a new one, ask about touching at an club, get cussed out by the stripper

avatar for s88
I went to my divey SC today. Extras are available in this SC but I never bought yet because 2-3x BP prices for BP girls with no personality and no talking don't interest me. The strippers I've asked for extras all turned me down, and I've turned down all the strippers who offered extras,

I havent been there in a month since I want to spend less on that fav I never dumped or asked about OTC https://www.tuscl.net/postread… and I've been getting DFK at my other SC.

Since I came for fav, but fav is so busy/hiding DR/whatever. I decided to LD random dancers I never saw before, but my criteria were set very high. I dont give a fuck how many bridges I burn tonight except fav.

First, a latina or guyanese, 30 years old, very short but very fat. Wearing a masquerade mask, never ever seen that before in a SC. Standard small talk, I agree to a LD, right before she starts the LD, she asks if I know the rules, I say "each dancer is different, but give me your rules", she goes "no hitting, no slapping, no kissing, no squeezing, no biting, no licking, you can't touch my pussy, empty your pockets, I want nothing in them" Since I have nothing but my wallet and phone, I decide its soft enough (I dont carry keys in my pockets). She touches my pocket and orders me again to empty them. I do and put the phone and wallet behind me on the bench. It is funny, at my urban SC, I once took out my wallet and put it on the table and the stripper REFUSED to continue the LD until I put the wallet back in my pants, lest she be accused of theft.

Now 30 year old guanese/latina starts her grinding, she is painfully fat, my legs hurt, so much it is impossible to get hard. On 2nd thought, she probably was pregnant but I never figured that out because she all but banned touching. She basically said she allows NOTHING with her long list of rules. This dancer after some seconds, has the audacity to ASK ME why I am shy and not touching her and tried moving my hands onto her. I say "its nothing, keep going", I then realize due to the pain of her being so heavy, I'll never get hard and it won't change (she wont float over me to compensate for her fatness), I tell her "stop at the next song", she asks "why?", I say "lets do just one song and that is it, you aren't what I wanted" (I didn't feel like telling her she is too fat), she immediately stops and gets off and demands 1 song of $ (no bitch, finish your time, but at this point her mood is so bad I just want her off of me). I give her $ for 1 song and she walks away.

Second, a ageless skinny blonde thing with heavy tats. I asked her age, she said she doesn't want to say since customers stop the LDs immediately when they find out. I told her, thats okay, dont ever tell me your age. She lives atleast 90 miles away in another state, comes to my club once a month. She offers VIP or semi-private corner LDs. I pick one semi-private corner LD. She knocks off my arms constantly and blocks me from ever touching her. I tell her to stop at end of the 1st song. When the song ends, she asks why I stopped. I said because she had a "you have a no touching rule" (lets burn bridges), she responds with "why didn't you go for VIP if you want to touch?" "I dont know that, a $XX [corner] dance is a preview of what I will get in VIP, if I dont like a $XX dance, I wont got for VIP" "I am not going to let you touch me for [$ 1 song], Im not a cheap whore", I give her $ 1 song and she storms off silently.

Third, a mixed race no tats dancer, 22 years old, I thought she was younger than 22, a teenager, whatever. Spent alot of time sitting with 2 old AA customers but they never bought LDs or VIP. Eventually she comes to me, standard small talk, after the shit "ageless skinny blonde thing with heavy tats" dancer did and reflecting on https://www.tuscl.net/postread… , I am not spending another $XX on a LD to get abused. I ask mixed race "where can I touch you?", she makes a gesture with a pointed finger and sweep over her stomach. I figured no tit touching. I told her "never mind, I dont want a dance", she asked why, I said "you could have said it in a more sexy way, you aren't what I want" "you wanted to finger me?" "no, I've been burned by other strippers at another SC [I'm actually thinking of "ageless skinny blonde thing with heavy tats"]" "you are fucking evil, do you know what karma is, karma will get you" and she storms off

The night is made absolutely crazy by my fav finally showing up on the main floor, I get her number finally, I get 3 dances, she doesn't even ask for $ for the 3 dances and says come back fri/sat and we will spend more time together, and she asks me if I can give her a ride home, I say I can't because I dont drive, she then asks me about the city bus, and I tell her, and she and 2 of her stripper friends all go off the clock early and go with me on the city bus going "home" along the interstate highway. At the central bus station at 2 AM in the morning we split in our separate directions. It was truly a weird experience, since me and the 2 strippers (divey fav and her friend) are all talking on the city bus (it is actually a greyhound style bus) most of the journey. I asked divey fav's stripper friend about another ex-fav at my urban ratchett SC that ex-fav was talking about her (divey fav's stripper friend), since ex-fav worked for 2 weeks at divey SC and went back to urban SC ("hi stranger, do I know you from somewhere else?"). Ex-fav told me divey fav's stripper friend is her BFF once while me and ex-fav were hanging out ITC at urban SC. Yikes, I found a lil gang of strippers. What do you do when fav #1 at one SC, is friends with and commutes to work with the BFF of fav #2, aye yi aye. Even though the 2 SCs (divey and urban) are 13 miles apart. Ex-fav now works 52 miles away from divy SC but I dont care to spend $ on her anymore. I never got an answer when I asked the any of my strippers at divey SC what happened to their original ride home.


last comment
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Man, you make things so much harder than they need to be! lol ... I kind of wince my way through your TRs :)
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I don't -- TL;DR
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
New definition for the TUSCL:

CS which is short for "customer shit." Need an example of CS? Read through the OPs original post.

