Removing negative reviews

JohnSmith69layin low but staying high
I was discussing tuscl with an experienced club manager recently. He said that if a club pays extra to be a sponsored club (going to the top of the list of clubs in any city) then the club can complain and have any negative review that it disagrees with removed.
The guy seemed very experienced and credible. Does anybody know if this is true that some clubs can get negative reviews removed?
last commentI suppose that paid advertisers carry more weight around here than the guys that write reviews just to get free VIP status.
The system is fucked!!!
Emily needs to pay for that Porsche
Can you name a specific club where this is the case ? If someone gets negative review yanked, there remains the article,and/or DB venue.
He mentiined doing this a while back for a club in Asheville NC, I think it was Treasure. I don't remember the other clubs he mentioned. I was not talking to Juice by the way.
It wouldn't shock me. Yelp has had similar issues, where businesses willing to pay Yelp for services can bury bad reviews.
Say it ain't so, Joe.
I don't think I believe your guy John.
Really??!? You're shocked? Here's the way the world really works. Democrat? Republican? That's all a distraction. Really it's just the rich (everyone worth $1MM+) and everyone else. In the case the rich get to change he rules to suit them and the rest of us can pound sand up our asses.
I am not shocked to see companies with $$ be able to bury bad reviews, especially not surprised to see it in America.
The reason I don't believe your guy John, is if he knows you are regular poster he reads the boards and if he was able to get an negative review removed for real, he would best keep that to himself.
25, he said he did this at past clubs. His current club doesn't pay tuscl so he can't do it now. All I know is he sounded very credible.
^^^ yeah but you were in a club which means you were high as fuck.
I do believe you though.
I can believe this. Founder has to make money somehow and I don't know if he makes enough off members and ads.
Sure. Then what's next, a club owner/manager login page? ;)
Seriously, if that practice becomes widespread, then you might as well take "The Ultimate" off of the first part of the name of this site because, sooner or later, this site will become little better. Big city tourist traps and corporate clip joints will be able to skew the reviews therir way vs. smaller clubs, first by getting rid of their own negative reviews and then trashing the smaller clubs that aren't paying to have bad reviews removed.
Now maybe I am uber naive and this has already been happening for some time. I don't know, but if it has and/or if it will be in the future then it is a shame. This is one of only a few consolidated nationwide sources of SC intel and it is what I rely upon when I travel because the other sources are pure junk by comparison. I sincerely hope that this place doesn't turn into little better than junk as well.
I doubt that clubs advertising on here is very widespread. I can only remember seeing one banner ad for an Atlanta area club and it is gone now.
^^^I may be naïve also, but it would cause a loss of revenue if that were true and become common knowledge. As a business decision it would be only a short term gain, and could turn into a long term loss and possibly could cause a lawsuit or worse.
Does this really happen Emily?
We RARELY remove reviews, and we NEVER remove bad reviews just because a sponsor club pays.
What probably happened in this case was a club was "sold and remodeled" so we created a new listing for the club. Keep in mind we will do this regardless of whether a club is a paying sponsor or not.
There is NO WAY a club can pick and choose reviews to remove. It just doesn't happen. It's all or nothing.
To founder-Thank you for that it just didn't make any sense.
To JS69 RONG again as heck would say.
Thanks for the clarification founder.
Millions thought obama credible!
I didn't say it was true, only that it's what I was told from a seemingly credible source. Can Emily confirm?
I think John just wants to talk to Emily.
My ultimate dream is for Emily to prop me.
^ she propped me - and for free
^ well kinda - since I do have a lifetime paid VIP
I can sorta of see that happening if it was a fairly obvious shill review and fairly obvious it was a reviewer w/ an ax to grind.
But o/w Founder seems to have a history of running TUSCL on the up and up.
Posting a bad experience of a club is my only defense against
poor service at a club. I have had an ax to grind against
a local club because of a poor experience there. I know it is petty,
immature and passive aggressive. But, I truly enjoy posting negative reviews, comments about the club whenever possible.
I feel like the SCs in the US rip us all off and there really is nothing
you can do other than stay home or accept there outrageous prices
for dances, drinks, etc.
Not True. I was chatting with an advertiser yesterday. I told him to "prop"his bad review and then I gave him suggestions to write a public response so everyone can see the response is from the management of the club. I get this question from club owners on a daily basis. WE don't remove bad reviews if its a legit review. Period.
Prop your lawyer for what exactly ? Being an idiot or worse an instigator ?
I flagged a review by a brand new member, with 1 review, and that 1 review was 1 sentence, "Club is ghetto, don't come here". It was deleted. To give VIP for a review that doesn't even say if the reviewer visited the club, makes writing real reviews and the paid VIP worthless.
I'd like to send several lawyers to join their buddies in the deep, blue sea. Reviews should stand unless there is overwhelming evidence against it. Free speech is one of our Constitutional rights.
Emily, I believe you. I hope this doesn't mean that you won't prop me. I'm sorry. I should have known you would never do such a thing. I blame the weed.