We've all seen strippers sitting on their ass looking at their phones making no money. We've also seen strippers who have a lot of regulars and have a line of people waiting to get dances from them.
In your experience what are some of the things/qualities some strippers possess to make them have a lot of regulars?
Are you currently a regular of any stripper right now?
I've had both! My past and maybe future ATF never used to hustle because she had her geriatric regulars who showered her with money. My CF works the floor and is really good at it. She also has lots of regulars but since the ATF is 20's and the CF is 40's, the CF is making as much as she can now. And she's a top earner; she gets my $ and there's zero chance for OTC. That's how good she is!
The ATF has regulars because she is super hot, and knows the ropes of making old men fall in love with her (myself included...to a point). The CF makes money because she's also super hot and will finish the job if you're so inclined. Funny thing is, I would "love" her even if she didn't. She's great company besides having a killer body.
The biggest difference is the ATF didn't make as much as she might have, while the CF maxes out.
I currently am a regular of my CF, but have been cutting down money wise recently.
I think in general for the strippers that have a lot of regulars, obviously looks is a part of it, but it's just one small part I think. I think the stripper making the customer feel like he's the only guy (or Lopaw) in the world helps. I'm not a big fan of conversation, but I think in general, conversation helps. Instead of just asking if the guy wants a dance and then walking off, the money making strippers will sit down and have a drink and have conversation with the customer before asking for a dance. If she's doing a good job, a lot of times the customer will ask for a dance before she does. I think a little tease helps, kind of that feeling of something the guy wants so bad, but he can't have at the moment. I think not giving it all away on the first dances so to speak helps. A veteran stripper knows to make the dances slightly better every time, so that the customer keeps coming in and has something to look forward to.
For example maybe the first few times a stripper might kiss you on the cheek during the dances, the next few times you see her it evolves to pecks on the lips, and the next few times it's full on making out. I'm not sure if the stripper would have made as much money from the guy if she just started making out on the first dance.
My ATF (who be retiring after some more health problems) never has to seek people out - she normally has one or more PLs waiting in line, including yours truly. She is almost certainly the oldest dancer who works there at 46.
She has always looked like she was in her late twenties. She is not a druggie. Her biggest asset is that she just exudes sexiness; it just pours out of her and it is effortless. That quality will still be with her when she's 50, 60, or even 70. When I'm there, she always finishes with me, and stops by to keep me informed about how much longer she expects to be. All the girls like her, even though they know that she'll get the bulk of the business on that shift.
I'm a so called regular of just abt all of my strippers currently. Not that I don't like to venture out and find something new. Funny you brought up this topic Larry I was talking to a really hot sexy blonde day shift girl the other day she's been in the club for about 3 years and I asked her if she had any regulars and she said no so of course I ask why... and she said she can't get any regulars because 1. she won't give out her phone number and 2. she won't hang out with any guys outside the club. So I told her I'll be honest with you I don't think you have to hang out with guys outside the club necessarily to have regulars but not giving out your phone number yeah that's a deal-breaker
I agree 100% ButterMan. You show me a stripper that doesn't give out her number, and I'll show you a girl with no regulars. It's the same person. Especially nowadays where you can just get a bum phone, or a Google Voice number.
The ones who can lie really good are the ones with most regulars. The ones who think "deny everything until you get caught" will stretch the truth and push the envelope with ease. That's a gray stripper quality in making u think you have a chance at having sex with her.
I guess I'm a regular of one dancer at each of at least three different clubs. Though these girls have varied looks, they share the crucial characteristics that they respond quickly to my texts, look forward to my visits, and make me feel like the only man in the world while I'm with them. They also know just what I like in the private dance area or VIP room. There is no commonality in their propensity to kiss me: one starting DFKing right at the beginning of our first time in the champagne room, another gives me a kiss on the lips at the end of our time together, and the third doesn't kiss me (or any customer) at all -- ever.
Butterman...that's pure SS. Lots of dancers don't give out their # but have lots of regulars. There's many different types of PL's and OTC isn't necessary for all of them.
