
Comments by s88 (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    If this ever happens again for...loud
    This is why you buy a single song and judge her chemistry, but in some SCs a table dance is so restrictive by the rules its worthless for chemistry judging. Dont go for large time blocks without negotiated services beforehand (might backfire on you as she says she isnt a ho), or a test LD at just one song. Tell her before she starts the table dance you will go for a VIP room if the table dance is good.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Frst time
    AVN Expo
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    8 years ago
    What have you done in a club that could be considered a bit questionable?
    @IronFox22 I've used public transit late at night, in run down neighborhood, in random cities, to go back to my hotels. There is a point where there is safety in numbers, some people out but not enough for safety, and then there is so dead it is perfectly safe. "some people out but not enough for safety" worries me. Nothing happened to me. I also do a test run during daytime hours with public transportation once to the SC, I walk upto its door then go back to my hotel by public transit in daylight. This way I know who is supposed to be on the street, where the bus stops are, how to look for the bus on the horizon. Does the city's bus tracker app match real life? One of my reg SCs is surrounded by public housing on most of its sides. I've never had issues except cops or skels trying to buy drugs from me on the street and both easily take a "no" on the first time you say it. @TravelingGolfer If the cameras are always unmonitored in VIP, or the SC owner took a tip to "turn off" the camera, is that getting away with questionable behavior? Cameras can be an excuse, but once you gotten a few heavy extras in VIP over and over for months, you realize the cameras aren't monitored and it was the strippers choice to not do anything in VIP, not the camera. The other conspiracy nut in me says the SC managers whitelisted me for extras because Im a regular. My CF quit her last SC because the SC owner let 2 other dancers repeatedly do "turned off cameras" VIP to customers he picked and introduced those customers to his 2 special girls, and those 2 special girls collected huge tips, while CF had to be 100% clean. If CF doesn't knock off hands within half a minute, the bouncer will walk into the VIP booth and confront the customer about no touching, and CF looses her cut of the VIP room. Ironically "turn off cameras" means the SC owner telling the bouncer verbally that it is a "no cameras" VIP, which means the bouncer is not allowed to interrupt a VIP session. The LCD screen with the CCTV feeds of the VIP rooms is ALWAYS ON at the bouncers POS station infront of the door to VIP rooms.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    i <3 drugs
    @K Some dancers will give a VHM lesbo show on stage that exceeds all other dancers rotations, to entice customers to take them to VIP/CR, where they refuse to do anything that they did on stage. They DO NOT rely on repeat customers, only new ones and one time visits like bachelor parties and promoter groups. These VHM on stage dancers assume if they take 1 guy in the bachelor party group to VIP, he will in VIP not assert himself or they hand block him or air dance him, but he will lie and tell his guy friends she was a total whore and he fucked her in VIP. Anna and her winggirl ONLY approach groups of customers. The solo customer exception was me in "6 months later, she appears with a new hair color, sits down on me, and talks to me as if she doesn't know me, I tell her I dont buy dances from her anymore. She gives me a fake stage name so I wouldn't remember her. Didn't work, I eventually confront her about her real stage name and tell her why I dont buy lap dances. She says sorry and if we can be friends. I say okay, she leaves." During that conversation they both tried to sell me on taking both of them to VIP, but I brushed that off and winggirl (a different one that day) didn't like that at all. Knowing how stripper tag teams work, as a customer you have to separate the hot one from the ugly one, but the ugly one will put up a fight that its "all or nothing" and you can't break the sisterhood. I have to stand my ground and tell the ugly one she can come for free if she wants, but Im only paying for the hot one. I've never had the hot one refuse to VIP solo after that line, and I've never had the ugly one go for free. $ is $. This night winggirl knew I'd never take her to VIP so she wouldn't let Anna look at or walk over to me. Anna was too high to care about $.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    i <3 drugs
    @Subraman thx
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    i <3 drugs
    "I *heart* drugs"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    i <3 drugs
    The title is supposed to be "I <3 drugs".
