
Pregnant Dancer YES! or NO!

I recently read a review of a club with an obviously pregnant dancer (more the 4 months along).
1] Are you so grossed out you leave the club and complain?
2] Do you say OK her choice and ignore her thinking she is not worth looking at because she is pregnant?
3] Do you ignore her condition and look at the rest of her and consider her for a dance?
4] Does her swelling tits and midsection appeal to you enough to get a dance?
5] Does her pregnancy turn you on: the increased blood flow to her nether region make the whole area hot to the touch, plus even hotter inside and her hypersensitive nipples? So you have to get a dance!

Note this theoretically, is a full service club and assume everything is on the menu!
I tend to fall somewhere between 3 and 4. Her being pregnant does not turn me off but I always look at the entire package, If she was good looking before she is likely to still be good looking during(unless she balloons) I have been with several pregnant ultra horny girls hence my #5 description (all civilians).
Keeping pregnant horny women satisfied is a Hard job requiring a Deep understanding of their needs but someone has to do it.


  • sinclair
    8 years ago
    I'm at #2. I'm just not into pregnant women. If she is only a month or two along, it would be hard to tell.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I used to think it was "sad" or "pathetic" that a pregnant dancer was dancing in a club. But after reading Phoenix's last post, I have change my mind and would likely buy dances, assuming we clicked, just like any other dancer. (similar to your choice #3). I'm just looking for dances and convo, not extras, but I would be interested. Sure.
  • ime
    8 years ago
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't walk out, but i certainly wouldn't get a dance from her. Also, I understand her situation. Probably single. Sole income, knowing she's going to be out of work with a boatload of additional expenses for a few months. I can't blame her for trying to earn as much as she can before that happens.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I see this every few months in the NJ clubs. Some guys are turned on by it. I don't care for it and pass when they offer a dance. I can see that some women, depending on her looks and how far along she is might still appeal to me so I would not say this is a deal breaker.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'm between 4 and 5. If the girl turns me on, then being pregnant would make her even better. But if I'm not into her then pregnancy is irrelevant.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    What some forget to understand is that this is work. If a dancer is up there doing it at month one or month 9 its bad ass. Having had 2 kids and dancing up until I was 6 or7 months it totally sucks. First off you hurt really bad. Feet body aches its not fun especially in heels. Secondly very few women feel hot when they are pregnant I know I didn't. So your just kinda there and going through the motions. But as in the previous comments the bills are huge with childbirth and if your the only income you have to work at least some to bank some money back. Plus some customers can be assholes. I fielded questions like... well you obviously fuck. and other more vulgar comments and questions from drunk a holes. But all in all to the pregnant dancers you go girls you rock!!!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Pass. I had discussed VIP with one dancer and probably would have gone through with it eventually but I just heard from another dancer that she is 2 months pregnant. That killed it. Now I don't even want dances from her. Yeah, I'm shallow.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    No thank you. There is something seriously sad about a pregnant woman who is showing who still has to dance and i want nothing to do with it. Also, as a father of three, I am well aware of the unpleasant things that are happening to her body, which were fine when it was Mrs. Dugan carrying my children, but seem much less pleasant when it is a stripper who is supposed to be doing the whole sexy vibe.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    To those saying no then I ask this.. What alternatives do we have? Mickey d's for minimum wage? No one else supporting us so we have to. I never understood the understanding that some people have that its fine to see you when your all hot and tiny but the minute you start showing a bit then its the body and horrible changes that are happening to it. Its just a way for us to make money and sometimes life gets in the way but it leaves us with few choices.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'm not grossed out about it b/c I'm not too finicky thus not grossed-out by too many things; but I am weirded out by it and would not feel comfortable getting dances from a visibly pregnant dancer and wo8ld even feel like a weirdo if I look at her w/ any lust - about the only thing that may pique my interest are the boobs which for some women really swell-up and look very full and I love big full breasts; but even then I'd pass.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's a projection of our own guilt, IMO. We feel that your man should be providing for you and we imagine that you are the projection of our own wives, girlfriends, or daughters (our failings). That guilt bothers us that you had to sack up when we couldn't do it. (or rather the abandonment from my absentee father and even worse step-father -- both grade-A pieces of shit).

    However, being the son of a single mother. I should damn well know better. Once I re-evaluated it, I came to the same conclusion as you.

    Thanks my take-away.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    Glad you had a change of heart! sorry if I came off bitchy sounding didn't mean to be. lol just a realy thing people need to understand.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago


    I agree with most of what poledancer said, but it isn't what turns me on. I'm not into just giving charity to strippers so I'll let someone else get the dances from her, and I'll spend a money on the strippers that turn me on.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    Totally agree with that flag. Giving money for something that doesn't do it for you is stupid. But do it with class and say no thanks and move on. I remember one night a few drunk assholes laughed during my hole stage set. I was mortified. already hard enough with what was going on at the time with my sperm donor and the emotions of being pregnant. also remember having a guy fall into me and knock me down when I was 5 or so months along. Drunk and stupid but still took a chance of hurting me. So the point is to not donate just cause but to say you would leave isn't fair either.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'm not in any position to judge her for doing what she feels she needs to do. That said, it's a little bit of a turn-off if she's showing, and even if she's not, it brings out some misguided patriarchal/protective feelings in me -- so no, I wouldn't do a dance.
  • footballguy
    8 years ago
    I had a favorite dancer I saw ITC regularly for a few months. After a few more months I had changed my schedule and I didn't see her for probably two to three months. Anyway I finally saw her again and while she didn't seem any bigger her tits definitely were a cup size bigger but they were still natural. When she mentioned they were bigger she said she thought she was pregnant at first but turned out she wasn't. I've seen her FB page though and not only was she actually pregnant at that time she gave birth some time later.