My CF gave me her name and # only after 10 years. TEN YEARS! I stayed as her occasional customer because she is so cool. She became my CF when after all that time she upped the ante on contact and approach, which included her info. Not every dancer has sex to make a living.
Umm no rockstar thats not SS as far as I'm concerned. What would she have to gain by saying that? pity? I doubt it. I for one would not or have not ever been a so called regular to a girl who wouldn't go out her number so i could at least text her to see when she was working. One of my former favs told me it is like a part time job texting and keeping all of her PL's in order. And seeing how it is very easy to get a strippers number and or social media info these days it has got to be hard on a girl that wont even give out a number.
It's so true about it not being all about looks. I was just talking to someone about how my CF wouldn't turn many heads in the few clubs I've visited. I know for a fact that she doesn't have other regulars because I used to see her on many occasions before finally talking to her. And she's told me. She's ecstatic if she can make a couple hundred dollars on a shift... in a club where many do much more than that.
But what does it for me is how genuine she seems. I swear, it's like she's in the wrong line of work. She'll try and turn down tips from me if she thinks it's too much, or give discounts, or not charge for lap dances if she knows we'll do VIP later in the evening. Really sweet too; has almost no hustle, which I'm sure hurts her money-making potential. But not on nights when I visit. My once a month visit is always good for what she makes in a week. She just gets to me that way.
The worst part about it all? I've started to compare girls I meet in the real world to her, and so I lose interest in dating. Not good, I probably need a hiatus already.
I'm a free-agent, I belong to no one, I'm free like the wind - I just can't keep seeing the same chick every time over & over & over again, can't do it, it's just not in me no matter how fine she is, I get bored quickly.
I don't notice the regulars thing at the black dives I hit but then again I rarely get involved w/ dancers enough to notice or find out.
the ones w regulars good at manipulating guys to want them for dances, their company early on in my sc career I was a regular to a couple of them. then I evolved into getting stripper as mistress otc and hardly ever spent money on just lap dances. if your spending money on dances that would get otc or itc I think your either stupid or cant get it up
I first met my ATF when she was 19 and that was almost 11 years ago. I have no idea where she lives, who she lives with, who she dates and have never had her phone number. No one in the casino where I play poker has my number either. This is entertainment, not a substitute for real life so why would I allow crossover?
Definitely the biggest factor is the type of hustle that they do, and how much effort they'll put into it. Without a doubt, there are many girls who either choose to have few or no regulars, and others who tend to keep a limit on it. Those girls risk making less $ during slow times, but they don't necessarily give anything up during times when business is good, and they stress less -- regulars management can take a lot of overhead and be exhausting. I know for myself, I might give some leeway to my ATFs, but if a stripper has achieved CF status for me and fucks up on scheduling even once, I have a pretty low tolerance, and start looking for a new CF right there
Good points by Subraman (as usual!). Dealing with "PL shit" due to juggling multiple regulars in the club at once and not pissing any of them off can be VERY stressful to a dancer. I try to be a "good regular" as I always ask my regular dancers if they need to make the rounds, and when they get tipped on stage I'm aware they may not come back to me right away. I encourage all PL's to be aware their CF/ATF IS working! I think in the long run my regulars appreciate that I'm not monopolizing them (unless they want me to) and as a result I get better 'service' than most.
I have or I develop favorite dancers who through rapport and past experience will get more of my money than other dancers. In exchange of giving more of herself (time, leeway, personal attention, what have you) than the other dancers she gets more money in exchange.
There's a difference between being a regular and being possessive. I'm a regular who comes to see my ATF, but if she so happens to be busy, am resourceful and diligent enough to move on. And when she's free and I'm still willing we meetup. I may come for my favorite, but she doesn't dictate my entertainment. I do.
There weren't many girls my type, so I wasn't too picky. If she was my type physically and gave good dances, then she would likely become a regular of mine.
strippers forget that their job is not stripping...it's sales! They are selling themselves as well as fantasy. There are exceptions, but here's how the successful ones I've seen do it...
Pleasing looks (they don't have to be 10s) Sparkling personality. Positivity...don't be a downer. guys come in to clubs to escape their problems, they don't want to hear those of strippers...try to be a good listener.
