I’m really not trying to brag. Because this happened without me even being consciously aware of it. But it has become immediately and abundantly clear in on line dating. It’s so clear that I’m really shocked by it.
It is this. Somehow, I have become incredibly adept at flirting with women. It’s like I’m watching somebody else’s fingers type messages to these MILFS because its not me. And its not weed. I usually do on line dating when I’m not high.
But all of these women are messaging me, winking at me, making me a favorite, and very subtly coming on to me. And when I exchange messages with them, I’m like this new and different creature. I make them laugh repeatedly. I read their profiles and weave common facts among our lives into witty observations. I come across as confident, subtly wealthy, mature, wanting a mature relationship with my true love, not being focused upon sex, etc. In other words, I have somehow figured out how to do this amazing imitation of being kind of like exactly what these MILFS want, and hiding (or at least never being blatant about) the fact that I just want to fuck all of the cute ones bareback. I can almost feel just a little bit of moistness start to form on their crotch guard as they read my messages and wonder about this guy called DaMoneyMan. That’s not really my name by the way.
These women give me their cell numbers within the 3rd or 4th message usually. And they tell me their true identity and all about themselves. They sometimes include intimate and personal stuff. I have the distinct impression that they don’t go around giving this kind of information out to random guys on the internet. We have kind of deep intimate conversations sometimes, and I somehow come across as very caring and deeply giving. And we almost never talk about sex, but in reality we both know that we are kind of sometimes talking about sex. And I’ve got dates galore. Between strippers and milfs, I literally could run out of evenings and have to double up.
Here’s why I’m not bragging. This is not me. I am not this guy. Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t even know this guy. Back in college, for example, I was extremely shy with women. I just liked to stare at their breasts and breathlessly pray that somehow her shirt and bra would just disappear. I never knew how to talk to women before. I have always been terrible with women.
Except I’m not. I made out with my first MILF date in her mini van. It had her kids stuff all over it. She wants another date, and I’m gonna give it to her. But I’m teasing her a little bit first. I’ll post a description of her tits soon. They are palatial. In almost every discussion, these women write immediately back and want to engage me. Talk talk talk. And somehow I understand them and talk back effectively. Not once has a woman walked away from our conversations. I’ve ended it if and when it stopped.
So I’ve been trying to figure out how the hell this happened, and the obvious answer finally dawned on me. There is only one explanation. I learned this shit from strip clubs. Particularly from OTC fishing, and especially from my extraordinary spoiling of DS I and II. 20 years with thousands of strippers has taught me how to effectively deal with women.
I actually feel like I know and understand what the MILFS that I talk to are saying. That has never happened before. I’m telling you that the only explanation for this is that I’ve gotten great at flirting with women through a 20 year life with strippers. Even though the strippers are a lot younger than the MILFS, I seem to understand and effectively act upon truths that are valid for women of all ages. It makes sense that my stripper interactions may have given me keen insights into how to best please a woman sexually and in all other respects.
Has anybody else noticed that a long term investment in stripper relationships helps you greatly in your game (or whatever you want to call it) with women. In other words, have you guys also noticed that playing with strippers makes you a lot better in dealing with women in general?
James that's close. Yes I lie to them but only in part. I don't try to look perfect, so I let just a little of my true PLness shine through. But I keep it very subtle, almost reluctant.
My goal is 3rd date sex. That sounds reasonable and doable. Sure maybe I'll learn enough to get to first or second date sex eventually, but it's kind of like dinner before fucking a stripper. Pursuing them and anticipating the eventual sex is a real turn on.
JS69 - let's examine the facts. You went to Law School - 3 years of memorizing, debating, analyzing and studying. Think of the coursework: Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Fabricating and Deceiving, Litigation, etc. Now, when these fore lorn women, desperate to have someone - anyone - listen and understand them - hear back from you, you simply, subtly, answer their prayers. He listens! He agrees! He understands me! Hallilulah!! If he keeps listening I'll gladly suck his dick and fuck him bareback. We must be soul mates, he understands me so well. I wonder if we should have a big wedding or a small intimate ceremony? My first two were too big, so this one - wait maybe a DESTINATION WEDDING. I'll fuck his eyeballs out of his head for a wedding in Turks & Caicos. John. You get the drift. You finally are in touch with your feminine side. Keep it up and you'll soon have interior design advice. Two weeks of that shit and you'll develop a lisp. One of the many things I love about fucking strippers is skipping all that bullshit. My CF is in touch with her masculine side. Pony up da money and keep fucking strippers.
