I text a dancer asking for a dinner/sex date, and I mention that I'd love it if she'd suck my dick and rub my balls while I cum like she did for me last week.
Her response is that her contacts are messed up so she wants to know who the message is from.
My first thought was to say: "Damn slut, how many guys did you suck off last week while you rubbed their balls."
Instead, what I really said was "This is John."
I wish I had the courage to go with my first instinct more often.
I have often wandered how many customers some of my favorite dancers have had over the years. I know it is none of my business. But, curiousity always gets the better of me. I think the invention of the cell phone and texting, etc. completely changed the strip club game. A girl can literally get a hold of you at any time. I once got a peek at the phone of one of my ATFs. She was receiving texts from customers. I guess sitting in a deserted show club doesn't pay the bills. She would have a list of customers she would text. I hated being on the list so I just quit visiting with her and asked that she not contact me. She is doing just fine without me.
Timex, jealousy has no place in a show club. Everybody plays with everybody else. Monogamy is a sin. So just enjoy what she gives you. If she weren't such a slut, you'd get nothing.
Timex345 "I have often wandered how many customers some of my favorite dancers have had over the years"
All to true. Probably best not to think about it.
JS--I once asked a girl if we "could do the same thing as last time'" and all I got was a deer in headlights look, a pause, and then an "of course we can" and then she asked to "remind her" what last time was. As I said at the beginning . . . it's just best not to think about it.
A game I've sometimes played with dancers who give good enough but not great dances: when they ask for a dance tell her I'll buy if she can tell me my name. Better than half the time I get the "deer in the headlights" look.
I have the view that the more a woman fucks (within reason) - the more desirable she becomes. So I don't mind the idea of being a John. I'm not looking for a gfe. I'm more looking for a fuck and suck - nothing more - so I'm not considering her to be special - and I don't expect her to think of me as special either.
Every time I start to think that a high-mileage stripper and I have something special, I'm brought back to Earth with a jolt. I had enjoyed a couple of BBBJs with two different strippers at an extras-friendly establishment in Washington Park. On the third occasion with each of these young ladies, we went back to the VIP room and she started to put a condom on me and assume the cowgirl position. I had to remind each that I was only looking for a blowjob -- they had no recollection of what we had done a month or so earlier.
I see you're using the word "high mileage" different than the ASSC definition I was expecting when I opened the thread. I was thinking *Ppppbbbtt*! Aren't ALL of our strippers at least high mileage?
You're right, Dominic77. I should have described these young ladies as UHM: ultra-high mileage. Calling the VIP rooms at Cheeks and Wise Guys "high mileage" is like calling SJG "a little wordy".
As a rule, whenever a dancer asks what I want to do, I say "how about we just do what we did last time" even if I have never met them before. I think she assumes that she simply doesn't remember me and we go do what I would want to do. They are there to get paid to please and most of them get it.
last comment"Girl, you know who this is, don't play"
dancers have had over the years. I know it is none of my business. But, curiousity always gets the better of me. I think the invention of the cell phone and texting, etc. completely changed the strip club game. A girl can literally get a hold of you at any time. I once got a peek at the phone of one of my ATFs. She was receiving texts from customers. I guess sitting in a deserted show club doesn't pay the bills. She would have a list of customers she would text. I hated being on the list so I just quit visiting with her and asked that she not contact me. She is doing just fine without me.
All to true. Probably best not to think about it.
JS--I once asked a girl if we "could do the same thing as last time'" and all I got was a deer in headlights look, a pause, and then an "of course we can" and then she asked to "remind her" what last time was. As I said at the beginning . . . it's just best not to think about it.
I know it's not the norm -
As a rule, whenever a dancer asks what I want to do, I say "how about we just do what we did last time" even if I have never met them before. I think she assumes that she simply doesn't remember me and we go do what I would want to do. They are there to get paid to please and most of them get it.
In sales, it is known as the assumptive close.