
Comments by s88 (page 10)

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    8 years ago
    I'm "popular" in the strip club world
    My FB is ONLY people I've seen or spoken to before offline. I dont FB friend strippers either (except one, I went to a rock concert where she was a singer). I have a decoy instragram without any photos of me for that.
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    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    If Im not interested in even convo, or I wouldn't fuck her for free OTC, I say "Sorry, you aren't my type". Burn the bridge forever. If I dont want to burn the bridge forever, I say "I just got here".
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    8 years ago
    The Camera's in the Club
    My reg SC has cameras. Some girls use the "cameras" excuse to do zero mileage. One GPS told me the manager fires any girl caught doing extras and it is a clean club. I just said "yeah" with no further comment (I hid my grin very well). My last 2 favs wouldve been fired a long time ago with the stuff I did in VIP infront of the camera. The cameras are unmonitored, or the manager lets me get away with it because I'm a reg. IDK the answer. My ex-ATF quit a SC once because the bouncer and owner wouldn't let her do extras, and would take her cut of VIP $ as a fine if they caught a customer touching her on the VIP cameras and she DIDNT stop the dance in camera, but 2 other strippers, who were the owner's favorite strippers were allowed to do "no cameras" dances in VIP to any customer that small talks the owner and the owner walks upto the bouncer with the customer and the stripper and tells him "this is no cameras". A "no cameras" dance means the bouncer still sees what goes on in VIP on his monitor, it is just forbidden for him to interfere, walk into VIP and stop the dance, or fine the stripper. Another high roller clip joint around me, no cameras in VIP, but waitresses walk into the VIP every 2 minutes asking how you are doing and if you want to buy her a drink in VIP (fuck LDs, she aint touching you in VIP, just drinking and talking). Bouncers also walk in every 2 minutes with the flashlight, so every minute the curtain is pulled back while you are in VIP. The secret is $100 to the waitress to fuck off, and $100 to the bouncer to fuck off, then you can fuck in VIP. You aint fucking for less than $1K in this SC, but there are couple success reports on TUSCL of extras in this SC between all the bouncer beatdowns and manhandling.
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    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Stripper kissing me
    Oral fluid exchange doesn't worry me that much aslong as I dont feel cum in her mouth with my tongue. She couldve blown her BF in the car in SC parking lot before her shift started. I couldve DATYed another stripper 20 minutes earlier in the SC too. My actual record was DFKing 4 strippers in 2 hours in 1 SC visit. By lack of $ and lack of favs/chance, I've never gotten VIP again in the same night after a rare DATY VIP session.
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    8 years ago
    Pregnant Dancer YES! or NO!
    Pregnant or not doesn't matter aslong as she is skinny on her arms and her ass and thighs. Pregnant or post partum dancers usually never loose the weight, so thats why I'd rarely if ever LDs from them and if the whole fucking club is filled with chubbys, Im pissed off. I've fucked a 3 months pregnant stripper/hooker before. Heck, aslong as she walks around and smiles and talks and looks at customers, she doesn't need to stage dance like a competitive cheerleader if she is pregnant. VIP room matters for me, not stage dancing.
