At my regular ratchet SC that has been loosing its ratchet customers due to another hip hop SC opening up 1/2 a mile away. The new-ish manager has been increasing the free cover promos through the roof this year. Plus the owner is hurting for $ since his other SC got its liquor license suspended last month. Dancer quality went down since as the proportion of broke college 18 year olds, instead of drug dealer 18 years olds increased, and there are less financial worker and solo PL types. The amount of "come with your wife for the food and hookah and never look at a stripper" customers has increased too.
Anyway, I was in front row, lots of groups of smelly 18 year old indian or muslim customers now. I couldn't be in front row for more than 1/2 a song before i left front row since the BO stink was so bad from the cocktail table next to me. Every breath I took made me gag. It was like someone set a tire on fire and the black smoke was blowing my way and burning my nose. Smells worse than homeless people on the bus. I went to the other stage, same fucking problem, another group of indians who dont shower, all wearing plaid collared shirts with dress pants, planted at front row by the waitresses. This time all but 1 seat was taken, since this stage doesn't have cocktail tables, just chairs in a line infront of the stage, so they were all sitting in a line, not a circle. Never saw any of these groups throw a single $1 on stage or ever have a drink cup on their table. I pity any stripper that had to give a LD to these customers from hell. One or 2 got up, broke from the group, and did buy semi private or private LDs. The 2 drink minimum signs aren't enforced, I should go bitch to the manager to go enforce them and kick out the stinkers. I buy 1 drink a night (they, 0), thats it, so maybe I shouldn't go bitch or karma will get me.
I got 1 $20 LD from a new stripper and left right after. Not sure if she didn't like me, or I had negative energy from the indian customers and it rubbed off on her, but no chemistry, and a rules reading to me, and mostly air. Total loss $45 tonight. I've seen $200 to $300 before at this SC when girls were hot, and I had chemistry with them. Now its nothing. All the good strippers moved to the burbs SCs or retired.
Ironically, there is a wedding hall one lot away from my SC. There is a small hole in the wall 24/7 tire shop between the 2. The wedding hall has more strobe-ing neon tacky lighting on the outside than my SC. The Wedding Hall used every weekend for lavish, family bankrupting, muslim and hindu weddings, birthdays, funerals, or whatever they are, or aren't ("I'm just here for the free drinks and food"). I've never seen any group walk from wedding hall to the SC along the sidewalk but after last night, the thought crossed my mind for a second. I told myself "naw, can't be" since everyone from the wedding hall every weekend is wearing native clothes, not slacks with plaid shirts like Dilberts.
It comes with the territory. The cheap ratchet strip clubs will always attract the undersirables, the broke and the thugs. Only thing you can do is go where they aren't welcome.
Many strippers have told me that they won't dance for Indians (or whatever you call guys from India). Lack of deodorant has often been mentioned as one of the main reasons.
Interesting legal question. Can a strip club lawfully make wearing deodorant a condition of entrance? Or a lack of body odor? The answer is a definite maybe.
Have heard the same thing JohnSmith said from a number of dancers regarding Indian / Middle Eastern Customers. Haven't heard because of deodorant, but have heard they simply don't spend money in the clubs. Or only do drinks and some light stage tipping - that's it.
Most strippers say middle eastern and Indian men, as a group, treat strippers with the least amount of respect. Indian men are the group that most often smells. I don't quite understand what the smell is ... is it that the spices they eat make them smell, but they are nose-blind to it, and only westerners smell them? Or is it truly a hygiene problem among some Indian men? I work with many, many Indian men and women who don't smell at all, but enough do that it's easily noticeable.
We have a large Indian population in NJ and the dancers tell me they pack in on Friday and Saturday nights. the consensus is these men don't bath on a regular basis, eat foods that make them stink and generally don't know how to behave themselves in a strip club for the first few years they are here.
Being in the IT field I work with quite a large number of Indians. These men and women do bathe daily. They tend to be well groomed and some do eat spicy food that makes them pungent. I don't have any of them rubbing up against my nude body so perhaps they smell worse up close.
With the two very differing experiences, i wonder if the agencies that place them in IT jobs educates them on the customs of bathing and cologne. or is it that those that do find a wife and aren't in strip clubs on a Friday or Saturday night.
^^^I went to college with a lot of Indians (dot, not teepee) and people from the Middle East. Many of these were from overseas and not assimilated Americans..
