Sooo when did clubbing go from getting drunk, fuckin a stripper then writing a one paragraph review 3 months later while taking a casual shit at work to this God damn Theses Report ?
Some of you guys could take the fun out of a wet dream
Writing the review later is almost as much fun as the club experience and I usually get a stiffy remembering the details of my visit. Who doesn't get turned on by the pleasant memory of a well lit parking lot and clean bathroom? ...or how there was a single stage at the far end of the main room?
"Who doesn't get turned on by the pleasant memory of a well lit parking lot and clean bathroom? ...or how there was a single stage at the far end of the main room?"
"Who doesn't get turned on by the pleasant memory of a well lit parking lot and clean bathroom? ...or how there was a single stage at the far end of the main room?"
Yep, that's some of the funniest shit i could have read
last comment:)
Hell some times i read it to the girls and get their feedback
You will get severely criticized.
Yep, that's some of the funniest shit i could have read