
Comments by s88 (page 14)

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    8 years ago
    strippers with tattooees on da face
    I like my strippers to not look like washed up drug hoes. Less tats, no shaved/buzz hair crap. Face tats, hell no. I can't talk to such women.
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    8 years ago
    Dont care to much with talking to dancers right now
    I dont look for an orgasm in particular. Porn is free. If a SC VIP room experience gets to FS or a BJ without negotiation or tips, okay, if it doesn't fine. I look for DFK #1, which isn't really possible without talking. As gravy or #2 I want some FOV/FIV, and #3 stick shifting. #1 and #2 require talking or chemistry or a connection. My dick can't stay up without DFK or foreheads touching and looking in her eyes. But watch out, too much talking before 1st VIP ever can get you friend-zoned which makes a stripper uncomfortable with you and kills the rest of the relationship. After a VHM VIP, additional talking can't get you friend-zoned since the barrier was broken.
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    8 years ago
    Flirtin’ with Disaster
    Cell phone use during lap dance?
    They can check the time or set a timer app (most do with me), they better not be typing. My exATF got comfortable with me and started to text during LDs and talk and not grind or "dance" in VIP and eventually we split after a fight over tip $ vs what she delivers. I played I was in love with you (exATF) and you play my SC GF but the moment you stopped delivering you got dropped. There is no love as long as you take my $, you're an actress. Id mention it to the stripper if she grinding on me and she is holdimg her phone. Its unprofessional on paid time in VIP.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I found a stripper who told the truth
    I once had a stripper freak out when I asked about touching. She knew she had a customer where "lets go have fun in the back" never works. IVe gotten I'm not a whore responses or I'm a dirty pervert who will burn in hell (and they won't be burning in hell why?). Next!!!
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    8 years ago
    @Hugh_G._Rection SCs are speed dating, but with guaranteed no marriage or exclusiveness talk.
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    8 years ago
    Annoying. Moaning doesn't convince me that my dick is inside you. It isn't going to make me cum. It makes it harder to keep my dick up from the stress of a bouncer coming in and stopping the fun in VIP. With real sex partners, I just keep my mouth wide open but over their lips so you can moan into my mouth and that quiets down all the moaning sounds and my family members can't hear what is going on in the locked bedroom and I can make excuses no sex happened to them with my whore of the night. But in a SC VIP room, a stripper makes her best to make sure I can't kiss her on the lips and instead moans onto my shoulder. It also breaks the mood in VIP, when me and the stripper start laughing at the over the top fake moaning coming from the next VIP room.
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    8 years ago
    I do the Subraman approach. I need GFE in VIP or my dick drops by song #2. GFE isn't happening without talking first. Sometimes I'll tell the dancer outright "I'm done with dances for tonight, but I could use the company if you aren't busy". They usually sit and get $10-$30 per hour on a tuesday or wed in tips to talk with me.
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    8 years ago
    I just do not understand (most) young black men part two.
    The point is to show off your $ infront of your bros to dominate/compete with them or else they call you a faggot. I almost never tip, it leads to expectations that strippers can "turn off" giving you extras, or giving you attention, or spreading their pussy in VIP, and you will pull out the strap of $1s to get the pussy back. Since I'm a regular, and they have all seen my face before, what they do in their 15/30 mins in VIP determines if I repeat next time or sit on my phone or get an unfuckable ugly stripper "for company [a drink or 2]" next to me. All the strippers are the same price in VIP. Each stripper decides what she wants to offer. A very good in VIP stripper, when the 15 minutes ends, asks if I want to keep going, I already have another 15 minutes precounted in my pocket, and I hand it to her and we continue the fun. If there is no fun, it ends at 15 mins. I'll buy time, I wont buy individual services, that is prostitution. This is probably wrong website to bitch about hooking.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    time travel and strip clubs
    Leaving the SC at my originally planned time. I missed the last bus of the night due to a really chatty, old, and ugly stripper that described 25 years of SC history in that city. Quite fascinating. What was supposed to be 15 mins turned into 2 hours of talking. I then had to wait ITC 2 more hours till the SC closed for the night, then walked to 24/7 McDs and waited 1.5 more hours till the first bus in the morning.
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    8 years ago
    Off topic rant about Facebook
    I think 4chan is more intelligent to read than facebook. I have only 7 friends on FB and get 40 entries a day on the timeline. I'll click one link out of 100. FB is a waste of time except getting to know strippers' OTC minds for ITC talking topics, but I dont friend strippers, only bookmark them. IDC about you liking your 3rd cousin's brother in law's son's bar mitzvah. Stripper profiles on FB are always tamer than IG anyway, so for fapping, IG is always best.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Some PLs take to faves too seriously - LOL
    @K NJ SCs are like that. 70 year old PL with a cane and a sweater brings flowers for a mid 30s stripper and they great with a lip kiss.
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    8 years ago
    Do you avoid strip clubs when they have feature entertainers?