First, they don't bathe daily. The dormitory officers had constantly remind them of this. They were *told* overseas that Americans expect you to shower regularly. So when they got over here, they thought regularly meant once a week. Sorry, no. Here in America we expect you to bathe/shower daily. Once a week does not cut it.
Second, they don't always use soap when they shower. They need to be reminding bathing requires soap not just a rinse. Third, they don't always wipe their ass with toilet paper. Toilets with running water in India are rare. Most are just latrines, which is a hole in the ground. The "toilet" is an elevated platform with two indentations for your feet to stand on, with a hole between them. You stand with your the feet thing, then hike up your Indian gown, pop a squat, shit, then get up, and lower your gown. No water. No toilet paper. When the hole fills up, they cap it off, open up the previously capped hole next to it, then let the first hole biodegrade. Went the second hole gets full, they repeat the process. This is the reality of a "toilet" for 600 million Indians. No where is there a porcelain pot with water that you flush down toilet paper while you set and read Penthouse Magazine.
Fourth, all the spices the Indians (dot, not teepee) eat often cause them to sweat. Sweat combined with infrequent bathing without soap, and the toilet practices above, means the bacteria on your body just sits there bakes/ferments/what-have-you. Fifth, if they (Indians) have "nicer clothes" they may wear them 3 times before washing them. Not good when your outer skin is a breeding ground.
That is just my observation from being around them.
With that said, they ARE pretty good about rinsing their mouths out several times a day with fresh water from water facets (swish and spit). So they get credit there.
I think once the Indians get assimilated to American way of life, they DO pick up our hygiene practices.
Definitely their diet with its emphasis on very highly spiced foods (there are a lot of Indian dishes that I won't eat, and frankly, there aren't a lot of things I won't eat!) that leave odors both directly and oozing out through the sweat glands.
I used to work with a lot of East Indians. As a whole, they had good hygiene and minimal smell about them. A very few smelled bad. One in particular was a chain smoker on top of everything else. He literally lit the next cigarette with the stub of the current one. The thought of his smell still makes me shudder!
At my regular club dancers have told me the indian guys are always trying to do things like finger them and suck on their tits which neither is allowed in this non extras club. Even the girls I know well can't get away with letting me finger them. I have had a few girls block the view and allow nipple sucking
"Indian Americans are the richest ethnic group in the United States, earning a median income of $100,547 in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Compare that to $51,939, which was the median income for all Americans during the same period."
I'll have to take the opposite stance. There are 2 Indian guys that are semi regulars at Follies and they both spend a lot of money and attract some of the best looking dancers.
Strippers don't care if Indians make the most money if they are not spending it at the strip club. I am more likely to see Asians get bottles and take strippers to VIP rooms than Indians. I see a lot of Indians nurse a beer, not tip the stage and not get dances. This is what I see at Baby Dolls.
What does your stat mean? If they don't spend money in the clubs, like numerous dancers have said to me and others, what does it matter what they make or don't make? This applies to anyone btw.
As a group I would say yes. Yes in most smelly, most handsy, and most cheap. The trifecta. However, the ones that do spend, don't smell, and are respectful, are liked.
JohnSmith: ". . . Indians (or whatever you call guys from India) . . ." I believe they're called "native Asians" :)
Actually, the *only* reason I would support referring to American Indians as "native Americans" is to avoid the constant ambiguity of the term "Indian", especially now that there are a couple million [East] Indians in the U.S.
I certainly agree there are some east Indians that stink. BO i guess. As a native American we call that putrid arm pit smell a "white guy" smell as its usually a shirtless white guy that stinks. But i digress as I've smelled plenty of Mexicans and middle eastern guys that have that same fucking stench. Black guys not so much, unless they're the homeless types hanging around the gas stations asking for money. And living in Phoenix the summer heat doesn't do any favors for the stinky. The wife and i always wonder if they can smell themselves?? I liken the odor to a BK Whopper loaded with onions. Yeah think about that the next time you're enjoying a Whopper. I guess it could be the food the eastern Indians eat but i think it's mainly a sweaty and stinky arm pit smell. Regarding dancers I've had the gamut of smells from bad breath to arm pit stink to a stinky ass and most unnerving of all a stanky pussy. Not good if your job entails grinding your half naked or naked body on others. Wash please!
