Why is it?

avatar for Mate27
As soon as I cum, I immediately want to get away from the stripper who has just played with me, even when we were clearly enjoying the time leading up to the eruption? It's like a switch that gets turned on/off and I don't even want to hold conversation. Just leave me the fuck alone.


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I think most guys feel this way. I certainly do. Whether it's a stripper or a civilian, I love them dearly as my orgasm builds. But once I cum, I just want to have a pizza or go to sleep.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Maybe you're fucking ugly strippers?
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
When it comes to cumming inside at a club I feel the exact same way. I guess I've developed a routine of some sorts but it's just how it works.

I cum (hopefully all over the place) I pay, get cleaned up as much as I can, feel like a total dirty PL, and exit the club usually as quickly as possible. I get into my car or a cab, and usually stop at a fast food restaurant and eat totally unhealthy (donuts, slice of greasy pizza, burger and fries), that Juice probably has for lunch everyday. When I get back to my room I eat my food (if I haven't already scarfed it down on the drive) and take a shower. That's the way it is EVERY SINGLE TIME I leave the club after cumming, the only variance is sometimes I don't get something to eat.

I've tried to change my habits, like enjoy the girls on stage afterwards, chit chat with the stripper that just took me back and it usually doesn't work, I still just want to leave.

I think it has to do with if I am at home after sex, most of the time I usually just want to go to bed, or lie on the couch and watch TV for a few minutes before I go to bed.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I don't usually try to cum ITC for the reasons shailynn mentions: it's an overwhelming feeling of guilt afterwards. But in a bed, I love to cuddle afterwards. Whole different ballgame there!
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
I'm not like that at all. More of the cuddle afterwards type.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I think strippers also want to get away from us as soon as we cum
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Because you have no intellectual or emotional attachment to her.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
JamesSD +1000
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

Because you are there for one thing. And one thing only.

And when you've achieved it, there really isn't any reason to stick around (unless you want to try it with a different dancer on the same visit).
avatar for s88
9 years ago
"Because you have no intellectual or emotional attachment to her."

Yep. I've never cummed in a club. I dont think I ever will. I've made mistakes before, where I picked hooker/strippers, brought them back to my hotel, and I lost my hard on because they don't kiss and only do CBJ. If I want an orgasm I have 2 working hands and it is free. I want more than an orgasm. If it isn't GFE, I wont pay for it. Im not sure what I want can even be found on planet earth. Civie/TER/SCs/BP, doesn't matter it cant be found except in a xxx or not xxx movie.

You have to touch noses, touch foreheads, and look me in the eyes.

You have to DFK.

You have to put your hand on my face or around my neck or put your hand up or down my shirt or your hand on my back. You have to press your tits against my chest with me having both arms around you, and your both arms around me. If you are doing cowgirl, with both hands on my chest, like you dont want to me ever get close to your face, go and die.

You need to smile and giggle and laugh occasionally while we are in bed.

You have to cuddle in bed before during and after sex/oral.

You have to MSOG.

You have to allow DATY with your hands touching my head or you occasionally squeezing my head with your legs.

Optional, you have to allow me to talk to you (door open) while your in the bathroom doing makeup or #1. We just fucked, why the fuck did you close the door and make a fuss about keeping it closed unless you had beans in your last meal.

You have to be open to passion. Neck and ear kissing, hickies, etc. You have to take off my clothes, I have to take yours off.

If you take too long in the bathroom, I'll come in and start rubbing my dick in your ass crack while you do your makeup, you better not be upset.

Optional, whore/dick bath are done together in the shower. She has to wash my dick and I wash her pussy.

If you and me fall off the bed onto the hotel room's carpet, we will continue to fuck on the ground, nothing matters except you and me right now.

BBFS CIP Not sure where I stand on this. Yeah there is a STD risk, but me and her better be covered in each others sweat and saliva anyway when we are done. Throw in body oil, chocolate syrup, and astroglide and it is a mess. Exchanging recent STD tests and a frank discussion sounds like the only way to go forward with the escort/stripper. Is cum that far from sweat and saliva STD wise? My cum dripping out of her pussy onto me, or it being on her tits, then going for round 2, with the cum will be smeared all over her and me. I dont give an opportunity for her to wipe it off herself.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
That leads to the classic definition of an eternity, which is the amount of time it takes between when you come, and she leaves.
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
The most awkward situation with a stripper I've had with this is cumming first during 69. I just wanted to fall asleep, or have a smoke or just head home. I love daty on a nice, well kempt and clean pussy, but immediately after I cum, I neither have the time, will nor energy to finish you off. Took every fiber of being to stop myself from just pushing her off of me.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
TMI, s88. Were strip club hounds, not relationship therapists.

I'm the same way as shailynn and the rest. On the rare occasion I've gone all the way, I just want to leave. Even when I really enjoy time with the girl before cumming. I guess that is just the way men are wired.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Have to agree with Papi - dancers want to get away just as quickly after we've cum itc. They did their job, pay me so I can find another guy to pay me.

What happens afterward OTC would depend on what was negotiated.
avatar for Dolfan
9 years ago
I don't feel that way. There's probably a few instances where I completely lose interest after we're done, be it with strippers or otherwise. But, for the most part the better the sex was the more inclined I am to hang out and cuddle, chat, and/or go again. I don't think I've ever been with a girl a 2nd time if I felt compelled to leave immediately after the first time.

To each his own I guess. I suppose we (SC customers) are no easier to generalize than they (strippers) are.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
You're right scrub - you most certainly are
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
I have a couple girls who are on the same page as me. When I'm finished and pay, she will give me a big hug leaving all of the guilt of abondonment behind, which makes me want to come back to her more than ever the next time I'm at the club. I luv the girls who get it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
For me it's like 50/50 - if I've already been at the SC for a while and done my PL-thing then most-likely I'll bail after "my cum has bailed" - but if it's early on in the visit and I'm liking the club-vibe or just don't feel like leaving b/c I got nothting better to-do; then I stick around (while being sticky).
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
It depends on whether the orgasm resulted from lap dances (yes, it does happen!) or VIP room activities. After a lapgasm I usually just leave the club, though I will probably finish my beer and may even get one more post-orgasmic lapper from a favorite. After cumming in the VIP room, I agree with mrrock: "I'm not like that at all. More of the cuddle afterwards type."
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 years ago
I’m also the kiss and cuddle type. I love talking and listening to girls in general, so holding a woman in her arms while having a conversation with her can feel like post-coital bliss.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
I have gone two rounds at Follies a couple times if I have the time. I get in and bust a nut with the first girl I fancy then look for a good one to really fuck. I have never tried three in one day at a club..... new goal
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Men who want to get away right away usually do so coz they have some sort of guilt about what they did
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