
Comments by s88 (page 27)

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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Should I be pissed about this?
    JS69 Texts can be deleted to create the illusion she didnt respond. I'd either give the "I'm paying you for your time, and part of the thrill for me is that you're entirely focused on me, and unattainable by everyone else, and I feel disrespected and unappreciated when you exchange numbers with guys in front of me. None of my business who you fuck or text or anything else on your time, but don't disrespect me on my paid time." speech subraman gave you, or you have to devise a way to make her jealous by spending $ on other women at a SC infront of her. Take her on a date to a random SC, as your "GF" of the night, she has to sit next to you and watch while you tip and watch the stage dancers or get public LDs in your seat from a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Reg Sabotages My Dances
    Is the regular her pimp, her husband, or a dancer recruiter or "knows the owner" of the SC? Unless you are watching all floor traffic in the SC like a cop you can't tell if she is in the dressing room, left the SC, or is doing a 30 minute or 1 hour VIP room session with 1 customer, or some high roller rented a VIP room with his friends, with bottle service, and there is no time limit on the VIP room because of the reservation/bottle service deal, and she will be in the VIP room till that group of guys leaves for the night. I've had semi-CF dancers end talking shit/lap sitting by using bathroom excuses, pull out their phones and say their "manager called them" (but I looked at their phone home screen, no texts/missed calls) or "my manager is here to pick me up" (she reappeared 15 minutes later and did walk arounds for LDs for the next 2 hours till SC closing but avoided my corner of the SC). Once a dancer said "I have to go make money", I told her "go have a good time", she was completely honest which impressed me. Interrupting a LD is terrible in a SC, a customer doing it is even more crooked, but it is common. On TUSCL there are many reports of private room LDs being interrupted by a waitress 30 seconds after the LD starts, and asking you if you want to order drinks for the dancer. If you decline a couple seconds later a bouncer comes and talks to you how you disrespected the waitress. Or the cameras in the private room are watched, and the moment you touch the dancer, or even if you dont touch the dancer, the bouncer automatically comes in, interrupts your LD and says you can't touch the dancers, or the bouncer offers the "champagne room" for $600 for 30 minutes. Since you sinclair are a frequent traveller, this club probably needs a review posted on TUSCL that they allow LDs to be interrupted with crap, so I never step foot in that club. Since a SC is fantasy, if a dancer tells you she hates another customer, take it with a bit of salt. If you can figure out who that other customer is by face or she tells you enough info that you can ID him, ask yourself would you give him a LD if you were a chick? Some SC visitors are homeless, or indistinguishable from homeless, like the outdoor survivialist who lives in a shack with a blue tarp for a roof and a wood burning stove for heat. But since I hope you (sinclair) dont look homeless, remember you are still dealing with flaky strippers. The "regular" might have NEVER EXISTED (you did ID him in your OP tho). She couldve given a signal on camera to a bouncer who called a waitress to stop the dance. Or time was expiring in the LD room and it was a prepay-type of LD room, not pay after you are done. Or if the SC doesnt know you, since you were never there before, they might think you dont have enough $, so they stopped the LD early. Many SCs scan your DL and record forever who you are, I hope that staff are smart enough that they know they can look you up and see if you are repeat customer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    NJ 1st Strip Club Tour
    TUSCL has an army of trolls, dont feed them attention. For example, here is a ludicrous request I came up with. If you take it seriously, you've been trolled. Will you have male strippers on the party bus? I like to go both ways.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    NJ 1st Strip Club Tour
