
Do most people eventually cheat on their spouse or girlfriend?

layin low but staying high
Monday, June 6, 2016 8:08 PM
It seems like most people cheat. I'm not just talking about the fact that strippers aren't loyal. Or that tusclers cheat on their SOs. It's everything. Reading the news, talking to friends and family, the Internet, tuscl, everybody seems to cheat on their spouse or "exclusive" girlfriend eventually. These days I just automatically assume that people who haven't cheated just haven't been caught yet. Or that they haven't been together long enough to be sufficiently tempted yet. This is particularly true if you define cheating a little more broadly to include the non-penetrating acts that many of us regularly engage in with strippers that we keep secret from our mate. And I have serious trouble trusting my new girlfriend, although I don't act jealous or possessive about it. It's just sort of a given these days that everybody will eventually cheat. Even if the rate is not 100%, the rate of infidelity today must be far far higher than in past generations. I think it's mostly because of porn. I feel this way when I'm not high so it's not just paranoia. Do you think I'm right or wrong.


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Sorry. I meant rong.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I think it's closer to 30 or 40 percent. Either your gf will cheat or she won't. Become swingers if she does.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    30-40 percent seems awfully low to me. Especially for men in today's sex infused culture. But I like the swinging advice.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Well, I mean, there are guys who want to cheat but are too ugly for freebies and too broke for whores.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    You have to be best friends with your wife/GF before you fuck her. If you are best friends before BF/GF, then even if the sex stops (and it will), you will stick together. If you get married super young, 17 or before, and she was your first fuck or first GF, even when you are 70 years old, if you close your eyes, you will remember fucking the 16 year old version of your wife from decades before and your dick will stay hard. Every partner you add to your belt, numbs you further and further, to where all your female partners are interchangeable. Every break up makes you trust women less and less, and makes it more difficult to keep any of them.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    JS69, I think this is another instance where you make a post hoping that the general consensus will fit with ypir
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Do old people cheat? Guess I've never really thought about it....
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Oops Cont - ...will fit with your narrative and match what you want to hear. Do some guys cheat? Yes. But I think you want the numbers to inflate so that you can feel better. Many guys are in happy relationships. Many are in troublesome ones. SOME cheat; not all, not most. Using tusclers as a representative of men in general who cheat is just asinine. This is a strip club forum. "Even if the rate is not 100%, the rate of infidelity today must be far far higher than in past generations." On women's parts, perhaps, as women have gotten more independent as a whole over the last couple generations so their infidelity numbers may be greater (or not --- I have no idea). As far as men are concerned, their infidelity is probably no greater than it was a couple generations ago because back then, it was common for wives to be more submissive, giving their husbands plenty of room to go out and cheat. It is not a new thing.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    "Using tusclers as a representative of men in general who cheat is just asinine. This is a strip club forum." lol. Great point. I find this funny too sometimes with different things I read here. Strip club talk, clubs, dancers, ect, this forum is great. Other topics such as the OPs, not so much.....
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    I think 100% of guys would cheat on their wives/girlfriends if they knew they were assured of getting away with it.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    In my world there is a lot of cheating, from the idiots that are my friends, to the church going neighbors. My wife's aunt had an affair, and my wife suspects her mom may have had an affair a few years back too. Nobody is immune to it, and it seems the more stagnant and safe someone's life is, the more likely they are to creep just for some damn excitement.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    In my 34th year as a divorce lawyer and about 50% cheat. The number used to be about 20% of women, but with more freedom they became similar to men. The numbers are the same because more men want to cheat and women have it easier. Wife and I just passed 26 years together, we swing, because it is fucking fun and it makes cheating fucking stupid.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    For a change, Skibum's experience as a divorce attorney is relevant and helpful. 50% sounds plausible although I would've guessed higher. Nina, you always assume the worst shout me. Actually I feel very guilty for cheating, I've been breaking up with some of my strippers, and I'm considering not cheating on the gf. Im not looking to justify anything. Just wondering if fidelity would be a futile effort or not.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Less than 5 percent of mammal species are monogamous.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    The cost of doing business my friend. I admire honest, faithful women. I am single because of being overly sensitive. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. Anyways, I think most people cheat. When I am with a girl, I just accept the fact that at any moment I can be easily replaced with the swipe of her finger on her phone. Reality sucks sometimes.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Who do 60 yo women find to cheat or swing with? Are there really guys that horny?