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    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Romantic Mobile Tracking
    Leave your contract phone at home while you goto rob a bank. Use your burner that you keep OFF most of the time to coordinate the heist. If your local metro/bus system DOESNT have cameras, tell your friend to use your card to generate a tap putting you somewhere else. Same thing with a credit card at a store without cameras.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    indian customers
    It wasn't curry that I was smelling, it was days of BO. "Gym" sweat BO, not curry BO. I use http://www.degreedeodorant.com/products/variant/911559/clinical-strength when I goto SCs. 20% Aluminum whatever chemical, instead of the typical 15-17%. VHM in a VIP room in a suit gets me very sweaty. Can't risk BO. I can go 12-36 more hours after the SC, like 1 full day of work, still smelling like stripper the whole time, without needing to shower because of that high strength deoderant. Outside of SCing, I use something cheaper for daily use. I also went 5 days without a shower and no smell by spreading Neosporin ointment under my arms instead of real deodorant. FL temp job, in FL summer sun, very long hours, no energy to take a shower when I got back to room. Neosporin trick worked just like I thought so I dont need to shower. Topical antibiotics kill the bacteria and smell much better than deodorant and last longer but germ resistence/etc, dont abuse antibiotics is why I dont do it daily. I still need to shower for my normal life anyway so the neosporin will get washed off. Main point of my post was, I have never before had to leave front row due to stink from another PL. I rarely sit in front row, but there were no hot, HM strippers there tonight, only zero mileage ones, and zero mileage means the most I get is looking at them dance so I had to be in front row. I was at front row to look at ROB Anna who was on stage with her tagteam partner (TLDR https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=43781 ). @Dominic77 I know squat toilets, but IME, they are plumbed, with a garden hose tap (no hose) and a bucket in the stall for flushing them/cleaning them. You get your TP from the attendent who sits infront and collects a quarter (or similar, this aint the USA) and gives you TP and lets you pass by her. In any bathroom anywhere I try to wet TP or use wet riped up paper towels to clean my ass. Just dry TP doesn't work after a big shit or soft shit and leaves a smell. Gotta use water or soap or your ass crack will still smell like a turd. Baby wipes for taking a shit are OCD IMO and leave my ass feeling like its covered in astroglide from a gay porno. You know dry TP aint enough if a fly keeps landing on your crotch multiple times after you shoo it away or you have shit stains in your underwear.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper tastes like iodine
    A stripper once told me at clubs where the customers were too aggressive, and after she was breast feeding her kidS, she put deodorant on her tits so customers wouldn't lick or suck them, it worked successfully.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    feature dancers
    Got a dream LD from my fav pornstar in a VIP room. She was shy and so was I, but it was the most unforgettable experience ever. I jerked off to her for 10 years, and then to suddenly have her on my lap humping me with her forehead touching mine. I fucking died and went to heaven. And the VIP room was 1/10th the price her escort agency charges. You should always know the porn star, and jerked off to her LONG before finding out you will see her IRL. If you find out she is a pornstar, because she is a featured dancer at your local club, dont bother seeing her. Featured dancers are supposed to be famous, not washed up reality show stars that had 1 season of fame as a minor character on a cable Chanel.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Over 50 topic
    Condoms always kill an erection for me since I first ever had naked pussy on a bed. I'd rather do 2 way oral and HJs/BJs than use a condom.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    favorite attire on a dancer?
    School girl. Strippers who dont show their belly button often have something to hide (post partum). My post partum ex-ATF always wore a 1 piece. Of her 1 pieces was connected by beige panty hose fabric between upper and bottom parts and I complimented that she stopped wearing those horrible 1 pieces that show no skin. She then grinned, grabbed me, pulled me in and told me to look closer, and my jaw dropped, it was a 1 piece that looked like a 2 piece. She and I both laughed.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers swinging crossed leg super fast !
    Meth or a trained gesture to get custie's eyes. One latina at my SC fans herself with her hands or with $ all the time, nobody else does it ITC>
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lust over a Stripper
    Get a GF isn't easy. Where do you find single women who aren't more $ hungry hoes than strippers?
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    8 years ago
    demi lovato twerking
    Shes fat. Before her rehab and before her Disney show was cancelled, she was fuckable. I went to a Demi Lovato concert in 2008 that had like 100 people (parents and kids combined) before Demi was famous. She was okay to fuck then. Now she is a big booty ho that will crush my balls if she tries giving me a LD so I'll pass. The whole butch dyke look she has now also makes her unfuckable. When you come off coke, you loose that tight body.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is it rude for strippers and strip club waitresses to ask for a tip?
