Strip club motivation for currently and formerly married TUSCLers: A brief surve
Too much of a good thing is never enough
For the currently or formerly married strip club enthusiasts, why do you go to strip clubs?
Which of the following factors contribute significantly to your interest in visiting strip clubs:
1. dissatisfaction with your sex life with your current or former spouse
2. dissatisfaction with your overall relationship with your current or former spouse
3. lap dances (and extras/sex, if available) with the dancers
4. socializing (other than lap dances and sex) with the dancers
5. drinking and/or eating
6. escape from home
7. socializing with other patrons
8. Other??? Describe
Which of the following factors contribute significantly to your interest in visiting strip clubs:
1. dissatisfaction with your sex life with your current or former spouse
2. dissatisfaction with your overall relationship with your current or former spouse
3. lap dances (and extras/sex, if available) with the dancers
4. socializing (other than lap dances and sex) with the dancers
5. drinking and/or eating
6. escape from home
7. socializing with other patrons
8. Other??? Describe
Its a hard job but somebody needs to take concrete action to help young women with the high cost of a college education these days.
All of the above (1 through 7).
Although, after getting divorced, I don't go clubbing hardly at all anymore.
So I guess I'd have to say for 8/other, I did it to get away from the former wife the most.
If it weren't for extras, I wouldn't be clubbing. If a club doesn't offer extras, I don't go, unless I'm really bored.
#8 - other:
I travel a lot for work so I club when I'm on the road. It's something to do other than sit in a bar or my hotel room. I have 3 options when on the road 1. Go to a sportbar 2. Relax at my hotel 3. Go to a strip club = I probably do #1 and #2 - 10 times to every time I do #3
It's a nice escape from work, it's nice I get free lunch with my admission, it's fun chatting with the girls, but those are secondary.
But I even said in one of our marriage counseling sessions that if this "relationship" does not work, I'm never going to have another one.
Atlantic City, one of the largest pipe organs ever built. Look how high the ceiling is. More information to come.…
Yes, it is the largest in the world!…
It is one of only two organs in the world to have an open 64-foot rank, and the only organ to have stops voiced on 100 inches of wind pressure (about 3.6 psi). Its console features seven manuals.
The pedal manual can be divided into left and right divisions
10x 32 foot stops
The Diaphone-Dulzian's low-C pipe stands 59 feet (18 m) tall, weighs 3,350 pounds (1,520 kg), and produces a frequency of 8 Hz,[10] a tone that is more felt than heard; the sound of the vibrating pallet is described as "a helicopter hovering over the building". The pipe stands upright for about 40 feet (12 m), the remainder is mitred (turned) towards the Right Stage chamber's grill. All pipes taller than 32 feet (9.8 m) are designed in this manner.
The organ's wind supply is the most powerful ever used in a pipe organ. The DC motors for the original eight blowers had a total power of 394 horsepower (294 kW). These were replaced with AC motors in the early 1990s, which have a total of 600 horsepower (450 kW) and their seven blowers produce 36,400 cubic feet (1,030 m3) of wind per minute.…
Some of the lower manuals are not only 61 keys, they are 73 or 85 keys!
( some piano music is written to take up all 88. But nothing in the standard piano repertoire goes beyond that , as with Boesendorfer's 97 keys.…
I saw one just like this in a local store, priced to sell at only $180k.…
Largest Pipe Organs In The World…
Code Red Warning! This is like ColdnShallow turned into a 501.c3
3 Nights in Tunisia - Diz, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Dennerlein…
acoustic piano action could never go as fast as these people do. I think even a semi-weighted keyboard would be too slow.
Dennerlein play list…
Then #3.
Nothing else.
I don't think making lifetime commitments are in the cards for me.