
Strip Club Loner

Just curious: Are there many of you that keep your strip club habits completely to yourselves? I'm not talking about the rare bachelor party that crops up every once in awhile in which you and all your friends go and have a rather tame time.

I'm talking about the stuff that gets discussed here--high mileage dances, grindage, the opportunity for extras.

No one else in my life--family members, close friends, coworkers--knows that I even go to the clubs. It's something that I've kept entirely and completely to myself, and I'm very happy that I have. Anyone else here like this?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The only people who know I go clubbing are the dancers and waitstaff who know me. And my friends at TUSCL. Although my drummer used to play shows with strippers and he has a pretty good idea I've been to the clubs more than once.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I usually go alone but have run into people from work and visited clubs with people from work, all on our own time and expense. Years ago with a small company, the boss talked me into visiting with him, my first time visiting a strip club, and we went a few more times with a customer paying some of the expenses. I believe that wouldn't pass muster with many companies nowadays.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I'm in the same exact boat as you IronFox--nobody knows (at least I don't think they do lol)

    But it's not like I've gone out of my way to purposefully keep it from them either---it's just not the type of thing that comes up in conversations

  • sflguy123
    9 years ago
    What y'all don't share stripclub stories with the family at the Thanksgiving table?

    My family loves hearing my LDK and VHM stories.

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    If the choice were between the occasional "boys night out" lame & tame times, and going alone, I'd pick going alone most of the time. I'm up for some male bonding here and there, but the type of experience I'm looking to get out of the strip club, isn't something I'll get with the "this is my one boys night out at the SC for this year" types.

    I am lucky enough that I've always had a crew of guys who enjoy the strip club the same way I do (although one of my buddies is recruiter-in-chief and always finding new guys), and for me at least, SCing with fellow PLs blows away SCing alone -- in fact, I'm quite convinced almost everyone who prefers SCing alone would prefer to do it in a group IF they had the right group... at least based on my experience, there's been a ton of guys rotated through our crew, and once they SC with us, that tends to be the way they do it from now on. Just too many advantages... I hear "I never knew SCing could be like this" or similar sentiments all the time.

    One of the surprising things is how many middle aged men just hop aboard -- guys I would NEVER have pegged as SC guys. I'll mention going to the SC, making it a little joke, and if they super perk up while trying not to appear too interested, that's when I know it's safe to invite them.

    BUT! If you're married, you have to pick guys who aren't going to blab (even by accident), preferably aren't socializing with you and your wife all the time, etc.
  • IronFox22
    9 years ago
    I think finding the right set of guys is obviously the way to go. I'm always afraid I'll find a couple guys who would like to go--but then we get there and they just want to watch, which would in turn make me feel funny if I want to get the usually offered high-mileage floor dances.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I have one friend that also likes to club who I can discuss the hobby with at a tuscl level. I have another friend that knows I go to strip clubs, but few details.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    does TUSCL count as people who I talk about my strip club habits to?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    At my age its OK to go to show clubs but spend as little money as possible. How do you know a good group to go clubbing with?
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    There's 3 different people I know who I either go with or talk about the hobby with. One is a friend from all the way back in elementary school. I don't generally enjoy going with him because he tends to compare the club we are in to the clubs in Tampa from when he was in the Air Force and the current club is always on the short end of the stick. There's also my one friend I go with to clubs occasionally who I met at my first Omaha job. I also occasionally see this one old guy from work at clubs.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Except for strippers and TUSCL friends, nobody knows I go to strip clubs. My family and friends would be shocked. I mean, who would expect a man who looks like me to be a pervert?

  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I like going by myself, my interactions with the ladies are so one-on-one I often ignore anyone else who comes with. That said it's good to have a group that way the other females don't even attempt to approach, say when your dancer is on stage or in the back freshening up.

    To me the people I go with are there to do what they would do normally only we divide and conquer.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    jackslash Lololol
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well say when you bring friends the "social cred" you get from the strippers only helps loosen then up that you're not a creep. So there is definitely a plus side to it.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Outside of my tuscl brethren, I have a few friends who I have mentioned going to clubs with or clubbed with.

    With one we went out clubbing together after his divorce and have talked about going again and just never set it up. His daughter was a door girl at one of the sc's here in the Phoenix area and he was fine with that but didn't want her dancing. He's as big a horn dog as all of us here. I've mentioned doing otc with a dancer to him and he asks for details.