    Dont care either way. IMO more strippers show up for work on a feature dancer night than regular weekend nights. I once went to my reg SC and never knew there was a feature dancer until the DJ announced her name. If I never jerked off to her porn before finding out she is scheduled as a feat dancer, Im not interested sexually in her. If I did jerk off to her porn, then find out one day she is a feature dancer, and she does LDs ITC, the bouncer better be standing with the defibrilator b/c I'm gonna die in the VIP booth.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I forgot something important
    I have a paper checklist I keep in my briefcase on how to SC. Everything to take to the SC, what to leave at home or at my hotel. I always carry 2 condoms in wallet. I know what works with my dick, the stripper doesn't. Had issues with condoms slipping off in 1 thrust, or so tight I loose my hard on. I always carry 2 in case there is failure in putting on the first one (not unrolled correctly).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Why strippers air dance ?
    From my ex-ATF. BO, bad texture or hard pants (blue jeans), uncomfortable belt, don't trust the customer/not a gentleman. From other strippers, GPS. Any attempts to spend less than $100 when they "wanna dance" you means they hate your guts. If they say "lets goto CR and order a bottle" and you immediately say "lets do a table or semi private", they might air dance you or make your dance miserable because you didn't treat them like a goddess and they WERENT able to wrap you around their finger and they take it personally.
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    8 years ago
    Clubbing more often to scratch the itch?
    I earned free admission to my reg SC from the manager. The bus from my house to downtown runs infront of my SC. Very convenient for me. Due to my reputation problems at my SC, I have to catch new to stripper, or new to my SC, strippers on their first couple days before my ex-ATF tell them things that make them ignore me forever or suddenly go low mileage on me. I guess my ex-ATF claims me as her property even though I dumped her and she ignores me. Ex-ATF will do anything (spread lies probably) to make sure no girl ever talks to me or LDs me. If my eyes cross with ex-ATF she will give nasty faces to me or stick her tongue out. I really need to start sitting in front row when ex-ATF is on stage to fuck with her head and make her uncomfortable.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Biggest losers
    I've seen it once in middle america. 20 something year old hipsters with shitty glasses, tight jeans and plaid shirts. Sits at front row and writes in his top spiral bound notepad. Never tips. Looks at the stripper for a few seconds, then spends rest of the song looking and writing in his notepad. I read what he was writing, it was haiku or poetry. Random philosophy crap like you see on IG or facebook. Not rating girls. No stripper/sex work content in his notepad.
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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I'd only interfere if it looks like there will blood on the ground in the next 60 seconds. Dancer and/or customer could be on drugs. Dancer and customer can be GF/BF, junkie/dealer, girl/pimp, stripper/SC owner [oh yes!], corner ho/OG for her project. Tell a bouncer and leave it at that. You can be kicked out before the stripper and her customer because the bouncer knows the stripper's history, and doesn't know you. If you and woman beating customer are kicked out together, a 2AMer can happen in the next 30 seconds.
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    8 years ago
    Only customer in the club
    If it is my regular SC, that I've been to 100s of times before. Whether it is Saturday night or Monday night, I always feel at home even if half the strippers hate me there. On weekday nights, the cover girl doesn't even bother to radio for the bouncer to search me anymore if he isn't standing at the door.
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    8 years ago
    Air dances !
    I will never knowingly pay for air dance. If I interview the stripper about what I get, and she doesn't give a good answer I refuse to LD. Or if "1 song" is an airdance in club where it should be contact dance, I stop it at 1 song and she is on my blacklist I've had strippers ask me why I stopped at 1 song, I tell them its because they air danced me [in a normally contact SC], they then call me a cheap pervert. Fighting for fellow PLs!!!
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    8 years ago
    Hiding out
    This week, I was with a fav, I'm totally obsessed talking to her, pretending the SC doesn't exist around me and her. Fav twice mentions to me a stage dancer wants a tip, same dancer, 2 different times I give $1. The 3rd time fav again motions to me, the SAME FUCKING stage dancer is again asking for a tip. I tell her "I'm with this hottie right now" and turn back to looking at fav and stage dancer moves on. Fav and I keep talking. This shit had to end or I'll be out $10 on a dancer I never looked at.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Lawyer expresses confidence that Agholor won’t be charged in stripper assault
    "That will be $50 for touching or i'll tell security you stuck your finger in my asshole"
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    8 years ago
    Expiration Date?
    @rickdugan Some guys want drama in their life. Otherwise whats the point of being alive? Do the same shit everyday till you die? @Papi_Chulo I agree. A stripper probably earns more than a PL, they never need saving.
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    8 years ago
    Nipple Piercings
    I've always heard strippers use nipple piercings ("you can't touch, its painful because of my nipple rings") as an excuse to tell customers they can't touch tits or suck tits. I really wonder if they got the nipple piercings to STOP customers from touching or sucking, or the nipple piercings came BEFORE they started stripping.