It appears a lot of the problems come from how you talk to these strippers. Now matter how ratchet they are still pay them some respect. If they don't offer what you're looking for in a lapdance just say "no thank you, I'm a sensual guy and I'd like to run my hands over your thighs, butt and back, I don't want to molest you but I do want to touch you. Since you don't allow touching I will seek out another dancer."

The fat dancer didn't handle the situation well but you didn't either. She's probably already subconscious about her weight and you reminded her indirectly that she's fat. The only defense she knew to protect her pride was to storm off.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
^^^And we only know from his reports what he says to them -- imagine what he says to them that he's not including in his TR, and what his body posture and attitude might be like, to get so many strippers reacting so badly to him so consistently...
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
They prolly heard about your STDs
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Sounds like you need to look in the mirror at what you're doing rong. It must be you because I've never had as many issues as you.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I appreciate the stream of conscious literary style. William James at the club. Seriously though you should not try so hard to "burn bridges" Sounds like a lot of anger issues bubbling over here.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
You are a creep, and I mean that with love, you shouldn't want to treat people badly but you do. Work on that
avatar for s88
9 years ago
I suspect I know why I had bad reactions with "ageless skinny blonde thing with heavy tats" and the "latina/guyanese Miss Rules". They thought I was 18 years old and never been to a SC before. The reason 1, athletic dress (no suit/button shirt), reason 2, I brought my backpack with me to divey SC. Divey SC has no coat check. I carried my backpack to LD area as if it was my coat (I dump my coat on the seat next to me always in the past). The 2 dancers I LDed both commented on my backpack "oh whats that" in a playful voice, and points to the bag next to my seat, i said "just got off work", "how cute". They must have thought I was 15 or 16 and lied about my age to them and the doorman. Neither noticed the bag until I got up with them to goto LD area. I had to do some work on the bus to the SC on my laptop for work the next day.

"The fat dancer didn't handle the situation well but you didn't either. She's probably already subconscious about her weight and you reminded her indirectly that she's fat. The only defense she knew to protect her pride was to storm off."

I thought I did my best to NOT call her fat. I really didn't want to say she was so heavy my legs were going numb. I mis-judged her weight and her face was pretty and she had good body language with other customers. Her tone of voice went from sweet to monotone and her smile was gone once she was in LD area with me, and then she first asked me "do you know the rules?" and her barking the list like a army sergeant killed any feelings plus her "rules" list was said in such a nasty tone that I was afraid I was going to be slapped by her, or she will walk off in the middle of the dance, or get management to eject me (which I've seen happen here before, and I am NOT "friends" with the SC manager here, so I wouldn't win any argument with the manager). I ALSO REMEMBERED, "Miss Rules" instantly stuck both tits hard in my face once the LD started, yet 10 seconds ago she said no licking and no kissing. WTF is wrong with her. Are you trying to set me up to be kicked out of the SC? Then after the tits in face ended, she asked me why aren't you touching me, I stayed almost silent ("its nothing, keep going") since there was nothing positive to say to her, and I'm not going to tell her how to do her job. All I thought was she is a transplant from another SC with much stricter touching rules, and knows she works in an extras club.

"It appears a lot of the problems come from how you talk to these strippers. Now matter how ratchet they are still pay them some respect. If they don't offer what you're looking for in a lapdance just say "no thank you, I'm a sensual guy and I'd like to run my hands over your thighs, butt and back, I don't want to molest you but I do want to touch you. Since you don't allow touching I will seek out another dancer.""

That is alot of words to say. Yes it sounds better than my words. Can you (shailynn) say the same thing with less words? "Since you don't allow touching I will seek out another dancer." is still the same problem that triggered the "you are fucking evil" comment, because I compared a stripper to another stripper.

I used to use "maybe later" as a way to turn down LDs, but that is passive and weak. The uglyiest strippers come back every couple songs with "wanna dance?" or "you ready?" but they dont get the message. I've started just saying "you aren't my type" instead of "maybe later". IDK what else to say to a dancer who will never get me hard.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
OP also seems to get an inordinately high number of "no touching" dancers. Unless it's a strict club I haven't had that problem.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Well if all else fails tell em what Crazyjoe tells them "listen bitch I have a fucking axe in my backpack and if you aren't nice to me I'm going to chop your fucking hand off."
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
^ :o
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
Am I high, or is this a seriously funny thread?
avatar for s88
9 years ago
I am still high from the bus ride with the 3 strippers.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Sounds like a stripclub visit from hell.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I'd recommend you go to a different club. It might be simple - the dancer types at this club simply aren't your type. The manager might have different taste in terms of sexy dancers?

I find that it's easier to get up and change clubs - than it is to try and change how the club is run.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Ah! I get it now. When you are young you occasionally think the world revolves around you. Let it go ..This too shall pass.
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