Ok. I am indian means from India.Have been in US since 2006
First thing to know all Indians have different body odor compared to Americans or europeans. Even after taking shower , Indian guy will have different BO which an American thinks it is bad. Whenever I go to strip club I always wear deodorant.I always look for the club which has bathroom attendant and collection of deos and perfumes. Not a single dancer rejected my requestime for dance till now. Several told me I smell good (becos of deo) Second,Indians are cheap. They don't want to spend money at clubs but want fun. I told several friends to tip liberally when you sit in front of stage. They still don't get it. They want to save all the time. Third, Indians don't have a habit of using deodorant in India unless you are from rich family.Most of the visa folks in us came from poor family. But some people changed after coming to US Fourth, Indians go crazy for white skin. For me, a tall blonde dancing and grinding in my lap itself is a big thing. We indians could not ever imagine and get a chance like that . But indians think these girls will do anything. I feel bad when fellow indians do things like fingering without the dancers permission. Fifth, Indians do shower every day ,also with scented soap.Whoever posted saying they don't shower everyday is ridiculous. Sixth, in india, at homes they do have bath rooms with plenty of water availble, they clean their asses with water unlike western countries who use toilet paper several times and some still left over . I became almost Americanised now. Usually spend $200 to $300 per trip.Mostly go to elite (mid to higher end) clubs. Fellow friends don't know about my visits and how much I spend because they treat me differently and spread bad about me They have double standards.
Darkblue999 missed only one point about the odor of Indian guest workers and immigrants. DIET.
While I doubt that all Indians in the US actually bathe every day (the US is one of the very few countries in the world where daily bathing is prevalent throughout all domestic cultures), bathing does not eliminate all odors. Certain genetic factors, like temperature tolerance and the amount of sweat produced, will affect body odor. Certainly, bathing will help wash off much of the bacteria that breeds on the skin, but no amount of bathing can get all of it.
The odor of a limited amount of skin bacteria breaking down sweat from a person with a mild diet of foods similar to what you eat will not be "unpleasant" to your nose, especially if you are also smelling pheromones from a similar genetic line. .But runaway sweating does result in bromhidrosis, or body odor. The genetic lines most common in India produce more sweat glands and can support regrowth of skin bacteria faster than genetic lines with more northern Asian, western European, or central African traits. Sweat glands not only exude water, they also expel impurities, oils, pheromones and excess chemicals. And that's where DIET becomes a big deal.
Most adult Indian guest workers ind immigrants tend to eat more of the foods they are familiar with and enjoy. That, in this country, leads directly to the "stink" problem. Curry powder has coriander, cumin, cinnamon, amchur and tumeric, in addition to curry leaves..Saffron, fenugreek and chickpea are also common in Indian food. When the human body processes these foods, the sweat glands exude a lot of alien (to US noses) compounds that are quickly broken down by that ever present skin bacteria into the uniquely "Indian" stink". A smell most Indians don't even notice because it has been their natural smell all of their life.
I am not excusing Indians for smelling bad in US strip clubs. I am certainly not excusing their bad behavior due to different culture. I do recognize that, too often, Indian (and for different cultural reasons, middle eastern) men fail to understand that they are being rude and they stink!
The answer for other customers, and all dancers, is to avoid the foreign cultural crudities (crude only by our "local" standards) and odor, by keeping our distance. The answer for the immigrant Indian is to assimilate! Bathe more often, shave more often, use US produced skin treatments (cologne, body soaps, deodorant) and use antibacterial cleansers. But especially, cut back on the damn curry! Then dude, learn to behave - in this country - before you assault US strippers!
. I do recognize that, too often, Indian (and for different cultural reasons, middle eastern) men fail to understand that they are being rude and they stink!
Indians can't live without eating curries as Americans can't live without eating steak or grilled chicken .
Only solution is to use cologne,deo all the time and be respectful to dancers.Don't grab the dancers. I like dancers/strippers because they treat all races same as long as they are good spenders, smell good and respectful. I found this trick and having a gala time whenever I visit stripclubs.
I'm not taking a stand or anything dramatic here, but from my perspective I'm not too concerned about what another customer smells like or why. I don't care if a crowd of people sits too close to the stage and doesn't tip, since that makes things easier on me when an unhappy dancer I'm interested in shows up where I'm sitting. Culturally, what people do or don't do isn't a concern of mine if it doesn't affect me or interests I have to care about. Strip clubs aren't the UN, and dancers aren't ambassadors any more than customers are. But cultural issues are generally overruled by the practicality of earning dollars. If club workers don't like the smell, there are other jobs.
