
I would rather go into the club and get paid to drink and dance than go out and

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 4:47 PM
From the deep minds of StripperWeb: "... I think I'm addicted to working lol! Actually I go through phases where I am addicted and then I burn out for a little, and it's hard to get me in there. But I hate going out on my day off (yes, I usually only take one night off unless I'm too hungover which is happening less and less) I would rather go into the club and get paid to drink and dance than go out and spend money to do it, and getting money is like a game to me where it's just a thrill cause you go in the club not knowing who you might meet or if you make $3000 tonight. It's like exciting to me. Does anybody feel like that? I guess I am addicted to money, I don't see the point in doing anything if it doesn't make me money ...." [view link]


  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Only I'd go broke either way.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    If she is paying for drinks at a non strip club then something is wrong. I can understand cover and other stuff. But hot woman don't buy drinks.. It is a law isn't it?
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    @MrBater2010, maybe she isn't hot enough for civilian guys to buy her drinks in a regular club? At least it sounds like she is developing some type of a work ethic. Lol
  • s88
    8 years ago
    The "paid to party" strippers are the worst. They will pick customers only based on race, age, and clothing. All the strippers are 21 or younger. They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these <21 strippers. >25 year old strippers always treat me like properly.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I think - if it's a job - somehow that takes some of the fun out of it. If that's what you do to earn a living - drink, dance, party - then there's actual pressure on you to party and have fun - since someone is paying and expects you to bring the party. I'd rather work elsewhere - earn my money there. Then I'll enjoy spending it and having a good time.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    LOL Corvus, I was thinking it was probably the GPS thing. She probably has it. So true s88 I remember joking around with a stripper. I had gotten 2 LD from called another stripper old. Wanted me to guess her age. I didn't think she looked bad at all and honestly I wanted to get my hands on the MILF's tits. but that killed it for the current stripper I was joking with cause she called me old pretty much right after. I have often wondered if some can spot their next mark for the hustle. Granted we are all there for the fantasy, but some will let you know they are just there for the money and not even do a good tease.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    @Bater, I forgot about GPS, that's probably the issue.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hmmm I guess I'm addicted to money too since I work at least 60 hours a week.
  • PastaWithLink
    8 years ago
    Interesting how some strippers just enjoy the excitement of nudity and wildness, while most seek the thrill of the hunt and the search for the big payday. I can see how it becomes addictive and they are chasing after money. Would be tough to ride the rollercoaster of an identity based on daily income. One stripper told me her goal is to clear $500 each time she comes in.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    " They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these 25 year old strippers always treat me like properly." ^^^^ I shouldn't post to TUSCL from the SC while drunk corrected: They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these young strippers. The >25 year old strippers always treat me like properly. I'll add now to that post. Treat me propertly with GFE, "friendship", asking about life advice, talking about their kids and showing me photos of them, giving me their real names. Young strippers can't admit to themselves their are prostitutes. Old strippers do, and they understand they have to respect PLs, not bulldoze them. Young strippers do SS, they restrict mileage, they create stripper personas, they think they can "retire" one day from stripping after marrying a whale, they pick customers on visual attractiveness. Old strippers realize, yeah they get a one time laugh after they rip off a PL or SS him, "what a fucking looser", but when you are sitting alone on your phone in the corner, who is the looser now. When a stripper uses friday night money, to pay for her Wednesday night shift, it is a pathetic stripper. Today a stripper told me, "I come here, because I never know when that one guy comes in, that will make the week [all the slow days] worth it". PLs play the lottery, so do strippers. They key is, pick old strippers, that look young :-)
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    honestly, Aren't we talking about gold diggers here? This exist everywhere not just in strip clubs.
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