
Comments by Timex345 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Days/Times when Bottom-Tier Dancers Likely to be Working
    I go on the weekdays to a club about an hour outside of the major city I live in. The girls are 5 to 8 range during the day shift. I always have a great time on the day shift there. I avoid the weekends. Two clubs in this area come to mind. Girls are always extra friendly. I am always polite. I get extras as I build rapport with some surprisingly hot women for a mid week day visit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Signs she making a pass your way?
    I like a girl to invest some time with me. I like having the power in a SC. In a SC, I have something the girls need, $. So, I am polite but selective. I have an all time favorite girl in a SC close by. She made the mistake yesterday when I saw her. She ruined the fantasy by telling me she has a man and that she doesn't do OTC. I hate when girls start telling me about their man and how well he treats them. I thought if he treats you so well and is so successful, why are you still shaking your ass for money? I was so pissed. I know I will not visit with her again. I know it is immature. But, I feel used since she asked for my number. I have to quit her. girl in a SC close by. She made the mistake yesterday when I saw her of telling me she has a man and that she doesn't dance for men outside to the club. I absolutely hate it when the girls I
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Do you like crowded busy strip clubs or one with a few empty tables?
    I prefer visiting during slower times. I go to my favorite club when they open at 11 am. I enjoy seeing how the girls look coming in. Also, I can usually get some dances from my favorite girls before their other regulars arrive. I hate crowds so this works for me. I usually leave mid afternoon when more customers arrive. My favorite girls have their regulars they dance for. So, It makes sense to visit with less competition for my favorite dancers time. I rarely go at night. I hate drunk patrons and the rudeness of the evening girls. If my favorite girls get busy, I rarely stay. It isn't much fun sitting alone.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The ultimate pity hustle
    The pity hustle ruins a visit for me. Showclubs are my escape. I walk away from dancers who try the routine on me. If you can't feed them, don't breed them. I have been burned before and learned my lesson.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sex with a Co-Worker
    Two coworkers where I work have or still are hooking up. They are both married to other people. His wife was pregnant and now a new mother. She is a beautiful, young woman originally from south of the border. I have seen them flirt at work on a handful of occasions. He is a supervisor in a different department. I have seen them walking together back to his office before. There really is no professional reason they should be speaking. She gets special treatment due to this "arrangement". She even tried to get a transfer to his department but was denied the transfer due to their horsing around at work. Everyone at work knows what's going on. She is a flirt and gets away with it. Nothing new. I wanted to pass along this story to strongly advise you to keep it zipped up at work. It is not worth ruining your career and personal life over. Hell. Ever since I started working there I have wanted to sleep with her. But, I always remember there are alot more safer women in the world to hook up with. Don't do it!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Whats up with all the jerks on here?
    I agree. I posted a discussion and was attacked immediately. It sucked.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is being young a disadvantage in the strip clubs?
    As long as you have the money, the women in a showclub don't care about you.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    OTC prostitution?
    I have had two OTC experiences. I found the experiences fun. But, usually I like to keep it in the club. One girl who I would visit quite frequently would call it a "private party". I know she hated stripping. So, she was trying to develop a rotation of regulars she could meet up with through the week and avoid stripping altogether. She would text me on Wednesday to set something up for the weekend. It was cool for awhile but became annoying after awhile. I visited the club one day. She was working. I bought dances from another girl. She was pissed and texted me when I got home. She never wanted to speak to me again. Problem solved. I sometimes miss her but, I go to a strip club to sample different girls. She overreacted. Thankfully she no longer works at my favorite club. A girl I am crazy about asked me twice if I would be interested in OTC. She said don't tell so and so. That so and so was the girl mentioned previously Now I know why. I was intimidated at first so we didn't meet up outside the club. A second offer was made by her. I accepted. We messed around after her shift in my truck in a parking lot. It was ok. She is hot. But the whole time she kept telling me to watch out for people. Also, it was closed quarters. Hard to move around. It was much too rushed. I am going to ask again. But, I am going to require a hotel.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Spring Cleaning
    Two words.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Does it look desperate?
    Sex gets better with age.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Work affair.
    You can be fired for having an affair at work. It really depends on the company. Workplace romances are too risky. The risk of losing your job, gossip among coworkers, loss of respect, and whiffs of favoritism are factors. I never really cared for that supervisor. He always struck me as a real type A jerk. She essentially slept her way out of South America to marry an older man in the US. The only justice I see is that she was not able to transfer to his department. I am glad to know of the affair so I can avoid them both now at work. I thought something was up. Now I know I am not crazy and my powers of observation were correct. I was always attracted to that girl. But, now I see how it would not have been worth it. In the future, I don't even speak to women at work unless it is work related, let alone fantasize about them. I value my job and emotional well being too much.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    dayshift is dead
    There were zero girls at 11:30 am on Saturday 3/30. Waste of time.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    First time
    I never understood dancers saying they will dance for you and then they never return. Seems like they are throwing away money.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Warning. People on this website are a special collection of assholes.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    I first started attending the Hip...
    I just returned home from work and for laughs decided to read some of my old reviews. I have two coworkers who are the worst. Finally, my supervisor is noticing the same things. Also, one went off on me tonight. But, thankfully he did it in front of another coworker. Long ago decided to not post anymore discussion topics. So, I am hiding my rants this way.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Great night with new girls.
    Found everything I was looking for on a recent Sunday afternoon. All of the girls were friendly and not pushy. A nice change from the girls at Brads Brass Flamingo. Dancers is back to being my go to club. Plenty of room and comfortable seating too.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Happy to be back in Indy
    I asked the dayshift girl Gabrielle for a dance. She said yes. She did not return. Just a general warning about her.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Way Under Delivered
    I visited on a Thursday afternoon. I tipped a girl at the stage. She said yes. As soon as her set was done she was off to the dressing room. She did not return. Very rude behavior by many of the dancers. Worse. Had a terrible air dance. It will be a long time before I return.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Way Under Delivered
    I visited on a Thursday afternoon. I tipped a girl at the stage. She said yes. As soon as her set was done she was off to the dressing room. She did not return. Very rude behavior by many of the dancers. Worse. Had a terrible air dance. It will be a long time before I return.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    The regular factor is too high. How long did you have to wait for a dance with her? There are exceptions. Overall, I have been disappointed.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Made another stop after a long...
    I agree. I keep returning hoping things improve . I haven't found any girls worth the trip to visit on the dayshift.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Best Kept Secret
    You'll find the girls in one of three places at the Hugger. With a regular, on stage, or hiding out in the dressing room.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Hotter girls but a snooze
    This has been a favorite club of mine for awhile. I have the same complaint. Too much time is wasted by me waiting for dances as girls hide out in the dressing room between their sets on stage or dancing for regulars. I always think twice now before I make the drive to the Hugger. I realize a good portion of my visit will be spent waiting.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    I am glad your experiences have been positive on the dayshift at the Hugger. Mine recently have not been. I wanted to buy some dances from a favorite. She stopped by my table during her tip parade. She said she would be right back to dance for me. 40 minutes later, she is still in the dressing room. I went ahead and left. This place sucks.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Recommended but available girls varies greatly
    Not worth a special trip. Quality of girls has gone way down. Stay in Indy. Unless you are a regular, good luck getting a dance. Waited two hours for a girl Sat. aftermoon. Never again.