As a customer, if I don't like the environment I leave. The other day I was in a club when about half dozen Indian folks walked in and lined the chairs against the back wall of the club. Didn't drink. Didn't tip. Didn't really talk to each other. Other than checking them out to see if there was going to be trouble, I ignored them and did my thing. They looked like tech workers. One of the Indian guys eventually tipped a couple of dollars and took the dancer I'd VIP'd with upstairs. Hope he had a good time. Personally, I like the idea of American strip clubbing taking root all around the world. The guys from wherever find it here and take the business concept home with them. They can get their rocks off without having to kill, rape, or maim someone and can even go back again because the stripper isn't all used up. What a concept.
Tits and ass are a concept of universal appreciation. I've done business in places where the goods are all covered up, and could tell full well the people I was across the table from were checking women out with x-ray eyes. Whatever situation I'm in, generally that's something I can count on having in common with the people I deal with. It's what I have in common with the people who post here, and wouldn't see bumping into the next smelly "foreigner" much differently than any one of the people on this board. If the smell is that bad I'd probably keep my distance, though, since that's the culture I'm from. The last thing I'll mention is behaving badly in a strip club is not unique to non-Americans. I get the issue with culture clashes, but in a lot of cases it says more about us than them.
Last time I was at Baby Dolls, it was flooded with Indians. They acted like they had never seen a boob before.
My city is flooded with Indians. I think most work for international consulting firms or in IT. They usually hit the bars and nightclubs on weekends in groups of men. They go cheap and milk a Miller Lite for three hours and try to pick up women with garbage tactics they read on internet forums. They seem to be obsessed with white women too. Maybe it is transcended from British colonialism. I also notice they prefer lighter Indian women than the darker ones. There seems to be alot of racism in Bharat.
Wallanon, Talking from Indian customers perspective,if they want dances they need to smell good ...This is the main complaint I heard from dancers. Indian customers are the most trouble free in clubs.They don't make nuisance. They come ,watch, take dances and go home.
-->"Indian customers are the most trouble free in clubs.They don't make nuisance. "
that is definitely not the case, according to... well, every dancer who ever ever spoken to on the topic. Obviously, we're talking about broad generalizations. There lots of respectful customers of every race, shape, size, etc... and disrespectful douchebags of every kind, too. Indians and Middle Eastern men just have a noticeably higher percentage of the latter, perhaps for cultural reasons
That said, I find myself solidly with Wallanon on this statement: " I don't care if a crowd of people sits too close to the stage and doesn't tip, since that makes things easier on me when an unhappy dancer I'm interested in shows up where I'm sitting." I like the strippers I hang out with and prefer they're treated well by everyone. But pretty much EVERY dancer misfortune is potentially my gain, and cheap or smelly or rapey customers can drive the girls gratefully my way. With that caveat that bad customers can sometimes ruin a dancer's mood, or ruin a bunch of dancers' moods, and that fucks up everything for everyone.
It wasn't curry that I was smelling, it was days of BO. "Gym" sweat BO, not curry BO.
I use… when I goto SCs. 20% Aluminum whatever chemical, instead of the typical 15-17%. VHM in a VIP room in a suit gets me very sweaty. Can't risk BO. I can go 12-36 more hours after the SC, like 1 full day of work, still smelling like stripper the whole time, without needing to shower because of that high strength deoderant. Outside of SCing, I use something cheaper for daily use.
I also went 5 days without a shower and no smell by spreading Neosporin ointment under my arms instead of real deodorant. FL temp job, in FL summer sun, very long hours, no energy to take a shower when I got back to room. Neosporin trick worked just like I thought so I dont need to shower. Topical antibiotics kill the bacteria and smell much better than deodorant and last longer but germ resistence/etc, dont abuse antibiotics is why I dont do it daily. I still need to shower for my normal life anyway so the neosporin will get washed off.
Main point of my post was, I have never before had to leave front row due to stink from another PL. I rarely sit in front row, but there were no hot, HM strippers there tonight, only zero mileage ones, and zero mileage means the most I get is looking at them dance so I had to be in front row. I was at front row to look at ROB Anna who was on stage with her tagteam partner (TLDR… ).
