
Do you believe this shit?

Atlanta suburb
From a review for the Blue Flame Lounge in Atlanta:

"I got kicked out one night for spending too much money on one dancer so it made all the other dancers mad. They impolitely asked me and my friend that spent well over $2,000 to leave"...


  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah – I was just reading that review – it's a reviewer w/ just one-review so one should take it FWIW – below is the entire-review:

    “... Blue Flame or as the locals call it 'Da Flame' is tucked away off a busy street located right next to a package store and across the street from a Presto truck stop. On busy nights security may try to take advantage of you if they feel like you new and charge you $20 dollars to park in the makeshift parking lot. I suggest you park in front of the 24 hour barer shop or go right across the street to the Presto truck stop but I suggest going in and buying something small like gum or cigarillos to prove you were a customer. But anywhere you park I suggest you lock all doors and put anything valuable looking out of sight. When you first walk in you walk up to the security guard who pat you down endlessly to make sure you don't bring in any weapons. They let you smoke in the club but don't be blatant with what you bring in try to at least keep it out of sight. They allow smoking of all kinds and they also have hookahs to purchase. During the week before 8pm there was no cover but I came at 10pm during the week and the cover was $10. During the weekends the cover charge can reach as high as $40.

    When you walk in you see the main stage and a smaller stage to the right. The bar is to the right and the DJ booth is on the left. Its a lot smaller than you would have thought if its your first time going but it gets very packed and the atmosphere is electric. The drink are on the expensive side a beer is at least $5 and a mixed drink is at least $12 but they are always having drink specials.

    There are plenty of beautiful women that work at all times. There aren't a huge mix mostly black women with 1 to 2 mixed exotic women. They are all beautiful with an exception to one lol. The dances are $5 full nude and the DJ plays the entire song. Its minimal touching but if you start to tip they get a lot more touchy. At one point I had a young lady grinding on me with her putting my hands on her ass but stuff like that is broken up by security or the manager who walks around occasionally. She is a very friendly manager though. Once you see her you will know exactly who she is because the dancers perk up when she comes lurking. Depending on how slow the day is you may have dancers harassing you for dances but once you get the hang of saying no it becomes second nature.

    Watch out for security because some may try to rob you but for the most part they were cool. I got kicked out one night for spending too much money on one dancer so it made all the other dancers mad. They impolitely asked me and my friend that spent well over $2,000 to leave but that was an isolated incident and never happened to me again.

    If you're hungry do not hesitate to order food from the most beautiful waitresses at any club period. The waitresses look as good as if not better than the dancers. The food is exceptional I would have to say top 10 best kitchens in Atlanta period. I haven't had anything I didn't absolutely love from the kitchen.

    Overall I have to say Da Flame is an exceptional choice if you want to have a great time but don't want to spend money like you're a rapper or football player. They definitely treat you like royalty though. The food is great the dancers are superb and the dances are the cheapest in the city. If you stay long enough I can pretty much guarantee you will see a celebrity walk through the door ...”

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I don't believe that's why they were kicked out.

    More likely they spent all their money and were being drunk assholes.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    On a related-note – has anyone ever heard of a custy being asked to leave b/c of not spending much/any $$$?
  • dutchman2000
    9 years ago
    Yup, bunch of 18-20 y/o soldiers in nude club (first one ever seen) Oceanside, Ca in 1984. Visiting the Marines to show em how its done. What can I say, we spent all we had.
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    Yes, probably 30 years ago at a now defunct Atlanta bar called the She Bar. I was there with some college friends. We were sitting at the stage and I was the only one tipping. A bouncer pulled me aside and said I could stay but, and i quote "if those other assholes don't start tipping they are out on their fucking asses."

    Since we came in one car, we all left.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That manager needed a Denver style beatdown, with Louisville sluggers
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I can see if one is sitting stage-side and not tipping that that perhaps could be a problem.

    I guess I originally asked the question b/c down here in Miami a few of the clubs have the tip-parade crap and I often don't tip most of the dancers and they get all pissy and it's gone thru my mind if one-day they would tell me to leave b/c I do not tip during the tip-parade but that has yet to happen.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shit even I've never spent 2,000 in one night. Ok maybe Ive come close a few times, but she's a DS. The reviewer is exaggerating the amount spent and the reason for getting kicked out.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Sounds like a tough joint in a tough neighborhood. Has anybody else been there that knows ????
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    I have been there when a guy was spending a lot of money butt was escorted out when he became so obnoxious other patron were leaving to get away from him.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    Years ago I bought dances from a girl during a dayshift visit.
    The club I visited was not busy during the day. The other girls working
    at the time were envious that I was spending money on this particular
    girl. They reported to the management that I was touching the girl
    too much.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I've seen guys spending money get thrown out many times, but they were either drunk or being extremely obnoxious to dancers or other customers.

    $2,000? I'm with JS I've never come close to spending that in one night either, but I believe "da flame" is the type of club where people go to impress other people, similar to magic city
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If they spend that much money, they should just pick whatever girls they like and take them out with them.

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