
Comments by s88 (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strippers and Cigarettes
    Newport=ghetto trash Marlboro Lights=classy stuck up
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Too explicit for a review that even gives the dancer's name?
    @VeryBigDawg Quite a number of reviews aren't reviews but erotic literature. The writer is spanking his monkey right now thinking of another guy getting turned on by his sex stories. Nothing about a USA SC should sound like the plot from a porno. A bouncer will never sit down on your lap in the USA and say "I do BBBJ, CIM but not swallow, FS but no anal, dont you want these tits tonight honey?". I am expecting to soon read a review about glory holes in the VIP room. And after getting your dick sucked, when the dancer comes out of the next room, it is the 6 foot 250 lb ripped bouncer who patted you down for weapons at the door who was sucking your cock.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Interesting way for club to keep track of dances
    A SC I know of does not allow strippers to take $ from customers for lapdances. You and the stripper walk to the nearest POS/bartender, you pay the bartender, they give the dancer a thermal paper receipt. Thermal paper receipt is given to bouncer at entrance to LD/private room areas. He holds onto the receipt and does not give it back to the dancer. You get some seconds of groping and grinding with your dancer standing at the bar while the bartender taps in all the info into the POS.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Big long fake STRIPPER NAILS.
    Its for getting revenge on a serial killer in the motel room when doing OTC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Porn Stars doing special shows at local stripclub
    Depends on the all-the-time rules of the SC and the city. If its a pastie or topless SC, you better really love the pornstar to go, and mostly to meet her after her performance for small talk/buy used panties/etc. If it is a nude club, from my experience, there will be spit swapping, light BDSM, dildoing, a fat superfan pulled out of the crowd told to lay on the stage and given a pretty good working over by the pornstar infront of everyone in the club. You could also see some guy shove his female friend, or a group of females shove one of their own onto the stage for lesbo surprise sex. If only regular dancers made every song into an on stage gangbang instead of swinging on the pole. You can also buy lapdances from the pornstar, but at my oil tycoons blowing their fortune SC, a regular LD is $20 a song, a pornstar LD was $130 a song. Private room is $800 per 30 mins regular rate, for pornstar it was $2000 per 30 mins. So expect higher prices for services with a feature dancer vs regular dancer. I have seen the "everything stops" for the pornstar performance policy. I agree with that policy. First more dollars goto the featured dancer, who was quite expensive for the club to bring in, instead of customers distracted from stage tipping the pornstar by regular dancers. Alot fewer standing customers could see the stage if waitresses and regular dancers were walking back and forth from all the tables infront of the stage. Even the regular dancers all found seats in clusters of regular dancers and watched the show (not their phones). Learning from the best or jealousy?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    And this thread is reason why the ratio of bouncers to customers in SCs is 1:1. Get over yourself, go find another DS, before you wind up dating Bubba in the sex offender wing of a supermax. Asking "is a dancer clean?" is like asking, was 9/11 an inside job? There is no answer. Any answer you hear is as reliable as middle school hallway rumors. If you fucked her, you know she is dirty, if you hear she is dirty, its like your bro telling you he scored with the math teacher in HS after school (99% lies, 1% truth http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/New-Jersey-High-School-Teacher-Arrested-Sex-Assault-Teenage-Student-312992221.html ).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    For stripper, when she LOOKs over 40, not what her ID says. For a customer, they are too old for a SC when they are dead. I've seen plenty of wheelchairs in SCs. Whether its because you are paralyzed, missing a leg, or an old geezer, its all good. That reminds me of a scene from Basketball Diaries watch 15:43 to 20:53 https://r1---sn-hp57knls.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?id=505b62050b213aeb&itag=18&source=webdrive&begin=0&requiressl=yes&mm=30&mn=sn-hp57knls&ms=nxu&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAxLm1pYTA0Kgw3Mi4xNC4yMTIuNjE&pl=17&mime=video/mp4&lmt=1447416389494649&mt=1449195283&ip=,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,mime,lmt&signature=1BF1FAE6C0B4FA0A032B9BBD6D4B5524B4C9C074.9A69D2999F7F342E982103E9716D1DFFF96E9BA7&key=ck2