I know squat toilets, but IME, they are plumbed, with a garden hose tap (no hose) and a bucket in the stall for flushing them/cleaning them. You get your TP from the attendent who sits infront and collects a quarter (or similar, this aint the USA) and gives you TP and lets you pass by her. In any bathroom anywhere I try to wet TP or use wet riped up paper towels to clean my ass. Just dry TP doesn't work after a big shit or soft shit and leaves a smell. Gotta use water or soap or your ass crack will still smell like a turd. Baby wipes for taking a shit are OCD IMO and leave my ass feeling like its covered in astroglide from a gay porno. You know dry TP aint enough if a fly keeps landing on your crotch multiple times after you shoo it away or you have shit stains in your underwear.
@Darkblue999 so what's the deal with obsession with white blondes and the discontent with dark skinned fellows? There's a lot of American born and assimilated indian women that I would like to smash!
I can't believe the comments in this thread. If the same comments were made about blacks, or Hispanics, or even Muslims, the progressives and liberals would be up in arms. And yet nary a peep.
Motorhead, there is a bit of contradiction. Whether or not anything said here is true, they're just stereotyping Indians. Which should be ok since there always some "facts" or "stastistics" to condone stereotyping. So what you're saying is its not ok to sterotype indians but everybody else, yes stereotyping is ok.
A preference for lighter-skinned women seems to be extremely widespread in the world. Examples abound: * Chinese women try to stay out of the sun or carry parasols because Chinese men prefer lighter skin * Darker-skinned Indian men prefer lighter women. The higher the caste, the lighter the skin. * The elite in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin American is much more European-looking, and less mestizo, than the population as a whole. Rich Latin American women are disproportionately light-skinned and even blonde. * Right here in the US, black men often go for lighter-skinned sistas or even white women, whereas white men go black much less often in their mating choices.
I have no explanation to offer at the moment. My point is that the obsession that Indian men seem to have for blonde women is hardly unique to them.
I'd like to know many of the Indian descent women I've met over the years. They have an unusual sensuous beauty. As far as the Indian men, on a social networking site I belong to overwhelmingly so, the men are pigs to women. It's a cultural bias to be sure, but when you see it over and over and over, it leaves an impression. I don't know that they stink, but if they do, they do.
Hold on let's not forget about the Elephant in the room. What are about the dirty Mexicans who come into the strip clubs expecting things to go like there native countries. I've had plenty of strippers tell me there the most rude and and filthy customers excepting sex or extras for little money. Also I've heard many of them try to pull down there pants during a lap dance.
After growing up in the US, I too smell that BO from fobbish Indians. I wear deodorant and perfume. I see the cheap behavior that’s ridiculous. Life in India is tough and money is tight, so there’s this survival mindset that’s drilled into most Indians minds. Unless you’re well off, being frugal is taught to us from a young age. Even my mother occasionally comments about the things I buy to treat myself. I splurge on makeup, lingerie, and perfumes.
One group of Indians came in, argued over the $10 cover, then complained that there aren’t enough girls and felt that the cover wasn’t worth it. We had 25+ girls. The manager told them he’ll refund only if they leave and never come back. They stayed. One buys a $5 Miller and they all share it. No tipping dancers even when sitting on stage. Not just asking for extras but demanding. And constantly asking even after no. Then bargaining for vips and lap dances. I kid you not. All the negative stereotypes rolled into one. Of course they got ignored and eventually left the club.
Shitty customers are of all ethnicities. But how they express their shitty behavior varies. A cheap white customer for example would just have a few drinks, watch tv, not talk to the girls. I see guys coming in just to hang out. No tipping or dancing with any of the girls. Why are they in a strip club? Then I get guys asking me out or wanting to marry me. Hey, I don’t want marriage…slow down. First pay me well for a dance. And give me money. I’m speaking like a true stripper.
Hehehe….what about us Indian women and smells? At another club, there was a customer who loves sniffing armpits of the dancers. I ended up being his victim a few weeks ago, so I’m probably not bad in that area.
last commentFrom SW the stereotype is Indians are grabby and cheap.
Along with a surge of Cuban dancers in Dallas strip clubs, there has also been a surge of Indian PLs
Being in the IT field I work with quite a large number of Indians. These men and women do bathe daily. They tend to be well groomed and some do eat spicy food that makes them pungent. I don't have any of them rubbing up against my nude body so perhaps they smell worse up close.