    I'll go through your ad copy line by line. The lines are very pufferyistic. • Experience Up-To 5 of NJ's Hottest Strip Clubs! It turned out to be one club, not five, the promoter gets $10 for every person he brings from the doorman. • Featuring the Area's Hottest Exotic Dancers On the bus, or at the SCs you stop at? You have a dress code or not for the bus. What is the crowd like on the bus? upscale dress code collared shirt required, or everything but timberlands and flat bill hats, or timberlands and flat bill hats are okay. I might need to pass piss test at my parole officer tomorrow. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4aELnPYCIc • Luxury Limo Party Bus with Sound System, Disco Lights, Flat Screens, Dance Poles, Private Room and restroom 2 axle Sprinter van style or 3 axle Greyhound style? Seating capacity? What are the financial terms of the private room on the party bus? It is a bit useless if a "a high roller reserved it for the whole night" and its the same line every time. It actually is the promoters office with a file cabinet and liquor bottles in cardboard boxes, that is why nobody can use it. • Round-Trip Shuttle to and from all clubs; get on and off as much as you want! What is the frequency of the bus/schedule? If the names of the club are a secret for marketing reasons or they change week to week based on what SCs you could negotiate a quota with and meet it that week, atleast publish a schedule with "Club A", "Club B". Since you are a promoter, the paranoia in me says all 5 clubs have the same owner, perhaps this chain of SCs in NJ http://www.laceclubs.com/ . I've seen a chain of SCs that has a SC branded not-party regular 15 passenger van that goes between different outlets of the chain in the same metro area. If I have to sleep in the grass next to the SC for 20 hours for the next "get on" time for the bus.... Does the bus only pickup at SCs, or is there a non-SC location on the loop to meet the party bus, or the party bus does direct house pickups within distance limits? • BYOB! Drink & Party we will handle your transportation! Appetizing to some, to me, meh. I almost never drink alcohol when visiting SC. • Starts @ 8pm, last pick up @ 2:30am Hours are reasonable. The only NJ SC I've ever been to closed at 2 AM, so IDK if 2:30 is the last entry to a SC that is open till 4AM on the loop, or the "return home/to hotel" trip. • Certified VIP Host WTF does "certified" mean? NJ doesn't license pussy inspectors nor pimps http://www.nj.gov/njbusiness/documents/liccert.pdf
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    NJ 1st Strip Club Tour
    My issue with Champagne rooms and Party buses is, the organizer finds a couple hoes for the duration of the party in a 1 to 1 ratio with a guy. In the average SC, I reject 8 out of 10 strippers or 18 out of 20 strippers. So there is a 90% chance the stripper who sits down next to me on the party bus, I wont really enjoy, atleast johnny wont enjoy it. If the stripper wants to talk about WW2 history or aerospace engineering with me, like a guy, I'll enjoy that FWIW, but it will be a mediocre night since it was supposed to be about sex, not chilling with guys. Perhaps if you business model is, for $35, I get no cover/no drink minimum admission to any SC on your bus route, that night. I'll jump for that. That way I can evaluate 50-75 dancers in 1 night, instead of 10-20 dancers in 1 night. 10 dancers means I visited 1 club, and if I am really adventurous, 2 clubs in 1 night, that will add up to 20 dancers over 3 hours. Can you speed up the process with your bus of dancers per hour I get to see? There is a certain investment and risk I make in visiting any SC, because I need to spend $, just to look for what is on sale (I've seen atleast 1 SC that has ***photos*** of all the dancers and their schedules online, I FUCKING LOVE IT, but no SCs in my corner of the USA do that). That makes me have fierce brand loyalty to existing clubs I goto, since I dont want to take the risk of loosing $40, and getting zero LDs/VIP room time. If I came on the wrong day/time/wrong club, there is no refund on the cover charge or drinks if I leave in 5 minutes or less from the SC. No dancers in the windows on the sidewalk of the SC either in the USA. A SC tour bus, or multiple buses like a public transit agency going in a loop between 5 SCs continuously all night would be interesting. The most important fact is I evaluate in such a tour bus is, do I get comped cover+drink minimum waived, and how many minutes before the tour bus comes back to pick me up if the dancers are crap and take me to the next SC. Dancers on the bus are irrelevant unless their point is the tour bus is actually the bang bus and I'm supposed to fuck the chick infront of everyone else (everyone gets naked and starts to fuck). Then the question is, why would I get off the bang bus to visit a SC along the route? Taxis to SCs in most of the USA cost as much as the VIP room. After sunset, there are less taxis, and they all want $50 a ride or $10 a mile. Your $35 bus for multiple rides in 1 night is very price competitive with taxis. My solution is public transit from the SC to my hotel. A tough logistics challenge as all SCs are open past the last bus of the night, plus in some SCs, most of the dancers come at 10 or 11PM, even though the club opened at 7PM. At 10/11PM the buses stop running, so I get the graveyard shift 7-11PM strippers and not the 8s-10s strippers in the 11PM till 2 or 4 AM shift.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    NJ 1st Strip Club Tour