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    >>>How old is too old to be a stripper or a customer?<<< Stripper, if she looks over 40, not if her ID says she is over 40. A customer is too old to be a customer when he is dead. No age limit. I see wheelchairs in SCs more than in any other public place. Either in a wheelchair because paralyzed, missing a leg, or just an old geezer. Its all good. Wheelchairs in SCs reminds me of a scene from Basketball Diaries, watch 15:43 to 20:53 https://r1---sn-hp57knls.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?id=505b62050b213aeb&itag=18&source=webdrive&begin=0&requiressl=yes&mm=30&mn=sn-hp57knls&ms=nxu&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAxLm1pYTA0Kgw3Mi4xNC4yMTIuNjE&pl=17&mime=video/mp4&lmt=1447416389494649&mt=1449195283&ip=,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,mime,lmt&signature=1BF1FAE6C0B4FA0A032B9BBD6D4B5524B4C9C074.9A69D2999F7F342E982103E9716D1DFFF96E9BA7&key=ck2
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Rhode Island
    RATE MY REVIEW: Cadillac Lounge, Prov., RI
    I base my reviews on being the most helpful to the next monger and whether he (or I if I was him) should visit or not. Since I can't wear Google glasses to record experience, I try to write as if it is a transcript of a video. I write the reviews while in the club during ugly dancer rotations and clean them up afterwards. Most important things are dancer types, prices and service range (LD types vs price, room types vs price), and upscale/downscale atmosphere. I dont want a LD from whale who weighs more than me. SCs have an informal or FORMAL dress code. Should I wear a suit in a SC where everyone else is wearing paint splashed overalls from work, or flat bill caps with hoodies and face tats? Is the neighborhood rough or normal? Will there be a low rider tailgate party in the parking lot of the SC when I get there? Will security not let me in because I wore shorts? Do I bring $100 per hour or $1000 per hour? Are the waitresses and CCTV watching guy required to maintain a tally of drinks or services bought per hour by a custie? Does the owner review CCTV tapes to make sure that waitresses and bouncers made their quota in selling services? One SC dancer told me at their club they have a quota of dancer drinks to sell, their house fee is equal to a certain number of dancer drinks, if they meet the quota, they dont pay a house fee that night, it is easier to get the house fee comped through selling drinks than through dance tips. I just gave her $40 directly to buy out her house fee for 30 minutes of chatting at a no LD no VIP SC. There was a slight argument between the waitress and the dancer, and dancer told me, they wont stop pressuring her because it is "for her own good to hit the quota". On the 2nd attempt of the waitress was trying to get me to buy drinks for the dancer, the dancer stepped in and it got high tension between the dancer and waitress, with the dancer telling the waitress to fuck off in colorful language. Is failing to spend $100 within 15 minutes going to result in bouncers giving me an ultimatum that either I buy X LDs or drinks right now infront of them with this ugly dancer, or I must leave immediately? If I decline to open a tab with a CC, will the waitress call security? Is this a hostess club type place, where an ugly dancer will be assigned to me when I walk in, and I say "no thanks" or "maybe later", the dancer will run to security and tell them Im LEO which leads to me being asked to leave? Is refusing the VIP room offer going to cause ejection? not the kind you want I might add. In one upscale SC I was at I was told I can stand only near the bar, on the opposite wall furthest from the stage, because all the seats and tables remotely close to the 3 stages are for bottle reservations only. After asking the bouncer how am I supposed to tip the girls on the stage, the bouncer just repeated "sorry, you can't be in this area without a bottle reservation". You need binoculars hanging around neck to get anything out of this SC without bottle service. Bottles start at $700. Not coming back. Metal detectors? Should the SC have metal detectors in your opinion? Do you have to be pated down to enter? Do you have have a mug shot (pose for a photo) taken to enter the SC? Do you have to sign a contract? Do they scan the barcode or swipe your drivers license and will record your legal name and home address (hence give them a passport)? Does the SC have a off duty armed uniformed cop or cops for security? I've seen that once, yes the badge said City of X Police Department, it was not an armed security guard with a tactical vest. Local newspapers in that city kvetch every couple years at the outrage that this fully nude SC is hiring the city's bravest and the Mayor won't issue an order firing any cop who is caught working there. Not sure if an armed uniformed cop working security at a SC in the USA is a good thing or a bad thing. Tuscl is a good site for knowing the best SC to try in a city, than walk into a clip joint that is pure tease and no fun. Or walk into a SC and all the dancers and bouncers look at you like you are LEO and the club must "shut down" until you leave. In one upscale SC I visited, a male bouncer was my waiter for my whole visit, yet all other customers had female waitresses. A different male bouncer seated me, all other customers were seated by a female hostess after me. The female hostess wouldnt say a word to me when I walked in and was just smiling, and just looked at the bouncer next to her, and then he greeted me, checked my ID, lead me to the cover cashier/coat check (normally the female hostesses job), then to my table (female hostess was supposed to do this), then another bouncer was my waiter (all other customers had female waitresses). I obviously wasn't welcome at this SC but they couldn't tell me to leave. I knew me being served drinks by a male bouncer was a test if I would crack and complain about it, so they can eject me. Dancers did do rounds on me and I got uneventful LDs, in spite of the staff treating me like dirt. The club on tuscl was a new location in a chain of SCs I never was to before and had only useless 2 sentence reviews on tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girlfriend used to work at Sapphire in Vegas. Was she a ho or not a ho that is t
