
Reg Sabotages My Dances

Strip Club Nation
I was at a SC on Saturday night. I go over to the stage to tip an attractive dancer. She is one of those rare ones who is even hotter up close. She goes around the stage and does a little tease for the other guys. One of them is a short dweeb who gives her a twenty dollar bill and tells her to come back to his booth.

When she is done on stage, she asks me if I'd like lap dances. Hell yes. We go back and it starts getting really wild by this club's standards. She is attracted to me and initiates DFK. It is really good, better than probably all the women I've dated. Let's face it, not all women are good kissers. I am really enjoying the dances. On the fourth dance, another dancer comes into our booth and starts talking into my dancer's ear.

I can't hear all of it, but from what I can piece together, my dancer's regular custimer is upset that she did not come to his booth after her stage set, and he sent the second dancer to tell my girl to come to his booth immediately. I am pissed because this second dancer is killing the fantasy for me by interrupting. Eventually she leaves after about 45 seconds.

My dancer ends the lap dances after the fourth song, and says she needs to go to her reg. I tell her it is okay, and she needs to take care of her regs because they are steady income. She says she does not like short man and would really like to stay with me. She keeps flirting while she is getting dressed and volunteers all of her PII to me like she needs some sinclair in her life. She did not seem like a cutthroat stripper and had not been doing it very long. A whole other song went by before she got back to the floor.

I go back and sit with my friend, and kind of watch the dancer go to the booth of short man. He whines about being slighted. He then storms out with his pussy ass entourage making a scene like it is all her fault. The dancer disappears to the dressing room and I think she goes home because she was not seen the rest of the night.

In retrospect, I should have followed this guy out of the club, provoked a fight, and beat his Polo-wearing ass all over the parking lot. His whole crew looked like a bunch of 1990's frat boys. I would have busted their skulls open too.

I'm almost as mad at the "messenger"/stripper as much as the insecure reg. She should have not interrupted no matter how much the reg intimidated her. Then again, maybe she is one of the reg's preferred dancers as well.


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    If I was in your position, I would be pissed too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah – guess it gets down to the reg/non-reg debate where most regs feel they should have the dancer all to themselves and the non-regs believing dancers should be there to entertain all paying custies.

    I can see the reg's POV in feeling that if he's being extra generous to her she should be extra-generous towards him.

    If he's her reg I do think she should have gone to him first and told him she would give some dances to you and come back to him to settle down with him (since I assume he would've had her on lock-down after that).

    Often it seems many custies feel that if they flash a little cash the dancer should obey their every wish.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Not sure why you are pissed at the short PL when it was the dancer making the decision to leave. It is all business with the honeys. Odds are she told the short guy she hated you and couldn't wait to back to him.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Where you that short guy LW?

  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    She's working a hustle but it sounds like it bit all three of you in the ass. Both you and the reg ended up pissed and the stripper loses on the additional $ that could have been there for the taking. Not well played.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Nah – I've met Sinclair – he's a young-guy in his 20s and is a good-looking guy – when I SCed with him down-here in Miami about 2 years ago 2 different dancers at 2 different clubs told me about how good-looking a guy he was (he kinda stood out b/c he was young with blond hair and blue eyes which is kinda a bit uncommon down here in Latin-heavy Miami) – the dancers told me in Spanish probably b/c they didn't know enough English to communicate well-enough with him.

    So I kinda believe it went down how Sinclair described-it and short-dude probably was a whiny jealous entitled reg.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Some years back, when I first shifted from extras clubs to super slow shift alcohol no-extras clubs, the club I picked had a regular who came a couple of times a week to see one girl (let's call her Lacey). The guy spent $1000-$1500 per shift on Lacey, plus often spread another $1000 (in $200 chunks) to other dancers. Which mean that, given this was slow dayshift, the guy may sometimes have spent as much as all other customers combined. I know that on slow shifts like this, many girls were happy to leave with $200 total for the day. The thing is, the regular was insanely jealous and possessive of Lacey, and not always totally respectful towards her, and he demanded she not talk to or dance for anyone else while he was there. Which she complied with, for a loooooong time.