    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=FKK+tour A couple problems Different families of the Cosa Nostra will murder you for fucking with their business. I am not american, how do I know your tour doesn't end at Hypnose Gentleman's Club? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3079685/British-tourist-eye-removed-shot-Polish-bouncer-argued-100-bar-bill-four-vodkas.html
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Bitches getting paid
    If you stay on Manhattan Island, you will get beautiful dancers but you need to sell your car to afford 1 night with them. If you leave Manhattan Island and goto the other parts of NYC across the river looking for a better deal, your dancer will be wearing a wig, and you will wonder if they are pre or post-op. Dont go to NYC unless your boss is paying for it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Condom wrapper in mens bathroom in SC
    I got an answer to my question on my next visit to the club I mentioned in my first post. My detective skills were right on, I was not crazy. A dancer offered full service to me, therefore it is an extras club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    An interesting aspect of clubbing for a while
    <i> The girls that are on drugs usually tend to stay skinny! </i> Amen! When a dancer weighs as much as you or more, LDs are painful. Kardashians, twerking, and ghetto culture says being a whale is something to idolize. Doggy is impossible unless your dick is long enough that you can give yourself a blowjob. Smaller the ass, the better.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Saving Dancers
    Hi pot, meet kettle. If you walk into a SC, you are going to burn in hell along with all the strippers. Satan will be ramming a red hot fire poker in your ass for eternity. Keep the bible and white knight shit out of SCs.
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    9 years ago
    Karaoke for Indians, Phillipinos, and Asians
    Did the cat come with BBQ or Teriyaki sauce?
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    9 years ago
    Best pants for LDK in winter
    Take 2 pairs of cheap thick grey socks. Cut open the bottom of each sock. Put 2 pairs of ghetto leg warmers on, with the elastic/top of sock above the knee. Now put on your thinnest LDK pants. If your knees are insulated, the rest of your legs dont have to be insulated in the winter. There are logistical issues of WTF to do with a 2nd pair of sweats in a SC once you take them off in the bathroom, go back to coat check and hand it to the lady and get look of death? What if your dive SC has no coat check and all coats stay on chairs on the floor? If you have a car, you could change your pants in the car and run to the door of the SC from your car, but that is assuming you have a car.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC shower-rooms ?
    High mileage LDs get the dancer really sweaty. There is a limit to how much deodorant can work if she is dripping sweat on you. Is Dancer BO a turn on or turn off? I have mixed opinions. But after a high mileage LD, the dancer disappears for 15 minutes in the dressing room, "to clean up". A dressing room shower in SCs should be required by OSHA.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'm a dj in a bikin club
    At one "Vegas Style" SC I've gone too, there are prerecorded promos done by a voice artist that they paid, plus the DJ's own live pitches. The result sounds like listening to FM Radio. Nothing but ads, ads and more ads. As a customer, I only care about dancer names and the music. If the dancers are ugly, I'll stick around a bit longer for the EDM if its EDM and not reggaeton. IME, if a SC has day/time restricted promos ($1 open LD at midnight, half off VIP room 30 minutes before 6 PM), they will be advertised to death on paper in the club with these http://www.discountdisplays.co.uk/html/menu-holder.html on tables. The whole point of the promo is, you buy the product without reading the fine print, and pay full price for it, but you are too wasted to know you didn't get a discount (or bouncer shakedown). I never need the DJ to announce promos since I found all of them on posters in the SC, or twitter/FB before going to the SC that day. The best SC is one where the DJ goes to take a leak, and the song ends and the music stops. Everyone gets a laugh out of that. The pole dancers dont stop dancing just because the music went out. Personally, if the SC never played music and was just silent during pole dancing, that would be fine with me. There is no music playing in a motel room when fucking a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Police arrest 6 after stabbings outside Minneapolis strip club
    Dont buy coke and dope in the SC parking lot.