    Bathroom boy gets $1 a visit, bartender gets $1 a visit. Bouncers never get tips. Only once ever a new bouncer at my reg SC repeatedly asked for a tip from me, I told him I only tip strippers and he gave up. At the clip joint in my town, bouncer line up at whales demanding $20s otherwise "you wont like your LD [no touching]" and "can you help out my friend?" and "dont stiff a brother". Doorman offers a "deal" because you are "friends" to get free cover, but then all his bouncer friends come over wanting tips once you are inside. I generally dont tip. If I like a stripper, I will buy more TIME with her, not buy specific services. Whenever I got into a situation negotiating for extras, tip prices were $100s for a HJ and $100s more for DFK, I abandoned it since SC pussy is never worth more than GFE pornstar from AVN. Once a stripper said touching is $300 tip in VIP on top of $150 for 15 mins. I didnt go through. Either a stripper likes you or she doesn't. Money can't make her smile at, it only makes you look more pathetic infront of her eyes. With all the "make it rain" customers who are dealers and financial guys who come in herds to SCs to show off their manhood on making it rain infront of their bros but never letting a dirty ho touch them, many strippers today feel they dont have to touch customers to get $. They get $ for "being hot". $ wont get you anywhere with these girls.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Not just fucking but dating
    From a man's view, no more than your age plus 7. Lower limit is only set by your level of legal risk you take with a <18 year old. Personality, talk ability, laughing, giggling, looking in each others eyes, compatible opinions on drug use, education levels, income levels, weight/height, DFK/sex, are much more important than age. Connecting with much younger women isn't hard if you have male friends much younger than you.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man kicks in door at strip club, steals Red Bull
    Redbull is cheaper than Coke.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    HELP!!! :( I like a dancer but not sure if she likes or not
    "@ppwh when I asked I pretty much knew that it was gonna be to busy because last week there was NOBODY in the lap dance area and this time at least 3 to 4 people around. She doesn't seem like the most intelligent person in the world but I don't think she's a dummy either. Not to sound like a stalker but I was worried enough about catching something I Facebook searched her number and got her real info. I googled her and she comes from a really good military family and she seems to have no online postings for escort and what not. Yes there are some girls that will ask you for extras here but mine pretty much waited for me to bring it up." Due to your age and her age, you probably were BF material if she met you outside the SC. I've gotten experiences like you described. The age of the stripper has always been +/- 4 months of my bday. Psychologically, in her head, she treated you like a nightclub hook up, but charged for it in the end, and by her "rules" you are excluded as a BF. These are the BEST experiences for me. Instead of buying drinks (there goes $100s of dollars for nothing) at a regular nightclub until they are too drunk to say no, then report me to the DA the next morning and goto the ER for a rape kit test, I buy lapdances. I strongly suspect your stripper was single, doesn't want a BF because he will get abusive/jealous/insane/tell her parents what she does, so she very carefully picks her boys to fuck ITC to get her regular fill of cock. You were picked, feel lucky for that 1 experience, but it was a one time/short term thing. "I dont need a BF, I get all the men I want at work in the SC when I am horny". "Honestly my last relationship started when I was 18 and I never cheated but like most men occasionally flirted with some girls that would flirt with me so my confidence level is not real high and I haven't tried to pick a girl up in so long that's it's like I don't even remember how lol." Egh, you sound like me, strippers are practice GFs, not wifeys. The moment they stop performing you turn off the $. I live off the high of confidence boost after landing a stripper. DFK is pretty hard to get, I always turn down FS but no kissing strippers. Getting DFK with her arm around your neck and yours around her neck is a rush like heroin. Your SC experience will help with real life women alot, how to keep conversations going, how to compliment, how to smile and smirk and act flirty.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Muslim Adult Performer Nadia Ali On Reconciling Her Job With Her Religion
    @sinclair Same thing with muslim and indian customers. No stripper wants to talk to them, be approached by them, or dance for them. They are the number 1 way for a stripper to get raped in a SC (no consent BBFS). Muslim and indian customers will execute their women or burn them with gasoline, before they will let any other man have them, but non-muslim women are their slaves, just like the Koran says. Islam seems to have rubbed off on indian (Hindu) customers too and they think they same way but they have no Koran to defend their beliefs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    HELP!!! :( I like a dancer but not sure if she likes or not
