
avatar for motorhead
If you saw a customer vigorously demanding a LDK from an unwilling provider, how far would you go in your chivalry?


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avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Go up to the dancer and say "ok I'm ready for our dance"!
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Chivalry is not dead, but SCs have bouncers to deal with that stuff.
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
I would leave and let the club handle it.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Of course, if it was LDK you could just walk over and slap him in the head.
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
Well, firstly, a SC is one place I absolutely don't underestimate a woman's ability to protect and take care of herself. I'd be conciously slower to intervene based on that alone.

Secondly, a strip club is one place I also don't underestimate a man's ability to be bat shit crazy and liable to fly off the handle. Naked women can cause a man to confuse whether the ends justify the means. Because of this, though I am a big and frankly intimidating looking (to some) man of color, I would rarely ever directly intervene. If the situation called for it, I'd let a bouncer know so the professional can handle it.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
I'd only interfere if it looks like there will blood on the ground in the next 60 seconds. Dancer and/or customer could be on drugs. Dancer and customer can be GF/BF, junkie/dealer, girl/pimp, stripper/SC owner [oh yes!], corner ho/OG for her project. Tell a bouncer and leave it at that. You can be kicked out before the stripper and her customer because the bouncer knows the stripper's history, and doesn't know you. If you and woman beating customer are kicked out together, a 2AMer can happen in the next 30 seconds.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Let the bouncer handle it. But if I was hot for the dancer Mrrock's suggestion is not bad.
avatar for sflguy123
9 years ago
Send this as an idea to "What Would You Do?"
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I'd probably be busy getting a dance from someone else and would just think, this guy might be LDK.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
In other kinds of venues where I thought there may have been a problem with a creep hassling a girl, I've just stood by, and let her see that I was doing that. It depend on her to make the call, by trying to get away.

In a strip club the same procedure would apply. If the guy went further or the girl tried to get away and he pursued her, I'd want the bouncer to act. But I'd still be there and intercede, if they didn't.

Once in Sunnyvale, at a place where the stage is behind the bar, some drunks were draping $1 bills over the ends of pool sticks, and trying to pass them to the stage this way.

This was not good. These guys were going too far waving their pool sticks around.

Most people just ball up the money and throw it. Others save it until the girl comes around for her tips rounds.

I told the bouncers rather forcefully that they needed to put a stop to the waving around of the pools sticks.

With drunken buffoons, there are ways of interceding, without being belligerent or prevocational.

avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Who would demand an LDK? That's one of those things that you don't ask permission for ahead of time. Depending on the fabric of your pants - and the size of the load - she might not even notice!
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
If some bad shit looked like it was going down I'd bring in my lion buddy. Nobody fucks with a lion that wears a suit and carries an AK. Squawk!
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
That Lion with the suit is retired. My Christian Eating Lions take care of all strip club security issues now.

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