  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Oh, yea, that happens to me every so often. Take a break, then at some point you'll feel the urge and all will be right with the vibes and you will be right back at it.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Take a break.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    The nice thing about taking a break for a few months... When you go back to your regular club, the odds are there will be a lot of new dancers on shift.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Sometimes you just say or think Fuck it, I've had enough of all this crap and leave and don't come back.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Or just try a different club.

    This is why we have TUSCL.

    Thank you @Founder!

    Too bad twentyfive that you don't have Viet Coffee Shops where you are. Atlanta has a couple.

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Several years ago there were 3 or 4 all nude clubs with byob or bring your own beer clubs in the area. Now I can't even visit a topless club without some rule about wearing pasties or tape. Hopefully there is a cycle to this and the all nude byob clubs come back.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I feel that we need to set up some other types of venues.

    First, we should have strip club / hotel complexes just as good as TJ's Hong Kong Bar.

    But even that doesn't cover everything. Men and women need to find ways of working together to go beyond even that.

  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    No, I can't say that I've ever felt that. I go to clubs as a diversion from ordinary life. I have various hobbies that I've refined over the years. I'm an expert skiier, I've skiied for over 43 years. I look at each event as an opportunity for growth. Yeah, there are going to be some issues at various places. Like when a dancer claims she danced more songs that she actually did. It last happened down at one of my favorite clubs in South Florida. I got up, spoke to the manager and did a compromise. Did that stop me from enjoying the club again. HELL NO !! Sometimes you do need to take a break, that's fine.
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    Getting bored,, Hell No !.... Today, I banged (sexual intercourse). The 14th different dancer at my favorite club. 14 in five years,,,, All ITC and condom covered.....Six of them are currently working there ... Yes it does get expensive ,,, Not bored...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    If it's starting to feel like a job, duty, or rut, then it's time to take a break and/or find a new hobby (monger-based or otherwise). It depends on the person, but if you do almost anything habitually over a long period of time then there's great potential for it to become monotonous and not fun (at least that's what my married friends tell me...).

    I'm actually scraping off the rust after a very long break from strip clubs. Can't say that I won't leave the scene again at some point, but I'm having fun right now. So yeah, take a break and see if the "itch" ever returns. No big deal if it doesn't; you've moved on.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “Give me a break I sure deserve it”
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Happens to everybody eventually.
    Taking a break can help both your mental state and bank account too.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It has happened to me several times but it never lasted long. Taking a break can be good. A few other suggestions that worked for me.

    1. Go to different clubs. Travel if you have to. Much of your complaint seems to be with clubs you are understandably tired of.

    2. Go to a great club like Follies where no heterosexual man can ever have a bad time. It rejuvenates.

    3. Start focusing upon OTC instead of club visits. I've done this in the past year and it has totally changed my perspective on and interaction with strip clubs. The clubs are now just a warm up for the main attraction, instead of being the main attraction themselves.

    Good luck.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "Start focusing upon OTC instead of club visits."

    I think this is the best!

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I posted such a thread a few months back.

    I SC a lot (too much) and it was becoming kinda a pain dealing w/ the same BS as you put it.

    As I often state; I like variety and why thus in the past I would rotate among a lot of different clubs in South FL so I would not have to deal w/ the same dancers and the same scene too often.

    But w/ time; I got fed-up w/ many of the clubs and their SS/BS and started dwindling down my rotation to just about 3 clubs; and after a while I started getting a bit sick w/ these 2 or 3 clubs also.

    Being a single guy I have the flexibility to come and go as I please to a certain extent – thus since I really enjoy SCing and really like variety; I find taking SC trips a lot of fun and kinda rejuvenating for me personally since I don't travel often and not able to get away from the same ole same ole.

    I sometimes do the 3-hour trip to Cocoa Beach and hit Inner Room for a change of pace/scenery (and there are 2 other clubs in the area but I have not hit them) – Inner Room and Cocoa Beach are laid-back and I feel relaxed when I'm there and is very different from the Miami SC scene and the Miami scene overall.

    Also – for me personally – if I have worries or problems in my personal life that will often cut down my SCing enjoyment and I have less patience for dealing w/ the club BS.