JS69 - let's examine the facts. You went to Law School - 3 years of memorizing, debating, analyzing and studying. Think of the coursework: Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Fabricating and Deceiving, Litigation, etc. Now, when these fore lorn women, desperate to have someone - anyone - listen and understand them - hear back from you, you simply, subtly, answer their prayers. He listens! He agrees! He understands me! Hallilulah!! If he keeps listening I'll gladly suck his dick and fuck him bareback. We must be soul mates, he understands me so well. I wonder if we should have a big wedding or a small intimate ceremony? My first two were too big, so this one - wait maybe a DESTINATION WEDDING. I'll fuck his eyeballs out of his head for a wedding in Turks & Caicos. John. You get the drift. You finally are in touch with your feminine side. Keep it up and you'll soon have interior design advice. Two weeks of that shit and you'll develop a lisp. One of the many things I love about fucking strippers is skipping all that bullshit. My CF is in touch with her masculine side. Pony up da money and keep fucking strippers.
> In other words, have you guys also noticed that playing with strippers makes you a lot better in dealing with women in general?
After 3 years of clubbing, dealing with women, no, dealing with men yes. The fear in me of speaking with strangers is gone. Clubbing let me upgrade my job to speaking at a podium to 300 people that I don't know, and then they mob me after the training course. My upgraded job is an upgrade from a cubicle where I spoke with 3 coworkers a day. In my 3 year adventure, getting private time in a private room in a SC from a pornstar I had my eye on for a decade and I never saw her IRL before, and she has her own wikipedia page, perhaps is the ultimate fantasy, the last checkmark on my bucket list. Flip the switch Warden, I'm ready to fry and go to the other side for allegedly killing all these hookers the DA accuses me of. I've done everything I ever wanted to in my life. There is nothing you can take from me.
Speaking with strippers is as forced, awkward and repetitive, when I first approach them, is as awkward, forced and repetitive as when they approach me first. If they dont ask me first the standard hustle questions, I use them on her, the convo either dies in 2 minutes and she leaves, or with the awkward silence for 30 seconds, I ask for LDs to keep her since I initiated contact. LDs are mechanical and speechless except for "do you want song X?" or "is it okay if I grab your dick?". At the end, I pay my bill and they walk away with no words. One of out 10 strippers, will be anything more than the above, and that "one" has never been in any SC at home city but on business travel where I will never return. I had amazing chemistry (giggling like I was in high school all over again) with the pornstar above but it was slightly expensive and the opportunity was one time.
Walking into the sketchiest clubs, the 2AMers, the ones with pieces of neon colored court orders still on their front door, the metal detectors and empty your pockets, dope dealer in the bathroom, the "bad neighborhood" clubs. The industrial park where the Interstate 0 serial killer finds his victims. It challenges your rules, your limits, and I just tell to myself, if I die tonight, I wouldn't regret 1 second of it. Any one of these days I can drop dead from a stroke and be a paralyzed vegetable, but I will have amazing memories in my paralyzed, nurse changing my diapers, head.
Maybe one day, with more time in SCs and on SW/TUSCL before I croak, I can say SCs helped me with women, but not yet.
I have noticed the same thing. Practice makes perfect. Repetition is the key. The more you do something. The better you become. I have been going to clubs for about the same amount of time. I have noticed that I can talk to women a lot easier in my daily life as well. The mystery and placing women on a pedestal has ended. The best thing about showclubs for me is the realization that there are a lot of fish in the sea. I don't get too hung up anymore about rejection. There is always more beautiful women to meet.
