
Comments by s88 (page 26)

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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Poetic Justice
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    9 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How to get a seat in a standing-room only club
    At manhattan new york SCs, unless you buy a bottle with the bucket, 2 bouncers will come to your table and say you need to goto the bar area with no vacant seats and no dancers when it gets busy. The moment someone walks in the front door and tells the cashier they will buy a bottle, PLs get evicted. The bouncers dont care that you bought drinks for the dancer sitting with you or tipping stage dancers. Can't compete with the house getting $3K per bottle. The bottle service guys dont tip stage dancers on stage unless the dancers sitting with them threaten to leave. Correct me if I am wrong, I've seen dancers ordered by bouncers to go and attend to bottle service customers. They dont walk up voluntarily. Is there a thing that once a group of customers buy a $3K bottle, they dont spend any further $ in the SC on LDs or stage tips since "the house will take care of them", so dancers get nothing in their purse from them but have to entertain them for free or be fired?
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer says she was raped at strip club in Midtown[NYC]
    If you pay $1000 for 15 minutes, there better be no camera. (new hustle, tell the guy he needs to pay $50 to "turn off the camera" in the VIP room if he wants touching). At a crazy expensive unnamed new york caberet SC, maybe it is Vivid, maybe it is one of its competitors, it wasnt my CC that night. When I used the private room, there was no camera I could tell. The dancer who just transferred from another SC (I saw her 2 days earlier at another SC in new york) said she doesn't know if the room has cameras. Touching was allowed after that. At $1K per 30 minutes, some TUSCL reviews of new york SCs say they got extras. A couple months later, another review of same SC says air dance ROB. IDK what to think. In my TUSCL review of Vivid New York, I rated it as never come back. >The unidentified 22-year-old woman who works at Vivid Cabaret on West 37th Street near 6th Avenue told cops that while she was giving a private lap dance to a client around 8 p.m., the man’s friend entered the room, sources said. >The client’s friend then allegedly raped the woman, sources said. The dancer wanted 2x the money for 2 guys in the VIP room, so she changed the consensual extra to rape. Or the BJ on 1 guy turned into a gangbang with 2 without more $. It takes 1 second for a dancer to run out of the private room into a hallway, and you are always within scream distance of a bouncer from the private room. Unless a gun or knife was used (and Vivid doesn't search you like a hood SC), this is a $ dispute, not a rape. >Cops are investigating and no arrests have been made. If it was a real rape, the dancer would tell security to detain the 2 guys and turn them over to police. What will happen in this case is, John #1 and John #2's lawyers will negotiate a "private settlement" with the victim and she will retract her claims and the DA has no case. Unlike TV the DA won't waste time trying her for perjury or obstruction.
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    9 years ago
    New look
    I love fair skin and black hair. Tanning never looks good on any chick. Either your are born dark (italian/south asian/latin/middle east/mixed) or you are not.
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    9 years ago
    Anongirl, please explain....
    Anongirl98 was a cop.
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    9 years ago
    Couldn't get it up for Current Fave (CF)
    >Or was it the fact that I had cum twice in last 36 hrs was pretty much spent before coming to the SC? That and avoid caffeine and alcohol, take a couple viagras too. Alcohol just numbs you so you dont feel anything. If you cum too quickly with FS, alcohol is a good thing, for kiddie LDs, its a bad thing.
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    9 years ago
    New trend? Dancers introducing themselves by their "real" names and then telling
    Had that happen to me with an old dancer who spent time with me because nobody would get dances from her, and she wanted advice from a tuscler (me) on other clubs to apply to, I told her what I knew from the couple SCs I visited there. I warned her that her current club is less upscale, and for her to think very carefully over house fees and tipouts before upgrading to more upscale SC, and she can earn less at the end of the night at the more prestigious SCs there than this one. She is still at the same club half a year later. Due to her old age, she undercharges for LDs below official prices at that club, never seen another dancer do it there. She said she worked in the late 90s as a dancer, then had a kid, and is now back. She told me she tells everyone her real name since she doesn't respond to her stage name because she had so many ones over her career at a dozen SCs (Angel is her current stage name). She said her name of Stephanie is always taken by another dancer as a stage name, or management wont allow it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I need some advice please
    Much good advice here already in this thread. Some strippers don't separate SC work from life OTC. All their SC customers are on their FB and her FB is nothing but selfies of her, her pro ink model pics, 420 and tat pics. She might be a mostly non-fucking OTC date for an afternoon or 2 but expect to have to stand your ground some point soon and play "hard to get" and she moves onto the next boytoy. There is a word, maneater.
