Proximity to your Favorite Club Affecting Visitation Frequency

avatar for rh48hr
Taking from LDK'S post on who lives closest to a strip club and the post on deciding not to go after wanting to go to a club. My question is, does proximity to your favorite club (not just closest club) affect your SC frequency? Many times I think, if I lived closer to this club I'd go more often. But being 40-50 minutes away keeps me honest and not overspending. But if I lived say 15 min away it might be different.

I used to live 5 minutes from a club but it was a terrible club and I never went there. So this is just for your favorite go to club(s).

For me I would certainly be enticed to go more often or just go and hang out when bored because proximity doesn't change finances.

What say you?


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avatar for K
9 years ago
I tend to visit clubs that are close to my route home from where ever work takes me. I will travel further for my current favorite . I don't think one being closer to home would affect frequency
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
What say I iz that pretty much my go-to clubs are all within 20-minutes from da-crib – so in my caze I probably go more often cause of proximity (e.g. when bored; to kill some time) and if they were 45 minutes or more I’d probably go less – there are two clubs that are about 40 minutes and one-hour, respectively, from da crib and I visit less often b/c of distance but they are also not my top-choices in my rotation to begin-with.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
I live 4 hrs away from my favorite clubs, so an impulse decision to visit isn't really an option. I treasure my opportunities to visit during business travel, so any chance I can get I go for it.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
It's 37 miles to Follies and it takes me 50 minutes in good traffic through downtown Atlanta. I went last Wednesday, Yesterday and today. So no.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Not really. You would think living 7 minutes away would affect that, but not really. I still schedule visits days or weeks in advance.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
yes, it does affect my frequency, and quite a bit. clubs in the area i live SUCK. plus, there's only 7 to choose from. therefore, i don't do a lot of clubbing in my area.

there are some better clubs in maryland and north carolina (about 2-3 hours away from me depending on the city) but i don't make special trips for the sole purpose of going to club. rather, i tend to visit them when i happen to be in the area because i'm visiting family, or going to a concert or on a vacation or something along those lines...
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
My closest club is about 45 minutes northwest of where i live and my favorite club is about an hour southwest of home. Since I work 25 minutes east of where I live, it means an hour plus drive after work to get to a club and then 45-60 minutes to drive home.

Back when I lived about five minutes from my favorite club and drove right past it on my ten minute drive home I was there at least 3-5 times a week. Now I'm lucky to make it twice a month.
avatar for LDKisLife
9 years ago
I'm walking distance from my favorite club which makes it easy to be a 'regular' even if i come for the games and food or just to LDK.

Financial resources impact visitation more than anything as i try go hide money from myself to avoid spending it. Fortunately my new LDQ lives in Philly so whenever she pops in i pop in as matter regulating frequency. Otherwise im in there for any reason
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
When I lived in Dade county nut regular club (Treasure Island) was 5 minutes away so I would go about 3 times per week. But I'd only stay 30-90 minutes. Now I live an hour away from my favorite clubs (Cocoa Beach clubs) so I only go about once a month.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Yes, I'd say so, I used to live 10 miles from my favorite club. I'd go there 1 or 2 times a week. Now I'm a lot farther away, so I don't go as much as I used to.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Not really, if I really want to go to a club, distance doesn't mean too much to me. One of my favorite clubs is a hour and half drive for me, but yet I go there once a week.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
3.5 hours for my favorite club. Actually kind of like the fact it is a few hours away so I limit my trips to a few times a year. If it were 10 minutes away, who knows. Only comparison I can think of is I enjoy gamble at casinos a few times a year. Until recently there was not a casino in my city/state, and would have to travel about 1.5 - 2 hours to the closest one. Overall would gamble a few times a year. Casinos came to my state and city, and I live about 10 minutes from one. However, I don't visit the casino or gamble anymore than I previously did when I had to travel in order to do so.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I've lucky in that I have dozens of clubs within a 20 min drive for me (a couple are less than 5 min away), but my current favorite club is a 1.5 hr drive, and there are some days that I just say 'fuck it' and can't deal with LA traffic. So does affect my visits there tremendously.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ would that be the Lei?
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
You guessed it, Papi!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ I gotta hit the West Coast at some point and put some scratches on the bucketlist
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
All of my favorite SCs are 1-3 hours away, so it takes some planning and effort to get to them. If they were within 30 minutes I'd go even more often than I already do!
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@Papi - I guarantee that with our huge selection of everything imaginable (at least in SoCal), you would not be disappointed.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I drive past 2 awful clubs ,2 kind of' awful clubs,1 okay club and 1 "fancy" club to get to my usual. I often think I could go the closer ones (the experience is not that different ). I guess I go out of way to be a regular and don't wish to start the routine all over at a different club. If I had to drive for an hour I would probably change my mind but it is only a 20 minute differential between these options and that is worth it.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
There's about 7 or 8 clubs in about a 45 minute radius where I live and I haven't been to any of them.
avatar for IHearVoices
9 years ago
For me there's no club worth going to within three hours, so I just wait until I travel to those places and then survey the scene. The only time distance would prohibit me would be if 1) the club just wasn't worth it on its own or 2) if the weather was bad. There are some places I'd drive to in a rainstorm - especially my opportunities are limited - but most places aren't up there like that. Thankfully there's at least one place above the bar in every city I travel to.

I will say this is the one great thing about Vixens: it's the closest club to my parents' house that I would bother going to. If it were slightly better I'd end my nights there...but due to certain demos it's hard to get the best service.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
A combination of distance and traffic effect my decision to go to my favorite club. I had a favorite club - that was a bit rough - and offered extras - and was nearby - but they f*cking closed!
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
Absolutely distance matters. Fav club is 3hr drive. No f-ing way that is happening more than ~1/month, if that. Back in the atf era, her club was 15 minutes away, and 2+ times per month was the norm.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
There are two clubs in my city that I consider "bar with tits" type clubs. One is about 20 minutes from my house with no traffic, the other about 30. Probably wouldn't get too many dances, but who knows? The 30 minute away one is an okay club (by local standards). The 20 minute away one is quite mediocre.

If there was a club on my way home from work I could easily see myself popping in for a beer fairly regularly. During rush hour my main club is an hour from work, and not in the direction of home.

Travel time is one big reason I haven't visited HKB yet. Without traffic it's about 45 minutes to the border crossing. It's basically not worth it if I can't spend a whole day. But if HKB was 3 miles from my house? I'd probably be dead broke.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
To be honest, I have a favorite club and a favorite club I can go to without driving forever. The one I don't drive forever to get to takes about 15 minutes to get to if I drive straight there (which almost never happens because I go to the ATM first, but that's the other way). As for my favorite club, that's at least 3 hours away and I just went there in the last week. Somehow, I made it there in consecutive years. I don't remember the last time I had that happen. In short, I don't go there very often.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
I drive 90 minutes to my favorite club once a month.
Used to be more, but finances dictate my visits.
Also, boredom sometimes keeps me from visiting. I always know
what to expect.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
does it matter if you live in NYC?
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