I passionately despise it. And unless it's unusually low volume I usually ask them to please stop it. The only time I want noise in sex is when it's genuine. That happens on occasion with each DS but almost never with other strippers.
Any convincing acting a dancer does which appears genuine enhances the encounter. Eye contact and breathing can fit that criterion. Moaning rarely appears genuine so it often detracts from the experience therefore I'd prefer she skip the moaning.
I also don't care for PSE, under which moaning often falls. So that's a double No vote from me.
It depends on the situation, the stripper, and how believable it is. If we are doing extra-curriculars and she's moaning a little and it sounds genuine, I'm all for it. If it's a standard lap dance and she's being over the top with fake, loud moans, then it's weird.
Recently, in VIP, this dancer and I were going at it and she started getting pretty loud. I was worried the bouncer was going to come in. It sounded genuine and she confirmed that it was when she had a giant O and squirted. The first squirter I've ever had in my life. One of the best VIP's in my life.
Annoying. Moaning doesn't convince me that my dick is inside you. It isn't going to make me cum. It makes it harder to keep my dick up from the stress of a bouncer coming in and stopping the fun in VIP. With real sex partners, I just keep my mouth wide open but over their lips so you can moan into my mouth and that quiets down all the moaning sounds and my family members can't hear what is going on in the locked bedroom and I can make excuses no sex happened to them with my whore of the night. But in a SC VIP room, a stripper makes her best to make sure I can't kiss her on the lips and instead moans onto my shoulder. It also breaks the mood in VIP, when me and the stripper start laughing at the over the top fake moaning coming from the next VIP room.
Heavy breathing like she's actually getting worked up is a plus in my book. But I find straight up moaning during a LD tacky, along with the over the top 80s porn style dirty talk. Save me the theatrics, and if you're good enough, I'll eventually see if I can make you moan (quietly) for real.
i can only speak for myself, but normally whether i get just one dance or a 15 minute room.....most of the dancers i've danced with don't do the moaning thing. its happened to me a few times, but that's about it. a latina i danced with just a couple weeks ago did it and i found it out because it was mild moaning and it didn't seem super fake
i'm curious as to how common the moaning is amongst the rest of you?
It's not very common for standard lap dances. In VIP, if I get a girl who lets me play with her kitty, it's much more common. In that scenario, I can usually tell whether it's real or fake based on how wet she gets and how long we are touching or licking each others genitals.
I hate it beyond all belief. Insulting as it is designed to deceive. Any dancer who does it is told to stop, if she does it again we are done for good.
Depends. I enjoy it, in moderation, knowing it's fake. If it's a fave I enjoy more, but a new girl I give the "what are you doing look." Both I turn it into fun by teasing them about their corniness.
It's not too common for me, but I've had a few girls do the moaning thing. Like others have said, if it's not too over the top, then usually I like it.
Unless she's flat on her back on a hotel bed with me DATYing her, I consider it total BS and a completely contrived act during a lapdance or VIP. It's right up there with bogus dirty talk which is another femwood killer for me.
I figure if she's moaning or talking then it's time for me to stick something in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.
last commenta hot Latina i recently did a 15 minute room did this when I was sucking on her tits. but it was mild moaning and not very loud or too over the top
I also don't care for PSE, under which moaning often falls. So that's a double No vote from me.
Recently, in VIP, this dancer and I were going at it and she started getting pretty loud. I was worried the bouncer was going to come in. It sounded genuine and she confirmed that it was when she had a giant O and squirted. The first squirter I've ever had in my life. One of the best VIP's in my life.
i can only speak for myself, but normally whether i get just one dance or a 15 minute room.....most of the dancers i've danced with don't do the moaning thing. its happened to me a few times, but that's about it. a latina i danced with just a couple weeks ago did it and i found it out because it was mild moaning and it didn't seem super fake
i'm curious as to how common the moaning is amongst the rest of you?
The vibration feels good
Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I figure if she's moaning or talking then it's time for me to stick something in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.