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    9 years ago
    Sex in the streets and other locales
    High school staircase. Carpet floor of chick's house because she didn't want her bed dirty. Rooftop of apartment building at night. Bathtub of hourly rates motel because of aunt flow with shower running whole time for warmth. Chicks house with a mom who came in every 10 minutes to catch us in the act but mom had a dirty smirk knowing what we were doing but without proof she cant say shit. We swore we were just watching TV with the door closed.
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    9 years ago
    If they tell me a story, it better be true because I will ask about the details and form questions from the details she says. If it is true enough or based on truth but slightly fictionalized, she will be able to answer. If its completion fiction she cant. If they say they are in school, I'll ask, What is your next exam on? how many remaining semesters? Any govt licenses for your career? How many people dropped out from when you started? What inspired you to pick that career? Would you tell anyone else to go into that career or not now that you are at the point your are or not? A pharmacist stripper told me, she can't sleep at night not knowing if she killed or injured someone by making a mistake with a prescription, told me never to let anyone go into the pharmacy profession. >I'm always shy to talk about certain things on here TUSCL isn't a SC or BP. You can say shit here you can't say in a SC. Feel free to share your story here (and ignore the trolls). It is more believable here than in a SC, since there is nothing to sell here. >my reasons for dancing I dont think a customer should ask that ITC, too personal so its fake. There is only 1 answer, "I want $". >education plans Generic enough to ask. Don't put down a stripper for not graduating or being college educated. >relationship status ITC, I have a BF=no extras, I am single=extras, not a real answer >my sexual turn ons/what I like to do in the sack ITC this is just upselling to make me think she is a dirty freak.
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    9 years ago
    a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers
    Dancer95 ya ne probyval beet lutshe kak russki muzhchini. ono ne yest ochen vazno otkuda malchik ili devushka preshli v ameriki. kagda vi v ameriki nado prinyat schto vi amerikantsi. ty ne doma. ne ispolyzuy vash domski plosadki vygod schto klienti tebya ne razymeyut. ya nahozhu ono protivno. eti tayni. bydt cheastni. I agree american PLs are more respectful than the white knight russians PLs. I think you dancer95 hit the nail on the head, I accidentally convinced the russian dancer that I was a russian PL, and the dancer didnt want to hear the "baby you dont have to do this, I can help you" from a russian PL after the dance.