As part of my day job, I just upto random people standing alone and go "Hi, what brings you to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pathetic Loosers?" "how are you involved with clubs?" "what is your name?" "are you famous?" "how long have you been a ______ in clubs?" "how old are you?" "what is your favorite club?" "Did you goto any clubs before your current one?" "Do you regret being a ______?" "Any plans for a job/hobby after _______?".
I learned that script from many SCs, and borrowed it for my day job. It works well for my day job, gives me 45 to 1 hr of drinking with clients/associates, and then I have to say "sorry but I gotta go say hi to my other friends over there" but in SCes, the conversation dies after I run out of questions in 5 minutes, but its the same SS the strippers ask me and no matter who asks them in the SC, the conversation is awkward and dies.
Gawker, I don't know how much the weed is influencing me exactly, but that seems like really solid and insightful advice. I love the Turks but not that much.
But here's my question. Can't I put off the wedding talk and keep fucking them for a good while. Yes she'll push to get married but Im a sensitive guy who has emotional barriers to get over first. I could cry if needed, and when the wedding can't be avoided then I split. The sex stays good til then cause she wants to convince me to marry her. And I keep fucking my favorite strippers the whole time. Please tell me that this might work for a while.
John - you're 100% correct in my opinion. If you can stand yourself. We are sometimes too much alike. I'm meeting my CF today for a leisurely lunch at a new small Italian restaurant - homemade pasta, smells of garlic and olives - a bottle of Chianti. Then, mid afternoon back to her apartment where I plan on fucking her seven different ways to Sunday. I doubt if we'll exchange money today. When I last saw her, 3 days ago, we filled her larder and then I bought her new hair extensions in a beauty supply shop for African women. Her mother is from the Dominican Republic. Does that lump her in the sobriquet of Latino? Her father is South African and while her skin is very light, she has other African features which combine to make a very beautiful woman. She will have the extensions woven into her hair and I'll offer her a couple of hundred to get that done. I quite generally enjoy her company. She is bright and has a good grasp of language. She writes poetry, enjoys a good pun, and laughs at double entrandes. We're still getting to know one another and the process of doing so is so much fun.
bvino, sure some are desperate but the attractive ones are quite picky. As others on tuscl have testified, it can be very difficult to get fuckable milfs thru on line dating.
People reacted so negatively, but when I first joined I explained that one of the biggest benefits of going to our local zero mileage strip clubs is gaining experience in how to talk and flirt with women, and in how to be able to read what is going on with them.
last commentYou're lying and telling women what they want to hear. I'm curious if your strategy will actually get you sex with any speed.
My goal is 3rd date sex. That sounds reasonable and doable. Sure maybe I'll learn enough to get to first or second date sex eventually, but it's kind of like dinner before fucking a stripper. Pursuing them and anticipating the eventual sex is a real turn on.
Now, when these fore lorn women, desperate to have someone - anyone - listen and understand them - hear back from you, you simply, subtly, answer their prayers. He listens! He agrees! He understands me! Hallilulah!! If he keeps listening I'll gladly suck his dick and fuck him bareback. We must be soul mates, he understands me so well. I wonder if we should have a big wedding or a small intimate ceremony? My first two were too big, so this one - wait maybe a DESTINATION WEDDING. I'll fuck his eyeballs out of his head for a wedding in Turks & Caicos.
John. You get the drift. You finally are in touch with your feminine side. Keep it up and you'll soon have interior design advice. Two weeks of that shit and you'll develop a lisp.
One of the many things I love about fucking strippers is skipping all that bullshit. My CF is in touch with her masculine side.
Pony up da money and keep fucking strippers.
Now, when these fore lorn women, desperate to have someone - anyone - listen and understand them - hear back from you, you simply, subtly, answer their prayers. He listens! He agrees! He understands me! Hallilulah!! If he keeps listening I'll gladly suck his dick and fuck him bareback. We must be soul mates, he understands me so well. I wonder if we should have a big wedding or a small intimate ceremony? My first two were too big, so this one - wait maybe a DESTINATION WEDDING. I'll fuck his eyeballs out of his head for a wedding in Turks & Caicos.
