
Comments by Timex345 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Flirtatious co-workers
    There is a young woman who is very flirtatious at my job. I just ignore her. To complain or entertain her would be job suicide for me.
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    9 years ago
    Low Mileage Pussy.......should be in the glossary
    Porn stars would be the anti low mileage type. Adult entertainment always fascinates me. I heard not to long ago about a highly successful female porn star getting upset that she caught her husband (also a performer) watching porn of another girl. So, even porn stars at some point would like some type of loyalty.
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    9 years ago
    How to make strippers disappear
    Running out of money usually works for me.
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    9 years ago
    Banging a stripper for free
    You always pay for it. Clubbers are more honest about it. A former favorite is 37 years old and hot as hell. She is dating someone 14 years older than her. She lost me as a customer when she would keep talking about him when I visited her. I remember one of her last comments to me. I don't care what he looks like because he is nice to me and takes care of me. By taking care of me, I can only assume he takes care of her with money, household repairs, etc,
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Political discussions on TUSCL
    I get attacked on this website no matter what subject I post about. So writing on this website whatever is on my mind is cheaper than therapy. But, I agree that the primary purpose of this site should be to help club going. I often post rants about customer experiences that are negative. I feel it is my only weapon against poor service. Managers just think your lying if you complain about a girl.
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    9 years ago
    Relationship advice from PD83
    Nice to have a woman's perspective. I often wandered about married men and the clubs. We all need an escape now and then.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    What's the point of getting married (or why should you get in a serious relation
    So many people cheat. I do wander why people get married?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    What's the point of getting married (or why should you get in a serious relation
    I enjoy being single. Thankfully, there is no family pressure to change my situation. I love women. But, I can't commit the rest of my life to just one girl. I am not opposed to settling down. But, I would have missed out on all of the adventures I have had clubbing. Guilt free clubbing is the best.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    you know your local stip club sucks if
    You have the afternoon free, plenty of money to spend, and yet you stay home because you would rather nap.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    you know your local stip club sucks if
    You have the afternoon free, plenty of money to spend, and yet you stay home because you would rather nap.
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    9 years ago
    What would you do?
    I enjoy this website because many of the things written on this site have happened to me as well. I am afraid you were promised some OTC to get you to spend money in the club. Being played by a stripper has happened to a lot of us. It goes with the territory. Remember that these women are not the most honest creatures by there chosen field of work. I say see her again and ask for some time back from the last VIP and see what happens. When a girl plays me, it upsets me and I feel like confronting her. But, most of the time I move on and find a girl who better fits what I am looking for. I rarely return if a girl overcharges me on dances. I recommend keep enjoying yourself at the clubs and keep an open mind for other girls. I learned the hard way not to get laser focused on one dancer. Test the waters and you'll soon forget about the traveling liar.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I tried to quit show clubs. I can only be who I am.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's your favorite thing that a Stripper has said to you this week?
    Wanna dance?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Any celebs you'd like to punch in the face?
    I don't want to punch anyone. But, I wish these celebrities would go away... Kanye West and the entire Kardashian Family including the former Bruce Jenner and Scott Discik. Peyton Manning - I never cared for his awe shucks persona. Kobe Bryant - he is a rapist. The Obamas and Clintons. Each is pure evil with no soul or moral compass. Power hungry. Several girls I have dated. A stripper who I last visited a few months ago. Mike and Mike from ESPN. LIberals in general. Several coworkers, Jon Cena and his girlfriend, one of the Bella twins. Money hungry woman. Parker from Gold Rush. Jerk.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC question
    I stopped using escorts from Backpage because they would charge me an hourly rate and cheat me on the time. Clock watching kills the vibe for me. Usually a monetary amount is agreed upon with the girls I have done OTC with.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Ordeal of Regular Women
    I am in my mid 40s. I have no desire to have children or get married. Showclubs are my best option for female companionship. It is the path of least resistance for me. I am not against dating and sharing my life with someone. But, the thought of dating someone just exhausts me. The constant texts, gifts, meeting family and friends, judgements, male friends who want to have sex with your girlfriend, etc., etc. does not excite me the way a visit to my favorite club does.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Mixed signals
    Women are crazy and unprecditable. I have stopped trying to understand women. I ignored a hot woman I work with for months who I have always wanted to hook up with. It drove her nuts that I wasn't chasing her. Now, she says hi to me all of the time. Crazy behavior. Thank God for porn and an opposable thumb.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    How many women?
    I just hope I remembered to wear protection. Every time I see a movie where a character contracts HIV I just hope I was safe.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Airplane seats
    Two children sitting to my right, I had the aisle seat. They were always getting up. Their parents were right in front. I felt I was a part of their family. It was annoying. The kids were on there laptops playing games mostly. But, the worst nevertheless. Thankfully my final destination of Club Hong Kong kept me from totally losing it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sweaty sex
    My favorite sweats when she dances for me. I love it. She hates it for some reason. She is self-conscious about it for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Shortest/Longest Time In One Club
    Two minutes and eight hours. I average about three hours now because the drive is somewhat long. I know better what to look for. I rarely tolerate rude dancers, patrons or staff. I am quick to leave because the prices can get excessive. I have left in a middle of a conversation with a girl because she was annoying me. Love SCs. I am in control. I haven't been back to one club since last November because of a stripper who angered me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    Just for fun
    Certainly not the one dating Jon Cena. She is hot but such a bitch. Oh Jon, should I blow this customer/ You always give such good advice. I had to stop watching because of her and that steroided freak.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Soap Opera
    I am addicted to Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. Women have played games with me since I was 11. I sort of expect it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Many People Are Reading
    I have posted numerous reviews of the clubs I frequent. I have also posted some discussion topics. I am proud to say I stumbled across the hobby of going to SCs on my own. This website only reinforced what I had learned on my own. I am amazed at how vicious reviewers can be if they do not like your review. I got crucified for admitting I had developed a crush on an entertainer. So, I learned the hard way to keep your reviews short and to the point. I learned to leave your emotional baggage at the door.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Finding a SC Gem
    Be careful. Your health is not worth a few moments of pleasure. Not to be rude, but how many men is she with during a shift? I always keep this in mind as I visit a club.