
When should a dancer retire from stripping?

I thought the 20's was too early. Saw a hot customer waving at me a few weeks ago and realized it was a former favorite who still looked hotter than most of the dancers in the club we were in.

I guess every dancer will decide for herself. The obvious is when they can't handle it anymore or can make more money doing regular work.
Plus when clubs will no longer hire her. maybe too old or too out of shape. I think some dancers quit because they get tired of all the rules and so called other crap I heard a dancer say she has to deal with. I have put up with a lot of crap in my regular job too but that had more to do with my boss at the time.


  • BigPoppa99
    9 years ago
    I've often wondered this same question for my ATF. The simple answer is when natural selection runs its course. Eg. Younger talent, other girls who are willing to push the boundaries. And, of course age.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    That was a good question when talking to one smart dancer who had a college degree. She told me she was holding off starting her career because she was making a lot of money dancing, a lot more than starting off in a career. However I wondered how long would you want to hold off starting a career if you had a degree but were not working in the same field? It seems like some employers would wonder why unless you listed exotic dancer on a resume and I'm not sure how many dancers would want to list exotic dancing when trying to get a regular job. Maybe many do. I suspect the company I work for would put the girls resume in the trash bin if her work experience said exotic dancing. It would not help in getting a technical job.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    Was sort of talking about this last night with a dancer I've known for a few months. When she started and when I met her she was just dancing a couple nights a week to supplement income from her other regular job. A few weeks later the other job was gone and she was dancing full time. Last night she said she was just dancing to supplement her and her husband's income and keep the bills paid. She was adamant that she'd quit dancing when they are on firmer financial footing and she could go back to school. She said she couldn't imagine being a career stripper in her 40s. I didn't have the heart to tell her how often I've seen "dancing for now" turn into dancing for decades.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Im not understanding the question
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Some dancers continue well into their 40's -even 50's- before hanging up the heels, and some 20-year-olds ought to retire before their 21st birthday due to their inability to "get" what it is that they are supposed to do.
    It's really random and I think that there is no set time or age and it really depends on the dancer.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    resume gaps are hard to explain (even when it's something other than strippin'). To answer the OP, it going to be different for different girls. I've seen some dancers' bodies go to hell before 25 and others still hotter than hell in their late 30s. Even the degree of 'baby damage' varies quite a bit from one dance to the next... if they come back to dancing afterwards. On 'average' I'd guess some where around 30 is where most tend to fade. (This is probably true of civies too.)
  • likes2look
    9 years ago
    A dancer should retire the moment the juice/big tuna/nuts comes through the door carrying a bucket of KFC. Nothing good will follow.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Not a day past 25.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    A dancer should retire the moment the juice/big tuna/nuts comes through the door carrying a bucket of KFC. Nothing good will follow.


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    They start learning how to suck cock really good around age 30. before that age they are afraid you'll think poorly of them, after that they are proud to show you they can get you off on more than one way. It is much more liberating to be with a girl who enjoys her skills and is happy to oblige without you even asking her. The 30 year old girls usually go straight for it as understood foreplay. 20 year olds are still trying to figure out how to have sex, strippers included.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I've seen dancers in their 50's that were still smoking hot and had great VIP skills. I've seen unfortunate ones in their 50's that should have retired long ago. As long as they are attractive, age really doesn't matter that much to me.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I've seen dancers in their 50's that were still smoking hot and had great VIP skills. I've seen unfortunate ones in their 50's that should have retired long ago. As long as they are attractive, age really doesn't matter that much to me.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I've seen dancers in their 50's that were still smoking hot and had great VIP skills. I've seen unfortunate ones in their 50's that should have retired long ago. As long as they are attractive, age really doesn't matter that much to me.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I've seen dancers in their 50's that were still smoking hot and had great VIP skills. I've seen unfortunate ones in their 50's that should have retired long ago. As long as they are attractive, age really doesn't matter that much to me.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I've seen dancers in their 50's that were still smoking hot and had great VIP skills. I've seen unfortunate ones in their 50's that should have retired long ago. As long as they are attractive, age really doesn't matter that much to me.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    I didn't hear you Vince. Could you repeat that?
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Lol, maybe Vince is going to the dark side ?