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    9 years ago
    Merry Fucker Christmas Bitches
    Viniq is better than Hypnotiq. I'd swap the peanuts for beef jerky.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    "Primarily" for the dancers here: If a patron buys dances from you but refuses y
    I agree with Estafador about NY clubs. Dancer small talks for 60 secs, asks for drink, buy a drink, waitress delivers it, dancer runs off to backroom not to be seen until her next pole rotation 1 hour away. Outside of NY, I've had good experience with "buy a drink get atleast 10 minutes of talk". If I see 10 minutes go by with a dancer and she hasn't gotten any $s from me yet, and I dont plan to LD with her (ugly, too big, etc), but if she was a good talker, I'll suggest a drink. I even once got a dancer a drink at the 18 minute mark when she said she had to leave to "make money" (being honest) as a goodbye present since she got zero dollars from me. If I get pitches for drinks in 1 minute, or waitress hounds for drinks, I am unlikely to say yes, since the dancers have drink quotas and it will be 1 drink per song at the rate she drinks her watered down OJ, might as well get LDs for only 30% more per minute.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    <i> It makes me think she sucks and fucks for money too, but she doesn't want to look like a hoe.</i> That hits the nail on the head. She will only suck and fuck for money, if she would suck and fuck for free if you met her at a regular night club and sent a round of drinks to her table. She thinks she is a classy gold digger, not a sex worker. *sigh*
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Ultimate PL test is here
    My SC is closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the "Christmas Bash" was Dec 19. Last open night was Wed night-Thu morn. Next time they are open is sat night-sun morn. Dancers have families, who knew?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Giving and receiving
    I'd frame it as, is it free or P4P? If it is free, you have an obligation to make her O, if its paid, you don't. I find DATY slightly disgusting. Johnny gets soft quickly and it will be extra work by her to get him hard again later. Extra work that costs time and therefore $. If it is free, then if she will do yours, you have to do hers, it is only fair. The kink factor goes up really up if your LTR wants to peg you to "make things fair".
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would you Rather see belly dancing or twerking?
    Belly dancing for sure. Need to see tits, stomach and covered V. Ass doesn't turn me on. If the girl can twerk, she is probably so heavy a LD will be painful.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ....as I pick myself up from the floor
    SJG If the woman is smart, she will have a ton of kids, and each kid is required when they turn 18 to max out their credit line for her. If they dont agree, they are disowned and never allowed to step foot again into the family house or any family function. She also spins stores about blood and loyalty to her kids. Picking up a crumpled receipt out of the kitchen trash at a family party, I saw it was a $1.8K Fendi bag paid by CC with her middle daughter's name as the card holder but its mommy's bag. Creditors call every hour between 9-5.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    American cops are ass holes compared to English cops
    UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cznNf2LUk74 USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d67QYE99MY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_TquU4CYyA
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Sued Over $75,000 Bill
    Some SCs dont bother entering employee names and setting up their PINs into the POS. All the bartenders share the same till. The "waitress" name is really the name of the house mom when they bought the POS a decade ago. http://money.cnn.com/2006/03/08/news/newsmakers/scores.suit/ http://gothamist.com/2010/01/12/man_suing_strip_club_after_90_minut.php Lesson of story, never use a CC in a SC. I've seen a SC where the private rooms have cash and credit prices like the gas station.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Show Palace, Long Island City strip club, closed for allegedly selling marij
    I've been to this SC before. The customers aren't clean. The SC should replace the metal detector with drug dog, but then theyed go broke. The staff seemed cleaned. If waitresses are selling weed on the side, thats news for me, they ignore me. Showpalace is nude, but it is the least of a ripoff off of NY SCs when I visit NY, but you have to be insane to goto a SC in NY unless your parole officer wont let you leave NY. Goto to any other state. The airplane tickets are cheaper than the VIP rooms in NYC. This club stays open after the city's 4 AM last call. The cover goes up, a long line forms to enter the SC, and experience goes way down at 4 AM. Nobody is sober after 4 AM, stumbling (you want pussy to land in your lap, not cock), dropping glass, grinding other men to walk through the club cuz its packed, a bro passed out in the front row and wasting a good chair. The after 4 AM crowd seems to come with promoters in party buses to the VIP seating (not LD) area, 20-30 guys at a time walk in as a group. Pre 4 Am crowd is just solo customers or a couple guys out. I guess the promoters were dirty, not the SC, and it will reopen soon. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/man-shot-attempted-robbery-queens-strip-club-article-1.2410660 Is there something more to this story? There always is. There is no 4 ounces for a Benjamin weed. Goto a SC for pussy, not anything else SMH