
Comments by s88 (page 11)

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    8 years ago
    New York
    turn down a ROB "I can't take you to VIP if you have a BF"
    @Dominic77 That is what I do assuming I have a CF. But CFs either retire from stripping, or suddenly turn off the spout on me. One ex-fav told me I am needy, I come too often for VIP, and I am cheap (my tips are too low and they didn't increase with time) and she wont do anything but grinding anymore. She did unban herself and go back her regular VHM and I tipped her as I always did, but I choose not to repeat since it was too fake/high stress in VIP.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    turn down a ROB "I can't take you to VIP if you have a BF"
    @Dominic77 These are ex-favs I spent alot on in the past and they did what I wanted, but they turned off the spout and I have ignored them for months, but they are circling back because Im in the same club, taking new faces to VIP all the time, and they miss my $.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Oklahoma sheriff arrested after allegations of meth use & strippers at his home
    So Reno 911 really was a documentary.
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    8 years ago
    Ever Been to the Strip Club in the Rain?
    Massive thunderstorm at closing time, me and 2 other customers, and 10 strippers in street clothes and large gym stripper bags all standing in the SC atrium/lobby looking through the glass doors at the noahs flood outside. The strippers were all afraid to run 30 feet to their rides waiting on the street. I had to put on a garbage bag from my bag to wear over my suit since it was made from wool. One stripper who knew my name cracked a joke, over me looking like a homeless bum, I told them it was imported from italy and I cant get it wet and they giggled and turned away.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    EXCLUSIVE: Bronx strip club where workers were hit with drug charges has retired
    I forgot, when you have a cop at the front door, these fine upstanding citizens wouldnt set foot in the SC, and then wont get pissed off enough to come back with a Ak47 because their were disrespected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0lmGgbWJcs
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    EXCLUSIVE: Bronx strip club where workers were hit with drug charges has retired
    http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/4210483-74/ban-club-mcdonald This club had a uniformed armed city cop standing inside the SC next to the door cover cashier. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it and made me think "if I touch a dancer do I get placed on the sex offender list?". After alot more SCing, I figured out the cop was there so nobody "dine and dashes" in the SC. Make a custie cough up the $ for his bill or in 15 seconds be in cuffs for theft of services, pays the cops entire shift. Also if there is a uniformed cop at the door, you wont get gangbangers, dealers, rappers, and baseheads in the SC, just old men in collared shirts and ties escaping from their wives, which is much more calm environment.
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    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking p4p Mommy with kid in the house
    Dont let the kids know the relationship between you and mommy, dont talk about P4P infront of the kids or within earshot. Act like a male figure to them when you have to interact with them.
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    8 years ago
    Pull out the $, show it to her, dont give it to her, put it back in your wallet.
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    8 years ago
    Dating a dancer does she get wet and turned on doing CR rooms and LDs? Truth
    Assume she does get turned on, assume she will fuck for money. Be thankful for the time and relationship you have with her. Be thankful you have a girl that will come home every night/morning to you, and you know she will be there day after day, for free with you. Jealousy and monogamy have no place in a SC. You have to separate orgasm sex (work) and relationship sex (you) in your head to understand a stripper. Whats the difference between you watching porn and you fucking your GF? Thats the same difference between her work and fucking you.
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    8 years ago
    Stripper Religiosity
    If I take all the people I know in my civie life, and all the strippers I've met in my SC life, strippers are more religious. Strippers come from broken families, usually conservative or faux-conservative ones. Many strippers believe God and spiritual beings control their $ and how much they make each night. Not that it is half business, half lottery (who randomly shows up as a customer). Strippers often arent smart enough to be atheists or agnostics, and simple people, and most strippers are simple people, turn to religion, and see the hand of God in every day life. They believe God controls how dice fall, how the lottery works. Many strippers also have internal self worth conflicts, and are never 100% comfortable with their job, so they look to spirituality for forgiveness for their lifestyle. A bit like a drug addict with prayer beads and a bible and constantly recites bible versus but disappears for a day or 2 without explanation every other day.