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    9 years ago
    a russian custie in a USA SC with russian strippers
    I cant say I was retired cia, but I told her I used to be expat and I had to know russian for my job. She told me she knows english spanish and russian. She asked if I came here just for the russian girls and if russian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. I told her I like all types of girls. She asked how often I came here, what other languages I know. When the talk started to die down she said "tell me anything I want to hear your voice" and I told her why I was in the city and how long. All of this in russian. For a couple seconds, she talked in russian and I understood everything she said, but I responded in english since I was too rusty and missing words in my head. I switched back to russian on the next sentence tho. I never asked her any personal stuff in russian or english, where is she really from, her real name, how long she was working here, etc. I just wanted to subtly teach her a lesson that you never know who is listening. In a supermarket in the states, my russian exwife and I were fighting in the checkout line in mostly russian. The black cashier told me in russian I cant talk to her that way. Both of us were dumbfounded and didn't say a word to each other until we were back in the car. Do I repeat this stunt or not at another club? I sudda kept my mouth shut but i wasnt going to buy dances from that fugly dancer anyway so fuck it. All tuscl responses say my stunt is a turn off and not an in. I didnt think my stunt would shock her so bad the way it did. I knew I would get the wanna dance? at the end no matter wtf I say, but this time it was I can't give you a dance. Thats a first. These girls were speaking russian so customers dont know their hustle. One EE stripper went to another EE stripper during a table dance and said "lets go lets go" in russian. The stripper ended her dance on the customer immediately after that. They are timing each other on songs eh? Later the most popular EE stripper that night was sitting alone on the floor. Another EE stripper came to her and told her "dont sit here" in russian and both of them went in the dressing room together. Lost my eye candy. @4got2wipe when trolls troll I roll. chucky cheese was trolling the troll. thx for your honest answers @JamesSD thx for your answer
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    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: Stripper mistakes
    @JamesSD "Because it's such a common excuse, most girls don't check back later when I say "I just got here, maybe later"." That is my standard excuse. Just once ever a dancer came back and said "youve been saying that to all the girls tonight, we are about to close, so are we going to do a dance?". Saying "no" alone seems rude to a stripper for "wanna dance?". I dont have any better lines than "not now, maybe later". >I think the downside of a girl acting user into a customer right away is the trap where we have a couple songs of good conversation. She finally brings up dances and I tell her no (because she's not my type). Ive had this situation come up. Awesome talker, absolutely not for dances. I'll compensate her a lil for her talk time, but a dance is worthless from her. How do I not seem like an asshole for wasting her time talking and not getting a dance, or just slip her a $5 and tell her to go have fun the rest of her night at the end of the convo? This is at SCs with no alcohol and no dancer drink hustle. The dancer must keep her own flask in her bag. wellidontknowwho said: "another one. this girl was obviously around 40 y/o but not in a good way. she walked like a dude hunched over, talked like a dude, reeked of smoke, and tried to sell a BJ for 10$ to anyone she walked up to. another big mistake she made as I constantly over heard her convos with a customer, she would start out talking about prices in the club for dances and rooms. bad idea." I've never had the door staff/cover cashier voluntarily ask me "have you been here before?" or explain the prices at the SC. On TUSCL, I've read negative reviews where customers didn't the prices or policies of the SC, and got into debt, and bouncers were called and drama and asked to leave. In some SC sitting on your lap at the cocktail table, grinding at the bar or sitting and grinding at your table is dancer freebies in expectation/investment of heavy spending on other things (round of shots for table, dancer drinks, VIP room, LD room, etc). If you goto a SC that CHARGES for sitting on, or grinding at the cocktail table, IE "table lapdance", and you dont know you were racking up charges, then there is drama when the stripper wants payment. The stripper who asks "have you ever been here before?" and explains the prices is saving the ass of the SC management. It also lets me know what I can buy within what budget, when a dancer I want comes by, and I know that dancer can't overcharge me because 1st dancer gave me the prices. You can also ask "here are prices" dancer is touching allowed in VIP or not, bottoms on or off, and what the minimum expectations are of the club. If its a tits touching always allowed VIP room, and the dancer knocks off you hands each time, you can stop the dance and confront her. If shes a newbie "customers are disgusting, only my husband can touch me" dancer you can confront her behavior (and I bet she will be gone in 3 weeks, like I've seen new fresh meat no touching dancers disappear after a couple shifts), instead of needing to go through 5 different dancers and the VIP room to get an average.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Always faking it- TUSCL vs SW perspective
    >Where does SS end and reality begin? ;) Its best when you can't really tell. You know it could be SS, but if its reality, it makes the memories better. A stripper is human too and can "let her guard down" for a minute, but we as customers should never assume it is real, since even letting her guard down can be fake. I've had 1 experience where I thought she enjoyed it (orgasm). We were both sweaty at the end of the LD. Looked identical to a pornstar called Stoya.