    Another is one of my best friends from college we hit sc's together with our frat brothers and I've mentioned some of my exploits to him because I know he won't blab it around.

    There was a guy I worked with who also loved going to sc's and we would hit the clubs after work. He moved to Iowa and when business took me to his city we hooked up and went clubbing there as well.

    I don't however talk about it with family. They would not be too happy about it.
  • Propsi
    9 years ago
    I was like that until late last year. Told my family, and they understand (if anything, I think they were glad since I was such a homebody for so long). I go to the clubs by myself because I can enjoy it a little better compared to having a lot of people with me.
  • K
    9 years ago
    I keep the majority of it quiet. My wife knows I go. I prefer that so if she were to find out I went to one it wouldn't be a surprise. On the rare occasion I go with friends, coworkers or clients, i try to avoid my usual places.
  • EastCoaster
    9 years ago
    Other than the guys (and gals) on TUSCL, there is only one person who knows about my hobby -- Ginger, the woman who cuts my hair. I've known her for nine years; she also cuts my wife's hair. She's a really attractive blond, mid 30s, and I've always known she has a little bit of a wild streak.

    A couple of years ago while she was cutting my hair, I was talking about another upcoming business trip to Atlanta, and she just paused the conversation for a minute. She said, "I don't know if you're into such things, but you know Atlanta is famous for its strip clubs."

    She talked about visiting a couple clubs there once, and some around here, and all the while I was biting my tongue. Finally I said to her, "I'm going to tell you something I have never shared with anyone else." And, because I know this woman quite well and trust her completely, I told her that in the last 15 years I have been to more than 100 strip clubs all across the US, in Canada, and in Tijuana. All my clubbing is confined to when I travel out of town, and whenever I see her (which is about once every five weeks), she asks for a complete report.

    She is totally into women (as well as men), and she has had some pretty explicit exploits in clubs around the local area. At first it was kind of weird for me to be sharing my travel stories with anyone outside of TUSCL, but it's kind of liberating in a way. It's also fun that she's so into it. I don't club locally (too risky being seen by anyone who knows me or would tell my wife), but sometimes when my wife is out of town, I'll travel an hour away to visit clubs, and I've been begging Ginger to come with me. She has a boyfriend, and so far, because of that, she has said no, but I'm still hoping that someday we'll be able to do that. I really prefer to go clubbing alone, but I would go with her in a heartbeat.
  • maho
    9 years ago
    A handful of my close friends are aware of my hobby, but that is it.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    A handful of my close friends are aware of my hobby, but that is it. I share an apartment and we talk about clubbing every now and then. I have a long time friend who clubs and we talk about clubbing and occasionally meet at a club.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I used to have a wing man that would occasionally join me for my SC dalliances. That was when I was single. Now I'm a loner, and prefer it that way. I keep my hobby covert.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Like others have said, a handful of my close friends know, and that's about it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    My older brother by 3-years; and only sibling; is sorta the only person in my regular-life that knows or I’ve talked to about it (he’s a supa-cool guy and I can talk to him about anything) – he’s been married close to 18 years (has 2 teenage boys) and his wife is a real ball-buster so he’s on the up-and-up and listens to my SC stories like a little kid in awe – he cautions me about going too much and spending too much $$$ but seems glad at the fun I’m having.

    The topic of SCs comes up every now and then w/ male acquaintances in the context of “what I like to do for fun” – but I really never meet anyone else who has the zeal for SCs that I do or the ability to do it as I do either due to their family obligations or their financial situation.

    I’m not good at multi-tasking; so trying to socialize w/ others and getting my SC freak-on at the same time does not work well for me – I got do either one to fully enjoy either one fully – also; I go to $5/dance small black clubs and often times I’m getting dances 75% of the total time I’m there; so not the best set-up for socializing – in a club w/ $25 LDs; I of course get lots of less dances and can see myself shooting the bull a bit more.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… that said it's good to have a group that way the other females don't even attempt to approach …”

    Actually – IME often times the hustlers (dancers) like to hit the big-groups – either b/c of the more potential targets and $$$; or they figure these guys are here to have fun and spend.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've never told anyone. A couple years ago a guy I know asked me at lunch if I ever see go to strip clubs while I travel. He is unhappy with his wife and wants to go more. I really wanted to tell him everything, but it would've taken a long time to answer his many follow up questions. And we were with a couple of other guys who know my wife who I was married to at the time. So I just avoided the question. I wish I could tell people but they wouldn't understand.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think the advantages of SCing alone are obvious: come and go as you please, just focus on the strippers with no worrying about your buddy, etc. For me, the advantages of SCing in a group:

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah ?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I have a few good friends that we occasionally club together but mostly I hit the clubs by myself.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    No secrets with me. IDGAF. I have older business/career mentors and they all see escorts/body rub girls. So what I do is tame in comparison (just like here on TUSCL!). I even share amusing dancer stories with my wive. She is totally understanding. Even my late mother was understanding (she was a sugar baby and a sexy cocktail waitress back in the day). No stigma here. The only regret was I didn't try dancing myself.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Damn... Okay, continuing...
    1. First and foremost, having someone to share with. If you don't SC with friends with whom you have full disclosure ... it makes the SCing experience much more fun, and practically therapeutic. Keeping an important part of your life bottled up takes a toll on everyone, period. Also, guys to hang out with on the commute to and from the strip clubs. The commute home, with storytime sharing, is always awesome. We get things like:

    Buddy1: I took Porsche in the back but she barely let me touch anywhere?
    Buddy2: That sucks... Jade let me touch her pussy
    Buddy3: I stuck my tongue in Jade's asshole
    All of us: Ohhhh! (said in an Italian-American voice like in The Soprano's)

    Anyway, the stories home are as good as the trip itself.

    2. Always a fun party at the table. We just drift in and out of conversation. I'll be talking with just my girl for 20 minutes, then a round of shots will show up for the table and we'll all whoop it up and do the shots together, then maybe the whole table will be bantering together, then back to just me & my girl, then maybe we'll riposte with the couple next to us .... I don't know where guys get this notion that it would be distracting, you focus on your girl as much as you want ... and de-focus on her when it's fun to do so.

    3. Loads of other little advantages... if a guy gets a great or terrible dance in the back, he'll tell the rest of us. We'll often send one girl off to grab other girls we want to our table, and seem to have a huge edge in getting the in-demand girls at our table because of it. I tend to get along with the bouncers, and they'll come by and have drinks with us and give my whole table extra leeway in the back. My one buddy got in good with a bartender and she would often give us free rounds, or top-shelf rounds at bottom-shelf prices, etc. And extra benefit: not all strip clubs are in nice neighborhoods, just feel safer to be rolling 4 heads deep
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I have kept it quiet for the past 6-7 years. So outside of the tuscl folks - and my dog (who probably recognizes the smell of pussy on my clothes) - that's it.

    Oddly enough - years ago I would hit the clubs with my brother in law. The last buddy who knew - was a previous boss - who had a similar addiction. Back then - we were both married. He's still married now - and I'm not. It wasn't the clubbing that caused my problems - but it didn't help them either.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    My wife knows I go, and she knows about the extracurricular activity as well.

    My oldest daughter figured out that I go pretty often, but I don't think she's cottoned to the fucking part. If she has, she hasn't told either me or my wife.

    A couple of friends and coworkers know I go, but I sure as fuck hope they never find out about the sex. There are some holier than thou motherfuckers working there, and I would almost certainly lose my job.

    My bother used to do the same thing, but as far as I can tell, he doesn't have a clue about the extent of my activity. If he did, he'd have mentioned it.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I used to have a couple guys from work I'd go with. But now, I go alone.

    I prefer to go alone also. I can leave when I want or stay as long as I want that way. I like the freedom.
    Also, if OTC ever comes up, I'm able to do that after a dancer's shift on short notice.
    Just makes it easier to go alone and keep it to myself.
  • LDKisLife
    9 years ago
    It's public knowledge and a status symbol.

    But i was introduced through a group and we would go together for celebrations then i would go for my own celebrations
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    No one in my life has the slightest clue that I'm a strip club aficionado. If anyone found out, they would be flabbergasted because I'm considered very straitlaced. I enjoy the freedom of clubbing by myself, though at a couple of clubs there is a guy that I sometimes sit with.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    My son & daughter both know and they know that Follies is my favorite club. They tease me about it when the grand kids are not around. I wouldn't say that they approve. It's more like acceptance. My daughter used to sell cosmetics and was always giving me bottle of perfume to give to my favorite strippers.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    A few co-workers know exactly what a monger I am, along with a few SC buddies, but that's it.
    I often have to bite my tongue on the rare times that the topic comes up in mixed company - usually the females are bagging on the clubs, dancers, and the patrons and they expect me to agree with them. Lol - If they only knew!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    My SC life and real life (whatever that means) are kept completely separate for a variety of reasons (marriage is not on that list, though).