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    8 years ago
    My week stripping in Cleveland during the RNC
    I want my 3 minutes back.
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    8 years ago
    Trying to understand these strippers
    At a new SC, I saw this columbian a month or 2 ago. DFK entire time, but otherwise cold and unremarkable. 2nd time, I picked a very very very slow night with way more girls than customers. Columbian was there, I spent 5 hours with her ITC, going between main floor and semi private LD area. Semi private LD area is a room full of cushions on the floor, but you aren't allowed to fuck or do extras there, DFK is fine tho. Go figure. At various points in the night, I told her to stop grinding me when she tried to, or to not start, I made excuses like "I am tired" or "that was too much fun" or "I need to rest", not that I am out of $, but I was out of $ and trying to maximize the talk and main floor cuddle time and minimize grinding time (she DFKed alot less this time, IDK y). At one point during the night on the main floor she took some silly selfies and photos of me, and I demanded her to send the ones with only me to put on my IG. Hours later when we finished for the night, she said we did 25 songs ($500), I said we did 15 songs and I pointed out each time I stopped her was at 5 songs in a row, so we went to LD area 3 times and times I told her to get off of me when she tried to start a new round weren't songs, and the time we spent sitting crossed legged together on the floor in semi private LD area with her showing me photos of herself also isn't a lapdance. I negotiated it down to $400 for the night. It was a mistake I spent so much time with her, I regret it since that was escort level of $, but on the other hand $400 for 5 hours of exclusive ITC time, maybe its fair. The night ended quite hostile with her. The next day, without me knowing her #, she texts me, with bright and cheery language, all the photos I asked for last night by text. I text back thanks, ask her for her IG (she showed it to me slyly but I never finished entering it in my phone that night) and never contacted her since. She is banned due to way less DFK this time than 1st visit, and also overcounting songs, I only went with colombian because my CF at that SC wasnt there that night. The colombian's IG, she is a professional hot chick or high priced escort/sugar baby. Photos of her all over the planet with her sister in the last couple months. Looks like a "model" on IG but isn't one. No hint of her being a stripper on IG, she has no tats either. Has 9K followers. God damn it. I DFKed an rich bitch IG whore with no obvious source of income.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Could a stripper realy cum during a dry fuck ?
    Depends on how ugly the stripper is vs yourself. I dont pay attention to if she cums or not. If she says stop, well my $ stops. If she had actual Os during our session, good for her, if she didn't, IDC. I stop when my dick stops, not when she fake or real Os.
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    8 years ago
    Strippers shelf life
    My CF is 33 years old but 85 lbs, 4' 11, size 0. Has the body of a 13 year old girl since her day job is a ballet dancer or something, she looks the like a old ballerina. Nearly makes me LDK, allows unlimited DFK, I can touch and rub her pussy. Her face DOES look 33, but everything else is teenage. If she wore pasties, and you didn't see her face, youd say a photo of her is under age, but if you see her nipples and her face, she clearly is legal/MILF. Age is nothing but a number. When customers stop finding you hot, you retire.
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    8 years ago
    OT Wish List
    E. drink hustle can be dealt with a "no thanks", if it gets stupid, just tell the waitress "I buy dances, not drinks", if they still demand a drink, pull out a $100 bill, wave it a lil bit and say you are leaving the shit hole. You can also tell your stripper infront of the waitress, that you wanted to buy a dance, but unless the stripper tells the waitress to leave, you aren't buying a dance from the stripper. SCs that do drink hustle are ones where the LDs are so bad, due to rules, that nobody buys them, so the SC can't make $ off LDs because of low volume so they make it off dancer drinks. Its better you get kicked for refusing to buy a drink, than getting the crap beaten out of your and you grabbed by your shirt and dragged from the VIP room for touching a dancer.
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    8 years ago
    Custy reacts to convo w CF
    Another stripper sitting near my stripper and me butted in "that was the longest transaction I ever heard" when I was negotiating with my stripper over $.