    You can't put conservative bible thumping rules on the situation. She is an untrustworthy hoe if she ever had sex without charging per hour, not if she gave extras ITC. A golddigger has no set fees, she is investing in a sugar daddy with an open credit line. She will go after anyone her mind thinks has $. A proper hooker and escort has fixed fees and demands to see (safer for you if she is a ROB), or takes money upfront at the start of session. A proper hooker sees her escorting as a job, a business. A golddigger sees her escorting as an metal addiction she cant kick. Her kitty gets wet every time she sees a man in a suit with a Halliburton briefcase.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tuscl has more Trolls than you think....tell us after the link wich one you are
    This place is like 4chan. If I got a dozen or 2 of you tusclers out IRL in one room togethers, would you still say this shit to each other, or will I have a sandwich bag of broken teeth in an hour as a trophy to take home?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    So about pursuing a Dancer
    An escort/stripper/dancer vs GF is best determined by the flow of $ in the relationship, and the "opening up" to vulnerability of her in the relationship with you. How to determine if she is your GF, did she ever get your a physical birthday gift or a physical gift? Sports jersey, a rose, a fav DVD you talked about, something that took a $10 or a $20 to buy. Does she pay her own cost or some of the bill for a restaurant? Has she met your family, or you met her family? Her family doesn't need to know what exactly you are, escort/john, BF/GF, "just friends", coworker, fiancee, it doesn't matter. The question is, would you recognize her family by face, or her family recognize you by face? Have you ever been at her house, not her incall motel room, but at her house? Does her house have mail envelopes with her name lying around? There are certain rules and walls that strippers and custies have. The personas are fake. The stage names are fake. You dont mix your private life and your job. All strippers keep provisions for retiring or disappearing from sex work when college/baby/their drug addiction is over. A stripper wont have have custies as facebook friends unless her FB profile is her stage name and she tweets nude mirror selfies every day to her fans.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    'Bar Rescue' TV show restores four metro Detroit clubs
    They only renovated 2 bars that come close to SCs so far http://www.barrescueupdates.com/2015/06/bar-rescue-lister-park-77-update.html and http://www.barrescueupdates.com/2015/02/bar-rescue-second-base-bar-and-grill.html "Bordello Impossible" would be better show to watch. I want to see the show host pull used condoms out from under the couch in the VIP room.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Heading to Strip Club by Myself for First Time
    Never pick the first dancer to approach you. Be wary of any dancer that comes to you first, they are always the lower 50th percentile in looks. Any girl you'd wanna fuck doesn't do rounds, they prefer regulars who they know have $, and 1 regular will pay their house fee in 30 mins and after that they will be picky for the rest of the night. You might need to walk upto them at the bar and say hi. They still might not want anything to do with you. YMMV. Waitresses aren't strippers. Dont confuse them. Female customers aren't strippers either. Keep drinks to 1 per hour, or better yet, no alcohol and 1 non-alcohol drink per hour. keeps costs low (more $ for LDs or extras, I can drink from my 1L in my car and save 80%). You can't get ripped off if you are sober. If you need beer vision to find her hot, guess what, she aint hot! There are 4 things to take into a SC in your pockets. 1st, your phone, no headphones or substitute a watch for your phone. 