    Some strippers will go 100% GFE, no limits, no "nos" to anything ITC, with "I love you" and "we should hang out", etc. This is the BF hustle. You were supposed to become a sugar daddy to her or something or reward her with a huge tip. Since the quality decreased on visit #2, it means the BF hustle didn't work on you to increase spending so she took it off the table. "I text her a few times over the course of 4-5 days with 1 response saying she won't hang out with guys outside the club so I give up hope thinking it ain't nothing serious.she finally text me asking to hang out at the club." You are a SC BF. Refusal to OTC (paid, unpaid, platonic, sex, whatever) means you are just another custie to her. "I do and we actually talk for 40 mins when the club is packed." She knows your ego is weak, or an aggressive wanna dance kills your feelings for her and any chance for a dance, so she lets you talk. "She only dances a few times a month and is from a military fam. We both have had similar situations." Not a career stripper. GFE is the easiest hustle for them to do/for them to play because they aren't pro-strippers. Non-career strippers can make a amateur custie melt like cotton candy for them with GFE/regular girl act. Hardcore PLs only want pussy on their dick, no talking, no kissing, no GFE, which freaks out the non-pro strippers as them being shady MFs. "She is 21 and i am 26 she has said herself I am not the guy she expects to meet her." You are too young to be in a SC. I get that ALL the time at one of my SCs, where I am the youngest customer ever there. "She then ask me if I could hang out til she goes on stage cause she has stage fright but at this time it's 11 pm and already been there for a few hours." You are respectful enough that she trusts you wont go all "so how you wanna earn it ho?" on her. No sex interest in you, but atleast you are better than gossiping with the other backstabbing pussy in the club (her coworkers). "We then go for a dance and while it isn't as intense as last week it was good." Explain. "No touching or happy ending tho." No touching? How so? That is an unforgivable sin to me. I wont say it to her face, but I ignore her from now on, and if she approaches, she never gets another $ from me. But be careful to not burn bridges by telling her why you dont spend on her or she will accuse you of calling her a ho. If she asks "why dont you want a dance?" you can answer directly that she doesn't allow touching. "I ask if we could so something similar but she says the club is way to busy to even think about that right now." IDK how to interpret that. She made enough $ tonight she wont do extras type stuff? "So after my $140 budget is up she asks if she should stop cause it's hurting both of us to Keep going without a good finish. We then stay in the private dance area and talk for another 15 mins" Are you paying LD prices for the 15 minutes of talk or not or did the clock end and no bouncer came by to kick you out of VIP? Did she just rip you off? No stripper is allowed to talk in VIP with me. No cuddling, no back rubs, no air dances, no talking unless its 1 or 2 sentence jokes to keep the mood up when kissing. Talking is for free on the main floor, never in VIP. "or so just telling me she would like to become a massage therapist" Massage therapist is a often another job as a sex worker. "and she would need someone to work on to rack up the hours." OTC? "She then massages my hands and throws out little various compliments toward me." This is now SS to keep you spending. "We both get up and she follows near the exit and says if I ever need to talk or vent that I could text her anytime." Could be just a nice stripper, or knows BF hustle works on you, or knows you are stupid enough to pay to talk in VIP. "I say I honestly would like to take you out for coffee or drinks just to hang out and she says ya we could do something soon. She then tells me she's not really a big texter so if she dont reply that same day she ain't blowing me off. She seems genuine and seems to work outside the club a lot. Is there more to this ?" Play along aslong as you aren't spending more than a tiny amount of $ on her, if she talks about OTC, then ghosts you, or flakes out, or ghosts you until she is at work at the SC, then texts you to goto the SC, you are being played. If she offers what she offered the 1s time ITC, again, ITC, same price and same services, I'd stick with her aslong as possible, even if its just ITC. If ITC sucks, challenge her to OTC, DO NOT let her convert flaked out OTC attempts to "come to the club", say you can't make it or your schedule or some other BS. You can still goto the SC, if she confronts you, say things changed and you came to the club, but DONT spend on her ITC unless she will perform.