    It definitely wasn't easy for her, the fact that he spent so much money was practically a lifestyle changer for her -- coming home with $3000-$4000 per week, every week, vs lucky-to-bring-home $700 per week, all because of one customer, for a girl who lived her whole life in poverty. She certainly blew customers off immediately when he walked in. Then, one day, she just got sick of his jealousy and controlling personality, and said fuck him and danced for another guy. He threw a fit, club management threw him out and blackballed him (he must've done something really bad to get blackballed, considered how much he spent). Lacey lost out on an extra $2000-$3000+ per week (I also understand he paid her over $1000 per OTC) and became just another "I'm happy if I can come home with $200/shift" girl. All the other strippers were furious with her, since he spread so much money around the club to them, too.

    There's no real moral here. Couldn't have been easy for Lacey to walk away from that much money, it was a lifestyle changer for a girl who grew up in poverty. Also couldn't have been easy for her to take so much shit, for so long, from such an asshole, even if he was paying her a fortune. All the other girls were collateral damage. Maybe the moral is: high spending regulars can be assholes, as illustrated in OP's story.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"She says she does not like short man and would really like to stay with me"

    Heh, well, yes, of course. That's what EVERY good stripper says, and tries to make you feel. We customers can be a sensitive bunch, and "being with you is strictly a business decision, and I just got a better offer, so toodles!" can make us cry. I don't blame the stripper at all, it's just good basic customer service. But I'm hoping you're not buying into it, it's just a sales technique, they all use it.

    Beyond that, what customer did was outrageous, what her stripper friend did was outrageous (although read my story above -- some high $ regulars can spend more than the rest of the entire club combined, and that can be so lifestyle-impacting it's worth breaking the rules for).
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Sinclair- LW was right on point telling you it was the dancers call to make Subra also had some good points to make about taking it personally. My own take on this is the other girl should have not butted in while you were doing dances I would have complained to manager about stepping on my money that was paid for the back room, the other guy was just incidental in my opinion they never should have interrupted you that is what would piss me off.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    She did not want to deal with the reg in the first place. That is why she blew him off at the stage. Her leaving was because the other dancer was so insistent about it. She made no money from the reg other than a twenty on stage. Twenty is not alot of money at a strip club.

    Not sure how you can comment that all three of us lost. I am the one who came out on top. I am talking to this stripper on Facebook right now. She wants me to visit her at her college.

    Papi, the friend I was with was hanging with Saturday was "Bareback". He played offensive line, good backup in a street fight.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    oh - good-ole Bareback Jack :)
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Just to throw some more shit in the drama, I suspect that the dancer that came in to speak to your dancer, was paid to do so. We know that it is against PL code to personally go up and talk to a dancer when she is with another customer but many of us will pay a waitress or another dancer to do it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"Her leaving was because the other dancer was so insistent about it. She made no money from the reg other than a twenty on stage. Twenty is not alot of money at a strip club."

    This is the part that's hard to believe ... no way one stripper comes into another stripper's PS and interrupts it to insist she go back out, because of a $20 regular. No way that stripper actually leaves for a $20 regular, no matter how insistent her friend is. I think you're being lied to about some part of the story or other.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I deduced that all three of you lost based on the info in your first post. It sounded like:
    1) The reg was pissed - "He whines about being slighted. He then storms out with his pussy ass entourage making a scene like it is all her fault."
    2) You were pissed - "I'm almost as mad at the "messenger"/stripper as much as the insecure reg"
    3) The stripper missed out on making more $ - "The dancer disappears to the dressing room and I think she goes home because she was not seen the rest of the night."
    That is why I comment that all three of you lost.

    Based on your new info I would say it may just work out for you in the long run.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    If she didn't come back from the dressing room how do you know she didn't leave to meet "short guy" OTC?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I don't think you lost anything but I would still speak to the manager that girl that came in to talk to your dancer was surely paid as shadow said at the very least the club owes you a comp of some sort and the other girl needs to be spoken to.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I don't know it. But I am assuming he wouldn't have stormed out like that if he was heading out for OTC.