    I am currently taking a break and doing very little if any SCing – sometimes I get the urge to go mainly out of boredom – but then I think “do I want to keep giving those bitches all my $$$ or do I want to keep it” (since more often than not I blow almost all my disposable income w/ my frequent local and out-of-area SCing).

    I don't make “great” $$$ like I used-to but enough to pay my bills and have some fun – but $$$ is an issue in that I tend to burn thru all of it when I'm in regular Papi Chulo SC mode.

    I am currently too familiar w/ my local SC scene and was not really getting my money's worth b/c I was wasting all my $$$ in the same-ole same-ole.

    My hope is to abstain from local SCing which was not doing much for me and do some more SC trips down the line.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    SJG makes sense. I got stood up for an OTC last night so went to the club and frankly it was wasted money. I'm a strong advocate of the old saying that there's no such thing as a bad blowjob, but I did several dances with various strippers who have previously orally rendered me ecstatic, and not one of them interested me. Maybe because I was overly anticipating my original object of affection. I left after a couple of hours and enjoyed the Patriots victory. Now in a couple of days I have a new 9.75+ dancer who has invited me to join her for a couple of hours of carnal pleasure which I'm eagerly anticipating. It's costing a King's ransom, but if all goes as planned it will be well worth it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    “Give me a break I sure deserve it”

    The opening line to the Nell Carter sitcom "Gimme a Break"
    Papi I bet you used to drool over Nell Carter and her big ass didn't you? Lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ LOL – nah – she was not curvy enough – too round!
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Lol papi. You are right on that.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I love gawker's stories.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Agree with the others, burnout happens to everyone. Oddly enough, I sometimes find doubling-down gets me out of it. That is, I sc more often until I run into the one thing I know pulls me out of any sc burnout -- an awesome new cf candidate.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    I'm an expert skiier, I've skiied for over 43 years.


    Is this how you died ?
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Joking aside i agree with the tuscl mind that is saying take a break and use this time to build back up your bank roll and to find another hobby that can help you better manage your time.

    Hell i had one year i went to the club 3 times lol and the year before i was in the club over 100 times that year.

    This is how i become a Poker Player, Little League Football Coach, Amateur Stand up Comedy, Rap Artists, Author of several books, black belt in several martial arts, photography...and the list goes on and on.

    When i teach my students at my pick up artists boot camp is this

    " you wanna get laid ? Then get a life !"

    Basically this means don't focus on getting laid, focus on yourself...your hobbies your talents and the pussy will supply it self

  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    This is how i got into traveling to spice up my clubbing Xcapdes and Adventures
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    I feel the same. I have recently stopped going to showclubs simply because of the money angle.
    I will always love watching beautiful women. But, the cost sucks. I once drove 90 minutes one way to
    one of my favorite clubs. I sat in the parking lot for awhile. I then turned around and headed home
    because I just wasn't into it that day. The conversations are boring. The women all are married or
    have boyfriends for the most part. I have found one club I really like I will return to. But the clubs
    closest to me are off my radar. One entertainer was or is so clueless, she proceeded to tell me in
    detail about her relationship with her boyfriend. He is basically her sugar daddy. I got tired of her and
    all of the girls at this place so I quit. One club charges $3.50 for a cup of coffee if the waitress gets the
    cup for a girl. If the girl goes to the bar and gets it herself, she is not charged. I could not handle being ripped off
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Show clubs lol
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    This is also i started taking better care of myself and how i vanish ed from tuscl for a year.... on that break i had i realized i needed to save more and buy myself nicer things and go back to school
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Now that im bake visiting show clubs im very excited
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Why would you buy a dancer a cup of coffee?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Guys and Gals, I appreciate all of your comments even the snarky ones but for me it is not about money being tight, its more about what is happening out there. I just read phoenix133's thread it basically said to me what I am getting sick and tired of. Going to a strip club is supposed to be fun I don't care to hear all of your problems monetary or otherwise, we all have problems of one sort or another. I started going to strip clubs many years ago when most of the dancers were older than me and some were better than others as in life, it is a matter of taste. Lately as I am substantially older than almost all of these girls they seem to think that I am there for their benefit. I contend that it is the other way around, I look for party girls the ones that are fun to be around some of them do extras, some of them don't, don't get me wrong I enjoy sex tremendously and I have always believed in the old adage that "variety is the spice of life" but it seems to me anyway that if these girls would concentrate on me having a good time they would be compensated well, but hell, I don't want to be their father or psychologist I am there to have a good time. I hit a lot of clubs down here in South Florida and it seems that the talent is getting rather lousy, I hope its not that I am getting old as I am only 62 to young to really be an old geezer or grumpy old man, but that is where I am coming from with this thread. I will take a break but I will stay here on TUSCL, as I really enjoy this discussion board and I do have other pastimes which I enjoy so maybe when I get the urge to come back to the clubs it will look different.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago