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "Being a looky-loo" He paid his door fee and minimum drinks, now STFU. There are strippers who pay the house (aka door) fee, and will never look up from their phone at 99% of customers, how offensive is that? So why should you expect every PL to NOT ignore you? "There is never any reason to be rude when we initially approach you. We want to talk and spend time with customers, to help make sure everyone is having a good time. When you try to say ‘Hi’ to someone and they immediately throw a hand in your face, interrupt you mid-introduction, or literally tell you to go away before you have the chance to finish your sentence, it's infuriating."" You are ugly and overweight and I see meth pick marks on your face, I am not spending any $ on you, go away and find someone who will spend $ on you. "Forgetting that consent exists in clubs, too " Fingering and opening my fly is when I ask for consent. If I ask for the rules, you will give me an airdance you ROB. If I wanted an air dance I'd go watch pole dances for $1 or $2 a song in tips. "Expecting a make-out session " I do, worst ratio is 1:10 or 1:15 strippers in the club that isn't known for it, best ratio is 2:3 that is known for it. I can goto any regular nightclub and assuming I get bottle service, flash my rolex and gold chain, and say I work in financial securities, I can make out with a nightclub whore. I dont know where her mouth was, neither do I know where yours (a stripper) was, hell the nightclub girl can be a stripper or escort and she will never tell me. I've gotten a fever and flu after plain LDs with 1 stripper, that night, just one, with no kissing, just air or skin to skin transmission. The no make-out rule is just product differentiation, to nickle and dime for tips, or you "saving" something for your BF that a PL cant have. "We don't have company-offered medical, so I'd prefer not to spend half a night’s pay in doctor bills." Nearly all strippers qualify for medicaid since they have no income and usually have kids. No income, non-disabled, adults without kids under 65 didn't qualify for medicaid in most states before obamacare, I think they now do in all states. If you have kids and no income, you have always qualified for medicaid. " Confusing strippers with a personal harem " Must be a SW member. SCs are a meat market. Idiots buy time to have a hot chick sit next to them ITC for broke PLs to be jealous. Hardcore PLs only do private dances or takeout. Escorts are women who rely on fake pics and once at your door, the custie's blue ball's will make him go through with fucking anything with a pussy (or not SJGay) that showed up at his door regardless of looks. Escorts couldn't charge more than BP prices for OTC since the PL already saw the goods ITC and reduced his price accordingly.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What did they do before they became strippers?
    Nearly all strippers do a shift or a couple shifts as a waitress or bartender in a SC before they first strip.
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    8 years ago
    Suspicious Newbie Posts
    @chessmaster Only high rollers are supposed to know what really goes on at the club. Proles get a lapdance from Boris and Mikhail the bruisers if they touch a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    There's a sucker walking in thru the SC door every minute
    There is a line ever PL has to draw, when do you put your foot down with a stripper, and do you risk her cussing you out at the top of her lungs and walking away. If you "upset" her, did you loose the chance of VHM or OTC, or did you never have it in the first place? Its a question that will haunt a PL to the grave. I've been a situation where I drew the line with a stripper, asked what I was getting for my $ (literally), she said Im a disgusting pervert at the top her voice, started crying, said real gentlemen take her to VIP and dont do single song dances, then shouted to all the strippers on benches around walls for them to ignore me and dont talk to him. The other strippers started shouting for me to get out of here and making fun of my clothes and I had 4-5 strippers cussing me out. I went outside to smoke, came back, PMS stripper was on stage, she stopped dancing put her clothes on, and said she can't dance with me in the SC and I have to leave (but there was exactly ONE other customer in the SC), other strippers looked up from their phones and started cussing like barking dogs, DJ called the next stripper on stage. Bouncer watched and pretended nothing was happening. I eventually got my LDs from my fav there, but my fav there is low mileage so I havent been back since. But my fav isn't friends with any stripper friend of PMS stripper and doesnt care. Not worth my $ dealing with her coworkers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo I do CFs/regulars since I need to crush/fall in love/lust after them to have the best VIP experience. I always have a #2 or #3 lined up though to fall back on when #1 expires and to make sure I dont fall in love too hard with #1. I also try to have 2 regular SCs, so #2 is usually at the other SC from #1, usually, but not always. Anonymous sex is awkward and stressful for me, favs remove those 2 problems because I completely trust them in VIP and trust that I will get exactly what I want.