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If a guy goes without sex for long enough he'll fuck just about anything. I suspect that even includes a 60 yo woman.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I'm completely faithful to 5 Detroit strippers.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I'd say it's over 50% for both men and women now. Seems in my circle of friends/acquaintances it's probably closer to 60%. Some are happy (as they can be) married and settle. Or they are just too damn lazy or unmotivated. Others are fucking miserable married and if they could afford it, would be divorced. So they get stuff on the side or have gotten it in the past. So I'd say it's Definately higher than 50%.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    Unless you count a lap dance while travelling on business (which I don't), I never cheated on my ex-wife (we were married for 22 years). I can't claim to have been as faithful with my post-marriage girlfriends but then again I didn't make the same commitment to them. My ex-wife did "cheat" on me a couple times with a girlfriend when she was high (and then finally at the end with a man but that's a long story). I'm curious how many TUSCLers think I was cheating when getting a lap dance, or think she was cheating with her girlfriend. I personally don't think an extras free lap dance is cheating. I think it would be cheating to make out with a civilian for free even if you didn't have sex, but to pay a dancer (who in reality doesn't give two shits about you) for a few minutes of harmless grinding (I'm no LDK) doesn't feel like cheating to me.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If your wife/girlfriend considers what you do to be cheating, and if you hide it from her, and if it involves physical contact with the naked body of another woman that has the potential to bring you to orgasm, then I think it's obviously cheating. Sure as a lawyer I can make a persuasive argument the other way, but we all know that lawyers are full of shit.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    If what someone else considers to be cheating is the standard, than there is no standard. There is zero potential for a lap dance to bring anyone to orgasm that is beyond the age of 14. I'm not sure that is a workable definition, but since you are a dream lawyer, all those "ands" left a lot of wiggle room. If those were "ors" it would be a pretty narrow definition.
  • socrates17
    8 years ago
    Constantly cheated on GFs. But, to be fair, I did tell everyone I ever dated from the outset that I didn't do monogamy. Quite a few girls either didn't listen or didn't believe me or thought: "I can change him." (No, you can't.) Eventually, I found someone I wanted to marry and having made the commitment, I've never cheated on her. It isn't a religious thing. I don't consider marriage, or anything, sacred because I'm a lifelong atheist. It's just a promise I made that I never made to any GFs. I don't intend to break it because I keep my promises. I don't consider going to SCs as cheating. OTC or most extras would be cheating, so I don't indulge. I drew my line in the sand and I won't cross it.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Count me in the "never cheated" column. For the disbelievers, that's because not making stupid promises and not lying about it makes it so. Though according to some, the fact that I don't lie to my wife about it is more disrespectful than lying and sneaking.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Take away the LDK potential. It's still cheating to have a naked woman rub her body all over you for sexual excitement if your SO objects and you hide it. Orgasm does not define cheating. If you doubt that, let your wife/gf hire hot guys to come to her house regularly to rub their naked bodies all over her and see how you feel. But I dont think its cheating if she knows about it and doesn't object. Unfortunately such unicorns are quite rare.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I think it's probably in the 40-50% range for both men and women.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    I gotta say, I always wondered if lack of love was due to age and infidelity, and @s88 cleared it up very well. It is. Glad my thoughts were veried. Thanks a bunch s88. Now I gotta get a permanent romantic partner before I turn 30.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    @shadow, if she was super hot young and time didn't fuck her up too bad AND I'm drunk and high at the same time, I'd probably do her....until she smells like the sea, then I'm out like fish trout.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't know the percentages, but I know obviously most of the time when the husband cheats on the wife, it's because the sex stops.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    No, 49.9
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    If you look at the general population, especially those who regularly attend conventional churches, I would say that they do not cheat, don't talk about cheating, and don't fantasize about cheating. SJG
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I have no idea what percentage cheats. If I have 10 friends and 6 of them cheat, does this mean that 60% of the adult population cheats or does it mean that I have a particularly slutty set of friends? I'm not even sure what constitutes cheating. A lap dance without orgasm probably isn't cheating. (Meursault writes: "There is zero potential for a lap dance to bring anyone to orgasm that is beyond the age of 14." but this is tiresome and clearly false.) A lapgasm probably *is* cheating, and extras certainly are.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I do not in any way agree with the Roman Catholic Right. But one idea they are now putting forth, in support of their prohibition on artificial contraception, is that because it is not partner specific like their "Natural Family Planning", that it does encourage marital infidelity. So I would rephrase the OP's original query, What percentage of men with vasectomies cheat on wives and girlfriends? SJG Paschal Beverly Randolph [view link]
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