    As I said, I deduced. That implies there is some assumption taken.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I agree with 25 if you are a reg at the club. If not, it depends on how much they want your repeat business.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "We all lose"

    1. Sinclair got his dance broken up and left the club pissed off because of some big money douche.
    2. The stripper dancing for you lost her big spender for the night, maybe permanently and it shook her up so much that night that she probably didn't earn anymore.
    3. The dancer that interrupted may have been able to get more money out of the big spender but he left, so she lost too. Don't be too mad at the dancer that interrupted - she was probably forced to do so. If she told the douche "no I refuse to interrupt them" he would have found someone that would have eventually.

    I travel a lot so I compete with regulars all the time. Even though I may spend 10 fold on a particular girl that one night, I cannot compete with a PL coming into the club twice a week like clockwork when I'm there once every two months.

    I do not personally know Sinclair but judging by his contributions on here he appears to be a cool guy who knows the strip club game. As usual none of us are immune to getting rattled by someone who thinks their money can talk louder than you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I guess dudes arguing over bitches is as old as the human race

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I feel like interrupting dances breaks a club commandment.

    She fucked up all around. You got three good dances. You might be able to fuck her OTC for free even.

    You were right to keep your cool and play the long game. She "owes" you next time you see her. You can work this in your favor.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If it had been me, I would've shown her how much money I had in my pockets and told her it was time for a new and improved regular. But it sounds like that's what may happen anyway.

  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Quick question....
    Was she worth the drama?
  • s88
    9 years ago
    Is the regular her pimp, her husband, or a dancer recruiter or "knows the owner" of the SC? Unless you are watching all floor traffic in the SC like a cop you can't tell if she is in the dressing room, left the SC, or is doing a 30 minute or 1 hour VIP room session with 1 customer, or some high roller rented a VIP room with his friends, with bottle service, and there is no time limit on the VIP room because of the reservation/bottle service deal, and she will be in the VIP room till that group of guys leaves for the night.

    I've had semi-CF dancers end talking shit/lap sitting by using bathroom excuses, pull out their phones and say their "manager called them" (but I looked at their phone home screen, no texts/missed calls) or "my manager is here to pick me up" (she reappeared 15 minutes later and did walk arounds for LDs for the next 2 hours till SC closing but avoided my corner of the SC). Once a dancer said "I have to go make money", I told her "go have a good time", she was completely honest which impressed me.

    Interrupting a LD is terrible in a SC, a customer doing it is even more crooked, but it is common. On TUSCL there are many reports of private room LDs being interrupted by a waitress 30 seconds after the LD starts, and asking you if you want to order drinks for the dancer. If you decline a couple seconds later a bouncer comes and talks to you how you disrespected the waitress.

    Or the cameras in the private room are watched, and the moment you touch the dancer, or even if you dont touch the dancer, the bouncer automatically comes in, interrupts your LD and says you can't touch the dancers, or the bouncer offers the "champagne room" for $600 for 30 minutes.

    Since you sinclair are a frequent traveller, this club probably needs a review posted on TUSCL that they allow LDs to be interrupted with crap, so I never step foot in that club.

    Since a SC is fantasy, if a dancer tells you she hates another customer, take it with a bit of salt. If you can figure out who that other customer is by face or she tells you enough info that you can ID him, ask yourself would you give him a LD if you were a chick? Some SC visitors are homeless, or indistinguishable from homeless, like the outdoor survivialist who lives in a shack with a blue tarp for a roof and a wood burning stove for heat.

    But since I hope you (sinclair) dont look homeless, remember you are still dealing with flaky strippers. The "regular" might have NEVER EXISTED (you did ID him in your OP tho). She couldve given a signal on camera to a bouncer who called a waitress to stop the dance. Or time was expiring in the LD room and it was a prepay-type of LD room, not pay after you are done. Or if the SC doesnt know you, since you were never there before, they might think you dont have enough $, so they stopped the LD early. Many SCs scan your DL and record forever who you are, I hope that staff are smart enough that they know they can look you up and see if you are repeat customer.
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