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    9 years ago
    Need help becoming VIP
    Ive reported crap reviews before here and founder deleted them. Something like ----------------------- I came here one night. There were chicks inside. There was a bathroom. I was in a strip club. There were a couple girls inside. I came at night time. I saw women tonight. My car was parked. If you come here, come for the chicks inside. ---------------------- That is an insult anyone who writes reviews if that was allowed to stay up.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too Many Titties?
    You probably want to spend time in a BDSM dungeon if your desensitized to sex from too many SCs and porn. Dont jerk off for a couple days before going to the SC. Buy a vibrator and use it in the SC to get johnny up before the dance. There are some logistical problems I havent solved with this plan. Get a Vitamin V prescription. $3 per 20 mg pill (generic revatio, not viagra) at walmart pharmacy. All other USA chain pharmacies start $18 for a 20 mg pill and work their way up, since the blue pill is $55 a pill and they aint stupid. Lets get real, nobody buys revatio for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Try to stripper BS talk to the stripper before the dance, search TUSCL for tips. My head needs to hear her voice and my eyes need to stare at her clothed tits and stomach before a LD. Without that my head doesn't identify her as female. "Wanna dance" EE chicks are tough. Best bodies, but they never want to talk with customers, either its dancing or hiding in the corner texting. The best strippers will lead a convo in such a way, that you start to think they are in love with you. Of course you know it is fake, but when you wonder afterwards, was it stripper shit, or was she real? That is a sign of a true professional stripper. My head is still itching so badly I want to travel back to that city on my own dime (not companies) and settle it with her.
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    9 years ago
    Stripper wanting saved
    @Phoenix133 "For example I avoided a creeper who had cash but kept wanting to feel me up and would not listen to the rules and obviously just wanted sex." "Sure the creeper might have got some dances eventually after he stopped trying to finger me or touch my boobs every five seconds, but you know what I would have gave him an air dance and wouldn't have ever touched him." Sounds like my twin brother was in the SC. No touching means I'll have to give you or whatever dancer a negative review and a stay away from warning in my next review. Unless its $60 or less per hour for an all nude air dance, I would leave upset. A SC, its by definition a sticky ribbon fly trap for creeps who cant get laid with civies. Phoenix133 any tips for how NOT to be a creep in your book? What separates "normal customers", whatever they are, from creeps in your book?
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What to do when you forget your ATM card.
    Maybe the ATM refused to return Osama Bin Laden's credit card, and they just HAD to get it back.
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    9 years ago
    Why do men always assume its bad sex?
    Some girls will always say they have a BF in a strip/regular club/bar even if they dont. It is a filter to remove the guys who dont have to balls to tell the chick "call him and tell him to come to this club right now, I'll knock his teeth out". For my out of my league female friend, a guy telling her that gets her pussy wet and she brags to me what a gold digger she is.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An honest, trustworthy stripper?
    azdd Older dancers realize they aren't hot stuff anymore, and stripping is a career, not "getting paid to party". Young dancers think there will always be fresh disgusting perverted PLs coming in the door, and its the SC's job to bring fresh perverted PLs if the previous PLs didnt come back. Older dancers realize they need to make a PL's head itch for that PL to come back to them specifically.
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    9 years ago
    Strippers and Friending Them on Facebook
    Unless >50% of your FB is strippers, it isn't obvious if they are or aren't strippers, or if you go into SCs, or you just know many people, or "friend" random people in your city. If their profiles are "no employment listed, no career listed" and alot of regular club/bar, but not SC photos, only you know they are a dancer. If the FB profile has something that looks like their regular name, and they post civilian life/daily life crap on their FB, and other acquaintances interact with them (but not "honey when we gonna chill again", and "I miss you" messages from guys) friend them. If the FB profile is their escort ad with twerking videos and tons of mirror selfies, dont friend them, since that will look bad on you.
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    9 years ago
    The money canon
    I've seen them for sale in the sex industry (sex shops/trade shows), never seen anyone use it in a SC. If I saw one being used, I probably wouldn't return to that SC, since its some bottle service clip joint.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An honest, trustworthy stripper?