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    8 years ago
    Strip club protocol
    I am very hesitant to say these things. Cop/BF/SC owner, IDK who you are. I once was asked "what girl are you looking for?", it was an attempt to get me to reveal my CF/ATF/etc to this guy. I said "she isn't here tonight", he then asked "what girls do you like here?", I said "only the one that isn't here". I wouldn't say anymore. The guy was globe hopping whale with $3K in $100s in his wallet and he showed me all his selfies with his whores and sugar babies in UK, Germany and Asia. A PL to the nth degree.
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    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    To be grimy, without being grimy.
    @shailynn "Eh back up s88!!! I probably typed the wrong thing. I have never tipped a random cute waitress - I meant when I buy a drink I always tip the waitress for brining me it." I wouldn't even tip for bringing it unless the waitress causes a scene for a $1 after she brings the drink. I dont want the waitress to ever come back. I minimize drinking in SCs. 1 drink a night or 1 drink per 3 hours. I'll go drink sink water in the bathroom if I am actually thirsty. A glass of sink water costs $1 at most SCs if they offer sink water at all. At my regular SC, most of the waitresses know never to approach me, but there will always be some new one standing in the front entry door who wants to "take care" of me for the night and doesn't know I never talk to waitresses. If they really want to take care of me, they need to DFK me or show pussy. When I enter I always say I am going to the bathroom (and do go) when the wall of waitresses blocks me in the front door lobby and one of them says says "follow me" or "how many?". After leaving the bathroom I am free from the parasites since none latched onto me for the night. I pick my own seats, and buy and return my own drinks from the bar directly. Waitresses are useless. 10 minutes to flag one down, another 15 to get her to bring it. By then I will have changed seats twice because 6 songs and 2 dancer rotations went by and she doesn't know where I am ITC. Hell, I might even be in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    To be grimy, without being grimy.
    In a divy SC near me, I look at the TVs regardless what is on to avoid tipping ugly dancers. The only seats there are in front row. Tipping waitresses is retarded. The waitresses will be upselling "drinks" to the dancer even tho she'd rather take the drink $ in cash as a tip or LD time and the waitress will [weakly] be threatening you to buy drinks or you have to leave. You are going to give a dollar to these bitches why? Save your dollars for strippers, nobody else deserves a tip in the SC except strippers. Waitresses dont do anything above their job minimums for you, or they are trying to fuck you over. @Papi_Chulo It is a dating game for me, since I try to get GFE out of the strippers. I am sometimes successful. Before I started dressing like money ("the system"), GFE was impossible. I used to tip, but then I realized, tipping is worthless and you are seen as a PL by the stripper instead of a hookup partner if you tip. Also tipping reaches diminishing returns, you can't buy love, or "likeness" or "good guy" or "he is a sweet guy" if you tip. My policy is, if I like you and what you offer, I will buy more time with you, I won't buy specific services. Either way the stripper gets the same $ in the end. If I have to ask for it, I will regret the experience or I will be quoted $100s ontop of base VIP prices. IMO, the best experience in VIP, is forgetting the woman on you is a stripper, and forgetting you are in a VIP room in a SC, for X minutes. One of my favs told me, and I've seen her do it, overcounts songs from disgusting guys (sweats/shorts/jerseys) because they are disgusting. 2 out of 4 of my regular SCs ban sweats. 3 out of 4 ban shorts of any kind. All ban basketball shorts (shorts must be belted with pockets). Some strippers hate jeans due to roughness and will air dance you if you wear them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Auditions are open
    welcome back phoenix
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    8 years ago
    You Guys are Disgusting
    Oh fun, the text is originally from Biting Beaver from back in the day https://archiveofthebitingbeaver.wordpress.com/tag/strippers/ an ACTUAL troll https://encyclopediadramatica.se/BitingBeaver
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    8 years ago
    You Guys are Disgusting
    more copy paste http://www.descentbb.com/viewtopic.php?t=2530&sid=6819c29a963e466cfc5c3db957e8f1f1 thoughtcatalog's anti-PL blog posts are often linked on TUSCL
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    8 years ago
    You Guys are Disgusting
    Troll busted, copy paste from http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/11/14-strippers-on-how-they-really-feel-about-their-clients/