2nd start with an empty wallet. Add ONE piece of ID and green paper cash to it, try to keep alot of $5/$10/$20s so its not "That will be $20" "Why thank you for the [$80] generosity sweety". You can get a strap of $1s at the bar. That is it for things in your pockets. No keys. No coin change. No business cards, no dozen CCs, no CCL, no loyalty cards. You dont want anything that you wouldn't mind being robbed of or loosing in the SC. Also LDs with keys are painful. Your front pockets should be empty during a LD. I add chapstick to the list. Others might add condoms. Leave your coat in the car to save the coat check fee. Never ever use a CC in a SC. Never use the SC ATM. Your bill will have bogus charges from the SC, or be cloned and used a couple counties away for Nordstrom shopping by the stripper's BF. Dont keep your CC in your wallet. You can wind up in a clip joint with security mugging you. Always ask the price of something before buying it. Some SCs have no standards and dancers will go above the standard prices at the SC if they think you a sucker or new. Ask the doorman when you walk in what the prices are, but he might be forbidden from telling you or not know. Ask about touching before buying a LD, different strippers have different standards, sometimes between different custies. Most SCs have cameras everywhere. You dont want the night to end in a chokehold. Follow what other customers are doing. Be very slow before buying anything at a SC or you will be as disappointed with the LD as Santa is. Pay attention to song counts or ask the stripper to tell you when each song starts. They will try to rack up a bill without you realizing it. About clubbing solo, atleast in my home town, it is a worse experience since most of my local SCs are too upscale caberts or gentlemens clubs. Solo SCing has the same discrimination as solo dining. Security makes solos wait in a line outdoors, groups walk in freely. One SC has a solo custies aren't allowed to sit policy unless they are paying for a LD. Solos have no money. A group will have 1 guy with a tab on his C level expense account. Some SCs have a policy that dancers MUST entertain groups even though the group isn't actively paying for LD for the dancer to be there. If a bouncer sees a girlless group he will grab a stripper by the arm and tell her to walk over. Solos dont get any of that. Also going solo means you will loose your seat easily, and you've gotta piss and goto the LD corner, although going solo at a multi stage multi dancer SC means you can move from pole to pole to get front row with the best dancer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    WTF do you guys do in VIP?
    Stilettos. Airport security shouldn't allow them on planes. That emergency slide is one boner you dont want a stripper deflating.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What if all the girls were DFKing their customers in the main room?....
    If you dont want to see other men in a SC "because I am not a faggot", go on BP and get a hooker. One SC near me has so expensive VIP rates, all the LDs are done in the open. It has an exhibitionist vibe. If you cant stand other guys watching you grab silicon tits, dont go. I know a guy will only watch GG porn and never BG "I am not gay" SMH When you start applying morals and decency to sex work, you need your head checked out. There have been a 1000 guys before you with the stripper, there will be 1000 guys after you. Coming with a fresh warm load inside is a extra charge, not a discount for the customer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    Dont confuse love and lust. Go spank your monkey and those feelings will go away. When you goto a SC, you are paying a fixed set of $ for a fixed set of goods. No judgements, no 3 AM phone calls about breaking up or suicide, no stories about her sister's BF kicked her out and she needs $60 to pay for a motel room for her sister, no "if you love me you will X" shit. A SC is a very fair system. The relationship in a SC starts at the door, and hopefully ends at the door. Your wife can call your boss, make shit up, and get you fired. Tell your bros you admitted to her you kidnapped and strangled that kid they found on TV. A stripper can't do any of that. Senior strippers's personality consist of 4 words, "Hi vant ah dahnce?" Some new strippers play GFE since they are new and dont know any better how to hustle. Some strippers are professional enough, that you cant tell if they are new, or just delivered a perfect fantasy to you and were lying the whole time. Whether they are new, or perfectly faked that they are new, doesn't matter, like their real name and your real name dont matter. It is a mystery that leaves you second guessing if their intentions were genuine or fake (they were fake). If they leave you feeling like that, they get a 10 out of 10 for job performance, but it is all an act. A act for 15 minutes, but an act that you pay for (or not sometimes, if they forget or dont want upsell you other services). If you start getting stalker feelings for a stripper, step back, cool down, goto some other SCs in your city. You need to look for a new DS. Or go travel somewhere and visit some SCs just once. Sometimes the memory of a stripper is best left in your head as a one time meeting. The 2nd and subsequent times will never top the memory of the first time you met her (unless 2nd time is BBFS). Variety is key, strippers know when customers are obsessed, there are many more girls out there to meet, dont stick on one, it is unhealthy and the end of you.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Just alright
    This club remodeled to a different strip club years ago. This review is about the club >3 years ago, or written without visiting the club.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    i cam here for after hours...