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    8 years ago
    Why do I get ignored in strip clubs?
    You might have to walk up and talk to her. Some strippers have a policy that they rarely if ever approach customers, they just stand around looking hot in the SC. The rational I heard is, if a stripper begs a customer for a dance, often the customer is disrespectful/etc, while if the customer walks upto the stripper, the stripper knows he will spend on her eventually. "I'd rather stand alone at the bar looking cute, than sit with a customer I picked, small talk him for minutes, then get rejected, while one of the few guys that wanted me that night, saw I was taken [who spent nothing on me] and moved on to some ugly ho". If the conversation is painful and awkward if you walk upto her, or if you say hi, and she says do yo want a dance, you should probably walk away, she is a cold ATM that wont allow more than the minimum. It is also how you dress. Do you look like you have $? Gold watch? Gold necklace? a suit? What kind of shoes you wear? If you look like a panhandler or a construction worker, and most people in the club do not look like bums from the soup kitchen, you will be ignored. There are some SCs where EVERY customer looks like a panhandler/construction worker/drug addict, in that case, clothes dont matter, or dressing up might make strippers fight with you because you are acting too weird in their house.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What kind of lube should be used for anal?
    Astroglide. YOu dont want to use KY Warming or it will feel like diherea after chugging tabasco.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    No more Porn surfing at Starbucks
    Panera blocks TUSCL. I just use cell data instead. Except for the webcam ads and stick figure, there is no porn on TUSCL and there shouldnt be (except as links). You cant post inline images in posts. I browse TUSCL in public with images turned off. Makes the site 100% child friendly.
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    8 years ago
    Can you change a man?
    "He says shit like he doesnt want to throw money away. But yet we can go to bars or casino to waste money so i dont understand it. " Respect that. I dont make it rain, and I pitty the fools that do. It just feeds strippers thoughts that they are nude bottle rats that can just slap a customer on the face if they touch the stripper. I like SCs to stay as SCs, not SCs to turn into nude nightclubs with all the estrogen parasites that dont put out. flagooner is right about "would you be comfortable jerking off watching porn with your parents in the room looking at you stroking the monkey?" With any woman I am intimate with, if they tell me they want to goto a SC, I'd assume it is a setup "Baby what do you think of her tits? You like big tits? baby why dont you like my small tits? you think she [stripper] is hot? you want to fuck her? why not? are you gay? aren't I hot? I knew it, you think im ugly, we are over you piece of shit" I'd only goto a SC with a 250 lb morbidly obese female friend that I could never see myself fucking. Never with any girl I'd fuck, unless she is a sex worker already and we both are effectively swingers/FWB from day 1.
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    8 years ago
    A former porn star has become one of D.C.’s loudest sports fans on social media
    1. Become a pornstar $1000s per month 2. use pornstar fame to become a UTR escort $10000s per month 3. ballers start to invite the pornstar to exclusive events 4. be invited to swinger parties with billionaries $100000s per month 5. spend all of it on nails, hair, and drugs, -$100000s per month When Mia Khalifa has a kid, and her baby daddy dumps her, expect her to start shooting new stuff and be a feature dancer doing LDK for $200
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    8 years ago
    How to tell if strippers are horny ??
    When your stripper undercounts your songs or cuddles with you on the main floor after VIP and DOESNT move onto the next customer.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Wealthfare reciepents buying Lap dances and Liquer with tax payers money
    Idiots. They probably paid 1 LD as the ATM fee each time. I goto a bank with windows, withdraw all my benefit once a month as cash and zero fees.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Arraignment In Case Involving DNA Found On Potato Scheduled For Wednesday
    http://scallywagandvagabond.com/2016/07/willow-martin-connecticut-stripper-potato/ -has BF that looks like Luis Guzman with tats-check -has drug problem-check -has a kid-check sounds like a typical stripper
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripping ?
    @rockstar666 Because they are looking for work, they are not AT work.