Favorite Stripper Disappears

avatar for IronFox22
A little while back, at my favorite club, there was a dancer I saw on a regular basis. For whatever reason, both her looks and her personality connected with me. I'd get dances from her on the floor and quite a few in the VIP. We'd also spend time sitting at the bar, having a few drinks, and chatting away. This went on pretty regularly for more than a year. Then, over the course of a few visits to the club, she was nowhere to be found. One of her friends who also danced at the club eventually told me, "Oh, she's not here anymore. She moved to Dallas."

This girl was not romantically involved with me or anything like that, and the relationship was obviousy strictly business. Which is why I was kind of taken aback that her leaving actually made me somewhat depressed. I know it's irrational, but has anyone else ever had a long-time favorite disappear/move away, and you're like, "Why the hell am I depressed/feeling down about this?"


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Yes, most all of those that I have ever known have moved on. Like say 30 of them maybe.

This is how strip clubs are. This is how our world is. Only way to change any of this is to set up some other types of social institutions where people are long term members.

This is what I am working on. :)


Janko, alternative keyboard:






Yep, for sure. Even if you think it's all business, it's natural that you might feel some sense of loss when they move on, if you enjoy their company
Sorta like anything else; e.g. a fave place to eat closing down – if you like something and can't have-it anymore then you're gonna miss it.

Strippers disappearing is the norm in SCs so best not to get too affected by-it.
avatar for footballguy
9 years ago
Ive had a lot of favorite dancers over the last couple years, most of them I didn't fuck but I either really enjoyed groping them during lap dances or got HJ's from them in the VIP. Most of them I only saw for a few months before they quit or went to another club. I do miss those dancers but I don't really miss their company. Im just more sad that I can't get dances from them anymore but they are somewhat easy to replace.

There's one that become one of my top favorites and o fucked her several times ITC. She had a drug problem she kept hidden and kept asking me to wire her the money for my next visit (at a discounted rate) and would give me FS for free. So basically she kept offering to take 25% off if I gave her the money a couple days in advance. I believed she was gonna follow through with the full service but when I went to wire the money I cancelled it cause western union kept asking if I was buying something from her and when I told them no I was just loaning it to her they said she had received a lot of loans in the past. So I ended things with her and didn't see her for a couple months. Since she had given me her real name I looked her up on Facebook (I didn't friend her or message her) and saw a few weeks later she was pregnant. I ended up running now into her at the club a few weeks later and her tits had grown a cup size and firmed up (she said she had thought she was pregnant but ended up not being pregnant but she is still pregnant on her Facebook page). Her tits were phenomenal but she obviously quit shortly after that since she was pregnant. I do miss her a little.

There was a dancer that I really liked (got my first two way contact lap dances from her and she was the first to make me LDK). I had seen her regularly for a year ITC (she doesn't do extras though but was a spinner with just about perfect B cup tits). Anyway after she gave me my first LDK I never saw her again for over a year so I assumed she quit. For a while I kept hoping I run in to her at the club but never did. A couple weeks ago though she was back, it's definitely nice when you did have a favorite dancer that you thought you'd never see again and give up hope that she'll return only to get surprised when she comes back.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Yea, it's happened to me with nearly every dancer I've had phone numbers for. Eventually they seem to move or quit dancing and no longer respond to messages that I'm coming into the club to spend money on their dances. It sucks but then you go to the club and meet an even better looking girl and you eventually move on.

I've even had it happen with girls I met on line. One I found out was killed in a car wreck, another just seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. I have often wondered if something bad happened to her too? She was also a dancer but I never saw her ITC.

Life is tough and often sucks for these ladies. And not in a good way.
Its kind of the way it goes with women anyway. Usually they want to get married, and when they do that they cut off all past associations. Usually their strip club persona does not extend past their retirement date.

If we want things to work differently, we need to come up with some alternative plan.

Well not LONG TIME but I did have this stripper who I enjoyed immensely getting dances from. She would always tither the line between street legal and ITC (of course, no actual ITC incurred). Plus she was perfectly beautiful....in a light skinned sort of way (she was some sort of Hispanic Caribbean). Over time I had to focus on out of strip club activities but I made a point to return soon. When I finally did after a month...she was gone. I feel your pain bro. Your lady friend did things that for the longest time nobody else in your strip club would do am I right? Even if it was all paid, she was readily available and she knew JUST what you liked.

You probably just don't want to have to go through the whole audition crap again. It is tedious and consuming after all. Plus the next girl will never have that same glow that your previous partner would.
avatar for IronFox22
9 years ago
Rational part of brain: "Well, I hope she all right for herself in life"
Irrational part of brain: "But she didn't even tell me she was moving!"
Rational part: "Dude, she's a stripper. You don't even know her real name. She doesn't have to tell you anything."
Irrational part: "But we had a special connection!"
Rational part: "Let it go and move on."

And on and on. You know the drill.
sorry, I used tither ALL wrong. Must have been thinking of a different word. Just replace that with "toe the line"
I think the issue may be that yeah we know we're spending money on this ONE girl, but we're not so cold-hearted just to throw ANY relationship under the bus. It's half the reason why business deals pass or fail. The same reason why your boss gave YOU the promotion and not the better candidate. He thought you were funny, you could understand him and you gave off that awesome vibe despite the fact that you were doing this all because he was paying you to be a great guy. You got to know the person at least a little bit, but she knows exactly what you like and you could count on her to create clever ways to remix the scenarios and keep it fun Emotions will ALWAYS play a factor no matter how much or little money is involved.

At least, this is what I think.
ending things with my xATF was hard even though it was my decision to end it
if she is a favorite stripper of mine for over a year I have her number and probably facebook so she wouldn't just up and disappear to dallas without me knowing it.
avatar for IronFox22
9 years ago
Well now I feel like a particular loser, ButterMan.
Yes. I had a baby stripper disappear on me. It happens you find a new girl.
They do that!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 years ago
If your lonely, not completely happy with your current SO, or both, very good chance you'll be crushing at least a little on somebody. Which is a money-making opportunity most strippers won't pass up if they can help it. But I've never known it to be a two way street. Although some will let you down easier than that.
10 1/2 tears ago I met a 19 year old dancer of Haitian descent. Perfect face, great body and fun. It morphed into various CR escapades as she got older; some amazing experiences, but also hours of chat and watching the Patriots games together on Sundays. As she approaches 30 she is even prettier, with a way better body and the same prettiest face I ever saw. The problem? She passed her Real Estate exam in January, is now a licensed broker, then went on vacation to Trinidad and hasn't been seen since. Part of me hopes I never see her again as she transitions to normal life and part of me feels a loss after knowing her for almost 11 years and watching her grow from an insecure teen to a charming, beautiful, classy adult.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
I had to end things with my ATF at a local club recently.
I miss her a great deal. But, overall I feel much happier getting
out of a toxic situation with her.
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