With the two very differing experiences, i wonder if the agencies that place them in IT jobs educates them on the customs of bathing and cologne. or is it that those that do find a wife and aren't in strip clubs on a Friday or Saturday night.
First, they don't bathe daily. The dormitory officers had constantly remind them of this. They were *told* overseas that Americans expect you to shower regularly. So when they got over here, they thought regularly meant once a week. Sorry, no. Here in America we expect you to bathe/shower daily. Once a week does not cut it.
Second, they don't always use soap when they shower. They need to be reminding bathing requires soap not just a rinse. Third, they don't always wipe their ass with toilet paper. Toilets with running water in India are rare. Most are just latrines, which is a hole in the ground. The "toilet" is an elevated platform with two indentations for your feet to stand on, with a hole between them. You stand with your the feet thing, then hike up your Indian gown, pop a squat, shit, then get up, and lower your gown. No water. No toilet paper. When the hole fills up, they cap it off, open up the previously capped hole next to it, then let the first hole biodegrade. Went the second hole gets full, they repeat the process. This is the reality of a "toilet" for 600 million Indians. No where is there a porcelain pot with water that you flush down toilet paper while you set and read Penthouse Magazine.
Fourth, all the spices the Indians (dot, not teepee) eat often cause them to sweat. Sweat combined with infrequent bathing without soap, and the toilet practices above, means the bacteria on your body just sits there bakes/ferments/what-have-you. Fifth, if they (Indians) have "nicer clothes" they may wear them 3 times before washing them. Not good when your outer skin is a breeding ground.
That is just my observation from being around them.
With that said, they ARE pretty good about rinsing their mouths out several times a day with fresh water from water facets (swish and spit). So they get credit there.
I think once the Indians get assimilated to American way of life, they DO pick up our hygiene practices.
I used to work with a lot of East Indians. As a whole, they had good hygiene and minimal smell about them. A very few smelled bad. One in particular was a chain smoker on top of everything else. He literally lit the next cigarette with the stub of the current one. The thought of his smell still makes me shudder!
Loose: that pussy is high mileage. It's loose.
Sorry, getting tired of so many people mixing up the two words.
Respectfully signed,
The Spelling Nazi
No soup for you!
LOL! You really think dancers would rather have a poor white boy?
(I'm white, BTW).
I am more likely to see Asians get bottles and take strippers to VIP rooms than Indians. I see a lot of Indians nurse a beer, not tip the stage and not get dances. This is what I see at Baby Dolls.
What does your stat mean? If they don't spend money in the clubs, like numerous dancers have said to me and others, what does it matter what they make or don't make? This applies to anyone btw.
I believe they're called "native Asians" :)
Actually, the *only* reason I would support referring to American Indians as "native Americans" is to avoid the constant ambiguity of the term "Indian", especially now that there are a couple million [East] Indians in the U.S.
First thing to know all Indians have different body odor compared to Americans or europeans.
Even after taking shower , Indian guy will have different BO which an American thinks it is bad.
Whenever I go to strip club I always wear deodorant.I always look for the club which has bathroom attendant and collection of deos and perfumes. Not a single dancer rejected my requestime for dance till now.
Several told me I smell good (becos of deo)
Second,Indians are cheap. They don't want to spend money at clubs but want fun. I told several friends to tip liberally when you sit in front of stage.
They still don't get it. They want to save all the time.
Third, Indians don't have a habit of using deodorant in India unless you are from rich family.Most of the visa folks in us came from poor family. But some people changed after coming to US
Fourth, Indians go crazy for white skin. For me, a tall blonde dancing and grinding in my lap itself is a big thing. We indians could not ever imagine and get a chance like that . But indians think these girls will do anything. I feel bad when fellow indians do things like fingering without the dancers permission.
Fifth, Indians do shower every day ,also with scented soap.Whoever posted saying they don't shower everyday is ridiculous.
Sixth, in india, at homes they do have bath rooms with plenty of water availble, they clean their asses with water unlike western countries who use toilet paper several times and some still left over .
I became almost Americanised now.
Usually spend $200 to $300 per trip.Mostly go to elite (mid to higher end) clubs. Fellow friends don't know about my visits and how much I spend because they treat me differently and spread bad about me
They have double standards.
