favorite attire on a dancer?

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Some clubs have certain attire rules for strippers. That aside, what is your favorite type of outfit to see a stripper wear in the club?
Sexy bikini outfits with a little g-string underneath? G-string only, leaving less to the imagination? Lingerie? Bra and underwear? Corsets? Garter belts? School girl and other costumes? Sluttly little cocktail dress? Long elegant-but-kinda-slutty gowns? Stockings?
Do you have specific colors you find more attractive on dancers?
Sexy bikini outfits with a little g-string underneath? G-string only, leaving less to the imagination? Lingerie? Bra and underwear? Corsets? Garter belts? School girl and other costumes? Sluttly little cocktail dress? Long elegant-but-kinda-slutty gowns? Stockings?
Do you have specific colors you find more attractive on dancers?
Followed by gowns. I want a girl who knows how to both be classy and sassy.
For me less is more – I go to SCs to see naked women; not see them clothed – I def, def, def, get very turned-on by looking so the more I see the more turned-on I get and vise-versa – case in point I was at a mixed club on Fr eve and there was an ebony that tried several times to get my attention and I dismissed her – I personally tend to focus on the body and that is what turns me-on so if it’s covered I don’t really get too turned-on – anyway I spent about 3 hours in the club and got dances from several other dancers – a bit b/f I was leaving they announced a 2-for-1 and I said what the heck I’ll take the 2-for-1 b/f I leave – the ebony that had asked me 2 or 3 times b/f in the night came up and asked me again (since she noticed I was into chocolate) and I finally said yes since it was gonna be my last-dance b/f leaving – I ended up getting a 2-for-1 plus 4 more dances after that w/ her b/c it turned-out she had a tremendous bod but had it covered-up so I was not interested from just looking at-her and was not interested in paying $25 for a dance to find-out if she had a nice bod or not – so she kinda bagged me as a custy by chance but I’d had no intention of getting-dances from her – if she would have worn a more revealing outfit showing her great bod she would have gotten more of my $$$ earlier in the visit.
Since I’m into the bod as my main attraction; thus the less the better – I like 2 piece-bikinis and the smaller they are the better – small top that shows of her boobs from the side and top; and tiny g-string that looks like a string barely covering her cuchy.
I like bright neon colors and I think they are especially hot on a dark-skinned ebony dancer – I also like tiny black g-strings on a black-dancer not b/c I like the color but b/c it makes it seem like she doesn’t have anything on at all (tiny black g-string on dark-skin).
And best of all – in the small black clubs I go to down here in Miami dances are on the floor and full-nude – thus it’s not uncommon to see dancers walking the floor full-nude which is my preferred “outfit”.
And now after this detailed description I’m in the mood to hit a club – I’m such a weak PL.
just kidding
The dancer came on stage wearing street clothes. Jeans. T-shirt. White tennis shoes. She takes her shirt off during song one revealing a simple white bra.
Takes her jeans off. Song two. Simple white panties.
White bra & panties and white tennis shoes. That was sexy as hell.
Dislikes: anything cliched (e.g., schoolgirl outfit), anything street whore-ish (e.g., those twirly leg wrap things), anything remotely gown-ish, and in most cases, babydolls.
It was mentioned above by georgemicrodong - as a white mans dress shirt is very sexy. Possibly a dance where a girl takes off the white dress shirt to show pretty white lingerie underneath.
Outside of those two outfits - I love naughty school girl outfits. I've spent a good bit of time in catholic school - and being an angry guy (when I was a troubled youth) - those uniforms remind me of my misspent youth.
G-String: As small as possible. White or light pink.
But beyond this, it depends. Dressing for me would be one thing. I know strippers have hard jobs and there are all sorts of practical considerations in what they do.
In bikini or topless clubs they need to pay attention to the part they won't be taking off.
In nude clubs, then it is less important.
I like girls in thigh high stockings, and garter belts are nice, as are boob out bustiers.
I also like them in gloves which don't cover their hands. Usually there is just one loop.
This kind of stuff is nice, as wearing something instead of nothing for sex is more kinky.
Girls are proportioned different ways. What looks good on one does not look good on another and one needs to develop a sense of this.
Dress for success clothes tend to compensate. But dress for sex clothes tend to emphasize and exaggerate otherness.
Boob out open crotch teddies are good.
The more she wears, then that says the more preliminaries there will be before FS.
Bras suck. Bikini Swim suits are too much like bras.
Tops that encourage unrestricted titty squeezing and front side massaging are really good. Soften her up before taking it off of her for licking and sucking.
What ever she wears up top should always be conducive to titty sqeezing and massaging. Never wear anything which would interfere with this. Being covered sometimes is fine, but no armor plating.
Pants are verboten because they can't be gotten off over her high heels.
Guys think mechanically.
That's all; no bottoms. Sexy as hell.
I really don't like anything that doesn't come off or is complex to remove. Few things will deter me from bothering with a girl than seeing her not take off her outfit on stage or during a dance. I understand bottoms need to stay on in some situations, but other than that there's no reason to keep clothes on. A one piece with no g-string under it, fucking terrible. A corset that stays on, no thanks. Fishnets, why bother. Tall boots, go away. I go to a strip club to see and touch skin. Anything that gets in the way of that deters me from my purpose.
She was wearing all black, simple black bra and thong, but stepped it up a notch with black thigh highs with a black garter. Very classy looking.
Her makeup will get rubbed of, but by that time her real colors will be showing in her face, so that won't matter.
Dolfan, if you like 'em in as little as possible, then you'd probably like hot tubs. For me, some rounds with her dolled up, and then everything of and in the hot tub, and then more rounds. That is not how I have lived, but it is how I intend to.
Please read carefully as 'san_jose_gay' is an impersonation troll
Lori Graves playing Pirates Of The Caribbean on the Lowrey Organ
That is the outfit I was wearing the first night I ever cracked $1000.
From responses - That school girl outfit or Whore look is either a massive like or a massive dislike out here. Bi polar.
... and the 15% of TUSCLers who believe best attire is "no attire"
Yes red is a good money maker and looks great on most all skin tones.
Yeap – in the dives that I visit where the girls are free to do as they wish; often times the one with lots of shit-on or something hard to take-off will mean she sometimes won’t; especially if it can mess-up their hair in the process – thus at times I will avoid dancers with too much shit on even if I o/w would get dances from them.
They should be very ready for action, little or nothing to remove or undo.
And then to dress sexy, even if they don't actually intend to engage in instant sex, they should look as if they are readily able to.
I still like it better if they do have something though:
1. high heels
2. makeup
3. thigh high stockings
4. open hand gloves
5. garter belt, boob out bustier, open crotch boob out teddy
There are other combinations and designs, but apparent readiness for instant action is always the key.
Oh, no thigh high boots. I like the look but I'm fairly sure I got a nasty place on my knee from those things.
Anyway, if she is wearing something which would need to be taken off, it is too much.
Thigh high stockings, garter belts and bustiers, boob out open crotch teddies.
If due to a clubs skin rules, she has to cover, well okay. But she should emphasize what she will not be taken off, as what will be worn over it is not that important.
I don't like it if it's a night gown top. I also don't like it if she's always in the same outfit.