    Also, I have always preferred to club alone so that I can stay/leave at my choosing.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    With most people I don't think you can talk about strip clubbing. Except on this forum I talk about it with almost no one.


    Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles


    Atlantic City, one of the largest pipe organs ever built. Look how high the ceiling is. More information to come.

    Yes, it is the largest in the world!

    It is one of only two organs in the world to have an open 64-foot rank, and the only organ to have stops voiced on 100 inches of wind pressure (about 3.6 psi). Its console features seven manuals.

    The pedal manual can be divided into left and right divisions

    10x 32 foot stops

    The Diaphone-Dulzian's low-C pipe stands 59 feet (18 m) tall, weighs 3,350 pounds (1,520 kg), and produces a frequency of 8 Hz,[10] a tone that is more felt than heard; the sound of the vibrating pallet is described as "a helicopter hovering over the building". The pipe stands upright for about 40 feet (12 m), the remainder is mitred (turned) towards the Right Stage chamber's grill. All pipes taller than 32 feet (9.8 m) are designed in this manner.

    The organ's wind supply is the most powerful ever used in a pipe organ. The DC motors for the original eight blowers had a total power of 394 horsepower (294 kW). These were replaced with AC motors in the early 1990s, which have a total of 600 horsepower (450 kW) and their seven blowers produce 36,400 cubic feet (1,030 m3) of wind per minute.


    Some of the lower manuals are not only 61 keys, they are 73 or 85 keys!
    ( some piano music is written to take up all 88. But nothing in the standard piano repertoire goes beyond that , as with Boesendorfer's 97 keys.
    I saw one just like this in a local store, priced to sell at only $180k.


    Largest Pipe Organs In The World

    Code Red Warning! This is like ColdnShallow turned into a 501.c3

    3 Nights in Tunisia - Diz, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Dennerlein
    acoustic piano action could never go as fast as these people do. I think even a semi-weighted keyboard would be too slow.

    Dennerlein play list
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yes. I have gone to two bachelor parties at clubs, we were thone jerks who drank beer, stage tipped a few dollars and bought a couple dances for the groom to be. Groups of 4 to 8 guys dropping less than $100 after admission.

    I don't talk to my friends about this shit.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    My employer's human trafficking and sexual harassment policy would get me fired if they found out I visit SC. Also my ex-wife would use it to fuck me over in court again if she knew.

    In my home town, solo clubbing is as bad as solo dining. Dancers ignore solo custies. If I had a wingman, both of use would get much more out of the visit. One SC near me has a policy solo clubbers stand in the line outside for 20 minutes, groups of 2 or more skip the line. Traveling, I've had much better results solo clubbing.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Why don't the solo clubbers join together just to avoid the line?
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I used to go often with co-workers, but as we went our separate ways, I only go alone these days. Well, unless a meet with other TUSCLers. I wish I was not so far away to meet with others more often.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs have saved me. I am a strip club loner.
    I keep to myself in my daily life.
    My friends and family would be stunned of my love for showclubs.
    I have learned a lot about myself. I have my routine down and know
    when to walk away from bad clubs. I like to watch and keep to myself
    most days. But, I feel free in a showclub. I get to visit with hot women
    who I could never visit with in the real world. Showclubs are the perfect anti depressant for me.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    Do other reviewers share their girlfriends with their friends?
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Dancers ignore solo customers and are basically punished for coming in alone? What type of backwards clubs are these???
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I've never heard of that either, or experienced it. Maybe the black clubs work that way? I wouldn't know... no showclub I've ever been to, anywhere, punished solos in any way, and the girls find it less intimidating
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Agreed. I've found that strippers just want money, and loner PLs spend too.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Like Sunnyvale Brass Rail, night shift, is a drunken male bonding ritual. The women are just there so that the guys don't come across as gay. The women are extras, props.

    S.F. Crazy Horse is guys going alone cause it is a jack shack.

    Myself, I always go alone, cause whatever the rules of engagement are, I want to connect with the women.


    Essential Teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Rudolph Steiner
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