    Could Vince be a Troll ?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF is as hot at 30 as she was at 20, but is quitting for now to get away from the drug scene. She's been clean and sober for a month and is taking it one day at a time. Only time will tell if she stays that way.
    One of my favorite dancers is 38, has a 2 year old child and is as hot as ever. Generally the slim athletic dancers can continue on longer than the Rubenesque dancers.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think it's sad if a girl is mid 30s and can't do better doing something else. Extras girls have a longer shelf life.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    A former favorite dancer had just turned 37 and she still looked great.
    She had told me she was going to dance for as long as she could.
    She really had no future career plans. She said she really enjoys dancing. But, I have a theory she is simply dating her boyfriend who is 14 years older than her for the security. As she said, he is nice and takes care of her. I can only imagine how much she costs.
    I got tired of her and hearing about her life so I quit visiting with her.
    I have more respect for the women who are not career dancers.
    I like the girls who are working towards something like a better career.
    They use dancing instead of allowing dancing to use them.
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    When she can make more money doing something else. If people are still paying her good money, why quit?
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    It probably depends in part on their desire to work in clubs on the low end of the strip club spectrum. My old favorite club had plenty of 30 somethings and older and most of them were ladies who maintained their ability to perform, but perhaps had gained too much weight for clubs higher up to be interested. It probably helps to have some reason to strip other than the money. One of my old favorites, who danced until she was 50 and probably could have kept going at it, enjoyed the entertainment aspect of it.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    One of the smartest and sexiest dancers I've ever known is 54. She's almost done paying for a B&B down in Central America (Panama, if I remember right). She's planning on hanging up her heels at the end of '16, then move to her B&B.

    Another dancer I met several years ago was 57 and she looked like she was 75. Four in the afternoon, and she was already stinking drunk. And she looked like stereotypical elderly trailer trash, complete with missing half the teeth in her head. Sadly, she was probably the most entertaining dancer there. I mean, how often do you see a dancer standing on her head on stage?
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Sheesh, guys. I don't know what I did to do all those multiple posts. LMAO
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    A dancer should retire when she can collect Social Security.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    I think that Darwinism plays a major role in a dancer's career.

    Ultimately, it varies based on the girl and her chosen market.

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    The dancer I have the biggest crush on ATM is 43. There are several other cute ones in their early 20s that I'm afraid to think what they'll look like at 43.

    No drugs, don't smoke, Alphonse and crappy food in moderation, plenty of sleep and exercise could certainly prolong a dancers career, but so many don't get the memo.

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @sharkhunter goes back to what I said in a previous thread. They may think they can make big money in Strip Clubs, but compare that to a regular job especially one where pay increases may upsell stripping and for longer periods than strip clubbing can, at the very least do both strip clubbing and career jobing. Everyone these days have multiple sources of income.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    A dancer should retire before she has to resort to an intimidation or a mercy dance hustle. I've seen many dancers long overdue for a career change with the pain of constant rejection painted on their face. Heartbreaking really.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    @Timex345: your comments are spot on! What you said reminds me a lot of my xATF.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    As long as she is still pretty, has a good attitude and making money. I have seen way too many strippers whose face and body are no longer appealing, who bring down the whole vibe of the club, whether it's because of her attitude, or customers have no desire to see them and leave.

    One of my current favorites is one strike away from no longer seeing her again. She is still as hot as she was the first time I got dances from her, and her lap dance skills are just as good, but she has become increasingly jealous of other dancers, and two our of my last 3 visits trying to get away from over counting dances.

    One of my ex favorites is in her mid to late 40's, and up to about two years ago was decently hot. However age has started to take it's toll on her. She has gained at least 25 pounds, although she is tall enough that she doesn't look overly fat. Her boobs sag much more, her legs are starting to show the cottage cheese look a bit too much, her ass is flabby.

    She still gives a good dance and has a decent following, and so far none of the newer dancers have yet to catch up to her in dance quality, so she still makes decent money. However, it's only a matter of time before her regulars find a much younger replacement, and desperation causes her attitude to change.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    So excited to be back, you are stuttering. :)
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