    "The dancer I picked was honest and waited till the next song in the booth before pulling the curtain and beginning her thing. "3 songs" was exactly 14 minutes." from my review https://www.tuscl.net/club.php?id=3356 Never had that happen before or since.
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    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Would you rate such crappy treatment so well?
    I forgot, her USA corporate CC only works at 1 bank's ATMs in russia, so my boss paid for everything with cash, hence why the POS receipt could be negotiated.
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    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Would you rate such crappy treatment so well?
    I never, EVER, EVER do tabs. That Flashdancers experience is not unique. I hate traveling to NYC because of what the reviewer described. Utter contempt and hatred of customers by all SCs and NCs in NYC. One story I read was a night club, so exclusive nobody, that people wait all night outside online and never get in. It has no website or phone number, but gets mentioned in local magazines as the most luxurious exclusive NC in NYC with photos of the interior. After much research online, I figured out, that NC is never open to the public. You absolutely can not get in by walking up. Online rumor says it is either a brothel for lunch time to VIPs the owner of the NC personally knows (super rich Wall Street family men that absolutely can not leave the house after 5PM), or functions as rental venue of another nightclub with a different name that same guy owns. To get into this exclusive nightclub, a promoter would have to rent the building for the night, and submit his VIP list to the doorman. If you dont know the promoter or buy a ticket from him, you can't get in. Holding your DL for excessive amounts of time in NYC SCs has happened to me. It might be because your DL was unscannable by the computer and they have to spend 2 minutes typing in your DL #, your legal name, and DOB and probably your home address and they dont want you standing there while they do it. I only give them my passport, they dont need my home address. Some SCs dont bother typing in the info if I give them a passport, while a DL will always be swipped. There might be another aspect to this, fake IDs. If it is fake, the underage customer will be freaking out that he was busted, and the SC is calling the police during the delay in getting back his DL, and demand his ID back. The SC's attitude is good riddance. If you freak out about your DL being taken away, you will freak out at our drink prices. Not using a CC in a SC has another plus. On a business trip to Moscow, my boss "found and settled down" in an nightclub and rented the birthday room, seats 40-60, 4 private bathrooms attached to the room too so we never have to go through the nightclub and use the public bathrooms in the night club (or private bathroom to go and fuck in). The nightclub had stripper poles but I never saw any stage dancing or stripping when I walked through the dance floor/main room to goto the street to smoke. The regulars looked like fat bald russian mob bosses in black suits with cheetah dress whores and the stage entertainment consisted of women doing karaoke in russian. All the bench seats/tables against the walls had retracted curtains that could create private rooms in theory, but all of them were tied up and never used that night. Lots of middle eastern harem curtains decor in the dance floor room. The boss (a female) sent texts to all of us over the course of the afternoon informing us to come to the nightclub where she was partying. Food and non-alcohol drinks on company tab. Alcohol is pay yourself. The party wasnt really a party because of my companies strict sexual harassment, no discrimination, and GLBT friendly policies. No strippers, no female entertainment. At the end of the night, there was a fight over the bill. The 2 foot POS receipt came to $1200 USD, but there was a problem. There were 3 30% taxes on the bottom the receipt. Taxes are never listed on receipts in russia, they are built into the retail prices. The subtotal was really $600. We checked the prices in the menus, they were all accurate in the receipt as in the menus we were given. Our russian handler/coworker told us, its a 30% gratuity to the kitchen, 30% gratuity to the hospitality, and 30% gratuity to the owners of the nightclub ("for the house"). After much bartering and arguing in russian, and since there were 35 of us, the gratuity was knocked down to 25% to the kitchen, 5% to the waiter, and 0% to the house. The head waiter said the kitchen "wouldn't budge" on their 30%, and he will give his 5% to the kitchen to "bring peace", whatever. The party room was supposed to be "free" because we were a huge group. It technically was as there was never a line item for it on the POS receipt. Lesson of story, never use a CC in any place seedy. And all SCs and nightclubs are seedy places. My CC stays locked in the car.