    I didn't mind that she was pregnant cause she wasn't showing and her pregnant tits were the best I've ever felt n
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    No, you did not come across as bitchy. No apology needed. No I don't do charity in the SC but I would nnot hold pregnancy against her. And yes for the record, working pregnant moms are bad ass.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    Pregnant or not doesn't matter aslong as she is skinny on her arms and her ass and thighs. Pregnant or post partum dancers usually never loose the weight, so thats why I'd rarely if ever LDs from them and if the whole fucking club is filled with chubbys, Im pissed off. I've fucked a 3 months pregnant stripper/hooker before. Heck, aslong as she walks around and smiles and talks and looks at customers, she doesn't need to stage dance like a competitive cheerleader if she is pregnant. VIP room matters for me, not stage dancing.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I'm between 3 and 4 on this. I'm not obsessed with preggos, but the swelling breasts would probably cause me to overlook a *little* baby bump. Most of these girls don't have a reliable man in their lives so they have to keep working as long as they are able. One hottie at my favorite daytime club thinks she might be pregnant. She isn't showing yet, but her already sizable tits are getting even bigger. Yum!
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    If she's otherwise attractive, i.e. I would get a dance/blowjob/fuck from her before she got pregnant, then I'm firmly in the #4 camp. If she's taking care of herself, then I'll climb to 5.

    Some of the roughest stuff might be off the table, but preggers doesn't mean shit in the fuckability department until late term.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    OK - - I admit it - - I am a sad pathetic PL. My response MUST be predicated with acceptable answers to qualifying questions. How hot does she look? (great face, "glowing" skin, athletic body, medium to big natural tits, great smile, smells good, plus personality.) How big is that belly? (can she still move comfortable, is she distorted, or just beautifully pregnant.) What is on the menu? (I'm not interested in an air dance!)

    If I am satisfied with the answers to my questions, then Katie bar the door, or which way to VIP, I love healthy radiant, sexually active, sultry preggos. Count me as a "4" leaning toward "5."
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    When I see a pregnant dancer, I sneak out of the club before I get hit with a paternity suit.
  • rl27
    8 years ago
    I have seen dozens of pregnant dancers over the years, and in every case whether I get dances with her depends first on option 3, how she looks overall as well as her attitude.

    Some dancers let their bodies go, and other even if they look good their attitude goes bonkers, and I avoid them as much as possible. For the most part It depends on the dancer. Some dancers I'll get quite a few dances when they are pregnant others I stay away from until they are back to normal.

    In several cases the increased size and fullness of her tits and thickening nipples turns me on, although the larger belly does not. In this case it depends on how her tits look. Do they still have the same great shape, or have they become less appealing? Some dancers seem to get more horny when pregnant, including one of my past favorites named Onyx who would let me go a lot farther than she ever did before she got pregnant. Once she came back from her time off giving birth she was back to normal, but there was a three month period where she got most of my time at the club when she was in.

    She had very nice looking full B cup tits, that grew to large C cup or Small D when pregnant, and they looked even better. So I got a lot of dances from her, and her nipples got very sensitive. I often heard her tell other customers not to touch her nipples because they were too sensitive, but I knew just how to manipulate them without really irritating her, so she let me play when quite a lot.

    Early in her pregnancy she didn't like them touched that much, and the last month before she took time off to give birth she wanted no touching, but there was a two month or so period where I got a lot of good dances from her. She tended to squirm a lot more on my lap when I rubbed her nipples as she ground which caused me to get very excited. She even asked a few times, "is my pregnant body turning you on." Internally I said, "No your squirming butt is," but verbally I would say, "yes it is," and that was all it took for her to go even more hog wild than she did before she was pregnant.w

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Preggos are like a fine wine that gets better with age. I think I might just pop my ITC extras or OTC p4p cherry on one! Put me down for a 4 to a 5. :)
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    If the dancer is showing I can't really go that route. I've tipped them, but that's where it stops for me.

    I've gotten a couple of lappers from pregnant dancers by accident, but the second that bump gets you it's obvious what it is. For one dancer it was completely my fault, because I caught her name and had only checked her out from behind. Didn't make it past her tits from the front, and got distracted by the look on her face when I asked for a dance. Call it confused with a touch of happy. She was just starting to show and if I'd done more than think "this is that girl they keep talking about on TUSCL" I would have noticed.

    She was game. More than game, but I had to call it quits after the first dance because I just didn't want to take any chance with a gal who is expecting. The dancer is there hopefully by choice. The kid she's carrying is just more than I'm wanting to consider in an up close situation. I'm probably more option 2 from the OP but I'll still check out a gal who's pregnant if she's hot.
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