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    8 years ago
    You Guys are Disgusting
    @larryfisherman There is a line where there is nothing left to buy from a stripper if you remove all the "unrespectful" things. You can't buy a friend but you can buy physical things. I think SCs are more respectful than a regular nightclub where a middle aged balding man will buy the $3K bottle service bucket with a sparkler on it, and get some miniskirt skanks to sit next to him for an hour but they wont "go home" with him. In a SC, I know what I am buying, and I can get straight to the point. In a NC, I'd be out $1000s with no memories except girls taking drinks I bought them and walking away back to their other man or their gaggle of beta bitches http://hackthesystem.com/blog/cristal-no-lines-and-table-service-how-to-hack-the-club-scene/
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best kissing experience in the strip club
    @GoVikings I've had better luck the last 4 months than the last 2 years. Nose bumping or forehead resting is a signal to try to lip kiss. Neck kiss beforehand. Ear kissing works too but start with neck. Never kiss the tits until after DFK was done. Kissing or licking the tits is a PL move, not a civie move. You want a civie experience, then do one to her, no tit sucking or kissing. Some things that may or may not help, dont be disgusting (shower/shave/brush teeth/deoderant/mouthwash in your suit jacket/keep your dandruff under control). Pick the right club and the right attitude girls. A 25 year old in a SC where no other customer is under 40 means you will get treated like a civie, not a PL. Pick strippers that are the same age as you OR OLDER. If you have to go for the 30 something or 40 something stripper because you are 30 or 40 something, then that is what you have to do. There are 40 year old spinner ex-cheerleader/ex-gymist strippers. Some strippers are GFE escorts on the side and you dont know that, they will kiss with NO problems. Some strippers have SDs that they kiss for $. The no kissing rule is for "I am stripper because I refuse to do anything more", not escorts, sluts, and hookers who strip. You want to get the GFE escorts and sluts, and older hookers, not the stripperweb strippers. A stripper having kids is a plus for kissing likelyhood. Young hookers IME do not kiss. With strippers, you pay for time, not for each service, what happens in that time, who knows ;) Do not pick ghetto/ratchet/urban strippers. They are incapable of attachment to men except their dopeman. They probably dont even kiss their dopeman because of this stupid "black men dont kiss" rule so why would they kiss you? The ideal AA stripper for kissing grew up in a rural area and did atleast 1 year of dorm college, and is new to stripping. You dont want a hardened "bitch better have my $" hoodrat who wont even look you in the eyes (but her buthole will look you in the eyes). I have an negative opinion on alcohol. I've never been able to kiss a drunk or high stripper. One stripper who was sober the first time she kissed and DFKed me, the 2nd time she was wasted, but the experience was identical to the first, but she already "knew me" by then. The last drunk stripper I LDed yesterday, was verging on saying or did say StarLight69 crap at me and I had to laugh off her nasty words. I dont call her fat/saggy tits/acne/etc, dont say that shit about me to me. Dont talk about fucking them, or their tits, talk to them like a friend or a GF. If you wouldnt say it to your momma, dont say it to a stripper. Don't do threesomes. Its you and her. I dont have the $ or looks to score in a regular night club, but I have been able to get night club experiences for X minutes in VIP at SCs that are indistinguishable in the moment from a GF. Go 3 to 6 times for the lips before you give up, I kindda make it seem like an accident at first that our lips touched to give her a chance to change positions/move her head to show she doesn't kiss. The "accident" kisses also make it seem to her like the line was crossed "accidentally" or "in the moment" rather than I was planning to DFK her from before I introduced myself to her in the SC (I was).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mixed race strippers
    Many strippers claim mixed race as SS. All american black women are technically mixed race. Black men tend to prefer redbones and yellowbones and "dominican" women so relaxed hair and a "mixed" persona make the most $.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    You Guys are Disgusting
    Stripperweb or troll I wonder? If you need to do drugs or alcohol to handle the job, don't do it. Strippers choose customers all the time the way customers choose strippers. When a customer is air-danced or his hands are blocked, grabbed, and moved every time, or a stripper says "no touching" during a LD, or "im waiting for guest to come back" [lie] who has the upper hand? Its my choice to not ever spend $ again on that stripper, but it was her choice to be zero mileage.