    When you come back to it, I think you need to be a lot more assertive in not letting the dancers who irritate you hang out at your table. I encounter lots of dancers like the ones you describe, but I don't tolerate them. I send them away to make room for the ones I want.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    ^^^^John its not that, I am pretty rude at times it just seems that the party girls have left the building kinda like Elvis.^^^^
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Two5, sounds like you're looking for the same kind of experience I enjoy -- partying with fun young strippers, don't care at all whether extras are involved (I'll pursue those OTC, not ITC). For me, it was a matter of 1. Finding the right club with the right vibe, and 2. Finding the right girls at that club.

    At one of the clubs I enjoy, quality wavers significantly. A year and a half ago, it was really good; 8 months ago, it had gotten super weak and the only thing that kept me going there was my then-CF. As of 3-4 months ago, it's been looking really good ... But there was a wave of firings last week, so who knows what it will look like next trip. To borrow the old cliche -- it's not me, it's them. As quality of the dancers rollercoasters up and down, I enjoy my trips more or less (unless I have an ATF, in which case, I don't care about any of it), you might explore your options a bit
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    To answer the question in your post, to whit, do I change my mind in the way to the club? Seldom. The club's here are not on my way home, so I tend to decide to go, and then go. I will sometimes get there, and then find nothing going on and head home.
  • IwillLapAdancer
    9 years ago
    I have had doubts about stopping in to visit a club as I am driving by, and I usually continue home without stopping. The few times I have gone against my doubts, and I stop in to the club, I find it rather laborious to have any enjoyment. It must be my mindset as I walk in being on the negative with all the doubts.

    Usually what happens when I decide to keep going home is the thought that it is going to be the same bullshit and I have already been there and done that with pretty much the same girls. Since I usually stop in after work, I don't really have the option to visit another club right then, and by the time I get home I get busy with other stuff and no longer have any need to go.

    If you really don't want to stop in or have any doubts, trust yourself enough to know that this isn't the right time to go clubbing. At least that is the bullshit I tell myself, and it seems to work for me.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    This one time i stopped show club's because i was in a gay faze
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Fuck you juice. I mean Jackie
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    As I've posted in other threads; I notice that often times if I go to a club w/ high expectations/anticipation; some/often times the visit does not live up-to my expectations/anticipation.

    I try not to have any expectations w.r.t. SCs/strippers b/c often times they leave a lot to be desired in terms of customer-service; particularly since I mostly visit small-clubs/dives.

    I try to go not expecting much and just take it for what it is – if it turns out it was a good-visit and I found some cool dancers; great; if not; well they are strip-clubs; I don't expect much – I enjoy the good times when they're there and accept the not-so-good visits when they are there.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I've reached the parking lot and then decided to just leave without parking. It does get old sometimes.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Twenty-five lol
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Some times i get a girlfriend and they usually help me to remember why i love the clubs lol

    Sad but sooo so true SMDH
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    It happens. Same old story/same old song and dance. I'm lucky enough to have several road trips per year to provide a change of scenery, but I can even get bored with clubs during multi-city tours when the clubs are nothing special. When that happens I just seek out other diversions. Give it enough time and the burnout will recede, followed soon after by a return of the itch to go clubbing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Take some Viagra b/f hitting the club

  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Lol^^^ true that
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    fuck you Papi I mean Jackie :-)
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