John. You get the drift. You finally are in touch with your feminine side. Keep it up and you'll soon have interior design advice. Two weeks of that shit and you'll develop a lisp.
One of the many things I love about fucking strippers is skipping all that bullshit. My CF is in touch with her masculine side.
Pony up da money and keep fucking strippers.
After 3 years of clubbing, dealing with women, no, dealing with men yes. The fear in me of speaking with strangers is gone. Clubbing let me upgrade my job to speaking at a podium to 300 people that I don't know, and then they mob me after the training course. My upgraded job is an upgrade from a cubicle where I spoke with 3 coworkers a day. In my 3 year adventure, getting private time in a private room in a SC from a pornstar I had my eye on for a decade and I never saw her IRL before, and she has her own wikipedia page, perhaps is the ultimate fantasy, the last checkmark on my bucket list. Flip the switch Warden, I'm ready to fry and go to the other side for allegedly killing all these hookers the DA accuses me of. I've done everything I ever wanted to in my life. There is nothing you can take from me.
Speaking with strippers is as forced, awkward and repetitive, when I first approach them, is as awkward, forced and repetitive as when they approach me first. If they dont ask me first the standard hustle questions, I use them on her, the convo either dies in 2 minutes and she leaves, or with the awkward silence for 30 seconds, I ask for LDs to keep her since I initiated contact. LDs are mechanical and speechless except for "do you want song X?" or "is it okay if I grab your dick?". At the end, I pay my bill and they walk away with no words. One of out 10 strippers, will be anything more than the above, and that "one" has never been in any SC at home city but on business travel where I will never return. I had amazing chemistry (giggling like I was in high school all over again) with the pornstar above but it was slightly expensive and the opportunity was one time.
Walking into the sketchiest clubs, the 2AMers, the ones with pieces of neon colored court orders still on their front door, the metal detectors and empty your pockets, dope dealer in the bathroom, the "bad neighborhood" clubs. The industrial park where the Interstate 0 serial killer finds his victims. It challenges your rules, your limits, and I just tell to myself, if I die tonight, I wouldn't regret 1 second of it. Any one of these days I can drop dead from a stroke and be a paralyzed vegetable, but I will have amazing memories in my paralyzed, nurse changing my diapers, head.
Maybe one day, with more time in SCs and on SW/TUSCL before I croak, I can say SCs helped me with women, but not yet.
The more you do something. The better you become. I have been going to clubs for
about the same amount of time. I have noticed that I can talk to women a lot easier in my daily
life as well. The mystery and placing women on a pedestal has ended. The best thing about showclubs
for me is the realization that there are a lot of fish in the sea. I don't get too hung up anymore about rejection.
There is always more beautiful women to meet.
I learned that script from many SCs, and borrowed it for my day job. It works well for my day job, gives me 45 to 1 hr of drinking with clients/associates, and then I have to say "sorry but I gotta go say hi to my other friends over there" but in SCes, the conversation dies after I run out of questions in 5 minutes, but its the same SS the strippers ask me and no matter who asks them in the SC, the conversation is awkward and dies.
But here's my question. Can't I put off the wedding talk and keep fucking them for a good while. Yes she'll push to get married but Im a sensitive guy who has emotional barriers to get over first. I could cry if needed, and when the wedding can't be avoided then I split. The sex stays good til then cause she wants to convince me to marry her. And I keep fucking my favorite strippers the whole time. Please tell me that this might work for a while.
I doubt if we'll exchange money today. When I last saw her, 3 days ago, we filled her larder and then I bought her new hair extensions in a beauty supply shop for African women. Her mother is from the Dominican Republic. Does that lump her in the sobriquet of Latino? Her father is South African and while her skin is very light, she has other African features which combine to make a very beautiful woman. She will have the extensions woven into her hair and I'll offer her a couple of hundred to get that done.
I quite generally enjoy her company. She is bright and has a good grasp of language. She writes poetry, enjoys a good pun, and laughs at double entrandes. We're still getting to know one another and the process of doing so is so much fun.
I've got the answer for you John.
You are actually talking to all guys on line. lol.
F2F is so much better though.
Buddy Guy - Knock On Wood