While I doubt that all Indians in the US actually bathe every day (the US is one of the very few countries in the world where daily bathing is prevalent throughout all domestic cultures), bathing does not eliminate all odors. Certain genetic factors, like temperature tolerance and the amount of sweat produced, will affect body odor. Certainly, bathing will help wash off much of the bacteria that breeds on the skin, but no amount of bathing can get all of it.
The odor of a limited amount of skin bacteria breaking down sweat from a person with a mild diet of foods similar to what you eat will not be "unpleasant" to your nose, especially if you are also smelling pheromones from a similar genetic line. .But runaway sweating does result in bromhidrosis, or body odor. The genetic lines most common in India produce more sweat glands and can support regrowth of skin bacteria faster than genetic lines with more northern Asian, western European, or central African traits. Sweat glands not only exude water, they also expel impurities, oils, pheromones and excess chemicals. And that's where DIET becomes a big deal.
Most adult Indian guest workers ind immigrants tend to eat more of the foods they are familiar with and enjoy. That, in this country, leads directly to the "stink" problem. Curry powder has coriander, cumin, cinnamon, amchur and tumeric, in addition to curry leaves..Saffron, fenugreek and chickpea are also common in Indian food. When the human body processes these foods, the sweat glands exude a lot of alien (to US noses) compounds that are quickly broken down by that ever present skin bacteria into the uniquely "Indian" stink". A smell most Indians don't even notice because it has been their natural smell all of their life.
I am not excusing Indians for smelling bad in US strip clubs. I am certainly not excusing their bad behavior due to different culture. I do recognize that, too often, Indian (and for different cultural reasons, middle eastern) men fail to understand that they are being rude and they stink!
The answer for other customers, and all dancers, is to avoid the foreign cultural crudities (crude only by our "local" standards) and odor, by keeping our distance. The answer for the immigrant Indian is to assimilate! Bathe more often, shave more often, use US produced skin treatments (cologne, body soaps, deodorant) and use antibacterial cleansers. But especially, cut back on the damn curry! Then dude, learn to behave - in this country - before you assault US strippers!
100% true
. I do recognize that, too often, Indian (and for different cultural reasons, middle eastern) men fail to understand that they are being rude and they stink!
Indians can't live without eating curries as Americans can't live without eating steak or grilled chicken .
Only solution is to use cologne,deo all the time and be respectful to dancers.Don't grab the dancers.
I like dancers/strippers because they treat all races same as long as they are good spenders, smell good and respectful. I found this trick and having a gala time whenever I visit stripclubs.
As a customer, if I don't like the environment I leave. The other day I was in a club when about half dozen Indian folks walked in and lined the chairs against the back wall of the club. Didn't drink. Didn't tip. Didn't really talk to each other. Other than checking them out to see if there was going to be trouble, I ignored them and did my thing. They looked like tech workers. One of the Indian guys eventually tipped a couple of dollars and took the dancer I'd VIP'd with upstairs. Hope he had a good time. Personally, I like the idea of American strip clubbing taking root all around the world. The guys from wherever find it here and take the business concept home with them. They can get their rocks off without having to kill, rape, or maim someone and can even go back again because the stripper isn't all used up. What a concept.
Tits and ass are a concept of universal appreciation. I've done business in places where the goods are all covered up, and could tell full well the people I was across the table from were checking women out with x-ray eyes. Whatever situation I'm in, generally that's something I can count on having in common with the people I deal with. It's what I have in common with the people who post here, and wouldn't see bumping into the next smelly "foreigner" much differently than any one of the people on this board. If the smell is that bad I'd probably keep my distance, though, since that's the culture I'm from. The last thing I'll mention is behaving badly in a strip club is not unique to non-Americans. I get the issue with culture clashes, but in a lot of cases it says more about us than them.
My city is flooded with Indians. I think most work for international consulting firms or in IT. They usually hit the bars and nightclubs on weekends in groups of men. They go cheap and milk a Miller Lite for three hours and try to pick up women with garbage tactics they read on internet forums. They seem to be obsessed with white women too. Maybe it is transcended from British colonialism. I also notice they prefer lighter Indian women than the darker ones. There seems to be alot of racism in Bharat.
Talking from Indian customers perspective,if they want dances they need to smell good ...This is the main complaint I heard from dancers.