-->Positivity...don't be a downer. guys come in to clubs to escape their problems, they don't want to hear those of strippers...try to be a good listener."
Imnumnutz, that's one of the things that seems incredibly obvious, particularly from the point of view of a customer who doesn't like "downer" girls. But I don't think it's nearly as obvious as you think. According to many strippers I've talked to, there's a pretty big population of customers who like being white knights, who feel more masculine and mature if they are listening to the poor defenseless stripper's problems, etc. For some guys, "coming into the club to escape their problems" -- particularly if those problems include feeling unappreciated, emasculated, etc -- IS all about stripper problems.
For the stripper, it's probably more about profiling your customer correctly and being positive to the many customers who want that, sharing some real or invented problems with the many white knights, etc
Some of the sales programs for strippers like "Strip and Grow Rich" (there are others this is just one example) teach you to profile customers, then tailor your pitch & approach and trigger hot buttons for the sale. SGR uses 4 colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and teaches her to profile reds & blues, first, then sell to yellows, then greens. And each customer color type had a different approach and hot buttons to work the sale.
I do CFs/regulars since I need to crush/fall in love/lust after them to have the best VIP experience. I always have a #2 or #3 lined up though to fall back on when #1 expires and to make sure I dont fall in love too hard with #1. I also try to have 2 regular SCs, so #2 is usually at the other SC from #1, usually, but not always. Anonymous sex is awkward and stressful for me, favs remove those 2 problems because I completely trust them in VIP and trust that I will get exactly what I want.
^ a lot of SCers do it that way; but if I wanted to stick w/ just one girl then I'd have a GF or be married and I'm not interested in either - to me SCs are like a buffet; why go to a buffet and just eat one thing - in the end we all have our different tastes and what floats our PL-boat.
Hey Papi, I can definitely see where you're coming from. When I started, my favorite part of any night was the variety; getting a $20 lap dance from as many as 6-10 different dancers in a night. Then maybe a little more from 1 or 2 favorites from the night, which would always be different favorites than the last trip.
Then as time went on I built a relationship with a couple, and have gotten to the point where I spend a little time with girl #1, and then the brunt of the night with girl #2, and that's it. I think I'm starting to miss the variety, plus, putting all my eggs in the basket of just one main girl is starting to make me feel... vulnerable.
^ strip clubs are very flexible, if one enjoys the single -dancer system they can stick w/ that till they/if burn-out on-it & one can can always pivot & do something/someone else
The problem with old ass regulars is that they will pay these strippers a good amount of money to simply sit and talk with them for long ass periods of time. When I found out about this I totally understood why these bitches would rather sit and get hundred dollar bills than give customers lap dances for 30 bucks.
^^^Yep... And speaking as a hot-stripper-time-monopolizer-extraordinairre, I can tell you that in some cases, we're paying a lot less than you think. Consistency plus smart scheduling can yield huge benefits at slower clubs
^TippingDollars: yes. Paying for conversation is cheaper than dances. It's easier on my budget. Some day I will own my own business or be an executive so I can better afford dances (and VIP and rain) in my budget. Paid conversation time is the best deal going. #FrontRoomAction #GetHerOffScript
To maintain regulars a girl has got to be well endowed between the ears, plus notably good looking.
Over the years lots of AMP girls have wanted to get me set up for regular sessions at their homes. And to me they were notable for both brains and beauty. And the GFE auditions that they gave at the AMP were second to none.
It is also like this. There was an inner circle of head screwed on straight girls who had a Sunday Brunch and their own religious service, out there in the Tolerance Zone, with the night club brothels.
Most of these girls had guys keeping them, but not in Guymas, off in the centers of government and finance. So they would depart by bus and airplane on Monday mornings, and stay for a few days, and then be back in time for the busier nights servicing the locals.
The girl has got to be more than just looks and sex, and she has to be able to be a companion for guys able to afford to keep a regular. Mistresses are usually smarter than wives, and outside the US, well-off men usually have both. She has to know how to pick guys, and in certain ways to play them too.