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    8 years ago
    On the bitch
    Missionary or FCG. If all I see is her back and her ass, it reminds me of fucking a twink, which makes my dick loose it in seconds.
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    8 years ago
    Dancer asked for my last name
    @gawker Are you her customer or her BF? lol
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    8 years ago
    Cross Dressing PL
    @4got2wipe No, but he has no facial hair, long messy hair like a rock band member, and wears neon colored shirts and pants or black clothing with neon accents/stripes/parts. He is straight, but just dresses differently (is the word fabulously?). @Subraman It is ironic. Fri/Sat get the most drama from "I am not a professional PL" customers, like the college guys, boys night out crowd, after-the-dance-club blockheads, you mentioned. On all the other days, the customers are well behaved and mind their own business. I've gotten hit ups on sat night for drugs, MLM schemes, Jesus, and the homophobe incident. Sat nite is worse than friday. Fri is like a weekday night for some reason. Sat nite is also when the most customers are kicked out for jerking off on the main floor, or holding a dancer down on their lap when the customer stopped paying for table dances. My area has no day shift SCs. I love the 70 year old bald man in banana yellow suit who was dancing by himself in the SC (probably did drugs), at one point a bouncer came up, watched, a waitress came up said something to the bouncer and he walked away. 2 different strippers that night pointed out wannabe Mr Six https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0bvgpg7yig to me that night and they loved the guy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best kissing experience in the strip club
    @GoVikings I once had a stripper give me an HIV lecture in VIP after I attempted to lip kiss her. I just nodded and "okayed" her until she went back to grinding. I shortly ended the LDs after that since she was a lost cause. She looked like Janie Jones the pornstar but shorter and bigger tits with barely noticeable implants.
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    8 years ago
    Cross Dressing PL
    Even in a SC, homophobia exists. I've had to lay my foot down when my friend got called a tranny in the bathroom. Fortunately the friends of the homophobe pulled him away by his shirt so they wouldn't get kicked out. I don't know how long a tranny or cross dresser would feel comfortable in a SC with a bunch of very straight republican PLs cheating on their wives drinking beer. There would be remarks either in the bathroom or smoking areas outside that turn ugly quickly.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best kissing experience in the strip club
    Some tips for GFE/DFK I think I picked up. IDK if they really help or not, you can't scientific method it. The vast majority of strippers wont make out with you. Even ones that would FS you, still wont DFK you. If you are doing semi-private dances, if she gets into a position that lets you touch/masturbate her pussy covered or uncovered and she doesn't knock off your hands, she might be open to DFK. All strippers who allow DFK will allow FOV since DFK is a more special and rarer service than FOV or FS. Hold her hand walking to VIP rooms. When standing together at the POS station infront of the door to VIP room hallway, lightly touch her arm and brush it with the back of your fingers and look in her eyes and turn away. Or keep your hand on her ass. In VIP, try to kiss her neck, if she leans away or moves back, she doesn't kiss. Neck kissing can be moved "up" to lip kissing sometimes (or she will change positions if she thinks you are getting to her lips soon). Some strippers (see SW) will never let their faces get near a customer, or the custie gets an idea to kiss her. Nose bump twice (it is a last warning to the stripper you are about to kiss her), then quickly tilt your head, open your mouth, put it on her lips, close your eyes (or keep them open, this is a surprise kiss and you need to see whats going on with her face) then drag/close your lips over her lips, when your lips are closed, open your eyes if your eyes are closed, lift your lips off hers, untilt your head, and return to nose bump position. On the first kiss, she will be surprised and won't move her lips or open them. Once back at nose bump position, look in her eyes and smile/grin at her, then tilt your head and close your eyes, when she sees this, she will do the same, now a make out session has started. If your teeth bang, you need more practice making out. It will go away after the 2nd session. Once lip kissing has started, after a minute or two, try french kissing, you need to know the answer to what her limits are for the next VIP session since you are establishing the "rules" for all future VIPs on the 1st VIP session.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers with Green Hair or Blue
    I like unnatural hair colors but they usually come with baby daddys, drug addiction, and whole body tats. Just give me the punk rock hair color and black hair, not the heroin addiction.