Indian customers are the most trouble free in clubs.They don't make nuisance. They come ,watch, take dances and go home.
that is definitely not the case, according to... well, every dancer who ever ever spoken to on the topic. Obviously, we're talking about broad generalizations. There lots of respectful customers of every race, shape, size, etc... and disrespectful douchebags of every kind, too. Indians and Middle Eastern men just have a noticeably higher percentage of the latter, perhaps for cultural reasons
That said, I find myself solidly with Wallanon on this statement: " I don't care if a crowd of people sits too close to the stage and doesn't tip, since that makes things easier on me when an unhappy dancer I'm interested in shows up where I'm sitting." I like the strippers I hang out with and prefer they're treated well by everyone. But pretty much EVERY dancer misfortune is potentially my gain, and cheap or smelly or rapey customers can drive the girls gratefully my way. With that caveat that bad customers can sometimes ruin a dancer's mood, or ruin a bunch of dancers' moods, and that fucks up everything for everyone.
I use… when I goto SCs. 20% Aluminum whatever chemical, instead of the typical 15-17%. VHM in a VIP room in a suit gets me very sweaty. Can't risk BO. I can go 12-36 more hours after the SC, like 1 full day of work, still smelling like stripper the whole time, without needing to shower because of that high strength deoderant. Outside of SCing, I use something cheaper for daily use.
I also went 5 days without a shower and no smell by spreading Neosporin ointment under my arms instead of real deodorant. FL temp job, in FL summer sun, very long hours, no energy to take a shower when I got back to room. Neosporin trick worked just like I thought so I dont need to shower. Topical antibiotics kill the bacteria and smell much better than deodorant and last longer but germ resistence/etc, dont abuse antibiotics is why I dont do it daily. I still need to shower for my normal life anyway so the neosporin will get washed off.
Main point of my post was, I have never before had to leave front row due to stink from another PL. I rarely sit in front row, but there were no hot, HM strippers there tonight, only zero mileage ones, and zero mileage means the most I get is looking at them dance so I had to be in front row. I was at front row to look at ROB Anna who was on stage with her tagteam partner (TLDR… ).
I know squat toilets, but IME, they are plumbed, with a garden hose tap (no hose) and a bucket in the stall for flushing them/cleaning them. You get your TP from the attendent who sits infront and collects a quarter (or similar, this aint the USA) and gives you TP and lets you pass by her. In any bathroom anywhere I try to wet TP or use wet riped up paper towels to clean my ass. Just dry TP doesn't work after a big shit or soft shit and leaves a smell. Gotta use water or soap or your ass crack will still smell like a turd. Baby wipes for taking a shit are OCD IMO and leave my ass feeling like its covered in astroglide from a gay porno. You know dry TP aint enough if a fly keeps landing on your crotch multiple times after you shoo it away or you have shit stains in your underwear.
Is Nina reading this?
* Chinese women try to stay out of the sun or carry parasols because Chinese men prefer lighter skin
* Darker-skinned Indian men prefer lighter women. The higher the caste, the lighter the skin.
* The elite in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin American is much more European-looking, and less mestizo, than the population as a whole. Rich Latin American women are disproportionately light-skinned and even blonde.
* Right here in the US, black men often go for lighter-skinned sistas or even white women, whereas white men go black much less often in their mating choices.
I have no explanation to offer at the moment. My point is that the obsession that Indian men seem to have for blonde women is hardly unique to them.
*their* native countries
*they're* the most rude
pull down "their" pants
The there/their/they're distinction isn't that difficult!
/grammarNazi off
One group of Indians came in, argued over the $10 cover, then complained that there aren’t enough girls and felt that the cover wasn’t worth it. We had 25+ girls. The manager told them he’ll refund only if they leave and never come back. They stayed. One buys a $5 Miller and they all share it. No tipping dancers even when sitting on stage. Not just asking for extras but demanding. And constantly asking even after no. Then bargaining for vips and lap dances. I kid you not. All the negative stereotypes rolled into one. Of course they got ignored and eventually left the club.
Shitty customers are of all ethnicities. But how they express their shitty behavior varies. A cheap white customer for example would just have a few drinks, watch tv, not talk to the girls. I see guys coming in just to hang out. No tipping or dancing with any of the girls. Why are they in a strip club? Then I get guys asking me out or wanting to marry me. Hey, I don’t want marriage…slow down. First pay me well for a dance. And give me money. I’m speaking like a true stripper.
Hehehe….what about us Indian women and smells? At another club, there was a customer who loves sniffing armpits of the dancers. I ended up being his victim a few weeks ago, so I’m probably not bad in that area.