    This club serves non-alcoholic champagne, read the "Twenty Hours in a New York Strip Club" article from Vice.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    not the block, will be back, a quiet cozy SC
    Nope, spent it all on strippers.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    a unique low cost SC
    *a lie, she was hot but her bad language means no ->a lie, she was hot but her bad body language means no
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    a unique low cost SC
    I'll update my review since I went 1 more night few days later. Not 1 girl from the week before I got LDs from, and I wanted to repeat, wanted to talk to me again. They all made excuses the moment I said "hi" and moved onto other customers, or went upto a group of other free strippers standing around, pulled out their phone, and started to waste time. I also got 2 "wanna dance" dancers on visit #2 who were "dead inside" personality and LD wise that I ended after 1 song each. So much for talking and intellect. Supposedly Lido takes pride on that it DOESNT hire veteran strippers, but I think some are slipping through. More tips for Lido -always say you are new to lido room and have never been there before, if they say they saw you tell the stripper she must be thinking of someone else -ask for the manager (a female it seems), and describe what girl you want by name or by looks/body type Lido strippers on visit #2 walking all over me: -overcount songs -pin hands to bench behind me (no touching anywhere), really should have remembered to ask where I can touch -getting an HIV lesson during the LD for attempted tit sucking then called a nasty pervert when I questioned her idea of how HIV is transmitted, jesus just say I can't do that, dont burn the clock discussing HIV with me while your sitting on me I suspect Lido Room uses mystery shopper customers and the strippers know that. If you say it ISNT your first time, they know they can do whatever they want to you, and walk all over you. Visit #2 was so bad compared to the 1st visit which was in the review that I would skip coming back for a few months if I were a local. I'll be back one day to Lido just to write a TUSCL review again and see if visit #1 can be repeated or not. I was standing alone because there were no strippers I wanted to LD available, and this female manager with a clipboard confronted me why I am alone and I told her there is nobody I like who is available. She told me if I knew the name, she can get the girl for me, I said I dont know anybody here by name, she then asked what looks and country (lol) I wanted, I said IDK it depends on the girl and each one is different, I then scanned the room (redundant) and said I found someone I liked (a lie, she was hot but her bad language means no), manager lady told me next time to ask for her and get her to get the girl I want (advice or scolding?). I then took 2 steps, and turned around and pulled out the cold girl out of a crowd of free strippers who were talking among each other and manager lady left me alone. The cold girl I pulled out was zero connection and no chemistry in LD and was a do not repeat, just how I thought an hour before and why I didn't approach her earlier. I have no idea if manager lady was genuinely being helpful, or the manager lady was deciding whether to eject me from Lido Room. In the moment, I was thinking to myself I was being asked to leave/ejected, for refusing to spend $ at Lido Room (if all the dancers are $20, I am not paying for anything under an 8, if all the 8 through 10s are busy, oh well, more $ for next time).
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Not bad, dancers above average in the conversation department
    Shill review. New user. No silicon? BS. Lido has atleast a couple fake tits dancers every night. The only thing that isn't allowed to be fake, is asses, since big ass girls dont get hired at Lido. It isn't a hood SC.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    a unique low cost SC
    @Papi_Chulo Do I really have to cover what every other review says? $20 per song LD, $20 early bird cover, $40 regular cover. I paid the early bird cover no drama.