In my observation, most of what determines how well girls do in strip clubs is how they are wired up between the ears. There is tolerance for various aspects of looks. But if a girl does not know how to handle herself and how to interact with people, she will have an extremely hard time, and this really takes a toll on them.
So when SW girls say that they are smarter than 90% of the Strip Club custies, I am not in the least surprised.
I guess i’m going to be restarting this thread, I only joined recently but a girl i’m a regular of ( I go to see her) isn’t just hot but she can hold a conversation, I can’t tell you how many girls just walk up and go straight into “ Wanna dance” I think it works because we treat each other like people not a wallet and robot not that she never asks for dances but not always
I don’t know about the making a dance better every time part though because it’s been a while since she even did her party trick , it’s what she calls somersaulting into you and putting her pussy in my face even though this is part of her routine, her dancing seems pretty standard now, maybe she knows she’s got me under her spell
Well this was an interesting thread to catch up on. I have been clubbing now for 3 months and am quasi-regular with a girl at two different clubs.
One of them is early 20s, gives good dances, was willing to haggle a bit with me and beat other strippers pricing there. It is a little hard to keep conversations going with the large age difference between us, but I keep practicing at it. She is a little fussy about which guys she will hang around, so I do get to feel like I am in an elite group.
The other is mid 30s, gives very reasonable pricing (VIP for close to regular lap dances) is cheerful and happy to see me. She is one of the best looking women at this club, she and I agree on that, but the club is out of date and not drawing the men it used to. She has told me a little about her other regular guys, it is important to her to cultivate them.
I am gradually coming to terms that it is OK to specialize on just a few strippers, with some occasional foraging. It is expensive to explore the pool of talent... When you find something mutual that works, just go ahead and milk it.
last commentThe ATF has regulars because she is super hot, and knows the ropes of making old men fall in love with her (myself included...to a point). The CF makes money because she's also super hot and will finish the job if you're so inclined. Funny thing is, I would "love" her even if she didn't. She's great company besides having a killer body.
The biggest difference is the ATF didn't make as much as she might have, while the CF maxes out.
I think in general for the strippers that have a lot of regulars, obviously looks is a part of it, but it's just one small part I think. I think the stripper making the customer feel like he's the only guy (or Lopaw) in the world helps. I'm not a big fan of conversation, but I think in general, conversation helps. Instead of just asking if the guy wants a dance and then walking off, the money making strippers will sit down and have a drink and have conversation with the customer before asking for a dance. If she's doing a good job, a lot of times the customer will ask for a dance before she does. I think a little tease helps, kind of that feeling of something the guy wants so bad, but he can't have at the moment. I think not giving it all away on the first dances so to speak helps. A veteran stripper knows to make the dances slightly better every time, so that the customer keeps coming in and has something to look forward to.
For example maybe the first few times a stripper might kiss you on the cheek during the dances, the next few times you see her it evolves to pecks on the lips, and the next few times it's full on making out. I'm not sure if the stripper would have made as much money from the guy if she just started making out on the first dance.
She has always looked like she was in her late twenties. She is not a druggie. Her biggest asset is that she just exudes sexiness; it just pours out of her and it is effortless. That quality will still be with her when she's 50, 60, or even 70. When I'm there, she always finishes with me, and stops by to keep me informed about how much longer she expects to be. All the girls like her, even though they know that she'll get the bulk of the business on that shift.
That's why I've been one of her regulars.
My CF gave me her name and # only after 10 years. TEN YEARS! I stayed as her occasional customer because she is so cool. She became my CF when after all that time she upped the ante on contact and approach, which included her info. Not every dancer has sex to make a living.
But what does it for me is how genuine she seems. I swear, it's like she's in the wrong line of work. She'll try and turn down tips from me if she thinks it's too much, or give discounts, or not charge for lap dances if she knows we'll do VIP later in the evening. Really sweet too; has almost no hustle, which I'm sure hurts her money-making potential. But not on nights when I visit. My once a month visit is always good for what she makes in a week. She just gets to me that way.
The worst part about it all? I've started to compare girls I meet in the real world to her, and so I lose interest in dating. Not good, I probably need a hiatus already.
I don't notice the regulars thing at the black dives I hit but then again I rarely get involved w/ dancers enough to notice or find out.
early on in my sc career I was a regular to a couple of them. then I evolved into getting stripper as mistress otc and hardly ever spent money on just lap dances. if your spending money on dances that would get otc or itc I think your either stupid or cant get it up
Pleasing looks (they don't have to be 10s)
Sparkling personality.
Positivity...don't be a downer. guys come in to clubs to escape their problems, they don't want to hear those of strippers...try to be a good listener.
Imnumnutz, that's one of the things that seems incredibly obvious, particularly from the point of view of a customer who doesn't like "downer" girls. But I don't think it's nearly as obvious as you think. According to many strippers I've talked to, there's a pretty big population of customers who like being white knights, who feel more masculine and mature if they are listening to the poor defenseless stripper's problems, etc. For some guys, "coming into the club to escape their problems" -- particularly if those problems include feeling unappreciated, emasculated, etc -- IS all about stripper problems.
For the stripper, it's probably more about profiling your customer correctly and being positive to the many customers who want that, sharing some real or invented problems with the many white knights, etc
I do CFs/regulars since I need to crush/fall in love/lust after them to have the best VIP experience. I always have a #2 or #3 lined up though to fall back on when #1 expires and to make sure I dont fall in love too hard with #1. I also try to have 2 regular SCs, so #2 is usually at the other SC from #1, usually, but not always. Anonymous sex is awkward and stressful for me, favs remove those 2 problems because I completely trust them in VIP and trust that I will get exactly what I want.
Then as time went on I built a relationship with a couple, and have gotten to the point where I spend a little time with girl #1, and then the brunt of the night with girl #2, and that's it. I think I'm starting to miss the variety, plus, putting all my eggs in the basket of just one main girl is starting to make me feel... vulnerable.
^ strip clubs are very flexible, if one enjoys the single -dancer system they can stick w/ that till they/if burn-out on-it & one can can always pivot & do something/someone else
Over the years lots of AMP girls have wanted to get me set up for regular sessions at their homes. And to me they were notable for both brains and beauty. And the GFE auditions that they gave at the AMP were second to none.
And then in David Stuarts Guymas Chronicles:
It is also like this. There was an inner circle of head screwed on straight girls who had a Sunday Brunch and their own religious service, out there in the Tolerance Zone, with the night club brothels.
Most of these girls had guys keeping them, but not in Guymas, off in the centers of government and finance. So they would depart by bus and airplane on Monday mornings, and stay for a few days, and then be back in time for the busier nights servicing the locals.
The girl has got to be more than just looks and sex, and she has to be able to be a companion for guys able to afford to keep a regular. Mistresses are usually smarter than wives, and outside the US, well-off men usually have both. She has to know how to pick guys, and in certain ways to play them too.
In my observation, most of what determines how well girls do in strip clubs is how they are wired up between the ears. There is tolerance for various aspects of looks. But if a girl does not know how to handle herself and how to interact with people, she will have an extremely hard time, and this really takes a toll on them.
So when SW girls say that they are smarter than 90% of the Strip Club custies, I am not in the least surprised.
Alban Berg
I think it works because we treat each other like people not a wallet and robot not that she never asks for dances but not always
I don’t know about the making a dance better every time part though because it’s been a while since she even did her party trick , it’s what she calls somersaulting into you and putting her pussy in my face even though this is part of her routine, her dancing seems pretty standard now, maybe she knows she’s got me under her spell
One of them is early 20s, gives good dances, was willing to haggle a bit with me and beat other strippers pricing there. It is a little hard to keep conversations going with the large age difference between us, but I keep practicing at it. She is a little fussy about which guys she will hang around, so I do get to feel like I am in an elite group.
The other is mid 30s, gives very reasonable pricing (VIP for close to regular lap dances) is cheerful and happy to see me. She is one of the best looking women at this club, she and I agree on that, but the club is out of date and not drawing the men it used to. She has told me a little about her other regular guys, it is important to her to cultivate them.
I am gradually coming to terms that it is OK to specialize on just a few strippers, with some occasional foraging. It is expensive to explore the pool of talent... When you find something mutual that works, just go ahead and milk it.